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Chloe Richards

September 2014
Residential Design

In the early 1700s, during the

rule of King George I of England,
Georgian houses became popular.
This style home was inspired by
Greek, Roman, and Italian
Renaissance architecture. Andrea
Palladios architecture began the start
of the classical based homes, such as the Georgian, in England. Along with Palladio, Inigo Jones
and Christopher Wren were architects who influenced Georgian style homes. As the colonists
moved from England to the United States they brought pattern books with them that gave ideas
on how to model Gregorian homes. Using these as references, colonists built Georgian style
homes that were not always as elaborate as the one back in England. Although Georgian style
homes can be found New England and Southern colonies, this style can be found mostly on the
Eastern seaboard. Georgians were once in many big cities, but many of these have been torn
down. More currently, Row houses have been inspired by Georgian style homes.
Georgian style homes are known for being symmetrical with the front door directly in the
center. The front door is paneled and often has a decorative crown over the top with flattened
columns on the sides. Five windows can be seen across the front of the house with nine to twelve
small window panes in each sash. The windows also can have elaborate moldings. Two chimneys
usually sit on either side of a medium pitched gable or hip roof. Sometimes Georgian

Chloe Richards
September 2014
Residential Design
style homes can also have dormers.
This style home is two rooms deep
usually with high ceilings. In the
center of the house there is a large
main hall with stairs to the second
floor directly in front of the door.
On either side is a living and dining
room and on the second floor two front bedrooms with a bathroom in between is above that.
Although symmetry would ideally be maintained, the less important rooms are in the back of the
home and, the rooms are not necessarily put in a symmetrical form. Inside a Georgian style home
elaborate mantelpieces, paneling, stairways, and other moldings, that can be found in the pattern
books that were used by the colonist. These houses can either be brick with stone quoins, wood
frame, or wood frame used to look like stone. Overall the outside appearance of a Georgian style
home has a pale color scheme with a classic look.

Chloe Richards
September 2014
Residential Design
Works Cited
"Architectural Style Guide." Historic New England. Historic New England, 2014. Web.
01 Sept. 2014.
Craven, Jackie. "House Styles." About. About, 2014. Web. 02 Sept. 2014.
"Georgian (1714 to 1837)." BBC News. BBC, Oct. 2007. Web. 05 Sept. 2014.
"Historic Styles / Georgian 1700-1830." Georgian Style Architecture Facts and History.
Wentworth, 2013. Web. 02 Sept. 2014.
Spence, William P. "History of Architectural Styles." Architecture: Design, Engineering,
Drawing. 5th ed. Mission Hills, CA: Glencoe Pub., 1988. 1-27. Print.

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