Task 4

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Task 4

4.1 Extent to which local attitudes reflect those found at a national level
On analyzing the Extent to which local attitudes reflect those found at a national level it is observed that
advancement in technology and internet penetration supported by face book, you tube, twitter, video
conferencing, instant chat, Skype bridged the gap between local and national level. In fact both local and
national level attitudes reflect the global attitude. In context to the health and social care it is great support
where effective exchange and sharing of information leads to bridge the gap between local attitudes and
national attitude (Nutbeam, 2000). In context the case scenario related with overweight and obesity,
infectious diseases like Zika virus it helps to develop same information, awareness level and the treatment
process with the help of mentioned technologies.
The public attitude plays a significant role in the development of health and social care sector. In this
context it is essential to evaluate the attitude change and execute same to enhance the trust and confidence
of the health care seekers. The health care provider needs to well versed in the latest technology to availed
the national information pertaining to overweight and obesity, infectious diseases like Zika virus so that
they can disseminate the same at the local level (Nutbeam, 2000). The health care seeker avail the
national information related with overweight and obesity, infectious diseases like Zika virus easily with
help of digital media and smart phone and if the care provider cannot updated information and treatment
it can impact the quality and reputation of service at the local level.

4.2 Validity of public attitudes and behavior in relation to specific issues

The validity of public attitudes and behavior in relation to specific issues is based on the information
available about the issue in the public domain. For example take the case scenario of overweight and
obesity, infectious diseases like Zika virus where the major source of information for the public is the
news and documentary broadcasted by the BBC News. It is supported by the news published by the
guardian and the digital media like websites of NHS, CDS, DOH and HPA, news media, journals and
online media related with medicine (Pedersen, 2002). The public evaluate the validity of by examining
the source of information by evaluating the question of ownership, political and religious agenda,
pressure groups, government sources and the conflicting view of current issues related with overweight
and obesity, infectious diseases like Zika virus.
On the other hand the Validity of public attitudes and behavior in relation to specific issues like
overweight and obesity, infectious diseases like Zika virus is based on the interest level of the person, his

knowledge related with the overweight and obesity, infectious diseases like Zika virus, the digital interest
and how comfortable the person is in using the online platform and social networking sites like face book,
you tube and twitter (Pedersen, 2002). The Validity of public attitudes and behavior in relation to specific
issues like overweight and obesity, infectious diseases like Zika virus is more when it is based on public
sources like BBC News or the website of NHS, CDS, DOH and HPA, WHO and UNSECO compared to
the private sources.

4.3 Contemporary thinking for health and social care provision and services
Information reaching the public domain plays a significant role in shaping the Contemporary thinking for
health and social care provision and services. This is based on the fact the information like overweight
and obesity, infectious diseases like Zika virus or the widening health inequalities towards the minority
community in UK shape the public opinion towards this subject. The would lead to group of minority
community joining together to improve the awareness level related with the issues or group of youth
working together to fight against overweight and obesity as part of Contemporary thinking for health and
social care provision and services (Pugh, and Duffy, 2013). The group may work independently or
approach the government to take up the issue more seriously. This group creates pressure on the NHS
and government to improve the functioning to combat the issue within a given time frame. In addition the
group might set invidual target like educating the minority or motivating the overweight and obesity
affected people to join workout and try to improve their lives personally. As such it can be stated that the
information related with such issues reaching the public domain lead to Contemporary thinking for health
and social care provision and services.

There are various contemporary issues faced by the health and social care sector in UK and the media
plays a significant role reaching information like overweight and obesity, infectious diseases like Zika
virus reach the public domain. There is different techniques use by media to disseminate the information
and it influences the attitudes, thoughts and behavior of people towards this contemporary issue in the
health and social care. In the next task the role played by media in shaping the attitudes, thoughts and
behavior of people in relation to health and social care is explained in detail. It also evaluated the
reliability and validity of media information. The reliability and validity of the source supports the quality
of the information (Reeves et al., 2011). It is followed by research aimed at understanding the issue of
health inequality prevailing in UK and how the government is handling the issue over period of time. It is
used to improve the health and social care service. It also analyzed the factors that influenced the
development of different perspectives over a period of time. In the final task the health and social

information at national level and how it impacts the local level is evaluated. In this technology driven
world it is influenced significantly and it needs to be considered by the health care provider to sere
effectively. It was followed by evaluating the validity of public attitudes and behavior in relation to
specific issues. Finally the contemporary thinking was justified for health and social care provision and

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