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Virtual Space Real Crime

With the developing and expanding computer and cellular technologies, human
lives have started to evolve and revolve around the wired and wireless networks.
While enjoying the staggering benefits of these technologies, which is digging
deeper into our lives with every passing minute, are we ready to defend the threats
and risks it brings along? Are we even aware of the dangers that may be unleashed
if such cyber technologies are misused?


A few months ago, Nusrat received a link on Facebook to visit a website. Being a
curious netizen, she clicked on the link which directed her to the 'Facebook Login
Page' where she was required to provide her email address and password. She
provided the necessary information and finally was directed to the webpage
mentioned in the link. A few days later, Nusrat's friends found Nusrat asking for
flexi-loads on a particular number and money on Facebook chat. When they asked
her in person, she was struck by lightning as she never asked any of her friends for
money or flexi-loads via Facebook chat. Following that incident, an unknown person
called her up and started asking for money in return for 'giving her Facebook
account back'. Nusrat informed all her friends about the matter and deleted her
Facebook account.

Zarif (not his real name) learned webpage designing and some basic programming
from his elder brother when he was in school. Now, a BBA student at a reputed
university, Zarif is an expert at web designing and different programming
languages. Programming was fun. But when I started to learn about hacking,
making micro virus, I became more and more curious in this area, he smirks while
he mentions. 'Phishing' is like a piece of cake to him and phishing is the cyber crime
Nusrat was victimised by. All you have to do is create a webpage that looks like
that of an organisation, take Facebook for example. As the admin of that webpage,
whatever information someone provides there, I get direct access to it; of course
there are some technical details I have to go through but these details are kind of a
secret and way too complicated for someone non-technical, he explains with
'wisdom'. Hacking, phishing, spreading viruses are sources of entertainment to
Zarif, and to people like him. When you are using a technology, you better have
proper knowledge about it. The rules are of those in real life; if you are not careful

enough you will be betrayed, you will be victimised, he blames it on the not-soexpert internet users.

Both people mentioned above are affiliated with cyber crime; the former as a victim
and the latter as a criminal. Last year's celebrity pornographic scam, the hacking of
official websites of some crucial ministries this year have made cyber crime a buzz
word in this country.

Though we use the term 'cyber crime' quite frequently, we barely know the
definition of it, says Quazi MH Supan, assistant professor at the Department of Law
in the University of Dhaka, and there isn't any concrete definition of cyber crime,
there shouldn't be any because of the ever changing nature of the modern
technologies and the crimes related to them. Though there is no standardised
definition, the Information and Communication Technology Act, 2006 of Bangladesh,
which, according to Quazi is a cut-paste of the Indian cyber act, mentions some
specific crimes that fall under the cyber crime category.

Though it includes cyber crimes like internet pornography, harassment, religious

and social corruption, major cyber crimes like copyright infringement or privacy
violation have not been included as cyber crime, complains Quazi. He says that,
even the text messages sent from the mobile operators to their subscribers or
government information texted to mobile subscribers fall under cyber crime,
according to the International Cyber Crime Convention (active since July, 2004). He
adds that if a mobile operator had sent its subscribers unwanted text messages,
they would have been bankrupt to pay the fine in Canada (according to the CANSPAM Act). We download free movies, music, books and assorted things from the
internet and thus violate the copyright infringement act. Though uploading and
downloading pornography is illegal in Bangladesh, it is the most widely practiced
cyber crime here. Whereas the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) should have been
responsible for monitoring such crimes, we aren't practicing any such policy.

Due to the lack of awareness and knowledge, people in Bangladesh are easy prey
for cyber criminals. With the developing technology, cyber crime is improving and
increasing as well, says Quazi. Cyber crime, which probably started with spam
mails and Trojan attacks in Bangladesh, has now extended to debit/credit card
forgery, cell-phone threats and frauds. In the last five months, we have received
around 90 complaints of cell-phone threats and frauds and we have deactivated
around 110 SIMs, informs Md Masudur Rahman, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

(ADC) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP). These are the numbers of the crime
cases filed; the actual number of such crimes committed is much higher and
statistically unknown to the authorities. To make things worse, it's not just the
number that's increasing in this genre of crime; the intensity and severity of the
crime is increasing too.

On September 5, 2008, the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) authorities discovered their
website flashing 'The government does not take any step for ICT development but
passed a law about anti-cyber crimeYou do not know what the cyber security is or
how to protect yourselfListen, hackers are not criminal. They are 10 times better
than your (RAB) experts. We are genius beyond your imagination'. Apparently, the
RAB official website was hacked by Shahi Mirza, Md Ishtiaq, Zayedul Hossain and
Tawhidul Islam who were traced and then arrested and later sent to jail by the joint
investigation of RAB's intelligence and communication wings on the following day.
After hacking the RAB website, the hacker faked his IP address. But he used his
name and valid email address during the defacement. By tracking his email address
RAB got his address and mobile number and subsequently RAB was able to find out
the hackers, informs a RAB media personnel. RAB's anti-cyber crime team along
with RAB 10 also successfully caught the culprits who posted obscene and satirical
pictures of some noted politicians of the country on Facebook. But these examples
are rather the exceptions in the stack of many unresolved cases. In 2010, the Prime
Minister's website was hacked by an Indian hacker, in March of the same year 20
Government district portals were hacked, recently in 2011 a good number of
ministry websites were hacked too- none of the criminals have been arrested or
even identified yet.

The mentioned cases were highlighted in the media, due to the fact that those were
affiliated with the government. But it's not just the government websites or the
defense websites that have been hacked. The corporate companies and the
individuals of this country are also vulnerable to cyber crime in a multitude of levels
but their stories are barely heard of. Colonel Zia, director of RAB's intelligence wing
says, Our intelligence wing is currently dealing with a number of cyber crime cases
affiliated with corporate companies. But these companies do not want these issues
to go public as it might harm their reputation. For example, we worked on the
Eastern Bank case when they got hacked; but they didn't flash the news because it
would create panic among its customers; moreover this sort of news badly harms a
company's credibility, he continues. But Zia thinks these companies should at least

let its customers know about any such cyber threat or attack otherwise these
customers will have to pay for the company's lapse in cyber security.

When cyber crime is committed against an individual in Bangladesh, it's mostly

done through social harassment than financial damage. This is one of the main
reasons that cyber crime cases are not filed very often. In these cases, the victim is
often scared of more harassment and deterioration of reputation, says professor S
Aminul Islam, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka. And that's how cyber
criminals get away without even having to deal with law and enforcement. A few
months ago, The Daily Ittefaq reported that a number of women in Dhaka were
abandoned by their fiancs as there were obscene pictures of those women on
Facebook. Nothing was done to punish the culprits behind those fake profiles. Sakib
received an email a few months ago which contained the detailed list of his phone
calls, texts and even the content of the texts. The mailer asked for money to keep
his personal information private. Sakib didn't know what to do; he didn't know
whether to go to the police or to give money to this person or to complain at his
mobile service provider. He remained quiet and fortunately nothing happened.

But one cannot always keep quiet and do nothing. Rafia (not her real name) is one
of the brave-hearts who showed the courage to stand against this cyber harassment
and demand justice. But you have to know under what circumstances I had filed
that complaint to the police, says Rafia. This man, Aleem, who had been
harassing me, is an uncle of mine. But as he was my age, I had a friendly relation
with him, she continues, But when my parents went abroad and I was alone he

started behaving differently. This uncle cum friend of Rafia seems to have
misinterpreted the friendship and when he was refused by Rafia, he started
harassing and disturbing her. At one point he forcefully took her cell-phone,
collected her personal pictures, contacts and other information from it and created
a fake profile from her name on Facebook. He added her friends and her brother
from that fake profile. He posted some tampered pictures of her and wrote
disturbing texts on her wall and status. He kept calling her, her brother and mother,
first to malign her and then to ask money in return to delete the fake profile. Rafia
requested her mami (aunt) to ask her brother Aleem to stop this, but Aleem didn't.
As the harassment and the story of it spread and went over her head, Rafia, with
the help and suggestion of her friends and teacher Shajib, filed a GD (General Diary)
at the Kotwali police station in Chittaging. If I gave into his threats, I would have to
remain his slave for the rest of my life, says Rafia. The police officers at the
Kotwali station were really helpful. They listened to my story, took the statements of
other witnesses and eventually arrested Aleem, she adds.

The legal procedure is to communicate with the Interpol and collect the password
of the profile from Facebook. But it wasn't possible for us but within seven days, we
arrested Aleem, took him in remand and collected the password of the fake profile
from him. He had confessed his crime in remand and after collecting the password
from him the police had the necessary evidence, says Sadip Das, sub inspector at
the Kotwali station who was involved with the case. Aleem has not been granted
bail but the court hasn't yet pronounced its verdict. But Aleem's family members
still threaten Rafia. I have been thro ugh a time when I felt like dying. The
password he used for that fake account was 'callgirl' and this is nothing compared
to what he has said about me to his and my friends, families and acquaintances,
she adds. But what she did is exemplary and worth following. Her triumph is the
proof that cyber criminals can be caught and punished in this country.

But the number of such criminals who are actually caught remains very few in
Bangladesh. Countries that have ratified the International Cyber Crime Convention
are supposed to monitor, investigate cyber crimes and capture and punish the
cyber criminals, says Quazi, the assistant professor of law at the University of
Dhaka. According to him, though Bangladesh doesn't have a proper monitoring
body, the major problem behind the cyber criminals not getting arrested is that we
don't have efficient and well-equipped investigation teams in police, RAB or CID. As
the cyber technology is developing, the expertise of the cyber criminals is
enhancing as well. If our defense doesn't stay a step ahead, we will not be able to

prevent cyber crime, adds Quazi. According to him, as our intelligence forces are
not well trained and well informed of the laws and acts regarding cyber crimes,
police often is reluctant to take complaints against such crimes.

Moreover, although we have an ICT Act, we do not have proper policies to

implement it. According to this act, a cyber tribunal and a cyber appellate tribunal
are required to handle the cases regarding this area but none of such tribunals
exist! adds Quazi. Added to that, mentions Quazi that, the ICT Act is flawed on
many levels. It lacks some vital branches of cyber crime and it doesn't have proper
provisions to prevent a lot of them. It doesn't force the ISPs to monitor crimes like
downloading or uploading pornography or copyright materials, he informs.

Another issue that makes cyber criminals almost next to impossible to detect is the
very nature of the crime it's cyber after all and it takes place in a virtual space. If
you kill someone with arsenic or cyanide, you can get the evidence even after a
year from the dead body, but when a crime is committed through computer, the
evidence can be deleted before the next morning, mentions Quazi. He also informs
that, many a time, suspects are taken in remand and forced to confess to the police;
but such confessions are not granted as evidence at the court. Masudur Rahman,
ADC at the DMP also admits the difficulty in collecting evidence against the cyber
criminals and tracking them. Suppose someone is giving you threats over the cell
phone. We can get the number but as most SIMs are not registered, it becomes
almost impossible to track the criminal, says Masudur. He also mentions the hurdle
to detect a criminal when s/he commits the crime using a computer at a cyber caf.
Our cyber cafes do not keep proper record or monitoring of the users. So even if we
can trace the MAC and IP address of a criminal, it's not possible to track him/her
physically if s/he uses cyber caf, he adds.

Due to its novel nature, cyber crime is not always taken as seriously or thought as
harmful as it can be both by the potential victims and by the criminals. Zarif, the
'anonymous' hacker, thinks when he hacks someone or infects a computer with
virus, he does not cause any mortal danger. But according to professor S Aminul
Islam, Though cyber crime is often considered as a victimless crime, its impact can
be deadly. As this crime doesn't have any border, its grasp is vast. Cyber crime
can jeoperdise national security and break up families, he adds. But Ahmed, an
engineer at a telecommunication vendor says that pornography, if it's not a child
porno, is a source of entertainment for many; if the porn is made commercially why
would it be harmful or illegal to download and watch it? Countering Ahmed's
argument, Islam says that besides the fact that pornography is illegal in
Bangladesh, unacceptable in our culture and morally degrading, it has played a role
in breaking families apart and causing unrest in the society. We had studied a case
where a husband, who was addicted to internet pornography, had forced his wife to
enact the things showed in the porn. As the wife was doing those things against her
will, it was a rape. Due to her husband's indulgence, she had to suffer both mentally
and physically, Islam explains.

Cyber cafes give hackers the scope to invade people's privacy.

Photo: Zahedul I Khan

In 2010, when an Indian hacker hacked the PM's website, he declared a cyber war
against Bangladesh. And we are not prepared or equipped to fight this war, says
Quazi. Both Quazi and Masudur admit that our police and the cyber crime wing do
not have proper training to combat cyber crimes. RAB doesn't even have a separate
section for cyber crime. Our intelligence officers voluntarily work on such cases,
using and implementing whatever resources and knowledge they have, mentions
Col Zia, the director of the intelligence wing. Access to Information (A2I), a UNDP
project that patronises the government websites, has also failed to provide
protection. When we created the websites and portals for the public, says
Naimuzzaman Mukta, the People's Perspective Specialist at the A2I, we made all
information accessible as there weren't anything classified. To maintain the
simplicity of the sites, we did not put much effort on their security, he admits. But
websites which contain classified and confidential information, such as the website
of the Ministry of Finance, have been well protected since the beginning and haven't
been hacked yet, adds Mukta.

The fact is, no matter how securely a website is built or an account is maintained,
hackers find their way through. Websites of the CIA and the FBI haven't been able to
protect themselves from these evil geniuses. But measures should be taken in
individual, corporate and national levels. Quazi mentions some precautions that can
be taken to protect one from cyber crimes:

Upgrade your anti-virus regularly.

Always use firewall to prevent unauthorized network access and insure secured

Do not download free software or files from any and every site; most of them have
malicious software (malware) attached to them.

Do not download any email attachment without scanning it for virus

Do not use cyber cafs; most cafes have keylocker software installed in their
computers which can record one's email address and password and basically
everything that is typed.

Decrease the digital divide- financially, socially and age-wise by providing proper
technological knowledge and access to all regardless of their backgrounds or status

Create and implement proper policies on the national level

Masudur talks more on national level precautions and law amendments as he

suggests about the measures that can be taken. According to him, cyber crime is
and will be increasing; the legal sections regarding this crime need to be revised
and polished, cyber crime must be taken under the cognizable crimes so that
people can case FIRs (First Information Report) against such crimes. He also points
out the ambiguities in the laws regarding cyber crime, A cyber criminal can be
jailed for a maximum of 10 years and can be fined up to one crore taka. But what if
the victim of the crime commits suicide? Will the punishment be the same? Should
it? He continues, And who gets to keep the money collected from the fund- the
victim or the government? And what if the criminal doesn't have one crore taka?
There is no mention of alternate punishments in the cyber law.

The human mind is a great and uncontrollable weapon. Without strict

implementation of the laws, vigilant monitoring and exemplary punishment, the
acceleration and austerity of cyber crime cannot be controlled. In parallel to that,
common people need to be educated and made aware of the common threats,
precaution measures and law and enforcement services that can help them.

The World Wide Web is a web full of limitless possibilities and abysmal dangers
where, according to Zarif, Might is right and the fittest will survive. It's a jungle out
there and you better have your weapon- your mind- honed.

Copyright (R) 2011

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