Matthew Machugh CV 27 July 2016

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- Matthew MacHugh

Production Team Assistant - Production Management


Tel: 0786 404 3037


A capable, conscientious Production Management Assistant with nearly 2 years experience in BBC
Northern Ireland, working with many departments: News; Radio Ulster; Digital & Learning; Politics;
Sport; Entertainment & Events; as well as both Network and Regional TV Current Affairs (Panorama &

I am highly organised, able to juggle many tasks at once and prioritise time sensitive tasks to a high
standard whilst being sharp with my deadlines. I deal with issues that may arise in a professional,
pragmatic and efficient way. I like to think of myself as a good problem solver who knows how to use
the assets and people available to me in order to get the job done to a high standard and on time. I can
work effectively in a pressurised and challenging environment and I approach tasks with common
sense. As part of my job I frequently deal with a lot of confidential information which I handle
discreetly and sensitively. I have excellent communication and research skills as well as excellent
organisational skills which help me plan productions to a high standard. I am a hard worker and love
working for the BBC.


SAP payments / MyBusiness

P4A, DaVinci, ENPS, Dalet, Short Talks,
iBroadcast, Cinegy, Fastclear, Condeco,
Co-ordinating and organising complex
travel arrangements, accommodation
and specialist filming equipment
Full, clean UK driving licence (with BBC
Driver Declaration)
Social Media trained
Canon XF305 filming
Final Cut Pro Editing
Researching (iWonder guides)
Experienced Runner (News, Factual,
Events & Drama)

Experienced Team Assistant (Digital &

Learning & TV Network Current Affairs)
Experienced Autocue Operator (News,
Politics, Sport)
Experienced Phone Operator (Radio
Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel
and PowerPoint

BBC Work
BBC Network TV Current Affairs (Team Assistant) February 9th 2016 - Present

For Network TV Current Affairs I assist nearly everyone in the department with a wide variety of tasks
and requests for Panorama, This World BBC 2 and BBC 3 documentaries. I attend production meetings;
look after, sign out, sign in and repair (via TOPS) all departmental camera equipment (305, 105, FS7,
FS5, GoPros, 5D, GH4, PMW300) tripods, lights, cards, props and accessories; help to set up the
production office with the necessary stationary and printer supplies; organising travel arrangements
for cast, crew and executives; organising accommodation for cast and crew; typing and distributing
schedules, or call sheets; assisting cast members, and at times running errands for them; running
errands between the production office and other departments; dealing with accounts and expenses;
creating carnet documents from scratch; booking meeting rooms; dealing with external preferred
suppliers to get additional departmental equipment at good prices.

March 2014

Below is a list of programmes I have worked on for the department. There are 6 more Panorama/This
World/BBC 3 programmes I am currently working on; however I am not at liberty to discuss them until

Unsolved: Who killed Damien? (BBC 3) Team Assistant, TX: 25/07/2016
Britain's Missing Young People (BBC 1) Team Assistant, TX: 25/07/2016
The Orlando Nightclub Massacre (BBC 1) Team Assistant, TX: 27/06/2016
Britain and Europe: The Immigration Question (BBC 2) Team Assistant, TX: 14/06/2016
Greece: Migrant Kids in Crisis (BBC 3) Team Assistant, TX: 19/04/2016
Tax Havens of the Rich & Powerful Exposed: Panama Papers (BBC 1), Team Assistant, TX: 04/04/2016
Too Poor to Stay Warm (BBC 1), Team Assistant, TX: 21/03/2016
Britain's Secret Slavery Business (BBC 2), Team Assistant, TX: 11/03/2016

BBC Digital & Learning (Team Assistant) June 7th 2015 December 31st 2015

As the Production Team Assistant for Digital & Learning, I assisted and supported my colleagues
administratively and creatively, for iWonder online guides; School Report learning inititives; Make it
Digital events; Rewind archive; Sunday Morning Live; regional events such as Tall Ships, Music Day and
the Proms; as well and the Online Team. It was here I learned how to make POs to pay clients and
contributors, use iBroadcast to update BBC webpages, use Fastclear to pay for legally usable images,
edit with Cinegy, create P4A documentation, pay foreign contributors via Short Talks, get familiar with
SAP and organsie meetings through Condeco.
I was creatively and editorially involved in researching all of the dates and anniversaries for the
promotional BBC School Report Calendar which was printed and distributed to every secondary school
in Northern Ireland (and can be viewed online here: I also worked with Kaizen
Print step by step to design this calendar from a blank page to a colourful and vibrant A2-sized year
planner. I designed Make it Digital promotional materials such as boxes and postcards on Photoshop
( I operated the Canon XF305 camera to film interviews for True North Shorts
behind the scenes (, researched the entire content of the Proms Quiz app
independently ( and assisted with statistical research of the iWonder guide:
Why are Americans so Obsessed with Guns? (

BBC Newsline Runner, Radio Ulster Phone Operator and Politics Runner
November 2014 June 2015

As one of many Newsroom runners I printed, photocopied and distributed running orders, headlines
and full scripts through ENPS to the Floor Manager, Director, Vision Mixer, Assistants and the audio
professionals in the gallery. I took newsworthy calls from the public whilst in the newsroom and typed
up their potential news stories into the Belfast News folder in ENPS. I also perfected the autocue
system here.
As a phone operator for Radio Ulster, I met, greeted and chaperoned guests who came into the studio,
and answered copious amounts of calls from the public in the phone room to transcribe their thoughts
& opinions for shows such as Talkback, Nolan, Spotlight, Hugo Duncan, Your Place and Mine, On your
Behalf, Saturday Sport and Lynette Fay. I also handled confident information about our guests
discreetly and sensitively.
For Politics, I operated the autocue for Stormont Today, The View (live) and Sunday Politics (live). I was
autocue operator for Sinn Feins Party Conference on the 7th of March and was a Runner throughout
the general elections overnight shift on 7th/8th May 2015.

March 2014


Documentary Filmmaker and Editor - Dunfanaghy Jazz and Blues Festival 2013 - September 2013
I filmed, edited and interviewed for my film completely independently for no money and the
video can be viewed here: It is used on Social media every
September to promote the festival.

Documentary Filmmaker and Editor Forgotten Children Teaser February 2013
I edited a promotional trailer for a fictional documentary series in University entitled
Forgotten Children which can be seen here:

Documentary Filmmaker and Editor Wikileaks: Realise, Real Lies September 2011
I created a short documentary about the famous Collateral Murder leak in 2011 which can be
seen here:

Shadowing / Researching with RMC Media for 1 week in June 2012.
Electronic Press Kit / Behind the Scenes Cameraman for BBC / Kindle Entertainments
production: The Life and Adventures of Nick Nickleby for 4 weeks in June 2012.
Documentary Runner for Tern TVs production The Man who Shrunk the World, presented by
William Crawley. 3 days experience in July 2012.
Shadowing / Researching at Below the Radar in August 2011.
Shadowing / Editing at Waddell Media in January 2009.

2:1 BA (Hons) Film Studies, University of Southampton
Dissertation title: An American Dream: The Mythologised History of America

3 Distinctions HND Media Production, Belfast Metropolitan College

F.E. award achieved in my final year for Academic Achievement. 3 of my films were shown at the QFT
as part of the PressPlay Film Festival.

9 passes (A-C) from GCSE level including Maths and English, Methodist College Belfast


Music Playing guitar and writing classical film scores
Travel I love traveling to new cities and exploring other cultures
News/Current Affairs - I have an unquenchable thirst to read as much worldwide news as I can
Movies/TV: I am a big film fan and HBO drama fan


News - Paul Green (Newsroom Runner + Radio Ulster Phone Operator)
Digital and Learning - Shane Glynn (Team Assistant)
Network TV Current Affairs - Lisa Megarry (Team Assistant)
Politics -Brooke Allen (Autocue)
Radio ulster - Mandy Niblock (Phone Operator)
Sport - Conor Flynn (Autocue)
Entertainment & Events - Mike Edgar (Tall Ships, Proms & Music Day

March 2014

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