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Style Sheet

Zeitschrift fr Antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient Christianity

Please use the Handbook of Style of the Society of Biblical Literature.
Arabic numbers should be used generally. Please add a short (10-15 lines) abstract (which will
be translated into German).
1. Primary sources:
All quoted texts of primary sources should be given in Latin (in Italics), Greek, Coptic etc. A
translation can be added (please note the source for the translation). No translated texts without
original text, please! Please always use unicode fonts!
a) Body text:
Authors and titles of ancient works should be given in full (no abbreviations, Latin titles in
Italics), e.g. Cyprianus, De lapsis.
b) Notes:
first quotation: author, title + reference, in parentheses: edition, page and line, name of the editor:
example: Irenaeus, Adversus haereses 1,1,1 (SC 264, 28,1-2 Rousseau/Doutreleau).
In all subsequent quotations only page + line will be given; the editors name should be
example: Irenaeus, Adversus haereses 1,2,6 (46,87-91 R./D.).
Generally, all titles of series, collections etc. should be given in full, but the following
abbreviations may be used:
ACO Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum
BCNH Bibliothque Copte de Nag Hammadi
BSGRT Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana
CChr Corpus Christianorum (CChr.SG, SL, CM, SA = Series Apocrpyhorum, Conc. = Concilia)
CSCO Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium
CSEL Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum
CUFr Collection des Universits de France
FaCh Fathers of the Church
Fontes Christiani
GCS Die Griechisch-Christlichen Schriftsteller
MGH Monumenta Germaniae Historica
OECT Oxford Early Christian Texts
Patrologia Graeca (Migne)
Patrologia Latina (Migne)
Patrologia Orientalis
PTS Patristische Texte und Studien
Sources Chrtiennes
SCBO Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis
SUC Schriften des Urchristentums

Translation series: BGL (Bibliothek der Griechischen Literatur), BKV (Bibliothek der Kirchenvter),
NPNF (Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers).

Editions in series without volume numbers are quoted as follows:

a) If the volume contains the whole work:
Cicero, De finibus bonorum et malorum 3 (BSGRT, 5,7-15 Moreschini).
b) If there are several volumes of a work (please use the exact title of the volumes):
Basilius, Epistulae 131,2 (CUFr Lettres 2, 45,1-46,21 Courtonne)
Plotin, Enneades 6,1,8 (SCBO Plotini opera 3, 11,2-4 Henry/Schwyzer)
Primary sources that are not edited in one of the series listed above are cited with full
bibliographical reference:
Euripides, Hippolytus 1123 (ed. by W. S. Barrett, Hippolytus [Oxford: Clarendon Press,
1964; reprint, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969], 138).

2. Secondary literature:
NB: No abbreviations!!
a) monographs:
a) first quotation: Johannes Hahn, Der Philosoph und die Gesellschaft: Selbstverstndnis,
ffentliches Auftreten und populre Erwartungen in der hohen Kaiserzeit (Heidelberger
Althistorische Beitrge und Epigraphische Studien 7; Stuttgart: Steiner-Verlag Wiesbaden,
1989), 86.
subsequent quotations: Hahn, Der Philosoph und die Gesellschaft (see note 1), 88.
b) Heinrich Denzinger and Peter Hnermann, Hgg., Kompendium der Glaubensbekenntnisse und
kirchlichen Lehrentscheidungen (40. ed.; Freiburg: Herder, 2005).
b) journal articles:
first quotation: Gerhard Steigerwald, Die Purpursorten im Preisedikt Diokletians vom Jahre
301, Byzantinische Forschungen 15 (1990): (219-276) 255 (n. 168).
subsequent quotations: Steigerwald, Die Purpursorten (see n. 15), 223.
c) articles in edited volumes:
first quotation: Christoph Markschies, Welche Funktion hat der Mythos in gnostischen
Systemen? Oder: ein gescheiterter Denkversuch zum Thema Heil und Geschichte, in Heil und
Geschichte: Die Geschichtsbezogenheit des Heils und das Problem der Heilsgeschichte in der
biblischen Tradition und in der theologischen Deutung (ed. by Jrg Frey; Wissenschaftliche
Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 248; Tbingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2009), 513-534.
subsequent quotations: Markschies, Welche Funktion hat der Mythos (see n. 22), 530.
d) articles in encyclopedias:
first quotation: F. Hartenstein, H. D. Betz, Religionsgeschichtliche Schule, Religion in
Geschichte und Gegenwart4 7 (Tbingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2004): (321-326) 323.
subsequent quotations: Hartenstein/Betz, Religionsgeschichtliche Schule (see n. 20), 322.
e) reviews:
Matthias Perkams, review of Dominic J. OMeara, Platonopolis: Platonic Political Philosophy
in Late Antiquity, Jahrbuch fr Antike und Christentum 50 (2007): 234-237.

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