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the pioneer

New Delhipioneer 3rdeye

Wednesday | May 26 | 2010

The legend of Goopy Gyne

and Bagha Byne
With Tapen Chattopadhyay’s death an era has come to an end. But all those who grew up with the immortal
characters of Goopy and Bagha will take solace in the fact that Goopy has finally joined Bagha in the happy
land of ghosts where they shall lighten up the world beyond with their sense of humour and music
of all dissent. The final scene of Hirak Rajar Deshe
where liberated subjects rush out and pull down
giant statues of Hirok Raja while singing “Dori
dhore maaro taan, Raja hobe khaankhaan” (Pull at
the rope and destroy the power of the king) was
Ray’s prophecy for the regimes that ruled
through the “cult of the personality” and within
a few years identical scenes would be repeated
across Europe as the Berlin Wall, statues of Lenin
and Ceaucescu would come down in exactly the
Arnab Ray same way.
The last movie of the trilogy Goopy Bagha

Phire Elo (1991) was a disappointment. Directed
aking up and reading about the by Sandip Ray, based on a story by Satyajit Ray at
demise of Tapen Chattopadhyay, the a time when the master was seriously ill, it did
Bengali actor famous for playing the not match up cinematically to the standards of the
role of Goopy Gyne in Satyajit Ray’s Goopy-Bagha preceding two. Storywise, it was excellent though-
trilogy for children (the last was directed by being the darkest of the three. Goopy and Bagha
Sandip Ray based on a story written by Satyajit are getting old and when another evil sorcerer
Ray), the first thing I thought, like countless of promises to turn their ages back by 20 years if they
Bengali people of my generation, was: “Goopy will steal for him, they give in to the dark side of the
sing no more”. force. But they ultimately realise the folly of their
Rabi Ghosh, the freakishly gifted actor who ways, guided by their moral compass — the King
played Goopy’s partner Bagha Byne, died 10 years of the Ghosts — and foil the plans of the evil sor-
ago. But since he played many other memorable cerer. Goopy Bagha Phire Elo was beautiful in that
comic characters in Bengali movies, the conceptu- it captured the tragedy of aging brilliantly with a
al connection between him and Bagha was not so sequence where Goopy and Bagha make peace
‘one-to-one’ as that between Tapen and Goopy Gyne. with the inevitability of old age by saying “As long
Today with Tapen Chattopadhyay's death, how- as one gets wiser and earns more respect, grow-
ever, one also remembers Rabi Ghosh and the part- ing old is actually a step up”. Such moments of
nership they forged as Goopy-Bagha, the endear- brilliance were however few and far in between,
ing musical superheroes who would always save the acting from the side characters overtly the-
the day, no matter the odds. The sadness we feel atrical, the direction from Sandip Ray not as sharp
today is not only for the passing of a true artiste and the music, the life-blood of the series, quite
but also that of a magical age when movies were definitely weak in comparison to the previous two.
works of art, stories were true and simple, soul So what was the secret behind the success of
ruled over special effects, and characters stayed the characters of Goopy and Bagha? First of all,
in our hearts long after the end credits had rolled. they were golden-hearted simpletons — one could
Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne (1968), the first in the empathise with them far easier than with two
trilogy based on characters created by Satyajit Ray’s other popular literary creations of Ray — the
grandfather Upendrakishore Ray Chowdhury, super-genius Shanku and the uber-cool Feluda.
was one of the first movies I ever saw in a cine- Second, Tapen Chattopadhyay and Rabi Ghosh
ma theatre, that air-conditioned house of light and were masterful actors with brilliant comic timing,
shadow where I would enter a few Sundays in a Rabi Ghosh and Tapen Chattopadhyay, the endearing musical superheroes who would always save the day, in Satyajit Ray’s epic film Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne their chemistry unsurpassed and I wonder
year, clutching Baba’s sleeve in one hand and in whether anyone else could have breathed so much
the other a trusty Kwality Choco-bar, my most life into these characters as they did. Third, Goopy
favorite ice-cream in the whole wide world. much bumbling and laughter, Goopy and Bagha THE SADNESS WE FEEL TODAY IS Chattopadhyay and Rabi Ghosh came on the and Bagha captured the essential Bengali charac-
For those who do not know the legend of spoil the plans of the evil war-mongering Minister screen, in full colour, the entire hall exploded. In ter — they would break out of prison by offering
Goopy-Bagha, a little introduction. Singer Goopy of Halla, the person who was precipitating the con- NOT ONLY FOR THE PASSING OF this instalment, Goopy and Bagha lock horns with the guard a tasty head of fish and stop wars by rain-
and drummer Bagha were rural simpletons with
two common traits, an unquenchable desire to
flict restore peace to the world and get married
to the princesses.
A TRUE ARTISTE BUT ALSO THAT the evil Hirok Raja (made unforgettable by the
genius of Utpal Datta), a king who with the help
ing magical milk-based sweets from the heavens.
And like Bengalis, they had the wanderlust, wan-
express themselves musically and a total lack of
any talent. Thrown out from their respective vil-
I saw Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne in 1979 when
I was four years old. I don’t remember much of
OF A MAGICAL AGE WHEN of an equally wicked scientist-magician has made
a brainwashing machine into which he throws in
dering from place to place: Bonete, pahare,
moruprantore (in the forest, in the mountains and
lages by angry citizens and the king for their tune- what exactly I loved but I do remember laughing MOVIES WERE WORKS OF ART, his subjects and makes them into zombies. Then in the desert) whenever they felt frustrated with
less singing and rhythmless drumming, they through all of it. After all a movie with magic, they are put to work in diamond mines, minting life. Food, sleep, travel and music — that was all
retired to the forest. There, however, their beautiful songs, the antics of Goopy and Bagha, STORIES WERE TRUE AND money for him. Goopy and Bagha join hands with they had and all they wanted. What could be more
singing and drumming was music to the ear of
the King of Ghosts and his army of happy spir-
the dance of fat ghosts and memorably funny evil
characters just could not go wrong. It was, how-
SIMPLE, SOUL RULED OVER the dissident Udayan Pandit, played by Ray
favourite Soumitro Chatterjee, who is Hirok Raja’s
heroic to a Bengali than that?
The characters we grow up with become an
its. Being denizens of a higher plane of existence,
they appreciated the netherworldly charms of
ever, on subsequent viewings of this classic, and
I have seen it many times, that I not only saw the
SPECIAL EFFECTS, AND enemy numero uno because he wants the citizens
of the kingdom to be educated and liberated in
intrinsic part of who we are. So it is only natur-
al that the demise of the faces we associate with
Goopy and Bagha’s music and broke into a grand political subtext but appreciated the subtle CHARACTERS STAYED IN OUR spirit, something that Hirok Raja dreads. And those characters will cause us sorrow. At the same
group dance. nuances of Satyajit Ray’s craft — his ability of again after a series of hilarious adventures, includ- time, let us, however, take solace in the fact that
Pleased by their ability, the King of Ghosts underplaying humour and his use of irony, the HEARTS LONG AFTER THE ing Goopy Bagha’s run-in with a tiger and the evil Goopy has finally joined Bagha in the happy land
granted the duo three wishes — the ability to get poetry of the songs and the beauty of the music magician and his machine, Hirok Raja and his of the ghosts where they shall lighten up the world
any clothes and any food they want by merely (he was the lyricist and music director), the genius END CREDITS HAD ROLLED band of sycophantic Ministers are overthrown and beyond with their sense of humour and song.
clapping their hands, a pair of golden shoes by of the “dance of the ghosts” special effects and happiness reigns. And maybe another generation of Goopys and
which they could be teleported anywhere in the the magical “bringing-a-lump-to-the-throat” of artistic awakening I have seen captured on Hirok Rajar Deshe might not have the joyous Baghas, while wandering into the forest or surf-
world, and the power to make such beautiful sequence when at the crack of dawn, Goopy and screen, a cinematic equivalent of Rabindranath simplicity of Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne but it more ing on Youtube, will encounter the King of Ghosts
music that would make people stay frozen to the Bagha discover their metamorphosis into actual Tagore’s ‘Nirjhorer Sopnobhongo’. than makes up for it with its astringent satire and and be blessed once again with the “jobor jobor
spot (shades of Harry Potter’s Petrificus Totalus). musicians, their faces alight with wonder, catch- In 1980, the sequel Hirok Rajar Deshe (In the more nuanced political undertones, Hirok Raja teen bor” (Three Great Blessings) of friendship,
Armed with these magic spells, Goopy and ing the rays of the Sun as Anup Ghosal’s ethere- Land of the Diamond King) was released, 12 years being the archetypal corrupt and megalomaniac music and innocence.
Bagha walked the Earth till they came to Shundi, al voice sings “Dekho re nayan mele jogoter bahaar” after the original. The expectation was thick in the totalitarian ruler, who bases his rule on the ‘brain- (Arnab Ray is the author of the book May I
a peaceful kingdom under threat from the king- (Open your eyes and witness the beauty of the air, cinema halls were booked full. I remember washing’ power of propaganda, mis-education, re- Hebb Your Attention Pliss published by
dom of Halla. There with the help of song, dance, world), the most beautifully symbolic depiction going in with my parents and the moment Tapen writing of history and the merciless suppression HarperCollins.)

For Manmohan Singh, equivocation is policy!

The Prime Minister’s remarks on Pakistan and Maoists do not bode well, writes B Raman

down. Greater attention has and India has played a quiet to the West of India. The Look Pakistan and his ill-conceived Pakistan’s use of terrorism His conviction that India’s Maoist problem is no longer a
rime Minister Manm- been paid to the problems of role in ensuring the defeat of East policy has been supple- assertion that India’s emer- against India as large sections rise as a major power depends localised regional problem was
ohan Singh addressed the common man. India’s rela- the Liberation Tigers of Tamil mented by a much-needed gence as a major power of our public and political class on better relations with missing in his remarks. It has
a Press conference on tions with the United States Eelam without losing sight of Look West policy. India is depended on better relations do. Unless this impression is Pakistan is not totally correct. become a political and human-
Monday to mark the completion have improved without affect- the interests of the Tamils. accepted as a benign regional with Pakistan. This is likely to corrected through a clear enun- Better relations with Pakistan itarian challenge and a securi-
of one year in office of the sec- ing its relations with Russia. It Relations with Bangladesh are power though there is contin- be misinterpreted in Islamabad ciation of our policy, we are not will definitely help, but the ty problem with pan-Indian
ond UPA Government. Hopes has maintained its interest in in a better shape than before uing scepticism over its capa- as indicating that its use of ter- going to have any respite from absence of it will not mean dimensions that has to be
that he will be more forthcom- Afghanistan without being with greater attention to bility to play the role of a glob- rorism against India has start- Pakistan-sponsored terrorism. the end of the world for India. dealt with at a pan-Indian
ing than he usually is on matters deterred by terrorist attacks on India’s security concerns by the al power on par with China. ed paying dividends. There This is not an argument We have reached where we level. A pan-Indian response to
of concern to the people such as the Indian mission in Kabul Government in Dhaka. Despite Lack of public enthusiasm will be more and not less ter- against talks with Pakistan. are today despite our bad this challenge has to come
the internal security situation and without letting itself be misunderstanding with the over Mr Singh’s policies have rorism as a result of Mr Singh’s This is an argument to hold our relations with Pakistan and from New Delhi and the Prime
and India’s relations with forced by the American pres- Maoists of Nepal, India has not been confined to his handling penchant for softness towards feet firmly to the ground while we can continue to keep mov- Minister has to play the lead-
Pakistan were belied. He was sure to reduce its presence in lost the goodwill of the politi- of Pakistan’s use of terrorism Pakistan. Ever since he took talking to Pakistan and to ing forward even if there is no ership role in the search for
evasive and avoided going into that country to address cal class in Nepal. The low-pro- against India and the increase over as the Prime Minister in avoid talks based on illusions. significant improvement in such a response.
specifics. This has led to consid- Pakistani concerns. Frictions file relations with Myanmar in Maoist activities. His desire 2004, one has not come across This is an argument to under- the bilateral relations. Talk to His remarks on relations
erable criticism. over border and security-relat- have served India’s security for better relations with Paki- a single statement of his indi- line that Mr Singh, as the Pakistan, but avoid the with Pakistan and on the
It would be unfair to say ed issues have not been interests. Relations with stan in spite of its continuing cating in clear terms what Prime Minister, has an impor- defeatist impression that talk- Maoist issue do not bode well
that Mr Singh has not had allowed to come in the way of Bhutan, the Maldives, the use of terrorism against India India can do and what it will tant responsibility to protect ing to Pakistan is the only sal- for our success in dealing with
achievements to his credit the developing economic rela- ASEAN countries and Japan to achieve a change in the sta- not do to improve relations the lives and property of his vation for India. It is not. these two challenges to our
during the six years he has tions with China. Following the continue to improve. While tus quo in Jammu & Kashmir with Pakistan. people from acts of terrorism His remarks on the Maoist national security in an effec-
been in office. He has had. The Copenhagen Summit, the com- maintaining its interest in the came out clearly at the Press There has been an unfor- sponsored by Pakistan. The challenge brought out clearly tive manner.
economy has been in good fort level between India and countries to the East of India, conference. What one finds tunate impression in Pakistan exercise of this responsibility the bureaucrat-turned-politi- (The writer, a for mer
shape without being affected China has increased. Relations the nation has been paying disturbing is his tendency to ro- that Mr Singh does not attach should have greater priority cian in him and not the states- senior official with R&AW, is a
seriously by the global melt- with Sri Lanka have improved more attention to the countries manticise India’s relation with the same seriousness to over any goodwill for Pakistan. man. The realisation that the noted security expert.)

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