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Wetter Water: Geometry and Hydration

The modern materialistic approach to scientific methodology resulted from a schism

of phenemonology , dogmatizing fallacious axioms and rejecting all data demonstrating the
importance of subjective aspects nature. For our world to turn itself around we must reevaluate what we think we know on every scale. Begin simply with learning to drink and
eat healthily in balanced environments to feel and think coherently to act synergetically with
other awakening beings to co-create the infrastructure and social states we desire. Step one:
Hydration. This first of many articles attempts to reawaken mans understanding of the four
archetypal elements or Vedic tattwas of water, air, earth, fire and their structural
relationship to the fifth element of ether, the universal creative principle, and their polarized
role in the dynamics of creation of physical reality.
Name the most advanced computational system known to man whether
technological or natural (well, besides what potentially generates the artificial fabric of the
universe itself)? The most probable answer: the mammalian brain. By volume, the average
brain contains over 90% water, surrounding a fractal scaffolding of proteins and fats, forming
trillions of gateways for neuro-electrochemical communication. Water acts as a highly
malleable medium capable of transferring information. For example, people with a condition
known as hydranencephaly, have water not brain matter, filling the skull, but act as fully
functional adults, with minimal brain size . How is this so? As electrical engineer Thomas
Bearden claims, the brain is a vacuum/ether machine. Then water acts as a medium
capable of transferring electromagnetic and even the most subtle and etheric energies in
nature. Water became an unknown in science due to its familiarity. It is much more than a
solvent and nutrient delivery. The time is now to dig this well of truth.
Lack of proper hydration is a significant concern for a large portion of the world,
leading to decreased immune function. The quality of water, in particular its geometric
molecular arrangement, within the cell, determines the rate of aging. The problem of
hydration is not in the lack of water but in the lack of quality water and a system to maintain
its integrity. Despite having clean aquifers and saturating the water with 30+ adulterants to
maintain potability, the water from the tap does not hydrate effectively. One may drink a
gallon of tap water and not pass hydration tests. This boils down to surface tension, a direct
result of the geometry of water. Our current water literally has a molecular structure too
large to efficiently pass through the cell membrane, so flushing not hydration occurs. From
the writers perspective, the straight and right angle pipes used in water infrastructure
ensure the loss of coherent molecular geometry of the water.
The organization of water molecules in repeating, symmetrical, geometric patterns
(structure) and its cellular role of energy and information transfer plays just as important of
a role as its chemical and vibrational conditions. But yet this geometric molecular structure
remains a highly under researched niche within the physical sciences. Due to waters ability
to maintain such structure it delivers electromagnetic current to fuel cellular reactions,
creates a resonance field through which our cells communicate, transfer data to DNA from
cell, transmits vibrational information, transports nutrients, while stabilizing, signaling, and
hydrating within the cell. Water , experimentally verified under certain condition, shares
many characteristics with a coherent and symmetrically ordered crystal. Understanding
waters crystalline structure and its role to health, agriculture, energy production, the cosmic
etheric plenum, and mind itself holds a possible solution to many of societies ailments.

Geometry or frozen harmonics bridge this rational gap between such diverse fields. Life is
H2O dancing to the tunes of solids according to father of biochemistry Albert Szent-Gyorgi.
Materialist science classifies the dipolar water molecule into 3 main molecular phases
with hundredsof microphases: water vapor, ice, and liquid water while blatantly ignoring
research suggesting a 4th crystalline phase. The 4th phase molecular geometry allows the
water to have quasi-crystalline properties in its ability to store, transduce, and transmute
electrical impulses just like a quart crystal. WATER CAN ACT LIKE A CRYSTAL. The word
crystal is derived from the Greek krystallos meaning frozen light. A crystal has an
organized molecular pattern that provides channels for the flow of energy and information.
They amplify, transduce, and process energy. According to Gyorgi If a great number of
atoms be arranged with regularity in close proximity, for example in a crystal lattice, single
valency electrons cease to belong to one or two atoms only, and belong instead to the whole
system. A great number of molecules may to join to form energy continua, along which
energy may travel. Crystalline lattices display a property known as piezoelectricity in which
mechanical pressure converts into electrical current and also produce vibration when
stimulated by electrical current. Quartz crystals process energy and information with the
capacity to detect, switch, store, modulate, filter, rectify, and amplify energy like
semiconductors. The molecular organization determines the difference between coal and a
diamond, or quartz and quartz crystal: coherent geometrical symmetry. The 4 th phase water
of appears to arrange itself hexagonally (6 sided), just like a quartz crystal. From the authors
perspective, this hexagonal geometry impregnates water with its life affirming qualities as
well. The hexagon acts as a coherent antenna feeding forms of life force (prana, ether, chi)
into physical systems.
Gerald Pollack reopened the debate on the 4th phase of water by restudying the
Russian polywater experiments in which qualities of the thin film of water developing next to
a water loving (hydrophilic) material and excluding itself from the chaotic, bulk water. Such
materials force the solutes out of the water in the center of the cell into bulk water, while up
to mms away from the lining representing a potential million layers, exlusion zone water or
4th phase water is found. This water is actually H3O2-. It is less protonated (higher pH) than
the bulk water, so a charge difference exists in which electrical current may flow. The
presence of light also catalyzes the formation of the EZ water. This EZ or 4th phase water
lines the interior of the every cell in your body! The bottom line of his research states within
every cell of the body a new type of water exists, free of impurities, demonstrating
crystalline qualities, that allows for the free flow of information and electiricty in and out of
the cell. Potential advancements on his theory including very simple water desalination and
purification technology with little moving parts or waste water as well as developing water
based battery technology (not to be confused with hydrogen fuel cells!)
Water has over 40 known anamolous properties that can all be correlated with the
geometrical structure of water. Simple H20 acts as a universal solvent and amazing heat
storage sink because it has the unique ability as it freezes close to 4C to lose density,
allowing ice to float and life to form. Before it freezes the 4 th crystalline phase of water
becomes apparent. Some of the most relevant anomalous properties of water include
hydrogen bond angles, pH, dissolved oxygen content, Ultraviolet and Infrared spectrum
absorption, surface tension, specific heat and heat capacity, thermal conductivity, dielectric
constant, nuclear magnetic resonance . These properties, all effecting its ability to hydrate
the cell, can all be altered via but not limited to the following procedures: Imitating the

natural flow of water to mimic vortices; Electrolysis; magnetism; emitting of radio waves, xrays, gamma waves, terahertz waves; pulsing water with light colored and pure; circulating
around a charged and faceted quartz crystal; presence of coherent/symmetrical geometries
and mandalas; life force delivery systems like Reiki, Tai Chi, Biogeometry. All of these
energetic influences can vivify water by increasing pH, increasing dissolved oxygen content,
decreasing surface tension, increasing its dielectric constant or resistance to magnetic fields,
lowering of ppm of dissolved solids; the emission of UV and infrared spectrums at 274 nm.
These qualitative changes are directly correlated with the coherent hexagonal molecular
arrangements viewed with MRI and nuclear magnetic resonance. Besides altering these
properties to ensure more effective hydration, many suppressed experiments have
demonstrated waters true potential for the future. From creating life from electricity and
water, to advacnced computing systems and accessing the zero point energy field to
creating water batteries and water fuel for cars . Water has the potential to alleviate many
of our infrastructural concerns bust most research into the field is immediately demonized
by the political elite of the material reductionist scientific arena.
The hexagonal structure of healthy water was actually was discovered using MRI to
detect the magnetic fields around water in cancerous cells. Within the cancerous cell, water
would usually exhibit a pentagonal symmetry why well hydrated and healthy cells showed a
hexagonal geometry. It was then concnluded the percentage of hexagonal water within the
cell was directly proportional to the age of the cell. Aging therefore is the loss of hexagonal
water within the cell.
Hexagonal water has been clinically studied to decrease stress response in heart rate
variability tests on the autonomic nervous system by up to 30%. Live blood analysis with
phase contrast microscopy demonstrated that individuals with Rouleau where red blood
cells stick together, resulting in low nutrient and oxygen exchange, allowed for an 80%
improvement in separation of red blood cells. Quantum chemistry could not begin to model
DNA withouth integrating water into the model. (Side note: Quantum theory severly limited
by its mathematics, can only model the static single potential model of the human cell as
scanning electron microscope kills the living materia of biology see Ruggerro Santillis
Hadronic Mechanics). It has been theorized that pressure waves formed by the flickering of
water cluster may link protein molecular vibration carrying information through intracellular
component of the body. In essence, proteings cannot function outside the presence of water.
The first layers of water next to a protein are highly structured with a high proton (H+)
transfer rate stablilzing and providing energy to the protein as it folds into 3D configurations
to be biologically active. The healighiest proteins are surrounded by the highest count of
hexagonally ordered clusters. The water stabilizes the entire helical configuration of the
DNA molecule by forming hydrogen bonds with the pentagonal phosphate groups.
Replication and stability of DNA rely on highly structured layers of water. Dr John discovered
the difference between normal and abnormal DNA correlates with the number of structured
water molecules around the 1 hydration layer. In short hexagonally structured water
demonstrates immense potential in alleviating dehydration, diabetes, skin conditions like
acne and wrinkles, constipation, lowering high cholesterol (dehydration possibly caused by
build up of cholesterol in artery walls), hypertension, weight management, edema (water
retention), lowered fatigue, asthma, heightened mental clarity and cognitive function, joint

pain, and even emotional release. Structured water provides a new model for revolutionizing
the health industry.
Marcel Voegl, IBM pioneer of liquid crystal technology, bioluminescent phsophers,
luminescent paints, magnetic disc coatings for computers with over 100 patents. He
speculated thought pumped through a specifically faceted quartz could produce a coherent
energy, calling quartz crystal a thought computer He witnessed flashes of ultraviolet blue
flashes the moment a crystal solution began to crystallize which he concluded was the
geometric physicalization of an information field. These quartz crystals, faceted according
the 3d geometry of the sephirothic tree of life and terminated angles of 51.51 (Great
pyramid). By then pulsing his breath with a coherent thought by which to program the
crystal, a coherent and detectable electromagnetic field is emitted by the quartz. Thought
can intitatie the piezoelectric activity of quartz. The emitting end could project healing
energies or be used to structure water or age wine. The quartz crystal and water both have
a radionics rate set by the Omega 5 at 454 as well as sharing hexagonal structures. By
spiraling water around a CHARGED quartz crystal at least 5 times, the water decreased in
surface tension, two new bands of light in infrared and UV spectrums indicating of stretching
of molecular bonding of water, conductivity increases, pH can change up to 3 points in either
direction, increase of .07 milligauss magnetic momentfreezing point drops below -30
degrees C, a significant amount of molecules become aligned in micro clustersor orderly,
systematic, and repeating patterns of the molecular chain all indicating You guessed it
The water became a liquid crystal system capable of storing information.
Viktor Schaubereger A fourth generation Austrian forester, he came to an
understanding of how fresh water makes its own vertical or winding way in nature and by
doing so it builds up an internal movement that gathers more power than man is able to
measure. He developed long winding log flumes capable of floating more timber, more
quickly, with less water. In these canals, worn out water would be refreshed with cool water
at exchange stations. He developed a universal theory based on a twofold movement
principle: The implosive life gathering principle leading coolness, suction growth, and
healthiness while the explosive life extinguishing principle generates heat , pressure,
fragmentation, and death. All known technology employs this explosive principle.
Everywhere in nature, Schauberger observed shapes that sustained this implosive or
multiple centripetal movement. He designed water purification systems, power plants, and
even flying machine using implosion to produce what he called diamagnetic or antigravtic
force under the Nazi regime. Schauberger along with the cosmology of Walter Russell may
be the two most important paradigms for understanding opposed dynamic flow of
centripetal and centrifugal streams. The following characteristics have been observed with
the phenomena of Implosion:
1. The energy is manifested as a suction force, not an explosion force.
2. In the presence of implosion, the ambient temperature declines, rather than expands, to
what is
called the Point of Anomaly. For water, the Point of Anomaly is 4 degrees Celsius.
3. There is an absence of resistance and friction.
4. Given adequate velocity of the catalyst medium (Water or Air), gravity is canceled and
engine or implosive energy producing device will levitate.
5. The power plant can produce enough energy to sustain itself and can operate

continuously. .
6. There are no exhaust by-products.
7. Diamagnetic materials are required for implosion. Diamagnetic materials exhibit
properties that
are opposite that of magnetic materials. For example, a magnetic material will align in
parallel to
the magnetic lines of force from a magnetic field, while a diamagnetic metal (E.g. copper)
will align
at right angles to the magnetic lines of force.

Walter Russell, the DaVinci of the 20th century, cosmically illuminated in a new
science of light, developed a new cosmology similar to Schauberger basing the still,
magnetic knowing mind of god acts as the balancing fulcrum point between to polarized
light spirals, one centripetal and one centrifugal, whose nature to void themselves as they
occur, repeat themselves as they are voided, and record them as they are repeated is the
rhythmic balanced interchange of the 2 cycle wave acting as the piston in the electrical
universe. This defines the tension for seeking equilibrium of the two light spirals as they are
condensed or expanded between the transition of the sphere to the cube creating electricity.
Matter is condensed Light and spaced is expanded light. There is a still LIGHT of the
spiritual universe (scalar physics) and a polarized, sex and pressure condition light (EM
longitudinal and transverse waves). He developed a harmonic periodic table and zero point
energy coil systems among an unbelievable philosophy. His take on water follows: Water is,
admittedly, a depolarized stable compound in which the identities of the separate elements
have been lost. Hydrogen and oxygen, unstable elements admittedly, do not exist in water
as hydrogen and oxygen. They have given up their separate properties of plus equilibrium
and minus equilibrium in order to become stabilized. Water is the result of neutralization of
the positive gas hydrogen and the negative gas oxygen which have as effectively short
circuited each other into an equilibrium as a heavy wire touching the poles of a storage
battery short circuits it into equilibrium, a contractive action takes place in the positive pole
and an expansive action in the negative pole. This has the effect in electric action that a
pump would have if placed between two tanks of air of equal pressure to draw the air out of
one to force it into another
John Ernst Worrell Keely, founder of the science of sympathetic vibratory physics
declared if the latent force that exists in a pound of water could be sympathetically evolved
or liberated up to the seventh subdivision or compound interetheric, and could be stored
free of rotatin, it would be in my estimation sufficient to run the power of the world for the
century Keely discovered how to dissociate water by applying the laws of music using the
harmonics of thirds, sixths, and ninths resulting in molecular dissociation reolving water into
a gaseous compound of oxygen and hydrogen into a new element by thirds, then by sixths a
second order of dissociation, producing the low atomic etheric. Then the ninths resolve this
into another new element of the second atomic harmonic. Keely divided the vibratory and
subatomic world up to at least 27 levels, connecting it all with the universal laws of music
capable of transducing and amplify low energy sources like voice or thought and producing
highly efficieint etheric gases made of much subtler layers of matter than the standard
quark gluon model of QED. When moist air is subdivided by atomic vibration, the hydrogen
is dissociated or separated from the oxygen but neither pass through the intermolecular

state. Not until the intermolecular structure of hydrogen is subdivided by interatomic

vibrations can it assimilate with the introductory etheric element.
Clayton Nolte, a retired Army researcher, developed the Natural Action water
vortexing units for any scale of use from shower to industrial farm. The device has no
moving parts and consists of a hollow tube put inline on a water pipe. The interior of the
tube contains two sets of counter-rotating edges that force water into an intense, vortex
type motion. The higher the pressure, the more structured the water becomes. His units
claim to remove hard mineral deposits from pipes and the same with your arteries. His
theory states the water enters the 4th crystalline phase in which water hexagonally combines
with itself to form little cages of clusters, lkind of like a buckyball. This cluster, with smaller
numbers of water units meaning more structurization, holds the impuriites of the water
inside itself flushing it out of the body untouched while leaving the beneficial mineral in a
bioavailable state. Patents exists for all variations of water structurization devices ranging
from vortex flow to electrically or magnetically influenced units, to pulsing photons, using
radio waves, terahertz waves, and crystal. Here are a few links for access to patents:
Microcluster patents:
Activated Water Patents:
Moray King, Zero point energy pioneer, developed a system for amplifying current
with the vortical flow of water. The implosive, centripetal action of water creates a funneling
effect, at which the the singularity no matter can escape the pull (or Push from without).
Moray King theoriezes that the 4th state of matter, highly ionized or magnetic gas or plasma,
offers a consistent geometric model for understanding the ether or zero point field. The
plasma is highly chaotic but not random and form appears when the plasma turns in on itself
to create a toroid donut and rings. These rings and toroids self refer with each other to
create the variety of physical elements. The hydrodynamic ability of a fluid to turn in on
itself is call cavitation. Caviation of a liquid via sound is capable of producing light. The zero
point energy field has an energy density according to standard quantum mechanics higher
by over 50 orders of magnitude than if you shrank all of physical matter into a cube and
measured it. If you go beyond QM there is something called the hadronic horizon at 10^13cm in which a hypderdense, hyperluminal, hyperrelative medium connects every the
center of every atom everywhen and everywhere, with an infinite energy density. Either way
you look at it, there is a primordial formative field of limitless energetic potential and the
Vortex acts as a bridge to it. King claims to be able to pulse AC current through millions of
tiny cavitating bubbles or toroids to amplify current in an over unity fashion.
Ruggerro Santilli Created a novel new type of gas from lightning and raw sewage,
electrolyzing the water through carbon plates, to produce a highly efficient non polluting fuel
that defies QED. It prodcues a fuel madde of magnecules founded in the physics school of
Hadronic Meechanics. In short, the mathematics of quantum mechanics and relativity are
too basid to deal with the iso symmetries and dynamics of living models, so Santilli
developed new planes of numbers and algebras based on the iso unit which relates 1 to all
other parts ie there are 3 ones in the number 3. This allow a physics of the bohemian
ontological hidden variable or uniting the inner formative equation with the outer
physicalized equation. Developing a physics off the new geometries and mathematics of the
iso geno and hyper planes, a new fifth unified field force found to be operating at the heart

of the atom at 10-13cm where the the wave packets of the electrons overlap into self
recursion diving into an are definied by hyperlocality, hypertemporalit, hyperdimensionality,
hyperluminality as everywhere and everywhen are joined in the universal etheric medium of
the hadronic horizon. The magnegas fuel comprised of magnecules do not operate with
standard valanece bonds hich share electron orbitals but rather the electron orbital clouds
collapse toa a 2d plane in which they become isometric and there wave-packets overlap in
infinite self recursion towards the hadronic horizon operating with the hadronic force. These
are produced in Santillis patented and corporately available magnegas plasma arc reactors
which simulate lightning in the ionosphere. The fuel is similar to HHO or electrolyzed water
gas in its ability to produce a consistent high temp welding flame, but Magnegas more
quickly cuts through the thickest steel but the flame is tolerable to the human touch. The
human body is made of a different type of matter unseen by modern physics observing
through the electron scanning microscope which freezes animate life into dead 2d state
limited by the single potential observation of quantum mechanics. The human body is made
of hypermagnecules that rely on the hadronic etheric horizon. ---
Time to stretch your rational capabilities. Biogeometetry, technically called physical
radiesthesia, offers a scientific approach to the spiritual sciences. As the science of quality, it
has concluded that shape itself effects human physiological, mental, and emotional
functioning. This science of shape describes a sect of energetic qualtities circumscribed like
a clock in a circle with the standard roygbiv, infrared, UV, gold, negative green or
radiesthesia grey. These represent the dynamics of life force within a given environment and
are directly detectable through the use of shape. In particular the UV, the gold, and the
negative green comprise a wavelength dubbed BG3 which balances all systems from
emotional, physical, geopathic, ley line stress. Particular shapes, sounds, light, yogic
postures, mudras, eye movement, sacred names emit BG, directly detectable with pendulum
and verified with muscle testing and radionics devices among blood tests and brainwave
testing among many other things. By altering the immediate environment of man with BG3
he can balance his second skin to promote a healthier physical system. In short, all shape
imprints or filters the flow of ether giving it a certain quality. 90% remission rate of Hep C,
growing antiobiotic and antihormone chickens, healthier potatoes with salt water by using
channels and containers the emit BG3, developing architecture that balances man,
greenhouses with higher productivity, higher productivity in schools, new musical scale, a
system of divination . At true spiritual science that offers huge benefits on being able to
structure water with the mere presence of shapes and angles around flowing water. A simple
plastic strip is enough to emit BG3 water into a container, allowing for more vibrant and
vegetative growth of plants whith higher yields and sweeter produce.
Learning about the new science of the structure of water, the notion of homeopathy
may not seem like a stretch. Hoemopathy delivers medicine and nutrients via a highly
diluted aqueous solution that contains basically no traces of the original solute. But the
highly diluted water claims to be impregnated with the vibrational or informational aspect of
the sample. This only occurs though after potentiating the water, which is vortexing or
stirring it with conscious intent for half an hour clockwise and then doing the same
counterclockwise and so forth. . How can nothing in water effect your health then. Rudolf
Steiners highly advanced Living agriculture called biodynamics is an astronical agricutlrue
utilizing the relationship of the flow of life force from certain celestial bodies to certain parts

of plants on certain days. Along this planting and plant hygiene regimen the land and plants
were treated with homeopathic biodynamic preps which act as antennae for life force for the
earth. This preps made from an advanced compost pile that is highly diluted. He also uses
solutions such as quart crystalIt is the authors theory that water acting as the highly
malleable programmable medium but is programmed with vortexing motion. Any physical
essence could potentially be programmed in the water just as in the vogel crystals being
programmed with thought. Now lets take a step back an look at water archetypally as in the
western school of spiritual science, anthroposophy, developed by Rudolf Steiner. Steiner
claimed forms of matter exist that are present within our physical reality comprised of a
polarized pair of ether and element. Steiner classified the evolution of these etheric element
pair into complexity via this fourfold evolutionary model: Saturn Stage warmth ether and
plasma exist in nondimenstionality; the sun stage develops the light ether and air in 1
dimensionality; the moon stage developed sound/chemical/number ether and water in 2
dimensionality; and the 4th stage of earth in which the life ether and the earth element exist
in 3D. Each of these elements and ethers are static forces that require the influence of
magnetism or mind of a celestial body to form physical matter. The mind tends to be the
astral bodies of stars. The symbol of each ether or element denotes the dynamics of
movement it invokes not the ether or element itself. Those are formless principles of
creation. When physicalized they represent their dynamics via the shapes found in
mandalas. The principles of water lies in the moon stage with water and sound creating
physical matter. Sound, or spherical compression or standing waves act as a primary
programming language of water. The science of cymatics pioneered by Hans Jenny and now
the like of John Stuart Reid and Jeremy Pfeiffer demonstrates the effects of a vibrating
medium on water and granulate matter like sand. A given frequency within the same
medium or varying length of a vibrating membrane will reproduce the same geometrical
symmetries. To dip into esoterica briefly, the idea of intoning the body with the mantras of
particular sacred languages makes more sense with this perspective. The human body is
mostly water by volume and weight, so the specific intonations of sacred language imbued
with coherent intent structure the water in the human cell while opening the appropriate
nadis or etheric channels of your etheric body. You structure the water in your body with
sacred sounds to open your physical body to higher orders of information and energy feed to
you by your etheric body.
Pineal Gland an water In terms of reconsidering how water absorbs light of different
vibrations, consider the pineal gland. It serves as an atrophied eye composed of mutated
rods, and cones known as piealocytes which are sensitive to microwave, UV, infrared, and
sound. These are oriented around a structured water filled sac saturated in piezoelectric
calcite and psychedelic crystals. The cosmic light carries through the water being
transduced into the electromagnetic spectrum to be perceived by this atrophied sex organ
(kundalini reference). Give Ananda bosman quote:
Water dissociation Stan Meyer

The Joe Cell and Orgonomy

Wilhelm Reich microscopic observation of decaying plant and animal cells. He noticed that
the cells of decaying grass or moss, suspended in water, would gradually break down and
reform into very small energy vesicles (only seen at 2,000x and higher magnifications)
which he termed bions. These bions gave off an intense blue light and eventually would

congregate into bion heaps, which-incredibly-later transformed themselves into living

protozoa, such as amoebae or paramecium. By persistent observation, Reich realized that it
was Orgone energy which accounted for the blue lumination and the biogenensis activity
of the bions. He discovered that orgone energy is permeated not only within all living
substances, but it is also found in non living substances (E.g. sand, coal, and soil ) and is
ubiquitously present in the atmosphere. The sun being the major 'supplier' of orgone energy.

It appears to be a quasi-electrolytic cell that somehow utilizes Zero-Point Energy or Orgone

to generate a gas that is not hyfuel (the water is not consumed) that can run (or supplement
the running of) automobiles and other engines, besides charging water for health
applications, agriculture, etc.
The Joe Cell basically consists of several equally-spaced, concentric stainless steel cylinders,
with water between them. Stevens recommends 3-1-6L, non-magnetic stainless steel. The
number of cylinders and particular diameter and length of the cylinders do not seem to be
crucial, though the ratios and proportionate spacing may be. Joe's cell is capable of
producing three different types of "gas", depending on the "alignment" (Joe's term) of the
cell from a brown sludge that forms on top of the water. 1. Hydrogen gas yields a yellow
flame with a snapping sound. Possibily Browns gas yields next producing loud crack without
yellow flame. The last gas when ignited produced a very loud crack with ringing in ears
demonstrating the largest energetic discharge. This gas powers the Joe Cell engine as it has
captured orgone and releases to confines of the engine
An unconventional property of the second and third type of gas is that when detonated by a
match, the resulting discharge of energy causes the eardrums to push outwards, away from
the body. This means that the gas is imploding and not exploding (which would have forced
the eardrums inwardHere we have an implosion (an endothermic reaction) in which there
is a rapid condensation of energy which lowers the ambient temperature. This is precisely
what Viktor Shauberger discovered when he spiraled water into a whirlpool like vortex.
The temperature of the water would decrease.
Another observable fact also lends support to the above theory. The outlet from the Car Cell
is connected to a blind fitting or blank plug on the carburetor housing. This means that there
is no opening through this fitting into the interior of the carburetor or the interior of the
intake manifold. Yes, you are reading that statement correctly. There is NO physical opening
between the output of the Energy Cell and the interior of the engine. Yet the cell works!
Logic dictates that the gas must be passing THROUGH the metal of the carb housing to
reach the interior of the engine. Since hydrogen is the lightest element of all (with only one
proton), it doesn't seem too far fetched to assume that this might be occurring. Wilhelm
Reich also noted that orgone is not hindered by metal barriers, but is first attracted to and
then repelled by metal surfaces.

Andrija Puharich, creator of an Extra Low Frequency Model of Mind, reportedly

created the basic building blocks of life amino acids, RNA just by electrolyzing water

with an increasing pulse of AC voltage beginning with 8 hertz, resulting in a binomial 2n

fractal self ordering octave cascade of harmonic frequencies in equal temporing range.
(1,2,4,8,16,32.512) for over 72 hours reaching 512 hz. At this time bioluminsence via
Popps biophotons and the presence of RNA and amino acids were observerd.
Lets take a short aside to discuss the importance of 8 hz. 8 hz is the fundamental
frequency of hydrogen found via nuclear magnetic resonance meaning the phase
velecoity between the proton and the electron is 8 cycles/second. Hydrogen is essential to
the formation and replication of RNA, which happens at 250 times a second. 8 hertz
approximates the fundamental Schumann harmonic and sets up the brainwaves patterns of
4 hz theta, 2 hz delta, and 16 and 32 hz in beta, and 64 hz in gamma. A harmonic of 8 hz
shows itself in the EEG of a subject in complete bliss or gratitude, setting up the 8hz alphatheta bridge synchronizing brain hemisphere activity for deep relaxation and focused intent.
As the only known frequency to pass through a triple EM shielded Faraday cage,
demonstrating nonhertzian effect by orthortoating 90 degrees to pass into hyperspace and
then another 90 degrees to flow through interior of the cage. It phase cancels any other
interfering wave enabling only binomial and golden mean ratios that embody the fractal self
similarity of self embedded order to propagate. These ratios initiate the creation of a
coherent informational fractal cascade from the vacuum. Point being that this limitless
energy supply known as the zero point energy, ether, hadronic horizon can be accessed via
the 8hz gateway and his harmonics. This 8 hz, clearly present in water as Hydrogen,
constitutes two thirds of its makeup. If 8 hertz allows access to universal fields of mind and
ether, then water surely transduces this cosmic light. The sun has a very large percentage of
water present on it and the sun acts as a primary sun filtering cosmic light/ acteinic rays
from the great central sun to useable and digestible frequencies for the planets and moons,
then filtered and sent to the aura of man via his breath and back to the planet and the void
of space. I have avoided the use of is as per the rules E-prime language entirely within this
until now. I mean this statement. You ARE a giant sac of water filled with a little bit of matter,
made mostly of hydrogen, made of nothing filled with everything, which has a direct primal
link with the creative formative principles of the universe. Your physical body acts as
hyperdimensional crystalline (magnecular) water filled sac filtering cosmic light. Time to
rethink how you use consume your water!

This article and much of my research would not be possible if it werent for the
knowledfe compilers such as Dale Pond of SVP, Jason Verbelli, Gerry Vassillatos,
Thomas Joseph Brown and Michael Theroux, both previously of Borderlands
Research, NASA Nate my space brother, Caleb Thomas, Joe Dubs, Jeremy Pfeiffer,
Spartacus and so many independent minds who refused to accept rubbish to the
deepest riddles known instigating a revitalization the living sciences once again.
These men have all triggered the formation of open sourced information network
known as and its digital library under construction
Eternal gratitude to these warriors of knowledge. WE ARE HERE TO STAY!

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