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unit 29 m3

Explain the ways in which sales techniques and customers services have
developed in retail organisations.
for this assignment I am explaining the ways in which sales techniques and customer
service have developed in retail organisations.
for the past few years the retail sector has changed in different ways which could be
due to the fact that here is more technology in the retail industry, also there are more
completions within retail organisations and once there are changes I the economy
there wold be either a growth or a recession would have an impact in retailers all
over the world. also customers are demanding more and also their expectation
changes because the retail sectors are evolving.
key elements of effective customer service which are:
1. Respect- respecting the fact that customers pay our salaries and make profit
for the business
2. understanding- understanding that customers dont really buy products or
services but buy solutions to the business problems.
3. listening-make sure that their eyes and ears are open
4. responding- they have to respond in a positive way
5. serving- fulfilling promises that the business made.
These elements of effective customer service help develop the selling techniques of
the retail organisation due to the fact that their customers values which means that
the customers would be able to trust them and continue to buy from the business.
a change that has occurred in the retail organisation is that there are larger multiple
retailers and less independent retails now which is why there are changes due to the
fact that the more the business is establishes then there would be more branches of
the business leading the business to expand more in the streets in town centres
which would not clear space for any independent retailers to use, so in this case this
would mean that the independent stores are not having any opportunity to open
stores. businesses such as Tesco customers satisfaction is very important as one of
their aim is to make sure that each customers who come to shop must have a good
experience within the business and also that all gods are purchased in good
conditions and also be satisfied with the service that the employees of towards them.
to make sure that they have good customers service to meet customers
expectations/needs Tesco must train all their staffs in order for them to be trained
and help customers to the extent that they are satisfied and also to deal with
customers complaints immediately so that customers would feel respected and
listened to. the benefits of this is to gain more customers and also to be above their
competitors. however, if staffs are not trained to maintain a god customer service in
order to meet customers needs then they would lose their customers making them
to shop somewhere else where their customer service is good. a way Tesco
maintained their customer service was to bring in self checkouts till in this case
customers wont be waiting in the lines anymore so they could just use the selfcheckout which can benefit them as it consumes time and would also benefit Tesco
has this would mean that they have maintained a good customer service making

unit 29 m3

them to come back and shop more in the organisation which is a long term benefit of
good customer service and make sure that they are head of their competitors which
would increase their reputation. businesses such as Tesco expand into new markets
and explore new customers although it is very important for Tesco to provide a good
customer service which would mean that their existing customers would stay and
also their loyalty.

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