Pra Karan A Grant Has of Acharya

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Bhagwan Sankaracharya wrote a lot of Prakarana Granthas alongside his erudite commentaries on the

Prasthana Trayee. While the commentaries were expounding a deep philosophy even as they were
adept at confronting the other systems within the shad darshanas and the Budhists philosophy, the
PrakaraNAs were aimed at inclusion . While the philosophy of Adavita expounded in the commentaries
catered to the vidwans and Contained the advancement of Buddhism and the ritualistic pUrva
Mimamsa which had been the reason for the erosion of Santana Dharma, the PrakaraNa Granthas
were aimed people who would onto the path of spiritual advancement .
These are monographs by which a layman can easily understand the intricacies of the Darshanas and
the core philosophy that were vividly explained in the commentaries , in the simple language that the
Bhagwan Bhashyakartha employed. Prakarana Granthas by the Acharya also generally contain
excellent metaphors for easy comprehension and attracts the beginners.
The word Prakarana has many meaning but I am taking into account only three which are contextual.
The word PrakaraNa is Prakarshena karaNam. KaraNam means (1) a deed , (2) an action or
( C ) a companion.The first and the second meaning signify an act or deed by the author executed in a
grand manner / vividly. It is written in a manner so that it is attractive and comprehensible to the initiated.
Thus more and more people are included in this noble pursuit. These Granthas also explain the terms
and terminologies used in the Shastras.In this sense they are companion (guides) to the student when
he is about embark on the study of the shastras
To summarise the above points PrakasraNa GranthAs are writings by the author that explain complex
concepts in a simple manner , in an easily understandable language /manner and explain the terms and
terminologies employed in the ShastrAs. Tattva Bodh a great example of the latter point being a
companion guide to the study of the Shastraas.
I am never tired of reading the 109th sloka* of another PrakarshaNa Grantha Viveka CHoodAmaNi
which explains the elusive concept of Maya so well. It also explains the basic principle of the Advaita
Philosophy which is the very backbone of the concept expounded by the AcharyA AnirvachanIya
KhyAtE in the process of defining mAyA.
While Viveka ChUdAmani expounds many of the concepts , Drig Drushya Viveka explains one of the
tools used in the ShastrAs.Shatha slokee expalins few points in Question Answer form
However , I have one more point to Make.The greatness of our BhashyakartA is that the work would
seem simple and yet incorporate some grand concepts in an exceedingly lucid manner. This makes him
stand tall among all philosophers.
I will take just one exampleMany of us here have read and even taught Atma Bodha. This PrakaraNa
Grantha , even as it explains the concepts in a simple manner. One is able to understand the message,
enjoy the metaphor / similies used and the poetical magic employed and yet understand or miss a great
philosophical point.

Let us take the Verse 5 of Atma Bodha. ..


In conclusion I would like to state that these Monographs are far simpler and easier to arrive at an
unambiguous understanding of the great philosophy . When once the teaching is fully absorbed, then
one can take up the commentaries to know the subtle differences of approach in other systems and how
Advaita counters those viewpoints.

* sannApya sannApyubhAytmikA no
bhinnApyabhinnApyubhayAtmikA no |
sAngApyanangA hyubhayAtmikA no
mahAdbhutA AnirvacanIya rUpA || 109||

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