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09/09- 08/15

PhD. Counseling Psychology Candidate: Boston College

Dissertation: Using Racial and Gender Identity to Cope with Discrimination and its Effects on
Healthy Practices of Black Women

09/07- 08/09

M.S. Counseling: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Thesis: Contributions to School Satisfaction: Examining Educational Process of College Students
of Color and White Students


B.A. Sociology: University of California-Irvine

Thesis: The Influence of Self-Esteem on Skin Tone in African American College Students


Staff Clinician, American University Counseling Center

American University: Washington, D.C.
Provide individual and group (i.e., Sexual Assault Survivors Group) psychotherapy, instruct
seminars (e.g., Multicultural Seminar), facilitate trainings (e.g., Relational Cultural Theory), and
provide individual supervision to doctoral level psychology trainees at the Counseling Center. I
also engage in on-call crisis management and consultation, and provide urgent care services to
enrolled students at American University.

8/15- 7/15

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Behavioral Health Department

Chase Brexton Health Care: Baltimore, MD
Provided integrated outpatient health care services. Clinic specializes in providing culturally
competent and affirmative mental health services to LGBTQ clients, low-income clients, clients of
Color, with chronic pain, and who are HIV positive. I provided individual and group (i.e.,
Womens Support Group) psychotherapy services to adults, adolescents, and children. Clients
presented with various clinical concerns including gender transition and sex reassignment care,
coping with chronic health conditions and pain, and trauma. I also provided on-call consultations,
collaborated and consulted with primary care providers, and conducted initial assessments.

7/14- 7/15

Pre-Doctoral Clinical Intern, American University Counseling Center

American University: Washington, D.C.
Delivered individual and group (i.e., Understanding Self and Others and Sexual Assault
Survivors Group) therapy to enrolled graduate and undergraduate students at American
University. Clients presented with various clinical concerns including anxiety, depression, trauma,
self-harm behaviors, eating concerns, sexual assaults, and more. I engaged in on-call crisis
consultations and drop-in crisis triage and consultations. I also consulted with campus partners and
facilitated outreach programs (e.g., Sister Circle) on the university campus. In addition, I
provided supervision to doctoral level mental health trainees.


Psychology Intern/Trainee
The Walker School: Needham, MA
Provided group (e.g., social skills and expressive therapy), dyad, and individual therapy to
elementary and middle school children and adolescents in acute, residential, and day school
treatment programs. I provided consultations to teachers and case managers and administered and
provided feedback for psychological assessments (i.e., intellectual, neuropsychological,
behavioral, and projective evaluations including Rorschach). Clients predominately presented with
trauma (e.g., sexual and physical abuse and neglect) and trauma-related challenges, developmental
differences (e.g., Pervasive Developmental Disorder), anxiety, depression, and conduct disorders.


Psychology Intern/Trainee, Stone Center

Wellesley College: Wellesley, MA
Provided counseling services within the college setting for undergraduate, graduate, and
international students. This included individual and group (e.g., body image) counseling for a
variety of mental health concerns including but not limited to depression, trauma, anxiety,
maladaptive eating, adjustment, and academic concerns. I facilitated outreach events and
collaborated with the campus community, students families, and other helping professional on
and off Wellesley College campus.

8/08- 05/09

Psychology Intern/Trainee, Joining Forces for Families

Allied Drive Wellness Center: Madison, WI
Provided community mental health services to Dane County, Wisconsin. The clinic services in a
variety of capacities including HIV testing, diabetes education, free physician consultations, and
counseling services for individuals and families that are demographically low-income and
predominately people of Color. As a trainee, I co-facilitated a drug and alcohol addiction group,
developed and facilitated a psycho-education group for adolescent girls in the community,
provided individual therapy, consulted and collaborated with local schools and community
agencies, and provided outreach services.

8/08- 06/09

Psychology Intern/Trainee
Counseling Psychology Clinic (CPC): Madison, WI
Provided mental health counseling for the greater Madison community and University of
Wisconsin-Madison college student population. This included individual therapy to individuals
presenting with a variety of clinical concerns and stressors including depression, anxiety,
adjustment, social-and cultural concerns, trauma, and more. I received live observation and videorecorded observation feedback and supervision.


Instructor/Teaching Fellow, Interpersonal Relations

Boston College: Chestnut Hill, MA
Instructed a class of 25 undergraduate students in theories and research related to interpersonal
relationships. The course covered various topics including the psychological, cultural, social, and
historical perspectives on parenting, bullying, workplace relationships, interracial relationships,
gay and lesbian relationships, and more. As Instructor, I prepared two lectures and discussions a
week, developed and implemented a midterm and final exam and assigned and graded a research
paper and an individual presentation.


Instructor/Teaching Fellow, Abnormal Psychology

Boston College: Chestnut Hill, MA
Instructed a class of over 40 undergraduate students in principles, concepts, and theories of mental
health concerns and wellness. Course focused on socio-cultural conceptualizations, assessments,
and treatments for various mental health conditions, and provided various historical, social, and
cultural perspectives on nosology systems. Students engaged in active discussions, presentations,
and written assignments. As instructor, I prepared two lectures a week, developed and
implemented a midterm and final exam, and assigned and graded term papers and group projects.


Supervisor, Principles and Techniques Seminar

Boston College: Chestnut Hill, MA
Supervised and instructed first year masters in counseling (community mental health track)
students in individual and group supervision and discussion sessions. The affiliated course is an
introduction to counseling skills class designed to introduce students to the practice of mental
health counseling. I met with students in dyadic pairs bi-weekly and instructed weekly seminars.
Supervision included reviewing video recordings of role plays, live role-plays, and discussions
regarding professional development, ethics, and theory.

8/08- 05/09

Instructor, Academic Enhancement Seminar (AES)

University of Wisconsin-Madison: Madison, WI
Taught students on academic probation strategies for academic achievement. In classes of eight to
12 students, my curriculum reviewed topics such as goal setting, procrastination, value
identification, and individual reviews and support for motivation and success. Met with students
individually, when needed, and provided on- and off-campus resource referrals to support
students social and emotional needs.

9/07- 4/08

Group Leader, CASPER

(Collaborative After School Program of Education and Recreation)
Madison, WI
CASPER is an after school program designed to provide homeless and at-risk children with social,
physical, and academic activities through programs that foster friendship and personal growth. As Group
Leader, I designed and implemented classroom lessons, coordinated and supervised recreational
activities and special event day activities.



Mentor, Graduate Mentor Program (GMP)

Boston College: Chestnut Hill, MA
Worked one-on-one with an undergraduate student throughout the academic year. We met at least
once a month to discuss academic and social issues and concerns. As a mentor, I provided support
and resources for my mentee and met with a larger group of graduate student mentors to discuss
and create plans to support undergraduate students at Boston College.

6/10- 8/10

Counselor, Options Through Education (OTE)

Boston College: Chestnut Hill, MA
Supported incoming freshman students transition into college. I provided emotional, academic,
and social support to low-income and/or students of Color. Students took introductory college
courses, engaged in critical consciousness activities, and sought leadership positions within the
program. I provided individual counseling, facilitated group discussions, and planned activities
with a specific focus on cultural and social adjustment.


Group Facilitator, Girls Group

Jeremiah E. Burke High School: Dorchester, MA
Developed and facilitated a weekly psycho-education and process oriented group for sophomore
girls of Color in an underperforming high school. The group consisted of eight to ten girls. Topics
included influences of music and role models, healthy and unhealthy relationships, cultures of
aggression, race and culture in the school context, academic achievement, motivation, and family

6/10- 6/11

Academic Chair, Graduate AHANA Executive Board

Boston College: Chestnut Hill, MA
Organized and facilitated activities for the AHANA (African-American, Hispanic, Asian, and Native
American) graduate and undergraduate communities at Boston College. As Academic Chair, I organized
events to facilitate undergraduates understanding of graduate school and provided research and
academic advising.

1/05- 6/11

Mentor, Imani, Inc.

National Organization
Imani , Inc. is a national service organization focusing on community service and helping middle and
high school girls reach their goals. The program is designed as a support group for philanthropic,
educational and personal success. As a Mentor, I worked one-on-one and in group settings with
adolescent girls, conducted workshops, and organized events.


Group Facilitator, VOICES

(Voices of Interconnection: Creating Empowerment and Support)
Boston College: Chestnut Hill, MA
Developed and facilitated a bi-weekly support group for graduate students of Color at Boston
College. I developed and implemented the structure of program, recruited participants, and
evaluated the program. Topics included navigating academic programs, navigating racial stressors
in academic and residential communities, racial and gender dynamics in academia, and more.
Students derived from a variety of academic programs across the Boston College campus.


Advisor, Sisters, Lets Talk

Boston College: Chestnut Hill, MA
Sisters, Lets Talk is a support and discussion group for women of Color at Boston College. The
group consisted of undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff. As Advisor, I met with
and supported undergraduate students in their social and academic progress, and helped
undergraduate students facilitate workshops for groups. Topics included healthy lifestyles, body
image, women as leaders, healthy relationships, and more.


Coordinator, Circle of Success

Boston College: Chestnut Hill, MA
Coordinated a day-long workshop for sophomore and junior high school students of Color in the
Boston area. The workshop consisted of SAT preparation materials, a panel with undergraduate
college students, financial aid seminar, and discussions regarding race, culture, and education and
educational systems. As coordinator, I developed workshop materials, recruited participants,
facilitated activities, and coordinated presenters.

6/08- 8/08

Consultant, Mobile CHESS Research on Emergency Medical Services for Children

Center for Health Enhancement Systems Studies: Madison, WI
The CHESS program was developed to reduce emergency/urgent care visits/hospitalizations for
asthma-related conditions in low-income youth ages 12 to 18. I worked to develop racially and
culturally congruent images for the recruitment and engagement of participants on mobile devices.

5/08- 8/09

Crisis Line Counselor

Rape Crisis Center (RCC) of Dane County: Madison, WI
RCC provides services to children, men, and women who are victims or survivors of all forms of
sexual violence. RCC provides resources to victims and survivors families and friends and
community members and workers. As an RCC Crisis Line Counselor, I provided direct crisis
counseling and referred clients to RCC services including support groups, therapy, medical/legal
advocacy, and education.

2/08- 8/09

Facilitator, Diversity Dialogues

University of Wisconsin-Madison: Madison, WI
Consistent with university goals, Diversity Dialogues were developed to initiate conversations
across diverse groups of individuals to enhance the education and individual exploration of being
a diverse and cultural being. As a Facilitator, I implemented various activities to help high school
students, undergraduate, and graduate students begin conversing about various personal
experiences of diversity.

1/08- 08/09

Coordinator, College Access Program (CAP)

University of Wisconsin-Madison: Madison, WI
CAP is a program designed to aid high school students in preparation for college. The program
provides youth with a three week summer camp that instills writing and problem solving skills
while providing college preparation and career exploration opportunities. As Coordinator, I hired
and supervised staff, developed and implemented programs, selected students, and coordinated
daily events.


9/09- 6/14



Institute for the Study and Promote of Race and Culture

Boston College: Chestnut Hill, MA
Research Assistant
Developed and implemented programs, workshops, manuscripts, and research regarding racially
and culturally sensitive and inclusive assessments, measurement materials, and professional
awareness. I implemented a variety of projects such as evaluating social justice curriculum in
graduate level counseling programs, increasing mentoring programs for youths, conducting
reliability and factor analyses on assessment measures, and researching the influence of racial
identity on adolescent development. I also conducted a qualitative research project related to the
influence of role models on identity development in African American adolescent girls. Advisor:
Janet E. Helms, Ph.D. Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology Department.
Co-Coordinator, Diversity Challenge
Diversity Challenge is an international conference geared toward mental health professionals,
educators, and community leaders in order to engage in presentations and discussions with a
specific focus on race and culture and various pertinent issues (e.g., violence, gender, and
supervision). As Co-coordinator, I developed the call for proposals, selected presentations, and
coordinated presentation schedules, volunteers, and various tasks related to facilitating a
As Coordinator, I coordinated research team activities, supervised progress of various research and
outreach projects, interviewed potential team members, facilitated weekly team meetings,
provided trainings, facilitated relationships with community partners, and supported public
relations of ISPRC.


Research Assistant, Department of Counseling Psychology

University of Wisconsin-Madison: Madison, WI
This research focused on sexual health, values about sex, and sex education for adolescents. As a
research assistant, I focused on creating a curriculum that provided well-rounded sex education.
Advisor: Hardin L. K. Coleman, PhD. Supervisor: Laura Knudston. Counseling Psychology

2/08- 6/08

Research Assistant, Department of Counseling Psychology

University of Wisconsin-Madison: Madison, WI
This research team conceptualized the bombardment of images and stereotypes placed on Black
adolescent girls. I focused on themes of media influences, sexualization, parental involvement,
acceptance, role models, and peer relationships. Empowered Authentic Self Advisor: Alberta
Gloria, PhD. Education and Chicano/Latino Studies Department



Diversity Fellow
The Diversity Fellows program is designed to encourage diverse students to successfully navigate
their doctoral programs. As a Fellow, I interacted with a diverse group of peers and received
mentoring designed to facilitate my professional development.
Boston College
Funded Tuition and Stipend


Apprenticeship in College Teaching Certification

This program was designed to support graduate students seeking professional development in
teaching at the college level. I attended didactic seminars, received a teaching observation and
evaluation, observed and evaluated other instructors, and developed a teaching portfolio
Boston College


Advanced Opportunities Fellow (AOF)

The Advance Opportunities Fellow program was created to support diverse graduate students at
the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Through mentorship and peer support and networking,
graduate students are encouraged to pursue various opportunities to enhance their academic
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Funded Tuition and Stipend


Canada, D., Helms, J. E., Yu, Q., Paler, L., & Williams, S. (2015). Racial Identity Predicting Black Womens
Body Image, Health Attitudes and BMI. Paper submitted for publication.
Williams, S. et al. (2012, August). Examining girls of Colors experiences in group therapy: The role of the
facilitator. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,
Orlando, Fl.
Williams, S. (2012, April). Exploring diverse careers. Invited Panelist for Roxbury Youths Program, Roxbury, MA
Williams, S. (2011, October). The influence of role models on identity development in African American adolescent
girls: A focus on media. Paper presented at the annual Diversity Challenge, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Williams, S. (2011, August). The influence of role models on identity development in African American adolescent
girls. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington,
Williams, S. (2011, February). Unspoken Thoughts. Invited panelist for the Office of AHANA Student Programs,
Chestnut Hill, MA.
Williams, S. (2010, November). Promoting positive identity in Black adolescent girls. Poster presented at the annual
conference of the Massachusetts Psychological Association, Wellesley, MA.
Williams, S. (2010, August). Racial and culturally informative approaches to teaching and encouraging safer sex
practices for African American female adolescents. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the
American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
Williams, S. (2009, April). The art of dialogue with youth. Invited presentation presented at AmeriCorp, Madison,
Williams, S., Hamilton, K., & Gloria, A. (2008, August). Ethnic identity, skin tone, and self-esteem in Black
adolescent girls. Poster presented at the Annual International Convention of the Association of Black
Psychologists, Oakland, CA.

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