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F, LeeBqlleg

Lynn,MA 01902
781-477-9314 (Fax9329)


Mr'. SteveLeves<1lte
5450Fitch ^Artenue
Bmrtsu,ick, Maine040I1


I want to thalh yoLtfor the excellenttour of BNAS Hangar#6 whichyou ltostedfol my

investor-business associate, uryselfandJirnHorowitz a weekago; I atnpleasedto
1epor1 t6at 1e wasclulyinrpressed rvith the facility. ln acldition,het'eactedfavorably
ctriringhis inspectionof rt'tt at Oxfold the followingday. Unfofiunately,
drrLin[this eviltratiorta cleliberately negativcarticlepublishedinThel'otecaster- eYen
n, *"]*.r. wallcingthroughHangar'#6on ThuLsday was broughtto out'attetttiott,

The investor.s I was[oping to persuacle to funcithe itnmettsestart-upcostsof a jet aircraft

1efipbisiring operation, with rnarketing, trainingandskilledopetations assistance to be
llcelsed fi.ornbxfoLcl,\ 'cte much put off by the public and truculentoffensive statements
of cefiaincluote cl Brlnswick officials. It is apparentthat theseofficials,atxl their willing
cluoliclcr, Mr, Mistler.,clirl1ot ]<lor,vwhat they weretatkingaboutartddidn't care
enoughto ma[<ean even-hanclecl inquiry of Jitn, or lne' o[ bOthof us. Mr'. Mistle'-'sclaitn
that lic trieclto Leacfime at Oxford is categoricallyfalse, He did slleakwith Jirn's
DxecutiveSecretary, 46 Crochett,who gaveltinr nry clirectline. Ile did not callit,
accorclipg Brulswick hasbeenflirting with a reputatiott
to nry r.egister,. for beinghostile
to brrsineisin t-trepast. The urrinforrnetland irlesponsible tnlbe
outbtrrsts liorecasler
haveconvinccclnry colleaguesthat this reputatiottis fact'

This turriof eventsis indeeduuforfutrate. Beginningin the latespringof 2008,Jim andI

liavebccrrworking to enteririto a iease with MRRA for Hangat'#6,with a
schecluleof nervjobs factoleclinto its tenns. I believewe cottlclhaveeasilycieatedtlte
jobs requirecl, anclnlauynlore. FormerDECD Conmissiotter JolutRichat'dson, yourself,
and the entirc Authority Boarclhavebeenreasoltable andhelpful. Representatives of the
FederalAviationAdrninistlationin Portlandhavealsobeencooperative. Special
assistance ltasbeettgivenby Blacl Swanson of SBDC and Hugh Stevens of tlte
Universiryof N4aine.I personallyhave expended altnostone thotrsand hortrs ttying to gel
a viablecontpanyrtp attdrunning,wfuichcoutd rttorph Oxford Aviation's towering
rvorlcl-rviderepltation for skill and quality in aircraftrefurbishinginto similar results
with businesslets, for rvhichthele is a largearrdglowittg market.
you will lecallthatin thefall of 2008 JirnandI introduced you andCotnmissionet'
Richar.dson to rnanyexhibitorsat the NationalBusinessAircraft Associationatrnual
conventionin Orlando,ilr hopethat othersin the aviationitrdustrycouldbe persuaded to
nrakea fione a1BNAS. You andJirn andI havespenttntrchtime ancllegalcosts
workingon a proposedlease.I havevisiteclwith Orman Whitcornbat the USDA abottt
federaliy-backecl ioan guarantees, and with the top executivesof a majorMaine bank
abouttlic necessary line of creclit, Meanwhile,the more than 1400job applicantswho
haverespondecl to Oxforcl'sJob Fait'a yearago keepcalling,askit:gwllen they ntight ..
hopeto start work Oxforclwill hencefolthrefer them to the Brunswick'l'ownCorurcil,
vrlio seenrto ltavea betteridea asto how to InakeHangar#6 productive,

Iu vieiv of the above,and in view of Jirn's decisionto withdlaw from the project,I have
1o cSoicebiit 1osuspcncl rny effoits to createa new colnpanyto accotnplishaircraft
reftrrbishingbusinessat a higherlevel than is possiblewith Oxford's3000'footrunway,
plcaseextendnly thanksarxl rcgretsto yonr worrder'fulstaff,anclChairnranMayo andhis

Verytruly yougg
F. LeeBailev--

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