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Fashion expert

Taylor Sheldon on
the sexy Jack Wills
catalogue: page 6

Page 4

June 2016 Issue 54


updated daily online at:

Music with
Page10 and Rihanna
Page 8


for Mike
from Her

Friends, colleagues and

members of the community have been congratulating councillor Mike Sharpe
after he was rewarded by
The Queen in her Birthday
Honours list.
Mike has been given a British Empire
Medal for his service to the Birmingham community.
Councillor Sharpe is currently Chair of
the City Council Planning Committee,
and has been a Tyburn councillor for
fifteen years.
He served as Lord Mayor of Birmingham ten years ago.
Mike has served on several local committees in the Tyburn ward.
He served in the armed forces in Northern Ireland during some difficult years
in the province, and has always made
clear his pride in his years of service for
the The Queens Royal Hussars.
An old-school Labour member, Mike
has championed the cause of the underdog, the working man and woman
and the underprivileged.

England can WIN, says Bagot boss Madeleine Cosmo girl

Madeleine Farley has put the flags up outside her Pype
Hayes pub once more for the big footie tournament.

But this time, the popular manager of the Bagot Arms says she really feels
that England can bring home the silverware. I think England have got a good
chance with the young talent that is coming through, Madeleine told Tyburn
Mail - even before the competition started. She says that big international
sporting competitions boost attendance at the Bagot.
Ive been here 16 years and Ive lost count of the number of big competitions



weve supported.
Well be showing all the games on the big screen. Its a great event, a real
community atmosphere, and a safe and fun environment to enjoy the football.
Madeleine reckons that the pub will be three times busier than normal for the
European Championship.
But not many England fans are Russian to the bookies to back the boys
after our first match. And by the end of the week, we may be hearing
Wales of despair from the England camp, before the last group match
next Monday. Will it be a slow trip back home after a Slovak setback?



rock band billboard

Page 20
Page 1 Tyburn Mail June 2016

Kingsbury dropped as academy looks for fresh start

Kingsbury School is to
change its name to Erdington Academy.
The new name will start from September 2016, when the school becomes part of the Fairfax Multi-Academy Trust.

Kingsbury boss Mark Rhatigan with Andy Bird, of Fairfax Multi-Academy Trust

Erdington, which used to have its own

Manor in the middle ages, and its own
council till 1911, will now have its own
secondary school.
The school will also have a new uniform, and will be providing all pupils
in Years 7-11 with an embroidered
blazer and tie.
The re-branding gives the school a
chance of a fresh start after a few
years in the doldrums. Kingsbury has
recently been taken out of special
measures by Ofsted Inspectors.
Fairfax multi-academy Trust, has
been built up from the successful
Fairfax School in Sutton Coldfield. It
now runs a group of local primary
and secondary schools, and is looking
to expand further.
It remains local and small enough to
be effective, and large enough to be
economically viable.

Two fat ladies

set for fit club

How long before Two Fat

Ladies start to shed the
Local bingo lovers may
soon be getting those Legs
(Eleven) into shape.
Because Gala Bingo Hall
on Kingsbury Road is planning to transform half of
its site into a fitness gym.
And if the plans get the
green light, those creaking joints might stop going clickety-click, as the
punters start to 35 (thats
Jump and Jive).
Yes, the owners of the
Gala site have decided the
building is too big for just
bingo, so theyve asked
the Council for permission
to open a gymnasium on
half of the ground floor
It will be a Pure Gym, and
its likely to be open 24/7...
or should that be knock at
the door, Lucky ?

The owners have put in a

strong application in their
The market for health
and fitness facilities of this
type continues to expand
- reflecting the increasing popularity of exercise/
conditioning in the general
population, say the applicants.
And the site will create 35
more jobs if it gets the goahead from the Council.
Its opposite fast food
takeaways Burger King
and KFC, so maybe it will
attract crafty snackers
who could do with shedding a few pounds.
So if youve had your 54
(egg and sausage), and a
plate of 57 (Heinz beans),
youll be able to nip across
the road and give yourself a better chance of 85
( Oooh, hooo, hoo, hoo...
Stayin Alive).

Greenwood plans
memorial to Karnel
Greenwood Academy is planning to set
up a memorial tribute to Karnel Haughton, the 12 year-old who lost his life earlier this month.
Pupils at the school have been signing a Remembrance
Book to Karnel.
The tragedy was reported in the national newspapers,
many of them speculating on the cause of the youngster
death. The case has been handed to the Coroners Court.

The coroners job is to determine the cause of death.

The Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, Sun, Telegraph and Metro
were all quick to report local information shared on social
media regarding the circumstances of Karnels tragedy.
Greenwood Academy had provided counselling support for
pupils on their return to school after the half-term break.
In the close-knit community of Castle Vale, many youngsters will have been deeply shocked by the events that
unfolded close to their homes on the fateful evening.

Photographs, flowers and balloons

outside Karnels home in Castle
Vale after the tragedy
Page 2 Tyburn Mail June 2016


stylish and shiny
.... they have brough
the city centre into th
21st Century.
Trams are a reincarnation from the past, - they
thrived 100 years ago.
But these sleek, stylish and shiny additions to Birmingham have brought the city centre into the 21st
They look great; theyre efficient, and theyre comfortable.

How safe?

Tram speed restrictions on the

new extension are:
15 Kph (9mph) on all straight
sections (normal running)
10 Kph on all curves and emergency crossovers
5 - 8 Kph around Grand Central (GRA) curve at Stephenson

The city centre extension to the Metro tram system

cost 128 million and included a fleet of new trams
costing 50million.
In the weeks after the latest trams hit the rails
down Corporation Street, tram marshalls have
been barking at absent-minded pedestrians as
they saunter along the tramlines to make sure they

The highest speed restriction on the

whole stretch from Grand Central to
Wolverhampton is 70 kph (43mph).
Drivers are put through an extensive
training regime before they are allowed to drive the vehicles in public.
They practise on a tram simulator
(like a computer game) at the depot
in Wednesbury.
All the drivers did lots of training of
the new extension on this, says Ali
Bell, head of communications at Na-

dont wander in front of oncoming vehicles.

Trams have a longer braking distance than cars.
One of their best features - they are quiet - could
also be a safety hazard, especially for the tourist who is busy texting or listening to music under

tional Express.
Then we spent the two weeks before the opening date training the
drivers on the actual extension line,
with instructors on board and without
The trams have been assembled in
They can carry 210 passengers (with
54 seats available and 156 standing

There are two dedicated spaces for

wheelchair users, plus defined priority seating.
Access up and down the vehicle
length will be easier for customers
with improved seat layout on the
new fleet of trams, say designers.
Each tram in the fleet has CCTV, LED
displays, a passenger counting system, and full tram control and monitoring system.

Page 3 Tyburn Mail June 2016


Got a job to advertise?

Its FREE in Tyburn Mail

Call Frank Kennedy 07770 895413

or email the details to

Excellent Bus gate:

chip shop continues
Next edition is published 20th July

Dear Editor,
Im not here to moan but
give praise where praise is

Firstly, Im a chef by trade and have

been for over 30 years now so Im
sure my opinion is worth while ?
The Castle Vale chip shop is nothing short of excellent in cleanliness,
quality and value for money. This
chip shop comes close to one of my
personal favourite food outlets of all
And please believe me when I say I
have used more than my fair share of
Unfortunately if you dont fill out all of
the specified paper work, after previously being warned to do so, then you
will be deducted ratings. Its not as if
the manager was pulled up on this
there and then slapped with a less
rating other than a full house.
But please dont let this minor glitch
put you off this chip shop because
I must give them nothing but pure
praise for providing me with top quality take away food. Thanks to all the
This 20mph speed restriction in a
built area is nothing short of a waste
of time.
If the locals cant set an example then
youve got no chance of any one else
abiding by this rule ?
I walk the estate more or less every
day and witness no end of the local residents driving whilst on their
phones. Speeding.
One driver I saw stoop down, taking
his eyes off the road resulting in the

Tyburn Road Bus Gate / Bus

Dear Readers,

It has been a very long

and frustrating 6 month
campaign to try and get
the recently installed bus
gate and bus lane removed.

car whacking off the kerb .

I have also witnessed cars on Innsworth drive, drifting.
Then you have the 7.5 tonners and
long vehicles, passing through, on
the rat run. Surely signs should be
erected at the entrances to the estate
stating not suitable for these vehicles
etc. etc.

Can you sponsor

our football team?
Dear Readers,
Im looking for a sponsorship for our football team
FC Concords.
We are based in Castle Vale and play
in Curdworth, Birmingham.
We currently play in the Sutton and
District league division four.
We are currently looking for sponsorship money for our team.
I was thinking we could advertise your
company in and around Birmingham .
We are looking for around 500 to
help us out with pitch fees and league

We have a kit, which we would advertise your company on the front and on
our Facebook page.
Your company logo will be put on
the front of our kit or the back of the
This sponsorship will help your company and our little football team
It would be great to work with you.
Please contact me if interested.
Simon Lansbury
FC Concords
O7846 532009

The residents have all witnessed the

consequences of drivers not abiding
by the rules and Im sorry to say it
but it wont be long before theres
another serious incident/accident on
the estate.
Name and address withheld

It seems that rather than the council

being the instigator for this, it is actually Centro who have installed it as a
trial project.
Despite several attempts to fix the
traffic lights system, it still does not
work as it should.
They have improved the pedestrian
crossing part, so someone is now
able to cross both sets of lights without being stranded in the middle.
However, a number of flaws still exist:
1. The bus gate traffic lights ghost
i.e. change themselves when no vehicle is anywhere near which is extremely confusing and dangerous to
2. The bus gate traffic light stays permanently on red, even outside the
7pm cut off point thereby reducing the top of Tyburn Road ( a busy
main road) to a permanent one lane
of traffic 24/7.
3. When the bus gate light changes
to green, the right hand lane will

change to red which stops all the

traffic in that lane even if a bus is
not turning right at the Bagot roundabout, but continuing straight up to
Eachelhurst Road.
4. If a motorist is driving up Tyburn
Road, in order to turn left onto Chester Road they have to queue in the
right hand lane with all the other traffic for the length of Tyburn Road, and
then manoeuvre to the left lane just
before the Bagot roundabout. Thereby causing unnecessary delays to the
The system is clearly flawed and the
system engineers have now admitted
there are problems that they may not
be able to solve.
In light of this, I have been advised
that Birmingham City Council are
going to be putting up some traffic
monitoring cameras on the stretch
of road between Lidl and the Bagot
This will be a two week scheme
(starting around 13th June) so that
they can see the true extent of the
traffic chaos that the introduction of
the bus gate / bus lane has caused.
Once they have this information after the two week trial, the bus gate /
bus lane situation will be re-assessed
and hopefully common sense will
prevail and the scheme will get abolished.
Thank you.
David Levene
Pype Hayes resident

Dear Readers,
Sportsco FC U13s (Current Year 8) are
looking to recruit new players for the
upcoming 2016-17 season.
If youre not getting enough game
time at your current club or starting
out new, please contact Pete Morris on
07513 800999 or email or visit our
Matt Meredith
Sportsco FC Media
Page 4 Tyburn Mail June 2016

Page 5 Tyburn Mail June 2016

Jack Wills too

hot for Spring

Rapped for being too sexy, the young fashion

store has been given a free publicity boost

Recently the retailer sent out

their Spring catalogue, which
contained inappropriate images and text for young audiences in their underwear

There you could find photographs

of young men and women lounging
around, dancing and drinking all in
their underwear, followed by inappropriate text, such as Whatever your
choice, you can be sure its whats underneath that counts and Midnight
Despite Jack Wills clarifying that the
advertisement was targeted towards
18-24 year olds and that there was a
restriction on their website to prevent
anyone under 18 years from signing
up to these communications ASA ar-

gued that younger teens still could

have had access to the catalogue either directly or indirectly.
Jack Wills also argued that the images did not suggest sexual activity and
were not provocative or sexualised in
any way, however ASA disagreed.
In the end ASA decided to have the
ad taken down as the content was
seen as inappropriate and younger
audiences could have direct or indirect access to it.
They declared that the content had
breached the code and was irresponsible.
Therefore Jack Wills said that in the
future they will write Please note:
You need to be over 18 years old to
sign up for Jack Wills correspondence on their envelopes.

Taylor Sheldon
Tyburn Mails
award winning

fashion journalist
Jack Wills is a popular
British retailer founded
in 1999, loved for their
unique to the high street,
traditional British designs.
They sell a wide range of clothing, makeup and accessories and
have recently released their new
SS16 collection.

However, their Spring catalogue

seemed to have upset the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
ASA is the independent regulator of
all media advertisements in the United Kingdom.
If any advertisements go against
their rules, UK law or receives a high
number of complaints ASA have the
authority to have that ad taken down.
So what did Jack Wills do so wrong?

..from the controversial catalogue -Jack Wills aims at the student market, and has now opened a store in Birmingham

2015 was a great year..

...this year will be the BEST EVER

Make 2016

2015 Winners
Last year Ste McVey and his 9 year old daughter Skye
took the prize. Ste had previously made the final 4 times
and is a great demonstration of how hard work and
perseverance pays off!

Could this be your first step to something big?





Open to individuals and groups from Castle Vale and surrounding areas - all ages and any talent!


Saturday 12th March 2016 - 10:30am - 12:30pm

Greenwood Academy, Farnborough Road

All acts must register their entry by NOON on Friday 11th March
or call 0121 464 6101
Page 6 Tyburn Mail June 2016


Page 7 Tyburn Mail June 2016

Rihanna and
Calvin combo

Tyburn Mails
music journalist

So Rihanna has already

blown the music charts
up with her new album
this year, but we werent
prepared for her to be
featuring on Calvin Harris most recent dance
Calvin Harris always delivers an
amazing dance hit for us, but this
one is definitely screaming summer.
With the temperatures up right now,
and the sun blazing, what could be
better than listening to this song in
the sun?
With a cheeky cocktail, or beer? or
even a soft drink, whatever tickles
your fancy!
When I first heard the song, I had it
on repeat for a good couple of days.
Just because it was the kind of tune

that was getting me ready for the

day! This is great to hear anywhere,
whether youre in the sun, on the
beach, in a store, wherever you are
youre guranteed to be humming
once its over.
Calvin Harrs last album was 2014,
so maybe 2016 is the year we are hit
with a bunch more dance hits that
we can jam to wherever, whenever.
Harris is doing so well with his single, regardless of whether its been
a while since the actual album.
This is what you came for is currently sitting at No.2 in UK music

charts, with One Dance still blowing everyone out of the water at
With the music coming out at the
moment, I have a feeling were
going to have some great summer
playlists made up, and nights out
might actually be better with good
I hope you enjoyed this article, find
me at thewanderingwriterr.blogspot.
Until next time, enjoy this months

Dont knock
down history
Erdington baths plea inspired
by Save Castle Pool campaign

An Erdington resident has

presented a petition of
over 1,000 names in a bid
to save Erdington baths
from demolition.
The resident, who wishes to remain
anonymous, was inspired by the
example of Castle Vale residents in
their successful bid to save closurethreatened Castle Pool, which is now
run by a Trust of volunteers after it
was handed over by the city council.
She has mustered a total of 1,134
signatures which has now been put
before the city council.
And she reckons that many of the
residents she visited signed on behalf
of their whole family, so he is claiming that there are over 3,000 people
represented by his petition.
She has also written to Erdington MP
Jack Dromey, asking for his support
to stop Birminghams Labour controlled council from demolishing the
ancient building, and replacing the
facility on a local site with a privately
run, state of the art leisure centre.
The name-shy campaigner reckons
that people would prefer the worn
out facility to be refurbished, despite
the proposed 6.5 million project to
be built on Orphanage Road which
will have a 25 metre six-lane pool, a

gymnasium, sauna and steam room,

community room and work-out studio.
Nearly everyone that opened the

door to me agreed to sign the petition, as they want the current baths
to be kept for what it was purposebuilt for. It just needs major structural
It hasnt been lost on us that the sudden closure of Hart Roads car park on
6th May 2016 has been deemed a
very cynical move, as thats happened
straight after the day of the recent local elections - was anybody worried
about regular voting patterns being
affected otherwise?
Well, nobody I spoke to wants an
uncalled-for bland leisure centre built
on that site.
She claims that local people want the
historic red-bricked building to be
kept as a pool with a major refurbishment.
They dont want the new leisure
centre thats being pushed on us;
They dont want the loss of Hart
Roads car park, particularly with the
current residential parking problems
that are affecting Hart Road, Mason
Road, Edwards Road and Holliday
They dont want a pool thats going
to be privately run.
Some of them actually feel that a
new leisure centre wont be built after the closure and possible demolition of the current pool.
Many of them are worried that Erdingtons Library is next for the chop.
Ultimately, many locals didnt know
our current pool was going to close
and found it disgraceful that theres
been a lack of information about this
serious turn-of-events.
The overall impression I have of my
fellow residents is that, reassuringly,
they care as much as I do about
Erdington but, worryingly, theyre as
convinced as I am that we feel our
politicians dont care about the town.

Tyburn Mail

Have your say

Readers Comments

The man who

chose Castle
Vale over Dubai

Dubai: average temperature usually in the 30s, the

second richest city in the
world, the fastest growing
economy, and the holiday
destination of celebs and
the mega-rich.
Would you swap it for a life in Castle
Thats what Allen Bird is doing.
He has worked in education in Dubai
for several years, and is now ready to
pack his bags and come to the sundrenched streets of Castle Vale to be
headteacher of Greenwood Academy.
He must have been attracted by the
architects impressions of the new
building on the paddock - not quite
like the spectacular skyline of Dubai...
but tempting, surely.
Allen will start his job on 1st September, as departing boss Harry French
starts his new job in Warwickshire.
Allen has more than 11 years of experience in senior management in
education, and he will be backed up
by an executive headteacher from a
Tamworth school who will act as an
advisor during Allens first year as a
headteacher in the UK.
Allen is a music specialist, an attribute
that should stand him in good stead
at a school with a top reputation for
performing arts.
He graduated from Dartington Col-

Allen Bird: Greenwoods new boss

lege of Arts with a BA (Hons) Music
degree. He also has a Post Graduate
Certificate in Education from Bath Spa
University, as well as an NPQH (National Professional Qualification for
Headship) from the National College
of School Leaders.
To get the job at Greenwood, he endured a gruelling selection process
against six other interviewees. The
two day interview included grillings
from a community panel, a staff panel
and a leadership panel. That was followed by a data task, an in-tray exercise, a group task, producing a presentation, delivering a presentation to
a panel, a 5- minute presentation to
staff and a full interview.
Page 8 Tyburn Mail June 2016


Page 9 Tyburn Mail June 2016

Got a job to advertise?

Its FREE in Tyburn Mail
07770 895413
or email the details to

Call Frank Kennedy

Next edition is published 18th May


A monthly series of ancient facts

by local history enthusiast Kay
Hunter who lectures on his subject in Birmingham and West
Bromwich. Kay also broadcasts
on 107.5 Switch Radio

Rule Britannia
Napoleon once remarked:
Wherever there is water
to float a ship we are sure
to find you in our way.
Royal Naval power was vital in Britains, expansion of her empire. Royal
Navy expenditure, reflected this importance.
Between 1800, and 1812, the Navy
consumed a fifth of the Nations annual budget.
Training and professionalism produced a Naval service superior to any
other maritime Nation.
At Trafalgar (1805) British gunners
could achieve the reload at twice the
speed of the French or Spanish, and
British Naval strength was twice that
of any other Nation.
Rule Britannia (originally from a
poem) was set to music
by Thomas Arne in 1740.
Personal collection.

Picture: H. M. S.Victory. A symbol of

Britains naval power.

Palace date
Josies moving speech has
adults clutching for hankies

A Greenwood Academy
student was invited to
Buckingham Palace because of their efforts in
supporting children and
young people with mental

by Sean Jordan
Greenwood Academy
Josie Reilly, aged 16, was invited to the Palace because
of an inspirational speech she
gave in January 2016 which
left mental health professionals in tears.

Josies difficulties started in June 2014

when she was struggling with her
own anxieties and depression. She
could not deal with the pressures of
school life and being able to fit in with
her peers.
Josie was referred to me in my role
as Greenwood Academy Youth and
Wellbeing worker to deal with her difficulties.
Early 2015 the school identified that
Josie had traits of autism and in
March 2016 she was diagnosed.
Josie has a real determination in making sure young people do not suffer
in silence and this shown in January
2016. Sean Jordan invited Josie to a
mental health conference. She found
the courage to speak about her mental health and the difficulties she went
Josies day at Buckingham Palace
was so rewarding and she got the
opportunity to speak to more profes-

sionals about how they need to keep

supporting children and young people
with mental health.
Josie is currently sitting her GCSEs

exams and she has now applied for

Greenwood Academy sixth form. Not
bad for a young lady who struggled
with her education.
Page 10 Tyburn Mail June 2016

and views from


Castle Vale Community Housing: 11 High Street, Castle Vale, B35 7PR 0121 748 8100 repairs 0121 748 8101 (24 hrs)

Lets go

Would you like to save money on

household bills and shopping?
Connect with friends and relatives?
Book your next holiday?
Improve your chances of getting a
If the answer is yes to any of these
we have the perfect solution


We can teach you how do all of
the above online, with the support
of our Inclusion & Insight Officer
alongside residents, just like you,
we can show you how.

Our Digital Hub is situated in the

Lower Ground Floor of Topcliffe
House, just off Hawkinge Drive,
Castle Vale, it provides free access
to computers and the internet along
with all the support you need to be
surfing the internet.
The Digital Hub is open Monday
1pm-4pm, Wednesday 10am1pm and Thursday 1pm-4pm,
pop in and see us, enjoy a cuppa
and learn new skills
Page 11 Tyburn Mail June 2016



Supermarket sweep
The Estate Services Team
of Castle Vale noticed an
increase in the amount
of shopping trollies being
left on the estate making
the environment unpleasant to look at.
Trolley wise the business employed to return these trollies
to their stores were contacted and they stated that they
cannot remove trollies that
are in gardens, have items in
them or have coins in them.
Our remit as a team is to ensure the estate looks clean

and tidy, so the Estate Caretakers spent the morning collecting the trollies from across

the estate and then returning

them to ASDA, Sainsburys
and B & M.
The picture below are just
some of the trollies we have
collected in half a day on the
estate and as you can see
there is a problem with trollies being dumped after use.
Each trolley costs their perspective shops about 150
each adding up to just over
3000 in this single collection, this is money that the
shops could invest in better
systems to ensure that this

Its great that the CVCH Community Caretaker team have collected the trolleys to deliver our pledge to keep Castle Vale
clean, safe and tidy but Im sure the vast majority of customers
who use trolleys and dont leave them out in the neighbourhood would prefer the team to be doing more valuable work. I
suspect we have seen an increase since people have to pay
5p for a shopping bag? If thats the case it would be good if the
supermarkets took a more proactive approach to preventing
this happening.
Simon Wilson
Housing and Customer Services Director
blight on our estate is controlled and resolved.

to this problem should they

wish to engage with us.

The Pioneer group are happy

to support the stores on our
estate in finding solutions

Greg Elwell
Estate Team Leader.

Social Value Activity Grants

We received a number of applications for

our activity grants which are to help residents from Castle Vale either set up new
projects or get involved in new activities.
The aim of the grant is to provide opportunities for one off activities to take place
that are organised by residents, for residents of Castle Vale.
One of the conditions of the grant is to
provide a photograph or selfie and we
have a great example here.

Hi Becki
Thanks you so much for the grant for our
residential garden, we have been looking
after the garden for a number of years and
have been buying plants, topsoil, pots etc
out of our own money. The grant you have
given us has enabled us to buy much more
and finish areas of the garden we never
thought we could. Thanks for your help
and support in obtaining this grant we
couldnt have done it without you!

Due to limited funding we are

unable to accept applications if
you have already been successful in securing one previously.
If you would like to find out
more, please email or
call Becki on
0121 748 8134.

From Phoenix Court Gardeners

Page 12 Tyburn Mail June 2016



The Income Team:
Gemma Hughes, Sylvia
Christian and Dan Lewis


We are the Income Team and
we have recently undergone a
change in the way we work.
We now consist of two Incomes Officers
and a Team Leader, with all queries going through the Customer First Advisors
in the first instance.
You will continue to have an Incomes
Officer dedicated to your area, with an
overall aim to prevent you from falling
into rent arrears and will deal with more
complex issues surrounding your financial situation.
The team lead on CVCHs financial Inclusion work for customers especially those

We manage
accounts for
General rent
Garage accounts
affected by The Welfare Reforms. We are
currently carrying out visits with customers to give more information about Universal Credit.
Universal Credit will be replacing your
current benefits including JSA, Income
Support and Housing Benefit.

It is designed to encourage people into

work and is structured to make work pay.
We also refer customers to the TRA for
money advice, who can provide expert
advice for benefit appeals, debt advice,
employment support, training and legal
advice. We also signpost customers to
other support agencies.

If you any queries about your

rent, would like to find out more
about Universal Credit or require
general money advice please
contact us on 0121 748 8100 and
we will be happy to help assist
Page 13 Tyburn Mail June 2016

@The Sanctuary 0121 748 8111

Think Family

We know that family life

can be a challenge for any
parent; but when faced
with many problems at
once it can be hard to
know where to turn.
The Think Family Support
Service is continuing to deliver a family support service on
Castle Vale to offer support
whenever it is needed.
This service is available to
help families overcome a

range of issues and is designed to meet the needs of

the whole family focusing on
creating solutions to the difficulties that they are trying to
deal with.
Referrals can be made by any
organisation or a parent can
self-refer to receive up to six
months of support from an
experienced Family Support
If you have any questions

about the support provided

by this service, or require
more information on how to
make a referral please contact Maxine Foster, Think
Co-ordinator on
0121 748 8128.

Talent Match
Everyones business
The safety and welfare
of children - or child protection - is everyones
business. You could be a
neighbour, friend, parent, relative, childminder, teacher or doctor - or
working for any organisation which has contact with
children and young people.
Child protection means protecting
children from physical, emotional
or sexual abuse or neglect. It also
means helping children to grow up
into confident, healthy and happy
Most children enjoy generally happy childhood experiences within
their own family. Unfortunately for
some, this is not the case.
During difficult family times, everyone who knows the child must
do the best they can to protect
them from future harm.
If you have any concerns about
the safety and/or welfare of a
child or young person telephone

Compass Support hosted a Talent Match open

day at the start of this month.
There was a BBQ, sports, arts & crafts and a
DJ workshop, open to the whole community.
The aim of the Talent Match project is to find
work placements or volunteering opportunities for 18-24 year olds who have been out of
work or education for at least 12 months.
The project is run by BVSC, and Erdington
mentor Joe Allen is based with us here at The
Sanctuary for a year.
For more information, contact Joe Allen on
0121 748 0879

the Multi-Agency Safeguarding

HUB (MASH) on 0121 303 1888 or
Outside of normal office hours
please call 0121 675 4806 for the
Emergency Duty Team
For information about Safeguarding Children visit:

Page 14 Tyburn Mail June 2016

Super-Cell block
Special Celebration Service
Messy Church - 4pm
Play pool & skittles &
finish off with a free meal!

June 19

What a great way to

celebrate with your dad!
Erdington Elim Church
1107 Tyburn Road, b24 0tg

Prepare for those

summer mosquitos
Did you know?
An estimated 10-20% of people are
highly attractive to mosquitoes.
Blood type
Mosquitoes land on skin with Type O
blood nearly twice as often as those
with Type A.
Carbon dioxide
Mosquitoes are attracted to exhaled
carbon dioxide. Consequently, those
that exhale more gas i.e. often larger
people with increased body mass are
more likely to get bitten.
Pregnant women are more susceptible to bites than their non-pregnant
counterparts. This is, however, likely
to be due to the fact that they exhale
relatively more carbon dioxide and

25 years
Family support charity Home
Start is celebrating its silver
anniversary this year.

The HomeStart team has spent 25

years supporting young families,
particularly those who face financial
hardship and domestic difficulties.
It was originally set up at Chivenor
School in 1991 - a joint venture between primary schools, health work-

on the rise

The University of Birmingham has risen to 13th in

the UK university league
tables with 18 of its subjects in the top 10 and two
rated as the best in the
The Guardian University Guide 2017

ers and residents.

Later, it expanded into Pype Hayes,
Hodge Hill and Bromford, until it
ended up with the name HomeStart
Birmingham Tameside.
Former nursery school boss Lesley
Wiltshire chairs the HomeStart team.
She says: The current climate over
the whole of the UK means that
Home-Start is needed more than ever.
Families are facing so many challenges. In total, the scheme supported
186 children in 71 families last year.
It has been a pleasure to work with
such wonderful staff and a privilege
to know so many resilient and courageous families, says Lesley.
league table reveals that Birmingham
has jumped four places from 17th last
The survey evaluates 54 undergraduate subject areas across 119 universities. Birmingham is in the top 10 for
18 of the 42 subject areas for which it
is eligible five more top 10 finishes
than last year.
Birmingham is ranked the UKs top
University for American Studies and
Drama & Dance, coming in second for
physics and third for Philosophy, Biosciences and Chemical Engineering.

From transport caf

to transport centre

The owners of the former

Drome Caf plan to open a
vehicle hire centre on the
They have applied to the City Planning
Committee for change of use permission.

The new site will be part of the A1

Vehicle Rentals business, based in Lichfield.
A1 hires out cars, minibuses, vans,
tippers and Lutons.
There will be a valet vehicle washing
facility on the Kingsbury Road site for
the vehicles.

have a higher resting body temperature.

Clothing colour
Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colours such as black and navy blue, as
they use vision along with scent to locate their targets. It is best to dress
in light colours such as white or pastels to reduce the risk of this.
So what can you do?
(DEET) is probably the most effective
chemical repellent available and has a
good safety record.
Minimising discomfort from insect bites
Insect bites can commonly cause
lumps (papules), itching (pruritus),

A new police cell block has

been opened in Perry Barr.
It has no front office facility. The
nearest available front office is at
Birmingham Central police station in
Steelhouse Lane.
Perry Barr custody suite has 60 cells as
well as dedicated facilities for partners
working in detainee health, mental
health, substance misuse and immigration.
The cells have cameras, anti-graffiti
surfaces, reflective ceiling domes so
occupants can be seen at all times,
plus low beds to prevent falls.

and whealing (urticarial) of the skin.

Occasionally, small blisters (bullae)
may develop. There are a number of
things that can be done to minimise
Antihistamines taking oral antihistamines will relieve the itch and swelling e.g. cetirizine 10mg once or twice
a day.
Mild steroid cream hydrocortisone
0.5-2.5% applied twice daily for a few
days can reduce inflammation and
Calamine lotion to affected areas
Cooling the skin e.g. with a cold
The bites should usually settle within
a few hours to a few days. It is important to avoid scratching the skin as
this increases vulnerability to developing infection at the site of the bite.
One of the many functions of skin is to
act as a barrier to the outside world.
If the skin becomes broken e.g. as a
result of scratching, infection is much
more likely to develop.

St Gerards honours
Her Majestys 90th

Pupils and staff at St

Gerards School in Castle Vale celebrated the
Queens 90th birthday in
good old traditional style.
They were treated to a Punch and
Judy Show, a Street Party, and a
disco as part of a day of flag-waving
celebrations at the school.
It was such an amazing and memorable day and we didnt forget sharing
a birthday cake for Her Majesty, as

we all stood and sung Happy Birthday

and sang the National Anthem, said
Alana Breen from St Gerard School.
We all dressed up in the Union Jack
colours of red, white and blue.
The celebrations started with a whole
school assembly looking at the life
and the royal duties of Her Majesty,
with each class contributing towards
an informative presentation about
different Commonwealth countries,

commemorating the Queen as head of

The Commonwealth.
The highlight of the day was when
the whole school, from Nursery to
Year 6, gathered together in the
playground for a wonderful traditional
Street Party.
There was lots of excitement and
waving of flags as everyone tucked
into a picnic lunch, enjoyed an outdoor disco and were given an extra
special treat from the ice cream man!
During the afternoon we were all
greatly entertained by a traditional
British, Punch and Judy show. It was

such an amazing and memorable day

and we didnt forget sharing a brthday
cake for Her Majesty, as we all stood
and sung Happy Birthday and sang
the National Anthem to honour her
dedication to the Commonwealth

Page 15 Tyburn Mail June 2016

Left: full page: Marias photo shoot

for Tyburn Mail, and inset photos,
for Cosmopolitan, for Kushi and
for Tesco and the cover girl for
Wedding Ideas magazine, and
below, the centre photo for Umberto Gianini in a giant billboard
at the Arndale Shopping Centre in




Maria Gardner is

Photo: Classica


Miss Birmingham

Abdul wants
Active Citizens

A local police
officer is
hoping to recru
it people who want
to do
some good for
their local community.

And the projects

they set up can
be supported with
money seized
from criminals.
The money is
available from the
Active Citizens
Fund (ACF).
It means that money
seized from
criminals will be
put back into the

Does she remind

you of any famous
Well reveal all at
the end of this article.
The 22 year-old
model will be represe
nting the city at
the Miss England
finals in Southpo
rt during
event on 20th and
21st July. The winner a two day
25,000, and a huge
boost to her modellin receive
Maria was crowne
g profile.
d Miss Birmingham
at the regional
finals in The Burlingt
It came as a shock, Hotel last month.
she says.
I didnt expect it.
All my family cried
when I was announced as winner.
Its going to be a
big boost for me,
because I have
insecurities as every
girl does. This will
build my confide
be a chance to
nce a bit more.
The finals in Birming
ham had a really
good atmosphere. All the girls
were very support
ive and I made so
many friends.
Maria did her first
fashion shoot as
a teenager, aged
18. That was for
JVC headphones.
She then did a shoot
modelling bikinis in Florida,
her career has blossom
since then.
Maria now works
for the
Alan Sharman Agency
based in the Jewelle
She has stunnin
g looks,
great style, natural
and a charming
The supermodel
that everyone compares her
Cindy Crawford.
Of course.

local communities.
PCSO Abdul Mannan
, based at
Castle Vale Police
Station, is helping to organise the
project locally.
He wants volunte
ers who can
show lead or get
involved in working with resident
s to improve their
community. It can
involve a small
campaign to clean
up streets, or
it can establishing
larger projects
involving support
ing young people.
Interested? Contact

Look out for Miss Birmingham.

Do you have
an idea
on how to
things locally?

You may see the stunning Maria

Gardner more often than you think.

Are you looking

to set
support group, scheme up a
or initiative to involve
and support
local people?
Do you want to
support our
local young people?

PCSO Abdul Mannan

30759 Castle Vale Police Station
101 ext
alternatively email:

What do you think

will make
a difference to
peoples lives
and their local area?
Let us
support you with
your ideas
and get them off
the ground!
People who want
to make a
difference this
is certainly
your opportunity.

Photo: Classica

Page 16 Tyburn

Shes the cover girl for Tescos tee shirt bra,

and the face on several bride magazine covers.
This month, shes looking jaw-droppingly
stunning in a bikini ad in national magazine
Marias dark and classic looks have got her
featured in Asian beauty and bridal magazines
such as Kushi
You may also have seen Maria in the Daily Mail.
She was also a billboard poster girl for Aquafresh toothpaste.
Maria says she is really getting noticed since
she won the Miss Birmingham title in March.
Maria, a professional model with the Alan
Sharman agency in Birmingham, did a photo
shoot for Tyburn Mail shortly after winning the
regional crown.
Now shes just one month away from the Miss
UK finals - a two day event in Southport on
20/21st July.
Has she got a chance of wearing the national
Magazine editors and photographers from across
the country clearly think so.
Apart from the beauty contest, Maria has a big
project on at the moment, but its under wraps
until the commercial details are finalised, so she
cant say much about it till later this month.
Winning the Miss Birmingham competition has
helped me get noticed more, Maria told Tyburn
I have been asked to attend a lot of events and
there are important media and fashion people at
those events.
I was also asked to judge the first ever Asia Beauty
Pageant in Birmingham. It was so good. I felt bad


Mail April 2016

being a judge, knowing how the girls on the catwalk

were feeling. But the right person definitely got chosen as the winner.
Im very nervous about the Miss UK finals in
Southport next month. It takes place over two days.
Im busy designing my outfit for the eco round.
Then the second night is about fashion and evening wear. If you get through to the final twelve, then
there are interviews on the stage in front of the

As a swimwear model, I have to be so careful if I

go on holiday and get a suntan.
I have to make sure that my tan is even, and there
are no strap marks, blotches or lines, or anything
that could affect a photography shoot when I get
back. Wearing the right sun cream is the key thing,
and shading my face.
I was doing a swimwear shoot and was travelling
to and from the USA, and came back darker after
one sunny period. The studio experts had to lighten
my skin to make it match.
My favourite shoot was my first one, for JVC headphones. It was such a buzz walking into a major
studio in London, with so much equipment. The
experience was new for me, and everyone was so
positive and complimentary.
All the photographers I have worked with have
been really lovely. I have never worked with a difficult client or photographer.
Page 16 Tyburn Mail June 2016

Fake and
proud of it

A tribute festival is celebrating its 10th anniversary this summer.

It takes place in Selly Oak
at Selly Oak Park on Saturday, 20th August, with
three major tribute acts
and five local support
bands, who will be turning
up the heat this summer.
Selly Oak Fake Festival makes a welcome return on the 10th anniversary
UK tour, and Graham Margetts, licensee for Selly Oak Fake Festival, is delighted to be bringing the ever-popular
festival back to Witham Fields again
this year as part of the celebrations.
I cant wait for the festival to kick off.
This year we are back even stronger
with another fabulous line-up with
something for everyone, says Graham.
2016 will see tributes to Oasis, The
Rolling Stones and U2 hit the stage
inside the famous Fake Festivals marquee, along with five local support
The 10th anniversary celebrations will
be going on all day and night, and as
usual there will be the main bar inside
the marquee, and a variety of food
and entertainment stalls in the outside
Its hard to believe that Fake Festivals
started out in a small South Yorkshire
village ten years ago, and now tours
around the UK, says Jez Lee, owner of
Fake Festivals.
Discounted early bird tickets are already on sale until 20th July from the
Fake Festivals website.

Taking shape

Theyre not hanging around, these construction experts.

And theyre on schedule for the new Greenwood Academy to be up and running for September 2017, says
Construction Manager Brett Foster (pictured, foreground,
with three of his team). The former paddock on Farnborough Road in Castle Vale has been flattened ready for
the piling to set up the new buildings.

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Page 17 Tyburn Mail June 2016

Such happy
days at
Happy Days

A local nursery has been

given Ofsted approval after
an inspection last month.
Happy Days Nursery, on Tyburn Road,
has been described as good by inspectors and given a grade 2, in a report
published today.
The report says that the nursery has
taken positive action to improve the
centre since its previous inspection in
December 2014, when it was labelled
as inadequate.
The nursery has 53 children aged 0-8
Inspectors say that children make
good progress in all aspects of learning
in readiness for school.
Older children are confident communicators who are able to manage their
own needs well, says the report.
Practitioners get to know the children
well and talk to parents about their
childs individual needs.
They recognise the uniqueness of
each child and their caring approach
helps children to form secure emotional attachments. Children enjoy
their time in nursery and make choices
about their play and learning. They explore freely and develop good communication skills. Practitioners use their
good teaching skills to engage and
motivate children to learn.
Children develop good social skills and
learn to use good manners,
share and take turns. They are happy
and develop positive relationships with
their peers.

Lauren cuts
the ribbon

Playcentre opening A: from left, Guest of honour, four-year-old Lauren

Gould, cuts the ribbon to officially open the new Play and Admissions Centre with Sarah-Jane Marsh, Birmingham Childrens Hospitals Chief Executive (right) and Sue Davies, Play, Adolescent & Transition Lead.

A four-year-old who won

her battle with cancer
was the guest of honour
at the official opening of
Hospitals unique Play and
Admissions Centre.
Lauren Gould, from Erdington, who is
now in remission after receiving treat-

ment for Leukaemia, was the first of

thousands of young people who will
be admitted for surgery through the
new bright, colourful and welcoming
facility the first of its kind in the
She joined the hospitals Chief Executive, Sarah-Jane Marsh, to officially
cut the ribbon to the 500,000 centre, which combines the therapeutic
benefits of play with the hospitals

world-class care.
The impressive facility boasts a new
sensory room, outdoor play area,
computer console games, audio visual entertainment, a childrens library,
toys and clinical rooms.
The dedicated centre will be the first
port of call for more than 5,000 young
people who come to the hospital for
operations each year. It will help them
and many more children relax and enjoy themselves by bringing a little bit
of home into the leading paediatric
Birmingham Childrens Hospitals
Chief Executive, Sarah-Jane Marsh,
It was my absolute pleasure, to join
our very special guest, Lauren, to officially open our Play and Admissions
We recognise that coming into hospital can be a worrying time for children
and young people, and everyone at
Birmingham Childrens is so passionate about improving their experiences.
We also know our children benefit
enormously from having access to
play and activities. This dedicated
new centre will help them have fun,
and importantly, relax, along with
families, away from the ward environment.

group signs
up leading

Castle Vale Community

Housing have signed up
one of the citys top consultants to give them a
hand as they develop their
customer services over the
coming months.

Ifor Jones was head of the Constituency Directors at Birmingham City

Council - the man in charge of the top
officers in each of Birminghams ten
Now that Ifor has
left the Council,
he will be giving
his expert advice
to CVCH, part
of the Pioneer
Pete Richmond, Chief Executive of Castle Vale Community Housing commented: Ifor Jones will be working with
us for a short time looking at how we
engage with our customers and deliver
the services we can all be proud of.
Ifor, whilst working at Birmingham
City Council led the way on community
engagement in Birmingham.
His experience will therefore be invaluable when we review the way we
work with our customers.

Call: 0121 748 3196


11.30am till 1pm
Quote from Assistant Chief Fire Officer Gary Taylor Were delighted to support your
swimming sessions, helping people to enjoy water while understanding its dangers. Being able to swim can give
pleasure for a lifetime, and it makes you safer and healthier two things wed definitely encourage. As summer
kicks in, its really important that people of all ages understand the risks of open water and swim instead in a safe
environment like their local leisure centre.

Family Swimming 1pm-3pm on Saturday & 10am-1pm on Sunday 1

Aqua Aerobics every Friday 3pm-3.45pm 4 Fun keeping fit
Bums & Tums Wednesday 7pm and Thursday 3pm 4
Family photographs by DBS checked photographer 07944139730
Community Hall available weekends for parties/meetings/training
Information on request 0121 748 3196
Page 18 Tyburn Mail June 2016

and dumber

June 23rd is D Day -thats decision day as the country prepares to decide
on its future, in or out of the European Union.
Polling stations are open from 7am till 10pm for the nations first referendum in over 40 years.
Its a debate that has divided communities, families and political parties.
Our photo at the top of the page shows a man (left) who felt he had been racially insulted.
He claimed that an elderly lady had told him that the UK is not his country. The confrontation
took place next to the UKIP battlebus near Birminghams markets, as UKIP leader Nigel Farage took a walk around the market stalls. The insulted man says he will vote to stay in the EU.

Pictured left, a Remain leafleter in Erdington High Street chats to two pensioners outside

the Bookies. The leafleter, a Dutch student on an English course at Birmingham City University, told our photographer that he had been confronted by several passers-by within the space
of an hour.
One had called him a traitor. These two, Irish/Erdington pensioners, had made up their mind.
They will vote to leave the EU, they say.
Uncontrolled immigration is the frequently cited reason by those who intend to vote LEAVE.
Racism is the response to that argument from the REMAIN supporters.
Trade will suffer if we LEAVE, say the REMAIN suppporters.
We can manage better on our own, say the LEAVE campaigners.
Tough decision.
Many voters fear that, however they vote on 23rd June, six months later, they will wish they
had voted the other way.
Only fifteen people turned
up for a Euro Referendum debate at the Six
Ways Baptist Church in
Erdington last week.
Even one of the key
speakers failed to turn
up. But the Conservative
Party activistss place
was taken by Ted Woodley, from an extreme left
wing group. Two sides
of the political spectrum
voting on the same side
at the Referendum..... for
Empty church.. not for a Sunday Service,
but for a Referendum debate
different reasons, they
Page 19 Tyburn Mail June 2016

From Golden Gate to

Tower Bridge: Abbey
Marathon Head
page 23

Free TickeTs

World live and
Good Food show

April 2013

Rebels looking
great on giant
Massive publicity drive for local


on THe

to judge
by Trevor Evans

ITV's This Morning Ali

Hammond will be a judge
this years Castle Vales G



keep her clothes on?

Alison Hammond


Sixteen finalists will perform

Alison and two other judges
the finals on Wednesday 8
May at Greenwood Academy.
Alison is no stranger to talen
She has interviewed major tel
vision, film and music stars.
Her charm and sense of fu
rate her number one wit
Shes tap danced with Rene
Zellwegger, rapped with Wi
Smith, jammed with Russe
Crowe and had Pierce Brosna
begging for more.
As if that wasn't enough
Britain's Got Talent Finalis
Tobias Mead will also be joinin
the line up - the first ever dance
on the CVGT panel.
Tobias shot to fame with an
audition that wowed the judge
back in 2010 and has since been
viewed by over 20 million peopl
on YouTube.

Taylor sheldon



Have you got an inquisitive

mind and the will to succeed.....? Thats what Jordan
kelly, Greenwood Academys
Head of science, says you
need to be a good scientist.

band set to record first album

The faces of two young
men from Castle Vale
smile down on drivers into
Birmingham City Centre.
Theyre looking down from a massive
billboard poster on the A38 near the
Alexandra Theatre.

They are two members of the rising

band Broken Witt Rebels, and they
are beginning to make their mark
across the whole country.
Those giant billboard posters are
staring in the faces of motorists in
London, Liverpool, Manchester and

Have a go at the Gcse

science questions on p16

Lead singer Danny Core and hisWArnin

for- G:theyre tough
Rock band ready to soar:
mer painter and decorator colleague
Blues v leeds and
Broken Witt rebels
Luke Davis are Castle Vale boysLEGEN
Page 18
have established themselves asPAGE
two 17
of the countrys top rock musicians.
The band featured on the front page of Tyburn Mail three years ago, back in
The pair gave up their jobs in April
April 2013. Theyve signed up a new member since then - drummer James
because the bands success meant
Dudley has joined the band.
they were just getting too busy.
0121 350It was
0step, but the right move,
a big
Mini buses up to 16 seats available
says Danny.
was aRTS
massive decision. We were
both earning good money but we
had the opportunity to achieve our
Our music video Guns had 425,000
hits in its first 24 hours on Youtube,
and we made the front page of Youtube.
Weve been doing plenty of tours,
and weve got lots more tours and
gigs lined up.


Theyve done the Isle Of Wight Festival this month, and are supporting
the legendary Tom Jones later this
Theyre playing a number of private
gigs in Europe later in the year and
they aim to record their first album
in July.
Danny writes the lyrics for the bands
songs, but he says the whole team
writes the music.
The boys havent yet signed up to a
record label - theyre keeping their
options open as they prepare to
make their next big career decision.
left: the giant billboard on the A38 in Birmingham features Broken Witt Rebels. They are Danny Core- lead singer, Luke Davis- bass guitar (both from Castle
Vale); James Dudley, drummer and James Tranter, lead guitar


Have your say

in the readers

Parliament treat for

Brookvale pupils
Brookvale Primary School
visited the Houses of Parliament as part of their
topic on democracy and
the British government.
Erdington MP Jack Dromey helped
organise the visit and welcomed the
youngsters into the famous building.
He greeted them at Westminster
Hall and gave them a guided tour
through the Houses of Parliament,
where children were able to see
first-hand everything they have been

learning about in lessons.

Teacher Caroline Fielden said: We
all had a fantastic day and the children gained so much from the visit.
Being at the epicentre of British politics really helped bring their lessons
to life and this will only help enhance
their learning.

Its looking good for the Rebels.

No visit to the capital would be

complete without taking in the sights
of 10 Downing Street and Buckingham Palace and the children enjoyed a sunshine picnic in St James
Park, which was fantastic as they
had eagerly arrived at school extra
early for the train journey down.
Some of them had not experienced
London before and wed like to thank
Jack Dromey for making this memorable day possible.
Jack Dromey MP said: It was a real
pleasure to show the children around
the Houses of Parliament and to help
expand their learning although
their knowledge was already pretty
Its encouraging to see young people and schools engaging in politics
in this way and I was really impressed by the pupils impeccable
behaviour throughout the day.

Page 20 Tyburn Mail June 2016


Beacon Child Care
Childrens Residential Staff

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We have opportunities for team leaders with
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Are you age 16 or over and interested in a Business and Administration
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If you are interested in becoming an apprentice, require further information or an
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Closing Date for applications is 15th July 2016.


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Page 21 Tyburn Mail June 2016

Your councillors, campaigners and candidates

The whole idea of a democracy is that we ourselves, the people, are supposed to make a path of our politics, and it is we who with our
feet and our vote and our labors and our vigilance are supposed to shape our country.
Eugene Jarecki, US film-maker

Four key

The EU Referendum is almost here. After months

of bickering, scaremongering, outright lies and
misdirection we will finally get to place our X on the
ballot paper for REMAIN
or LEAVE on Thursday 23
As the Chairman of UKIP in Erding-

ton, there are no prizes for guessing where my mark will be, however,
even at this late stage there are still
a large number of our friends, family and neighbours, who have yet to
be convinced one way or the other by
the arguments presented so far.
Let me give you these four questions
to ponder on as you try to work out
which option is best for you, your children and your grandchildren:

Museums:Part of
the citys future?

Andrew Garcarz
UKIP Sutton Coldfield
& Erdington, Chair

1.Is there anything that the EU decides for us that we could not decide
for ourselves?
2.Will the remaining EU nations trade
freely with us, or will they start a
trade war?
3.Should Britain be a free, independent, sovereign nation once again?
4.Are the British people good enough
to decide their own future and write
their own laws?
There is no reform of the EU that
would give back to the UK the supremacy of our Parliament, our Supreme Courts and control of our own
borders, our financial services, fishing, farming, energy and trade.
So on 23rd June, I ask you to VOTE
LEAVE to take back control of our

is about

Councillor Mike Sharpe

Tyburn Ward Labour

All governments and local

councils have choices on
how to spend YOUR money.

This week, we had the terrible news

of 450 potential job losses from the
City and Sandwell Hospitals. This is
despite a pledge from the Government to protect the NHS. We have not
heard a peep from local Conservatives
about this probably because they
are too busy fighting with each other
about who will lead their Party after
the EU referendum.
Even though we have a growing and

ageing population, the share of the

nations wealth spent on the NHS has
FALLEN from 8% to 6% under this
Government and the trend is set to
The NHS was created by the post-war
Labour Government on behalf of the
people and for the people. Conservatives opposed the setting up of the
Under the last Labour Government,
we saw the largest hospital rebuilding
programme in history, the creation of
local walk in centres, new GPs health
centres and an end to the scandal of
student nurses failing to find jobs.
Dont get me wrong, I think some
jobs should go in the NHS starting
with the highly paid civil servants in
London and the greasy pole climbers
- otherwise known as senior managers at the top of local health authorities but NOT front line doctors and
nurses. It wont be a senior manager
who treats your child or elderly relative.
Tens of millions have been wasted
in the NHS, spent on constant re-organisations and on failed IT systems.
These were planned and implemented
for and by those civil servants and
senior managers.
Whether you vote to stay or leave in
Europe, you will still have a Government of millionaires, most of whom
have large amounts of shares in private health companies. It doesnt take
a genius to believe that it suits them
to foster a crisis in the NHS.
Its YOUR FREE NHS, fight to keep it
or lose it.

Councillor Mick Brown

Tyburn Ward Labour

At a time when cuts to

council budgets along
with the ever rising cost of
maintaining the statutory
services we all rely on, are
making it increasingly difficult for councils to continue to invest in museums in the way we have;
our major museums have
never been so popular.
Like our libraries they are beloved
institutions that provide safe and
welcoming community spaces at the

same time as promoting a diverse cultural life.

Museums tick a lot of our public
policy priorities in terms of promoting
health and well-being as well as education and skills development and at
the same time as benefitting the local
While this may seem strange, research
shows that every 1 of public money
invested is reported to produce 3 of
economic benefit to the local community through, for example, increased
Museums are able to do this because
of their collections, buildings and staff
I was fortunate this week to meet
staff from several museums who
discussed options being used across
the country to maximise access to resources ranging from museums being
granted the freedom to use social media to maximise fundraising and audience engagement to ensuring that is
a closer working relationship between
museums and the local business community.
We all recognise that museums make
our towns and cities better places to
live in, work in and visit; and as councils budgets tighten we need to give
them the freedom to make more effective use of the resources available
to them.

online at

Remember to read
the small print!!I

Six months ago (having had my old one for

six years) I purchased a
rather nice car from a famous, local company who
base their reputation on

Given my age and that of my husband

who is now 83 years of age, I took out
extra insurance which I thought gave
me up to six new tyres and a number
of new alloy wheels.
Came the cars first MOT and I was
informed my two front tyres were just
above the legal limit.
Guess where I went?

Yes, youve got it.

I went to claim two of my insured
Have you read the small print in your
No I replied.
I was given short shrift by the customer service lady who patronisingly
said: You should have.
Apparently I only get new tyres if my
others are damaged but NOT wear
and tear.
So a blow out on the motorway or
down some country lane I would be
expected to find an appropriate garage from the same company.
How likely is that?
Happy ending though.
My own garage didnt take offence at
my opportunity to go elsewhere.
They have come up trumps yet again
for me.

Councillor Lynda Clinton

Tyburn Ward Labour

The moral?
Stick with those you can truly TRUST.

Page 22 Tyburn Mail June 2016

Sin Simon bids

for big Mayor job
MP Sin Simon has
said that he hopes
to be Labours candidate for Mayor of the
West Midlands.

It will be an elected post, and

will have a big salary and a lot
of power, when it eventually
gets going.
Mr Simon, now aged 47, is
currently an MEP (Member
of the European Parliament)
for the West Midlands region,

having been selected for the

Labour Party list and then
elected at the 2014 Euro elections.
He quit his job as MP for Erdington in 2010, declaring that
he wished to become directly
elected mayor for Birmingham.
But that job never materialised, as voters in Birmingham
said they did not want a directly elected mayor at a referendum in 2012.

Hedging his bets

leader on Birmingham Council is promoting the value
of using the citys
parks, despite vowing to build houses
on eight acres of
parks per year.
Deputy Leader of the Council
Ian Ward said: Weve en-

couraged people to get active

across the city by making it
easy, attractive, convenient
and social.
Schemes like Active Parks
and Big Birmingham Bikes
help people to take the initial
steps and weve then encouraged them to turn those small
steps into much bigger ones.
But earlier this year Cllr Ward
had refused to say which
parks would be losing land for
housing when he visited Erd-

ington at a public consultation

meeting to discuss the Labour
councils proposals for the city.
He told the meeting that the
parks to lose land would be
named one by one, and that
full consultation with local residents would take place.
His latest comments, extolling the importance of parks,
comes as he offers his support
for a Sport England initiative
to get people active.

Dark clouds move in from Pitts Farm: locals

fear that Council plans to build houses on
parks could affect part of Pype Hayes Park.
Above right, Ian Ward, Deputy Leader of
Birmingham Council

The train arriving at Castle Vale

Station is.....a very long way off
The ghost of Castle Vale railway station has been spotted again. This time
its been seen after
a meeting of the top
bods in the future
West Midlands Authority.

They will have plenty of

money to spend, and will improve the regions transport.
Two railway stations will reopen, and Castle Vale is one
of them. The announcement
has caused much excitement
in Castle Vale, nearly all of it
positive. But the doubters say
its a long way off, and the
announcement came from a

Speeders beware:
cameras are back

Speed cameras will

be back in Birmingham and Solihull
from 18th July, after
an absence of more
than three years.
The ASE (Average Speed enforcement) cameras will be

installed on the A38 Bristol

Road between Priory Road
and Speedwell Road (30mph
limit); A456 Hagley Road
between Portland Road and
Lordswood Road (30mph);
A4540 New John Street between Lucas Circus and Hospital Street (30mph); A34

group that doesnt officially

exist, yet. Just a group of local
politicians trying to persuade
us that the regional assembly
will do good where local councils failed.
Castle Vale station has been
closed since 1968. Several
local campaigners have tried
to get it re-opened in recent
Newtown Row Northbound
between New John Street
West and Newbury Road
(30mph); 45 Coventry Road
between Berkeley Road and
Rowland Road/Steyning Road
40mph; and in Solihull, B425
Lode Lane (between Henley
Crescent and Moat Lane)
30mph; B4114 Bradford Road
/ Chester Road (in the vicinity of the junction) 30mph;
A3400 Stratford Road, Hockley Heath 30mph

Page 23 Tyburn Mail June 2016

The back page

Finals Day
for local
Bowls Club

The Erdington & Richmond

Bowling Club will be hosting the David Perry Individual Merit Finals Day on
Sunday 26th June.

32 of the top bowlers in the region

who have won through the qualifica-

tion rounds will battle it out for the title

of Warwickshire and Worcestershire
Individual Merit Champion for 2016.
Tony Freeth the club captain said,
This historic bowling club has come
a long way in a relatively short period
of time. Over the past three years the
bowling green has become one of the
finest in the region thanks to the hard
work and dedication of our members
and that of our professional adviser.
The ERBC is based at the Erdington
Conservative Club, B24 9HU.
Admission is from 10am and costs 1.
Food and refreshments will be available all day.

The beauty
of Portugal
....The greatest challenge is to resist
the beauty and light of the surrounding
landscape and remain focused....


golf writer

belt for

Its pretty impressive to get

a black belt at any age, but
when youve done it aged
just ten years-old, thats
really special.


in league
of stars

Walmley Cricket Club are

struggling in the early
stages of the season.
Theyre finding life tough in the top division of the Birmingham League, and
they are just one off the bottom spot,
above Leamington Spa.
Berkswell are the early leaders, but
expect a good run of form from West
Bromwich Dartmouth later in the season. They have England star Moeen
Alis brother, and his cousin in their

Isabel Grech, a Year 5 pupil at Chivenor

School, achieved the black belt level in
Taekwondo recently, after training with
Errol Morgan for the last five years.
She was one of four of Errols students
who achieved the distinction at a grading session in Yorkshire recently.
The taekwondo club meets at Castle
Pool on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Sports day
success for

Kadir Ali
Club captain Kadir Ali (Moeens brother) hit a century against Ombersley
earlier this month.
The powerful hitter smacked eight
sixes in that innings. Now aged 33, the
former Worcestershire and Gloucestershire star has been joined this season

Kingsbury School hosted a

major school sports event
this week for dozens of local primary schools.

Anyone playing golf in

Portugal will have the
experience imprinted on
their memory, and theyll
be sure to return.
Excellent courses in dazzling
scenery, a mild climate all
year round and the hospitality
and friendliness of qualified

There are around eighty golf courses,

with different layouts and levels of
difficulty, but the greatest challenge
is to resist the beauty and light of the
surrounding landscape and remain
There are ocean facing greens flanked
by cliffs and white sand dunes, and
others framed by lakes and mountains.
The Algarve and Lisbon coasts are
well known destinations amongst
golfers of all levels, age and gender.
Wether matches are relaxed or hard
fought, they always end up in the restaurant or the clubhouse ....a sport in
which the Portuguese excel, socialis-

We travelled to Vilamoura for a fivenight break, and played the breathtaking Faldo and OConnor Jnr courses,as
well as Laguna.
Flights from Birmingham midweek are
as little as 80.
If you get the chance go, you wont be
Any golfing stories or news contact

The Primary Olympic World Sports

Day was launched by Olympic Bronze
medallist Sally Walton, and by the Lord
Mayor of Birmingham.
It featured over 700 pupils from 25
The youngsters competed in sports
ranging from tag rugby, handball,
hockey, football, mini fence, seated
volleyball, table tennis, school games
challenges and an infant festival.
It attracted significant media coverage,
including television news bulletins, for
the day.
Alison Mapp, the boss of Kingsbury
School Sports Partnership, said that
80 sports leaders from four secondary
schools, one college and Birmingham
Young Coach Academy helped organ- Team GB hockey star Sally Walton
ise the events.
opened the Kingsbury ceremony
Alison said that the event highlighted
The event also highlighted the posithe importance of PE and sport.
tive difference that the Primary sport
She said that Sport Englands new
premium grant funding is making in
strategy is to focus on 5 years olds+
our area of Birmingham due to the
instead of 14+ in an effort to encouropportunities we provide for schools,
age youngsters to be more physically
says Alison..

Next Issue of Tyburn Mail: 20th July 2016

Tyburn Mail is online and updated daily at:

Kabir Ali
by cousin Kabir Ali, 35, who played for
England, Lancashire, Worcestershire
and Hampshire.
The Birmingham League has plenty of
rising and former starts, making it one
of the best leagues in the country.

Moeen Ali
Page 24 Tyburn Mail June 2016

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