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i n g m y

M a k
F i s h i n g
u s t ry
In d
d u c t
P ro

Final Product
Final Product
• Product inside the box made of salt dough and
painted. I ran out of time to paint all of them as my
teacher moaned at me when I said I had not had
enough time to finish it .
How I did this project
• I found an old box for xmas cards.
• I put glue all over the box lid and covered it with white paper
• I made a “mock-up” by folding paper around the box lid and
then placing post-it notes on the different places to make
sure I had a place for each bit of information.
• I put it all onto MS PowerPoint to develop my text boxes and
make a logo. I measured the sides and top and made boxes
on MS PowerPoint for the same measurements
• I noticed from looking at other product boxes that the logo is
put of each side. I looked at different boxes to see what
information is put on products and I decided what I wanted
to put on mine and where I wanted to put it.
• I saw the colours you use are important and draw attention
to the product.
• We are doing the fishing industry and I have a spec sheet
from my teacher but I want to do vegetarian fishcakes. I
think my teacher will get angry at this, but I am prefer
vegeterian food. There have been kids bringing in dead fish
and they are injured and they get left in the class for a few
days and stink and I feel sick about it. I have gone off
eating fish.
• I am looking at making fish cakes in the shape of star fish.
• My mom also had a suggestion of making jellyfish sweets in
the shape of fish.
• I have some of my own ideas as well: Starfish biscuits or
biscuits and sweets out of all sorts of shapes of marine life:
starfish, snails,

I really like the concept of this project. It is very broad and

complicated and you can do it really nicely and learn a lot. It
can take up a lot of time but I was thinking of making a few of
my own products and even making samples out of salt dough
and painting them to put inside the box.
Mock up of Product
Making my Logo
• First I chose a name: Salty Mermaid Products
• Then I searched for an image of a mermaid
• I added text using word art on MS PowerPoint.
Designing the front of the box

Front: Portrait
Box: 17.5 x 12.5
Circle: 6.5 x 7
Working draft to Final Product

“2 f o CIA
r t he
price L
f 1”

d in t tic
rm la n
F a th A t n
o Ocea

Dolphin friendly harvesting


Front of Box
Front: Portrait
Box: 17.5 x 12.5
Circle: 6.5 x 7
Working draft to Final Product

Cooking Instructions Nutritional Information

Values Amount / 100g Amount / serving
Oven bake for
10 minutes Protein 26.0g 16.3g

Carbohydrate 0.7g 0.2g

Fat 0.3g 0.1g

5 minutes on high power
Sodium 0.3g 0.2g

Side 1
• Cooking Instructions
• Logo
• Nutritional Instructions
• 12.5 x 5.5
Working draft to Final Product

Low In Fat Low In sugar No artificial Colours No preservatives

Ingredients Allergy advice

Cod, bread Crumbs. Produced in a factory that handles
Wheat flour. Contains wheat.

Side 2
Working draft to Final Product



Side 3
Working draft to Final Product

EDUCATION - Real starfish

Did you know that a starfish has five or sometimes even more
WINa visit
to The Sea
Did you know there are about 1800 different kinds of Life Centre
starfish in the world?
Did you know starfish have tiny eyes at the end of each arm? a
lot of eyes !

Side 4

• http://www.clipart-

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