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Dear Mrs Perera,

Hi! Im having a blast here in Alaska. So far Ive just been to

Muir Glacier. What does that tell you about the weather here? I learnt
a lot about it, and glaciers in general. People use them for three main
purposes; drinking water and irrigation, tourist attractions, and to
generate hydroelectric energy. The negatives of this though, are that
all the tourists come in cars, right? And cars cause global warming.
Which melts glaciers. Also, all the tourists climbing and stepping all
over the ice can erode the glacier. And if we take the water from
glaciers for our purposes, there will be less water freezing every winter.
How can we stop this? Im glad you asked. We can stop global
warming by using electric cars, and by stopping factories and homes
blowing smoke and gases into the atmosphere. We can also provide
water to poor countries so they stop drinking glacier water. Glaciers
can also contain a microscopic parasite called amoeba, which can
damage our brains. So drinking the water may be harmful.
I know this is a lot to ask, but the alternatives are that glaciers melt,
the sea lever rise higher, and sink many island nations.
Hope this
enlightened you to the glaciers plight. Bye for now, I have to go see
another tourist spot. I hope you enjoy your class back in old NZ!
Kind regards,

Mrs S Perera
Mt Roskill
Denbigh Avenue
Mt Roskill,
Auckland 1041
New Zealand

Nimit Parekh

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