Motion For A Resolution by The Committee On EU Affairs and Security

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Motion for a resolution by The Committee

on EU Affairs and Security


Changes in Refugee laws

European Union,
1. Alarmed by the security risks and worsening situation of
safety in several of its member states caused by large
numbers of people seeking asylum inside EU borders;
2. Noting with regret that not all of the refugees and asylum
seekers are willing to behave according to the rules and
laws valid in EU;

3. Deeply concerned by recent murders, robberies, muggings,

rapes and other serious crimes in the near past committed
by the refugees and people seeking asylum in the EU and
by highly increased numbers of these crimes;

4. Aware of increasing number of demonstrations and signs of

discrimination and threats against the asylum seekers,
refugees and refugee camps from the side of citizens and

a) Encourages the member states to toughen the controls

inside of refugee camps and to increase the number of
police members in the proximity of them;

b) Has resolved to change the refugee law in these terms:

a. If an asylum seeker or a refugee is, until he/she
becomes a citizen of the country, found guilty of a
serious crime or he/she is convicted of any sign of
preparation of a terrorist attack, he/she will be
sentenced to the rate according to the countrys
Criminal code and then immediately sent back to
his/her home country or deported outside of the
borders of EU in case the negotiations fail and will
not be able to ask for asylum in any member state
of EU anymore;
b. If an asylum seeker or a refugee is, until he/she
becomes a citizen of the country, found guilty of a
not so serious crime for three or more times, he/she
will be: sentenced to the highest possible rate
according to the countrys Criminal code, or: lose
his/her right to stay in the state where he obtained
or asked for the asylum and be sent back to his/her
home country or deported outside the borders of EU
in the case the negotiations with the home country
c. If an asylum seeker or a refugee is found to be a
security risk for the country or to have a connection
to a terrorist group and he is not yet a citizen of that
country, he/she can be sent back to his/her home
country or deported outside the borders of EU,
depending on the court/government;
c) Urges the governments to increase the efforts to
inform public about the situation and life of asylum
seekers and refugees and to lower the number of signs
of discrimination of the asylum seekers and refugees
by increasing the positive side of awareness of citizens
about these people;

Jan Hanousek, 1.M

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