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Boris Adamov

As I was escorted into the grand masonic temple hall, in the Masonic Temple of Elmhurst, I
couldnt help but to notice the eeriness that surrounded me. It was dead silent inside and the air
had the stench of old books and literature. The floor was checkered with black and white tiles
which resembled the game board of chess. There was a giant compass with the letter G
painted on the wall of the hall. I immediately recognized this symbol as it stood for freemasonry.
The man sitting in front of me wore a gray polo with a blue baseball cap. I noticed his cap
possessed the same compass symbol that was painted on the wall. He appeared to be in his
30s and seemed very enthusiastic for this interview. I could tell he was passionate about the
Before going into detailed questions, I first asked him to define what freemasonry was. A
system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated through symbols designed for the
purpose of making good men better. Not better than other men, just better than they
were said the mason. Interesting. We have no hidden agenda or worship the devil.
Discussion of religion and politics is not permitted. Instead we like to focus on bringing
people together in harmony and giving back to the community. Not a bad answer coming
from somebody part of a super secret organization I said. We both laughed and continued with
the interview.
I proceeded on to my next question. What are the requirements to be a freemason? I said.
You must be over the age of 18, must have in some sort of supreme being, whatever that being
may be, and you cant be a felon said the mason with a small grin on his face. He sounded like
he possessed a great knowledge and passion for masonry when he spoke. Well I meet 2 out of
the 3 of those requirements. Guess I shouldve thought twice before stealing right? We both
laughed once again. Next question.
Now let's get on with some more personal questions. So if Masonry is full of good men who
want to become even better, why do I read so many bad things about it online? I said. You can
find somebody out there thats always going to discredit something they may not want to be a
part of. They may not know what it is or have the initiative to learn about it. If you want the truth
about freemasonry, talk to a brother. Its just that simple. said the mason in a calm tone.

So if nothing sinister is going on, why are you guys so secretive?

The mason was dead silent.

5 seconds went by without

an answer and I could tell
this is a question that he
wasnt comfortable
answering. The avoidance
of this question told me
There must be something more to masonry than simply good men trying to become better as
they say. The way the mason looked left and right while remaining silent made him portray a
feeling of nervousness. Yeah, he was definitely not comfortable answering that, I thought to
So are you going to proceed with the interview? Said the mason. Why yes, my apologies. I
was just trying to remember the next question to ask you. So whats up with the secret masonic
handshake? The people are dying to know. I said trying to make up for the awkwardness of the
last question. Well in short, if you go to any website you can see it for yourself. The masonic
handshake is a brotherly grip where we can recognize each other both in dark and in light. It
simply means we can identify each other said the mason. Thats a pretty cool concept man. I
really appreciate your time. That concludes all the questions for the interview I said. I put away
my notebook into my backpack and looked at the mason dead in the eyes.
Now there's one last thing I wanted to ask you about. Youre familiar with the Denver
International Airport, correct? I said. Why yes, I am. I dont use it too often for travel but Ive
been there a few times said the mason. There have been conspiracies surrounding the airport
that involve the use of freemason symbols that are depicted in the paintings inside the airport.
Not only that, but there is a time capsule with the symbol of a compass sits in the air port. The
print at the bottom says New World Airport Commission. What does this all mean to you? I
said. The way I see it is, anything you look at can have some sort of hidden meaning and the
way I see it is, nothing about the airport to me seems unusual to me. As far as the time capsule,
that is an interesting find. I dont know much about it or the Airport Commission that is encrypted
on it said the mason. Of course he didnt know anything about it I thought to myself.
Cool. I appreciate you answering that. I also appreciate your time here once again. Its been a
pleasure interviewing you and I learned a lot about the fraternity. I said trying my best to end
the interview on a good note. Yeah anytime! You asked some pretty good questions. said the
mason. We shook hands and left the masonic lodge hall. As I was walking out, I kept thinking to
myself how nervous the mason seemed when I asked him the question about secrecy in the
order. Something about the way he answered wasn't right. It was another clue that gave me

hope and motivation to get to the bottom of this secret organization.

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