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July 16, 2016Edit

Confused what all this is about ? TEC the word itself doesnt sound correct
right?! Well this is just a theory that I had proposed for myself when I was
studying and doing all those things that you are doing now-a-days It
consists of mainly three things and I am going to talk a little bit about
each so tighten your belts for the ride . Among this the most important of
all is Time Management. It makes up about 50% of the this theory. Next
being Effective Studying taking up a share of 40% and the rest going to
your Choices.

TTime Management
Time is of essence in this fast world that we are seeing everyday. For each
and every person who is rushing the whole day it is extremely important
for them to manage their time. Its not just the grown-ups. Everybody
from a 6 year old to a 60 year old are having problems managing their
time everyday. Students your age, going to schools, classes, extraclasses, extra-test, extra-classes to cover up for extra-classes missed
are bound to have this problem.
The major reason for this is that people are unable or rather people dont
know how to manage their time. All the time people complaint that they
have a shortage of time but nobody sits to analyze why they are facing
such a problem or why they are in such a situation where they have a
shortage of time! Nobody has time for that even! But if a person is able to
find out the answers to these two questions then he/she can get to the
root problem behind it. Handling such a problem is a complicated task but
even if you can just find out the reason behind it then half the battle is
Scrutinize yourself where you are wasting your time, why you arent able
to give your fullest even though you work so hard, where exactly is your
mind and concentration wavering when you sit down to study After
doing and going through this process comes the time where you need to
eliminate them. And to eliminate them you need a strict regime that is to
be followed. And this could only be possible if you have a proper TimeTable to follow.

A time-table is like a mental kick just the same as the one that you get
when you are sitting in an examination hall and you realize that only 5
minutes are left for the paper to be completed and you have a lot of
questions that are yet to be attempted. Similarly when you have a solid
time-table (and not the one that you have made up in your mind) and you
are continously referring to it then you get a similar kick every time that
you have assigned a task to yourself and its hour draws near. You will
leave each and every work that you are doing to complete the assigned
task. Automatically all your problems regarding time will be sorted out.
Making a time-table isnt that difficult, just see that utilize all your time in
the day and not waste even a single hour. But here lies the catch..
Suppose you know the answers of those two questions, you even know
where you have a tendency to waste your time, you have made up a timetable but and its a BIG BUT What if you dont follow the time-table?
Then things arent going to work out. You need to implement whatever
you do and then and only then can you see the shores of success from
your window. Preaching without implementation is just like a drug without
any disease. It is going to harm you in the long term.

EEffective Studying
What does Effective Studying exactly mean?? Does it mean that you have
to study the whole day and keep yourselves busy in your books and not
do anything else except studying? No, it doesnt! Effective Studying
means that whatever you study should be done in such a way that it gets
registered in your mind be it for an hour, two hours or twelve hours.But
the point is that if you keep on studying the whole day and theres no
output then there is no use of studying, instead you can spend that much
amount of time elsewhere instead of studying because any of the two
activities that you pursue the results would be the same. Believe me this
happens, I have seen people who will be found the whole day buried deep
into their world of books reading God knows what! But when the time for
performing comes then its a big ZERO. And thats just because they
havent actually learnt anything. They have just read; nothing has been
registered into their minds, nothing has gone into their minds. Even if a
small part would have gone into their minds do you think that that is
enough for performing well? No, it is NOT. Studies have shown that
whatever activities (read, write, see, feel) that you pursue in a day only

20% of it is stored in your long term memory, rest 80% of it is stored in

your short term memory and is lost within the next 24 hours. And thats
where the actual Effective Studying comes in. It is based on a principle
of 3 Rs namely READ, REVISE and RECALL. You need to read once,
revise continously and recall whenever it is required. Revision is one thing
which you cant work without. If you read once in a day then you have to
also revise what you had done the previous day otherwise that would be
lost just like I said above. This is where your time management and
effective studying would help you.
In short Effective Studying just means one thing actually: You need to
do SMART WORK and not HARD WORK. You need to work like
horses and not donkeys because donkeys work hard. They dont have a
sense to ask a question like: Why am I doing this work repeatedly?
whereas horses do have this sense. Work free and whatever you do, do it
perfectly. automatically you would have time for your other interests be
it sports, musical insturments, reading, movies and anything and
everything you want to do. After all in life books arent going to be of any
help but surely your knowledge will always be there.

Choice: Life is all about choices..Being it selecting a dress out of the two
you like or selecting what movie to go for. Extra classes or a party. Giving
a test or hanging out with friends. These choices are always going to be
there for you in these two years of your life. And these choices have to be
made extremely carefully because a major part of your future lives lies in
these choices.
Apart from these choices you also have to decide what you are going to
read or what you are going to solve and from where you are going to do
that. And this is where the confusion of most people lies.. There are
thousands of publications for each and every subject available in the
market. Each has its own set of questions and each has its own
originality and more than that all claim to be the best. Now the thing is
that you dont have time to solve each and every book that is available.
For doing that 2 years are not going to be enough. You need to know what
suits you, which book is good for you, whether you want a book which
helps in concepts or a book which gives more questions for practice. Each
and every of these criteria are a personal choice and have to be decided

by you yourself. The most important among this is whenever you choose
any book, you need to know that just as no man is perfect, no book is
without mistakes too. Each and every bok will have its fair share of
mistakes and its you who has to decide that which book is the best. Ask
your seniors, your classmates who would have purchased that publication,
do a thorough research before choosing any publication because once you
do it wont help you to keep on changing it. You will get it all mixed up so
instead just use a book which you are friendlier with. Once you choose a
book then follow it and solve it thouroughly. Read the concepts before
solving, just dont jump right in. Know what type of sums can be asked.
And yeah it isnt necessary that you keep the same publication for all the
subjects, you can have different publications for different subjects. Again
it is a personal choice just like selecting a nice pair of clothes for you.
What fits you wont fit anyone lese. Similarly what bbok you may find
good others may not and there is no need to follow anyone in this matter.
This is one thing which you yourself have to decide for yourself.

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