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Think about what you read in the chapter about aging and sexual arousal and response. Has
what you've learned changed any stereotypes or attitudes that you've held about older people
and sexual activity? Explain.

One of the main reasons I decided to write my essay on this topic it

because Ive always wondered if and how the older generation still interact
sexually. Honestly, I have always thought that as people get older, their
sexual desire decreases because of their lack of energy and, basically,
because theyre not as young as they used to be! However, as I read the
chapter about aging and the sexual response cycle, I was surprised that not
only do women still reach orgasm, but that their sexual lives dont stop just
because theyre older.
The first physiological response to sexual arousal, vaginal lubrication,
typically begins more slowly in an older woman. Instead of taking 10 to 30
seconds, it may take several minutes or longer before vaginal lubrication is
observed (Crooks and Baur, 2014, pg. 170). Its interesting to know that
even though women have gotten older with age, often times their sexual
lives are still very active. The fact that their bodies are still able to function,
even if its slower than when they were 20, sexually and normally at an older
age is very interesting. Even though women at an older age are still able to
have active sexual lives, women report decreased sexual desire and
sensitivity of the clitoris, both of which interfere with excitement (Crooks
and Baur, 2014, pg. 171).
Another interesting fact I found while reading was that [o]lder women
remain capable of multiple orgasms and may continue to experience them
(Crooks and Baur, 2014, pg. 171). Orgasm appears to be an important
aspect of sexual activity to older women. One survey found that 69% of
women ages 60-91 listed orgasm first in response to the question what do
you consider a good sexual experience? (Crooks and Baur, 2014, pg. 171). I
was surprised that women at that age are still capable of having orgasms.
How amazing is the human body? In addition, 65% of the women reported
that their frequency of orgasm was the same as when they were younger
(Crooks and Baur, 2014, pg. 171). That is one of the facts that astounded me
the most! They are now capable, even at their older age, to still reach
orgasm during sexual stimulation. I was honestly surprised by the facts and
evidence in this book in regards to aging and sexual activity.
Its no surprise that when boys are younger they are able to have an
erection within seconds. Ive seen this happen even when I just give my
boyfriend a hug! However, as males get older, their ability to have a quick
erection decreases with age. Instead of requiring 8-10 seconds, a man

might require several minutes of effective stimulation to develop an erect

penisfurthermore, an older mans erection may be less firm than was
typical of his younger days (Crooks and Baur, 2014, pg. 171). I knew that as
men get older its hard to have an erected penis, thats why they have
medicines like Viagra to help with that process. Most men retain their
erectile capacities throughout their lifetimes (Crooks and Baur, 2014, pg.
172), this statement made sense because Hugh Heffner, playboy founder, is
still able to have sexual pleasure at his ripe age of 90 years.
Overall, I was pleasantly surprised about the statistics and evidence
proved within this chapter of the book. I am happy to know that older people
are still active in their sex lives, because Im sure they wouldnt want to stop
just because theyve gotten older! I think when Eric Jong said, Sex doesnt
disappear, it just changes forms is a perfect summary of the sex lives
between the older generations.
Works Cited
Lo, Em &. "20 Quotes That Celebrate Sex in Old Age." The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 30 June 2016.
Baur, K., & Crooks, R. (2014). Our Sexuality (Eleventh ed.). Belmont,
California: Wadsworth.

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