Sociology 1

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Project 1: Video/DVD Analysis

In the video Too Quick To Judge, it shows a scene of a young lady who has hearing
impairment so that she could not communicate and interact very well with the others. When she
was drawing in the park, there was a young man who sit next to her and complimented on her
drawing, but she did not answer him back and he was offended badly. Due to the fact that shes
deaf and was focusing on her drawing the whole time, she did not notice that the man was sitting
next to her and talking to her. However, the man did not know this, he quickly showed negative
behavior toward this lady and judged her instead of thinking about the other reasons that might
affect her action and behavior. He said to her that all girls are the same these days, rude and
disrespectful. In the end, the lady had to write a sorry letter to him because her disability had
offended him.
From the perspective of Auguste Comte, a French sociologist and philosopher who
established a science of society that reveals the basic laws of society, he believed these laws
would help us understand one of the key principals of a society which is social statics, which
are the rules by which society hold together and order is maintained. Social statics are the
combination of Symbolic Interactionism and Functionalism Perspectives in which every part of
our society must interact and function together through languages, religions, and divisions of
labors in order to maintain social order. I believe that he would view this video as a
nonfunctional society because the man and the lady in this video did not communicate very well
with each other, which represents the lack of language. They both have different circumstances,
one is a wellbeing person and one has hearing impairment, so they could not sit together and
simply communicate with each other due to the ladys disability. Missing this essential part has

affected both of their feelings, the man becomes angry and quickly judges her while the lady
feels very sorry and unhappy because of her natural disability.
Similar to Comte, Emile Durkheim also believed in the significance of social order. He
emphasized that societies were held together due to the performance of similar tasks and shared
values, languages, and symbols. From his viewpoint, the parts of our society are interdependent
that each part influences the others in which we must work together to maintain a healthy
society. Once again, Durkheim would view this video as a non-functionalist society because the
man did not help or work together with the lady who has hearing impairment to maintain their
conversation. He did not understand what are the reasons behind her silence and he was too
quickly to judge her. He chose to express negative feeling towards her. He created an idea that all
girls are similar to her who are rude and disrespectful, which are very wrong. This situation is
called anomie; according to Durkheim, anomie is a weak sense of social solidarity because of
the lack of agreed upon rules to guide behavior, so that it has affected the likelihood of
loneliness, isolation, and despair in a more negative way. Due to the ladys silence, the male feels
despair about the girls in this generation, while the female feels loneliness and isolation due to
her hearing impairment.
Different than Comte and Durkheim, Karl Marx believed in Conflict Perspective that
focuses on the role of power and resources in our society. The society is not stable like what
Comte and Durkheim believed, instead it is full of inequality, conflict, and tension between
different groups and classes. Even though his belief is mainly about the power and resources that
control these social problems, I believe that he would view the ladys hearing impairment as an
inequality in our society. Not everyone in our society has the same opportunities, one is born
rich, one is born poor, and in this video the female is born with hearing loss. Meanwhile, the man

has no disability or anything, which make his life more comfortable and better than the lady, so
he has never experienced anything like she has experienced. In social view, he is considered
perfect. Because of that, the man did not show empathy to the lady and quickly judged her, like
the rich kid judged the poor kid, like it is their fault for being poor, like it is her fault for being
In the conclusion, this video mostly represented the Symbolic Interactionism Perspective
which generalizes the relationship of individuals within their society. It mainly focuses on
communication, the exchange of meaning through language and symbol. The man was socially
constructed to believe that everyone who does not answer him back is a rude and disrespectful
person, without thinking about other reasons, while the poor girl could not hear him and ended
up offending him. They could not exchange a conversation through speaking language, if the
man takes some time to figure out the reasons why she stayed quiet, he could have used some
hand gestures or sign languages to let the lady know that he is complimenting her. Nowadays,
due to the effects of the wars and chemical foods and products, there are many people having
disabilities than the past, we should show empathy to these people and perhaps learn some sign
languages to communicate with them to help them feel better and make a better society. This
video also applies to real life that we usually judge people based only on our observation and
experience, with the thought that we're always right.
Works Cited
Too Quick To Judge (Touching Short-Film). Youtube, 29 August 2014. Web. 6 July 2016.
Witt, john. Chapter 1 / The Sociological Imagination. Soc 2016. New York: McGraw-Hill
Education, 2016. Print. 6 July 2016.

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