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CHAPTER 27 Graphic Organizer Activity

Modern Chapter 18 World War I and the Russian Revolution
Choosing Sides
Early in the 20th century many nations were put in the position of having to choose sides
in what came to be known as World War I. Complete the graphic organizer by supplying
the information asked for.

Reasons for forming the Triple How did the Balkan crisis bring these
Alliance alliances into conflict?

Reasons for forming the Triple


Reasons for United States neutrality How did the Zimmerman telegram
and the sinking of the Lusitania
influence American thinking?

Reasons for United States involvement

Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.

Holt World History: The Human Journey 53 Graphic Organizer Activities
GOA_CH27_HRW 12/5/01 6:00 PM Page 54

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CHAPTER 27 Graphic Organizer Activity

Modern Chapter 18 World War I and the Russian Revolution
Choosing Sides
Early in the 20th century many nations were put in the position of having to choose sides
in what came to be known as World War I. Complete the graphic organizer by supplying
the information asked for.

Reasons for forming the Triple How did the Balkan crisis bring these
Alliance alliances into conflict?
Germany wanted to isolate France and As a result of the assassination of
formed an alliance with Austria- Archduke Francis Ferdinand, Austria-
Hungary and Italy to do so. Hungary declared war on Serbia.
Russia responded on the side of Serbia
which caused treaty obligations to take
effect. This caused an armed conflict
between the two alliances.
Reasons for forming the Triple
Russia owed a debt of gratitude to
France and so joined with it. Great
Britain found Germany a threat to its
commercial interests.

Reasons for United States neutrality How did the Zimmerman telegram
America agreed with President Wilson’s and the sinking of the Lusitania
declaration in 1914 that the war was influence American thinking?
strictly a European affair. The U.S. American lives were lost in the sinking
population was made up of people from of the Lusitania. The Germans contin-
many European nations, and it was dif- ued their policy of unrestricted subma-
ficult to reach a consensus in terms of rine warfare which would put more
whose side to take. American lives in danger. The inter-
cepted Zimmerman telegram showed
Reasons for United States involvement Americans that Germany was looking
Americans were hit by British propa- to establish an alliance with Mexico
ganda which reported German atroci- which would pose a threat to American
ties. There existed a common cultural security.
link with the British in terms of lan-
guage and traditions.

Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.

Holt World History: The Human Journey 54 Graphic Organizer Activities

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