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You make me feel things

Seulgi discovers the emotions of love through a girl namely Irene Bae.
College/University AU.

They say love have no boundaries.
I met you, admired you and fell in love with you.
I dont want you to be my unnie, I want you to be mine.
I want us.

The awkward touches.

I may not seem to care but in reality Im afraid to hurt you.
It is because you mean so much to me.
I get conscious of how I should react around you.
And yet you took care of me, and told me to take it slow.

At first I was hesitate, you were older, prettier, popular even.

I would have never thought that I could match up to you.

But as much as I feared the growing love I had for you, you continued to pull me
You were inviting but you didnt force yourself on me.
We took it slowly and surely our love bloomed.

And you tell me thank you in replacement of I love you.

Once, you asked me why I was able to say I love you so easily, but it was only the
I knew you found it hard to say I love you, not because you didnt love me but
because you love me so much that those three words were never enough.

We both cherish our relationship.

There are moments we may dislike each other.
There are times when we reflect our love differently to each other.
But what we did the same is to choose to love each other.
My love here we are and here we will be forever with each other.

Seulgi was anxious as she stood outside the door. She saw the flyer on the notice board at
university and instinctively she reached for it, it was looking for a tenant to share rent and the
only thing she knew was the name Irene and mobile number.

The door opened just as she was going to ring the door bell and there stood a girl slightly shorter
than her wearing a white jumper with shorts and long tresses rested onto her shoulder.

When their gaze met, Seulgi felt everything around them stop moving, she was pretty. Really
pretty. To the point Seulgi felt in wonder as a fuzzy sensation settled in her stomach, she shook
her head ridding of the sudden emotions.

Are you Seulgi? It was the first time hearing her voice and it broke Seulgi away from her reverie
as she recalls the exchange of text message to set the deal.
Yes. Seulgi refrained from staring at Irene too long as her eyes flittered away before Irene found
her disturbing and decides to cancel the deal.

Im Irene, as you know. Come in. Irene reached out for Seulgis luggage and her arms
unintentionally brushed past hers. And Seulgi flinches a little unnoticed as she follows behind.

So this will be your room. Seulgi timidly steps in; there was a soft scent of vanilla. The room
was considerably empty only of a purple desk accompanied by a chair and a single bed.

It smells nice. Seulgi smiles, it felt more homely than she thought it would be. She did not
expect Irene to reply as she was speaking to herself.

It should. I brought new bed sheets and pillow cases but I also washed before using it. Seulgi
feels the girl glancing at her; she turns to look at her. She sees the clear eyes gleaming at her of
pride and naturally she reciprocated a wide smile.

Well, I should leave it to you now. Call me if you need anything Ill make lunch. Seulgi watches
as Irene retracting her gaze as she retreats out of her door closing it gently.

Finally, after a restless ride on the bus she made it. And she was glad to know that Irene seemed
pretty cool with her. Seulgi was quick to slumber as she soon as she landed her backside onto the
comfy bed accompanied with the refreshing scent.

Seulgi. Seulgi blinks a little as her vision corrects itself and she familiarizes with her new room
and is met with Irene staring at her a little stress evident.

Ah. Sorry Irene. Seulgi rubs her eyes as she stands up stretching. She notices Irene hair was now
tied up in a high ponytail, and she consciously implants the image of Irenes facial contour into her
mind and breaks into a beaming smile.

Its time to eat. She didnt know why but when their eyes met Irene was first to shy away from
her gaze. Seulgi wondered to herself if she drooled all over her own face since she fell asleep, so
she instinctively rubbed her own cheeks.

The pair settles on the dining table, it was fitting for the both of them.

She sees Irene slurping her noodle in content and soon questions begin. It wasnt interrogating as
such but just getting to know each other better.

So, Seulgi, what do you study?

Performing Arts.1st Year. Seulgi mumbled, honestly she didnt know what to study but she was
always fascinated with theatrical and music.

Oh really. I did that briefly but then I decided studying wasnt for me so Im just doing odd jobs
now on campus.

Ah.. Seulgi pokes onto a string of noodles and it clicks to her, So.. Youre my unnie. Seulgi
mutters as she finally looks up at the gaze waiting patiently for her.

I guess so. Irene laughs, You thought I was the same age right?

I wasnt so sure. Seulgi scratches her nape in nervousness.

Its alright, I dont mind, Im glad to be known younger than I really am. Irene continues to

As they envelope in a comfort silence, Seulgi only attunes to the attentive glances that Irene gives
her as she finishes the last string of noodles.

Thanks for the meal. I will wash the dishes Unnie. Seulgi begins to get conscious, a bit
embarrassed for assuming things, and Irene just shook her hand signaling she will do it and was
quick to grab her empty bowl to the kitchen.

Seulgi sits there fiddling with her fingers as she hears the tap running from the kitchen, and
hesitantly she approaches the kitchen exploring the small kitchen cabinets.

Irenes attention is on her again, Seulgi, you know you can watch the TV.

Seulgi doesnt know how many times Irene had called her name already since she had lost count
but every time she did there was a warmness that rings into her ears.

Okay. Seulgi settles on the sofa taking in the living room environment, it was overall very simple
besides one photo that caught her eye, a black hair Irene holding a trophy smiling brightly.

She recognized the trophy; it was from the same competition she participated except a different
year, 2009.

Irene walks into the living room a little surprised, I thought you were going to open the TV?

Ah. Sorry unnie. Seulgi sets down the photo back on the cabinet top before switching on the TV.

The photo. Irene gazes her with intent to tell her she was listening, Was this from Young Girls
Youth dance. Seulgi still holds her gaze on the photo, quiet in awe.

Irene steps forward holding onto her own photo, looking hard at it. Ahah, yea, long time ago. It
was soft almost distant but Seulgi hears her voice.

I joined the competition in 2007. Seulgi states chuckling a little as memories flooded back to
her of her fiery passion she held onto.

Wow, that long ago. You still dance? Well youre now doing performing arts. Irene glances at her.

A bit stiff, but still can. Seulgi smiles, as she cracks her fingers.

Hey, dont do that. Irene slaps her lightly on the wrist. Seulgi grins.

You should show me your moves! Irene prods, as she pats Seulgis waist out of excitement.

Seulgi blushes at the contact and Irene hastily apologies with a hand across her face covering an
embarrassed smile.

I can, but you need to show me too, considering you won, you must be good Irene.

A little surprise washes over Irenes face as Seulgi drops the honorifics before she reverts into a
wide smile. Ok deal.

Lets do it right now. Irene laughs.

Are you sure? Seulgi laughs a bright one, one that makes her eyes curve.

Are you afraid to lose? Irenes voice raises a little of excitement.

No way. Seulgi stretches and tries to imitate Irenes side split only to fall instantly on her

Thats Irene just cracks up slapping her hands against the floorboard and Seulgi retorts Im not
flexible but Im more quick.

Seulgi lifts her leg forward leaping and starts circling the room.

Ostrich. Irene mutters as she tries to hold back laughing more.

And hence they spent the rest of the day trying to beat each others speed or more so mimicking
each others moves.

And that night when Seulgi settles back into her room, she feels her clambering heart beat rapidly
not because of the laughter, and the adrenaline from their dance battle but of glee, of love.

Seulgi takes out her journal and her mind floods with thoughts and her pen guided by her

They say love has no boundaries. I met you, admired you, fell in love with you.

I dont want you to be my unnie, I want you to be mine.

I want us.

It was a routine so to speak. Seulgi wakes up, freshens up and Irene is all ready with their
breakfast prepared.

There were little subtle changes every day.

Like how Seulgi will begin to notice more and more of Irenes charms, the way a smile never fails
to spreads across her face when she see hers in the morning, and for some reason to Seulgi it
becomes more and more radiant as the days pass.

Seulgi begins to feel conscious of her own reactions around her.

Good morning.

A gentle gaze is exchanged as Seulgi shyly reciprocates before she engrosses herself in breakfast.
It was definitely fulfilling for her stomach as a satisfied smile reaches across both their lips as they
both individually mule over another long day to prepare for.

They always leave the apartment together and slowly Irenes habits reveal itself, she begins by
initiating skinship. Her arms automatically link with Seulgis and Seulgi feels, she feels the warmth
of their arms meeting, their proximity almost leaving no gap by their sides.

Irene noticeably gets bolder with her intimacy and Seulgi doesnt mind. No, instead she feels
alive, mostly remaining quiet as Irene becomes a source of energy to help her plough through the
stresses of the day, because at the end of all of it Irene would be the last person shes with.

Instinctively every morning Seulgi will prepare her heart, and ready herself to link arms with Irene
but what happens this morning is not the usual arms brushing together but she feels a palm
gripping against hers, a touch of warm slender fingers gripping firmly onto her hand.

She doesnt dare to look. She feels, she senses as her fingers settle at the touch of a warm surge
that travels throughout her body and she lets the hand tug her forward towards another day.

They will part ways as Irene begins her shift at the Campus store.

And when it happens Seulgi tries her best to keep a straight face because for all she knows if she
doesnt Irene will know. Irene will know she looks at her in a way that is more than friends.


Seulgi browses through the campus store intending to buy her usual Pringles and unfortunately
today there were no stock.

Seulgi. She turns around and sees Irene swatting her hand behind the counter calling her over, a
mischievous excitement across her face.

And Seulgi returns a bright smile, without saying anymore she steps forward and a can of Pringles
is visibly place in front of her.

I saved the last one for you. Irene smiles, a smile that everyone on campus will die for and
Seulgi loves it, loves that its the smile just for her because there was no one else around.

Just eat by the seats alright. Ill be out very soon. Seulgi nods her head as she gleefully hugs on
the can of Pringles and steps away from the store.

Her crunches come to a minimum as her gaze falls upon Irene who is busily filling the racks of food
and greeting customers with her bright smile.

And Irene steals glances at her, sending smiles but Seulgi is quick to look away unable to hold eye
contact for long.

She absentmindedly eats her cans of Pringles. In all attempts to distract herself with the crunching
but it doesnt work because in her peripheral she sees Irene, she notices her doing her work.

Like how Irenes eyebrows will furrow in distress if she couldnt locate something, how Irene will
fix the collars of her shirt to make sure her attire was neat, how she will tap her fingers against
the counter when there were no customers and most of all how she never fails to look straight at
her with the same morning smile as if the day had just begun.

Irene settles down next to her and there are visibly less people walking around the hallway. But
there were people rushing out the door as a gust of cold wind blew meeting their skins.

How was your day? Seulgi notices the small goose bumps forming on Irenes arms.

It was.. good. Seulgi looks up at the eyes already waiting for hers before the sounds of pouring
rain diverted their attention.

Seulgi lets out a small hum as she furrows through her backpack. No umbrella. But there was a
black sweatshirt.

You should wear it. Seulgi holds eye contact for once as she remembers being gifted the
sweatshirt from Irene who had insisted to buying for her as a welcoming gift. It was a university
souvenir and Irene insisted it looked good on Seulgi.

I actually have an umbrella. Irene smiles as she presents it to Seulgi proudly.

But still, your shirt is white; its no good if it gets soaked by that rain. Seulgi presses her lips
tightly a little concern reflecting into Irenes orbs who obeys her and slips it on.

Now lets go home, Seulgi. Seulgi gladly takes hold onto the umbrella as Irene does the same
tumbling across her hands to hold the handle and their eyes meet in surprise before Seulgi coughs
a little.

As the rain began to pour harder, Seulgi responded in a way that surprised Irene and herself. She
firmly tugs Irene closer to her side as their steps become more and more hurried to reach home.

Seulgi tries to close the umbrella but it doesnt listen to her and reopens flicking drips of
rainwater onto Irene as she flinches.

Sorry. Irene. Seulgi apprehensively looks up scratching her nape in relief that it didnt poke her.

Ill get us some dry towels. Irene replies as she hastily retreats into a room.

Seulgi feels like beating herself for her carelessness as she settles onto their couch.

Wipe yourself dry. I dont want you to get sick.. your arms are all wet.

Irene switches on the heater and places a towel on Seulgis shoulder.

Seulgi feels another set of fuzzy feelings at the pit of her stomach; she thinks to herself is it
because of the heater or because of Irene but she clearly knew it was because of the latter. Seulgi
tries to fend off her internal thoughts, as she feels her cheeks blushing.

This is actually rather warm. Irene begins as she takes off the sweatshirt and lays it out on the
couch, But I still think it looks better on you.

Irene intently looks at her with a genuine smile and Seulgi could only feel her ears flush more as
she stiffly nods with a grin uncontrollably plastered on her face.

It was a comfortable atmosphere despite the loud pattering of rainfall on the roof.

Seulgi. Theres something about the way she calls her name, it was more firm, more definite. It
wasnt until Irene knew that Seulgis full attention was on her before she uttered from her lips,

Lets take it slow alright? Irenes gaze was soft but not only that, there was this gleam it was
foreign but yet Seulgi could see, she could see that the only thing on her mind was her. Was she
doing the same thing?

It was then she felt a peck on her cheek, it was then she knew that their feelings were mutual, it
was then she knew she would love Irene with the same affection she always gave her.

And that night after a few shy talks amidst the contrasting thunderstorm and a candle lit dinner
courtesy of the power outage, Seulgi writes in her journal under a phone light where she is
emotionally driven not knowing that the power is actually back on.
The awkward touches.
I may not seem to care but in reality Im afraid to hurt you.
It is because you mean so much to me.
I get conscious of how I should react around you.
And yet you took care of me, and told me to take it slow.

Seulgi has been thinking. Its been weeks since she lived with Irene, shes thankful, shes blessed
to find a roommate like Irene.

Seulgi is certain she really likes Irene. Really.

The last few days has been stressful and honestly she havent been speaking much more then
about her mundane assessments with Irene but yet Irene was patient with her almost as a role of a
caretaker who is always there for her when she needs her.

Sometimes Seulgi wants to tell Irene to spend her free time outside the house but at the same
time her selfish heart would love to keep Irene by her side even if it meant Irene was sitting in her
own room doing her own things. Because knowing that Irene was near her only separated by a wall
made her feel calm, it helped tame her frustration towards her assessment.

A knock on her door alerted Seulgi from her thoughts, there she is the girl running in her mind the
whole time dressed in a pink sweater and denim shorts and it doesnt take long until Seulgi eyes
sets upon Irene in short surprise, maybe Irene finally got bored with staying at home and cleaning
the littered mess Seulgi kept on making,


A small hum in response, as their eyes caught each others. Irene took baby steps forward and
maybe because Seulgi had always seen Irene either in her pyjamas or work attire but seeing her
today was breathtaking, it reminded her of the first time they met and how Seulgi almost found
herself lost of words.

Would you like to come with me to eat some lunch?

She takes a long hard gaze at her papers weighing her decisions after all she has an assessment to
hand in soon.

Irene never forces her with anything she wants to do in fact she is really accommodating, giving
her the privacy she needs and attention when necessary. Seulgi likes it, likes how Irene is capable
of pulling her in.

She feels a hand on her shoulders realising that Irene is still waiting for her answer.

A small rumble filled the room, and Irene smiles, your tummy just told me youre hungry.

Seulgi looks at her once again then to the scattered work splayed across the desk.

So, do you want to? Irene sits on her bed with a small smile.

Why not? Seulgi thinks, maybe she should buy Irene lunch today to repay her for taking care of
her, Sure. Seulgi begins piling her sheets of paper neatly.

I will wait outside. Irene pecks her on the cheeks before exiting the room gleefully.

Seulgi places her hands on her cheeks, Seulgi loves it but shes still shy and they havent properly
spoken about being together, maybe it was a bit too soon to say but her stomach is once again
filled with fuzzy feelings of joy mixed with anxiety. Even so there is one thing she is so sure of and
that is she feels happy with Irene.

Its been a while but a large smile settles across her cheeks after the pass stressful days. She takes
out her favourite yellow sweater matching with her white shorts. She then puts on her light make
up and ties her hair in a high ponytail. Her smile becomes a grin as she is satisfied with her
appearance and what makes her happier is the grin is reciprocated by Irene.

As they exit their apartment towards the elevator, Irene firmly grips her hand.

They enter the elevator and another girl appears just in time to enter.

Hi Irene unnie, Seulgi unnie. It was Joy the girl who live with her parents next door.

A small meow emits the elevator and Seulgi and Irene gazes at Joys jacket where a kitten was

Ah that scared me. Irene speaks as Seulgi sees Irene furrow her eyebrows.

Unnie, its only a kitten. Joy takes it out fully from her jacket and Seulgi could feel Irene
gripping her hand harder, standing closer to her.

A small sneeze. And Joy and Seulgi turns to Irene. Allergies. Irene responds as she tries to hide
further behind Seulgi.

Seulgi gently tugs Irene to swap spots with her as the elevator arrives on the ground floor and Joy
hides the kitten in her jacket again, after all the apartments were supposively pet free.

They say their goodbyes and Irene tells Joy her secret is sealed as long as she tries and keeps the
kitten far away.

Do you like pets? Seulgi asks in curiosity as they walk side by side and Seulgi hesitantly reaches
for Irene who looked a little blank and returned a small blink of surprise at their now intertwined

Not too fond of them, but I did own a cat once so thats how I discovered I had cat allergies. As
they stroll leisurely and Irene turns her head to look close at her, Do you?

Hmm, puppies are cute but I havent own one before. Seulgi looks amazed by the thought of
holding a puppies. She turns her head as she feels an intent gaze on her.

You know you look like a baby bear just now. Irene grins before using her free hand to pinch her
cheeks. Seulgi blushes again and before she could retort they had already arrived.

They settled on their usual table by the corner as Seungwan the owner comes up to greet them.
Seungwan who passionately introduces her new pastry collection.

They settle for sweet pastries influenced by Seungwan, Seungwan insists on the deal for couples
and adds a wink at them before returning to the counter.

Irene doesnt say anymore more but just shrugs avoiding contact with Seulgi while Seulgi nods her
head only smiling to contain her excitement and herself sane. Because having that idea in her
head makes her feel a bit giddy.

At the sight of the pastries, Irenes actions lit up, she savours it with her eyes closed and Seulgi
does the same. They both open their eyes and laugh at their same reactions.

Irene tries to taste a bit of Seulgis cake but she swiftly slides it away.

You can try mine. So let me try yours. Irene states.

Seulgi submissively gives in straight away and slides her plate into the centre.

Irene tastes it in satisfaction before taking some of hers and gesturing her to open her mouth.

This is embarrassing. Seulgi looks at her, she feels her ears flush once more but more so because
she was shy of Irenes gesture instead of the other customers around, she is hesitate because she
knows Irene is irresistible. Sometimes she feels she doesnt show enough appreciation for how
Irene makes her feel, emotions that she never experienced before.

But this is what couples do. And thats how Seulgi became submissive.

Seulgi quickly bites from the spoon still lingering in the air, a melting sensation of sweetness
heightens her senses not only from the cake but Irene who waits for a response and follows by a
pat on her head, good girl.

Seulgi grabs Irenes wrist placing it lightly onto the table before sliding her hands slowly away, she
feels a tingling sensation at her fingertips and her hands respond in its own by grabbing Irenes
hands once again. Seulgi sees the clear orbs looking back at her softening in every passing second
and her eyes trail pass the gentle smile rested on Irenes lips, before she returned quietly to finish
her cake.

Lets go now. Seulgi doesnt stand up until she knows Irene is ready, their hands are still holding
on each other and Seulgi is quick to pay for their lunch.

Seulgi leads them out of the cafe and they didnt fail to see the massive grin on Seungwans face
teasing them before they left.

Should we go buy a few things before we head home? Seulgi begins,

Lets get some dumplings for dinner! Irene smiles, they walk towards their final destination
basking in the soft sunlight, no more words were exchanged but only the comfort of each others

Yo unnie! A voice greeted them as they entered, it was actually the first Seulgi came with Irene.
She came a few times but never together.

Oh you guys know each other! You live together right?

Yeri speaks honestly often without filtering, Ahh so this is the cute roommate you were always
talking about. Yeri said as she looks at Irene.

I did not say that. Irene replies bluntly.

Something along the lines, close enough. Yeri laughs.

Seulgi, why dont you grab a few things while I talk to this kid. Seulgi sees the glare Irene is
giving Yeri while Yeri just reassures Seulgi with, Go ahead unnie. I will survive. Yeri responds

Seulgi spares a soft glance at Irene who squeezes her hands and lets go with a nod.

Seulgi was sure they were talking about her even though they were whispering because every now
and again she feels a set of eyes looking back at her.

As she finishes her selection and returns to the counter, Do you like this one? Seulgi holds up a
packet of spicy beef dumplings.

Before Irene could respond Yeri speaks, Anything you choose is fine for her. Irene puts up her
fist ready to attack Yeri for spilling too much and Seulgi laughs.

I like whatever you choose for me too. Seulgi says to Irene and for the first time she sees Irene
is the one blushing red and not her. Because Seulgi sees how bold Irene is when their privately by
themselves but when they are with others she becomes a bit more timid. But Seulgi likes it, she
likes how she makes her feel cherished.

Seulgi was glad she made her decision to go out with Irene for lunch and it made her learn about
Irene, how she gets shocked easily, how she likes her desserts, how she gets amused in the littlest
things and in short Irene is a really a child at heart, fragile so to speak despite the maturity she is
when she diligently cares for Seulgis wellbeing.

And that night Seulgi returns to her journal once again to ingrain memorable feelings of the day,

At first I was hesitate, you were older, prettier, popular even.

I would have never thought that I could match up to you.

But as much as I feared the growing love I had for you, you continued to pull me in.

You were inviting but you didnt force yourself on me.

We took it slowly and surely our love bloomed.

Seulgi enjoys sleeping in especially on weekends but on this particular weekend she found herself
wide awake unable to fall back to sleep. After a few seconds of blank stares on the ceiling she
kicks her blankets away in defeat and finally gets out of bed.

The house was unusually quiet; there was no sign of Irene in the living room or the kitchen, it was
expected that she would be up earlier than Seulgi but now Seulgi is the first to awake and Irene
most likely deep in her slumber.

Seulgi in all curiosity is now standing in front of Irenes bedroom, leaning her head onto the wall
for listening for any sign of movements from inside. She paced back and forth her fingers about to
twist the door knob. Many options came through her mind from going back to sleep to making
breakfast but her final decision was to open the door.
She opens the door, a curled lump in the bed greeting her sight, Irenes back towards the door.
Seulgi quietly taking baby steps forward as she wants to peek at the sleeping girl.

Her hands acting before her mind as she gently caresses Irenes head before she looms closer and
a soft smile creeps onto her face of a sound asleep Irene.
Seulgis fingers lingering through her tresses only to retreat them as the said girl turns over to face
her. But there was something different, something off, and she notices it, Irene was much paler
this morning. Seulgi sees a pair of pupil dilating softly at her sight, before closing once again.
Are you feeling sick?
Cold. Irene mumbles.

A slight uneasiness settles in Seulgis heart as her hand rests on Irenes forehead and she feels the
cold sweats forming upon Irenes forehead as she frets a little at contact.
Seulgi becomes worried and her lips automatically tug in to a frown, she cautiously tucks Irene
with care in her blankets.
Ill go grab some medicine, stay in bed today.
Seulgi caresses Irenes hair one last time as Irene returns a weak smile.

Seulgi forages through the kitchen and was quick to find some medicine. She recalls that a warm
stomach would be much better before taking medicine. As much as she lacks skills around the
kitchen her heart tells her to be more attentive as she carefully follows the instructions to making
oats for Irene. And as the pours the oats into a bowl she smiles in satisfaction only wishing Irene
would feel better.
She enters the room placing the tray of food onto the table before assisting the curled up Irene to
sit up.
Irene was already looking at her the moment she entered the room, her eyes flittered to the tray
where the smell of cinnamon emitted, I dont feel like eating, Seulgi. Her voice was still
pleasant to Seulgi yet much softer, her eyes not as lively affected by the symptoms of the cold.

Seulgi looks at her sympathetically only wanting her to get better soon,
You should have a few bites at least. Irene keeps her lips tightly together and Seulgi remains
firm not breaking eye contact.
Seulgi waits until Irene finally opens her mouth reluctantly and she begins chewing on the oats
slowly as Seulgi keeps a soft gaze onto her and smiles.
Seulgi begins to feed her patiently and Irene chews ever so slowly until the whole bowl is gone.
Seulgi places the bowl back on the table swapping with the medicine and water.
Now sleep. Seulgi tucks Irene back into her blankets as soon as she swallows the tablet.
Thank you, Seulgi. Seulgi is surprised. She hears how clearly Irene enunciatiates her words, her
gaze was captivating and Seulgi is immersed.
Seulgi doesnt know if it is because of the atmosphere, or the gestures Irene gives her as she tries
to keep to reassure her she is fine but she felt the moment was just right,
I love you, I care for you. Seulgi brushes Irenes hair before kissing her gently on the cheeks.
Their eyes locked into one another and a shy Irene reveals itself again, a sign of red hue on her
pale complexion.
Seulgi feels warm, comfortable as she rests next to Irene, Just get better okay.
Seul, Im sick. Maybe you should stay outside. She does not move, she does not want to.
Just close your eyes. Seulgi continues to brush Irenes hair with her fingers, she smiles gently at
the concern Irene has for her and without doubt fuzzy feelings settles within her stomach.
Seulgi sees the stern look Irene tries to display before it fades into a blank expression, she returns
a small smile and begins humming a soft tune, her eyes still sharp on Irenes who was doing the
And slowly she finds Irenes eyes soften and soon flittering to a close.

Seulgi does not stop staring, she does not want to. Her eyes still glued on Irenes serene
expression and every minute passing by felt like she was holding her breath, cautious that any
moment Irene would wake up and find her unwavering stare.
An as the minutes elapse the soft breathing becomes dominant to her ears, the gentle snores of
the rising and falling of Irenes chest lulls her to sleep.
And with one last gaze before she lets her eyes completely shut, comfortable and close to her
lover she sees the tranquil complexion that rests on her face as she sleeps, as the colors of soft
hues returning to her face displaying a more gentle look contrasting to the paler Irene Seulgi saw
this morning.
And slowly and surely Seulgis eyelids become heavier and shut.

She stirs awake and is met with small whispers of gratitude as the word Thank you resound in her
ears. The clear orbs looking at her with much joy yet short of surprise before breaking into a short
Feeling all better now? Seulgi smiles in glee before bravely stealing another cheek kiss.
When did you get this cheeky? Seulgi doesnt know how it happened but when she was lying
next to Irene with close proximity, their shoulders close, the addictive scent infiltrating her
nostrils, and just Irene being there made it hard to resist.
Because I love you. Seulgi doesnt need to think, she just needs to feel, and she felt it was
How do you do that? She feels Irene grab her hand, the ways their hands intertwine, the
comfort it brings.
Do what? Seulgi smiles.
Say it so easily.

I love you. And Seulgi snuggles closer before pressing a kiss on Irenes forehead.
Thank you for loving me.
And Seulgi knows, she knows Irene means it, she sees her, she feels her holding on to her, it was
more than words. And if Seulgi could say a thousand of I love you a day she would but she didnt
have to.
For all she had to do was to reach out to her, for Irene is the one that welcomes her, for she was
the one that cares for her and now Seulgi would do the same for her.

And without doubt Seulgi writes in her journal as Irene freshens up,

And you tell me thank you in replacement of I love you.

Once, you asked me why I was able to say I love you so easily, but it was only the truth.
I knew you found it hard to say I love you, not because you didnt love me but because you love
me so much that those three words were never enough.

Were they officially together or were they not. Seulgi doesnt really know. All she knows is Irene
can make her feel many things from frustration to happiness but most of all what being in love
feels like.

Im not moving. Seulgi glances at Irene who pouts at her. Seulgi is still dressed in her pyjamas as
the afternoon was approaching glued to the couch with a TV remote at hand, but really there was
nothing interesting to watch.

Irene doesnt say anything, Seulgi knows she hasnt given up yet, still feeling a gaze on her.

No. Seulgi insists but Irene is not satisfied. Seulgi feels a hand on her arm.

Why not?

Im not going. And this time she feels a whack and her arms throb a bit making her cower a bit.
Irene is mostly gentle with her touches but when she begins to hit Seulgi knows she has been

Fine. Seulgi gives in, it wasnt like she had a valid reason to stay home and Irenes mood
brightens instantly smiling as if bipolar and looks at her in triumph, eyes telling Seulgi I told you

And just like that Seulgi finds herself on a cruise courtesy of Irene and her beating heart that
could not say no to her request.

It wasnt exactly a cruise boat as fancy as Irene made it out to be. It was just ferry boat and
Seulgi is sure as ever that she feels nauseous. Irene on the other hand is thrilled as ever.

Irene is enjoying the scenery as the boat speeds across the waters and occasionally waving to
other passengers of other boats. Seulgi was thankful, it wasnt a day trip on the boat or else she
wouldnt know how she will be able to survive for she was only trying to preoccupy herself to not
be shaken by the ferry.

Dont play any mobile games youre just going to get even more sick.

Irene confiscates Seulgis mobile and drags a futile Seulgi to stand up and join her outside.

Salty water, cold breeze met Seulgis skin and she could only feel even more anxious. Im not
feeling so well. Seulgi can only utter softly.

Irene doesnt seem to falter, Take small breaths and look at me.

Theres a part of Seulgi that feels like she will faint any second and another part trying to enjoy
the ride.

She loves Irene and at this point she has to bare it all, her stomach flipping at the sight of the
deep sea, and she closes her eyes inhaling a handful of coastal breeze before exhaling to calm

She feels a hand resting on her forearm.

Seul. She turns her head greeted by a massive smile plastered on Irenes face. Seulgi looks
indifferent, a wave of nervousness greets her and never was she good with moving transport
particularly across the waters.


Irene giggles, it would have been harmonious to Seulgi ears if she wasnt gripping the railing so
hard. But when she looks at her once again, the sunlight compliments Irenes face enhancing her
already beautiful smile.

And Seulgi is glad she doesnt need to drown in the ocean because shes already drowning in
Irenes eyes, her eyes looking straight into hers reassuring that she has her. A soft caress of
fingertips casually running through Seulgis tress to tell her she is here.

Seulgi feels warm in contrast to a few seconds before, they were actually standing quiet close,
closer than usual. And at this vulnerable Seulgi meets the ocean moment she has someone to lean
on and right now Irene wouldnt have it any other way to have her here with her.

Finally Seulgi is able to form a small smile tingling from the tips of her lips curving it upwards.

And surely Seulgi becomes calm not forgetting the hand that is still resting on her forearm and the
soft rubbing to calm her.

And Irenes eyes dont leave her, the surrounding scenery long forgotten just a silent gaze that is
directed at Seulgi and for Seulgi only.

Seulgi becomes relaxed her, their hands already holding onto each other near, keeping Seulgi away
from thoughts of seasick, their eyes closed. Unknowingly a smile spread across both faces
simultaneously. Seulgi dares herself to open her eyes and takes a breath, Look we are arriving.

Seulgi retrieves her phone, almost as if she wasnt seasick minutes before and opens the camera
quickly taking a stolen shot at Irenes amazed expression.

Seulgi smiles in elation like an inpatient child waiting for ice cream and quick on her feet as she
rushes to the ferry exit with one of her hand tightly intertwined with Irenes.

Seulgi stop rushing. Lets look at the map for location first.

But there! I see food. I smell food. Seulgis stomach rumbles at the same time. She stops pulling
Irene and she turns to look at her who is still examining the map.

Seulgis gaze attentive to Irene who was murmuring locations of the map, in what lasted five
seconds felt like sixty seconds, it was as if there were no others around them but just them.

Lets see..

Seulgi blinks slowly as Irenes eyes averted from the map to her, they both dont say anything,
already engaged in a staring contest until Seulgi is defeated once again from Irenes piercing gaze.
Seulgi feels a flush of blood to her face, she licks her lips and her ears tinting red.

Irene grins in satisfaction and Seulgi doesnt care she lost anymore instead she likes the feeling of
the adrenaline, she likes the different emotions of her heart beating rapidly against her chest that
Irene frequently makes her feel. She only wants it to remain this way as she grows to love Irene
even more.

Fried squid! Seulgi was excited to see food but as she watched Irene purchasing the food for
them she couldnt help but take stolen shots once again.

Stop it Seulgi. Irene tried to obscure herself with her hair as she turned around meeting the
camera, her hands were still holding on the food but she was actually laughing.

But youre so pretty. Seulgi doesnt know how it happened but instead of the shy Irene that she
expected Irene just returned a smile as she blew on the steaming squid stich, her eyes widen

Seulgi takes a bite coughing a little but was able to chew before swallowing. Irene giggles at her
reaction and despite being teased at this moment Seulgi believes that angels exist, because Irene
was her angel. For when she laughs her eyes curve along with her lips.

Irene offers another bite and Seulgi happily obliges. Seulgi chews pointing at Irene gesturing her to
eat with her.

As the food is finished this time Irene drags Seulgi to a store full of scent candles,

And as they continue browsing Seulgis eyes catch on a set of candles.

She smiles as she thinks of a plan to make it official between them.

Seul. Is there something you want? Seulgi looks at Irene becoming smitten as ever and Seulgi,
wouldnt want to wipe off her smile as Irene returns a curious gaze at her.

Not really. Seulgi takes grips of Irenes hand as if afraid to lose her, biting her lips she then
smiles shortly before tugging Irene out of the store.

Seulgi reaches to tuck a strand of hair behind Irenes ears as they continue to walk along the way.

Oh look flower crowns. Seulgi reaches for one and instinctively patting down Irenes hair once
again before carefully placing it on her head.

Seulgi giggles in delight, Irenes eyes were clear, wandering softly until it stops when their gaze
met each other. She loves how honest Irenes eyes are showing how much she likes it.

Choose something for me, I will go over there. Seulgi does her bear smile and notices the
focused eyes of Irene as her pout slowly forms.

Seulgis heart beating erratically as she grins choosing the ring. She takes a quick glance at Irene
and she doesnt think she could grin any wider at Irene who appears adorable and troubled at the
same time when choosing. Seulgi quickly purchases the ring placing it gently into the pocket.

I think I like this one. Irene says as Seulgi returns to her trying to not spill the beans as she
consciously touches her jean pocket.

Hmm Seulgi? Seulgi feels a headband placed on her, Anything you choose is fine for me. Seulgi
says teasingly, Irene looks at her with a small glare recalling what Yeri had told Seulgi.

Seulgi gently places her hand on Irenes waist, Lets go.

Seulgi was growing even more nervous as the night approached, they were now resting in their
hotel room. Seulgi insisted Irene shower first as she go buy dinner.

Seulgi bolted as quick as she could hoping the candle store was still open but frowned as it was
closed, she didnt want to lose hope and went to the convenience store to buy small candles.
Excitement ran into her as she forgot to buy dinner.

It wasnt the most romantic, it was a mess really.

Seulgi is something wrong?

Seulgi who appears distress as she ran her fingers across her hair she looks up meeting a
breathtaking Irene who smiles gently at her after her shower.

I brought candles but I forgot to purchase matches.. Seulgi felt disappointed and even more at
herself when Irene says,

I thought you went to buy dinner. Irene sits next to her, the soft scent of shampoo infiltrating
her senses calming Seulgi a little.

I wanted to do a surprise but I failed. Seulgi rubs her cheeks a little, scratching a little avoiding
eye contact and she feels a hand gently tapping her thighs.

Oh thats sweet of you. Her cheeks receive a pinch and he eyes met Irene before a pair of lips
touch her pinched cheeks.

Seulgis frown is instantly replaced with a shy smile as she tries to avoid Irenes longing gaze that
makes her a blubber mess even more. She could never resist Irene, Irene who always makes he
feel assured, loves her, makes her feel like shes one and only priority.

And so they decide after Seulgi freshens to eat out,

Seulgis eyes glimmer as they settle in a seaside restaurant, except the only available seats were
next to a rowdy group having a party.

Seulgi moved closer to Irene, only wanting to protect Irene from any possible unwanted attention
because afterall Irene makes her heart skip beats and she doesnt want that for anyone else.

As the night grew darker Seulgi could see Irene shivering a bit as she was not good with the cold,
so she instinctively took off her coat placing it on Irenes shoulders.

Little did they know their were fireworks during the late night, Irene was shocked at the sudden
burst sound and Seulgi smiled lightly gripping on Irenes hand across the table.

Seulgi is relieved, shes thankful for the fireworks and she wants it to be memorable, because
seeing Irene at that moment, the moment when she looks in awe at the night sky her hands still
holding on hers, the happiness written across her face she can only wish their future days get even
more better.

Seulgi brings up the courage, her breathing becomes heavier, the nervousness racking into her as
she releases her hands from Irene who now looks at her beautiful as ever back at her smiling
endlessly. Seulgi holds up the ring,

Will you be mine always? Seulgi sees Irene looking indifferent, she stands up wordlessly and
Seulgi doesnt know how to react until she suddenly feels herself pulled up from the chair.

She kisses her tenderly, she kisses her deeply and at first Seulgi stumbles at the contacts of their
lips but slowly her eyes drawn to a close, all the feelings that Irene had made her feel since their
first meeting pours in.

Seulgi wouldnt want it any other way because falling in love with Irene is the best thing that has
happened and for sure their relationship will continue to blossom as they continue to love each

And Seulgi shares her journal with Irene, because Irene more than anyone deserves to know how
she makes her feel, Seulgi asks Irene to write something for them and without doubt she does.

We both cherish our relationship.

There are moments we may dislike each other.
There are times when we reflect our love differently to each other.
But what we did the same is to choose to love each other.
My love here we are and here we will be forever with each other.

And Seulgi smiles in satisfaction as she gives it to Irene for safe keeping. Irene looks at her with no
words needed just a gesture nod that she is listening.

And they spend the rest of the night wordlessly cuddling each other, feeling secure and safe with
their synchronizing heartbeats and warmth of their bodies pressed against each other.

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