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- The Love of Rain Chapter One

On a sloped street of cobblestone, Pete lay napping lazily in a rusty wheelbarrow, not a single care to be had. He had been
making his way up a towering acropolis, a vast city built into the side of a sky-high plateau. It was essentially a big tower,
and it stretched skyward for miles. This was Star City. There was only a single road that snaked its way up the plateau in a
large spiral pattern, and Pete was on his way up the road to the top, but there was no big rush.
Nearing sunset, Pete happily snoozed. Maybe he would wait and start fresh in the morning. This was nice a great
view, the sound of evening crickets. Why not simply enjoy the moment? Unfortunately the moment did not last, as it soon
began to rain, first a pleasant drizzle, but then a heavy downpour.
Oh no! shouted Pete. Jebus's bathtub is broken again!!
Pete ran up the winding road, which was already beginning to slicken from the fresh Summer rain, and he flailed
his arms around like a mad man. There didn't seem to be anyone else out; after all, who would be out in the rain? That is,
except for one other person a girl who was around 13 years old. She happily skipped along humming a catchy tune as if it
weren't raining at all.
She had golden-blonde hair and wore a sunny yellow dress. She seemed like a perfectly friendly person, with big
eyes and a bright smile on her face. Still, it was a little odd that she'd be willingly out in the rain.
In all his immeasurable clumsiness, Pete ran directly into the girl by mistake and they both fell onto their behinds.
Someone's in a hurry, the girl laughed. She spoke in a polite British accent, which was pleasant to listen to.
Broaster's is already closed just so you know. You're too late.
I'm sorey, said Pete, as if he were Canadian. He felt bad for running into her so hard. I didn't mean to bump your
pumpkin, bumpkin.
The girl just smiled. It's alright. No damage done.
It's raining, said Pete, the two still sitting in the middle of the wet stone street. Talk about stating the obvious.
You don't say, the girl replied with heavy sarcasm. She splashed Pete. My name is Jett, Jett Garlund. What's
your name? I wanna say... Patrick.
The good folks call meh Pete!
Jett snapped her fingers. Darn, I was close. It's so nice to meet you, Pete. She then stood up and stretched. I was
just heading home if you wanted to get out of the rain. You're more than welcome to stay.
That sounds most lovely. Pete got up and the two happily strolled along. So, you ain'tn't mind the rain none? It's
all slicky-icky.
I've always found the rain to be quite pleasant. If feels nice on the skin. I suppose I try to see the best in things.
Hehehe, yeah! Rain you say? More like free!
Chapter Two
Pete and his newest friend Jett arrived at a quaint hovel, nothing too fancy. Pete sat at a Japanese style kotatsu with two
other people. If you don't know, a kotatsu is a sort of low table with built-in blankets. It was a very cozy place to enjoy a
meal. Next to Pete was a young boy with thick, golden hair, and a very tall and thin girl with green hair and pink strawberry
overalls. These were Jett's brother and sister no doubt. Jett herself was busy in the kitchen preparing dinner. She was a very
caring and kindhearted girl. Even though she was 13, she was sort of a motherly figured to her siblings. She took car of
them after all.
The girl in overalls was writing in a composition book, but kept erasing what she had written. This was classic
writers block. What a pain. Bollocks, the girl exclaimed. I can't bloody write today. I've been on the same stupid
paragraph for ages.
Can I ask who you are? the little boy asked Pete. He was such a cute kid and his voice was adorable.
Apparently so, said the girl in overalls.
I am the one, Pete replied in a spooky, low voice. This weirded the boy out a bit. He seemed like such a wellmannered, sweet little boy.
The good folks call him Pete, said Jett as she walked out of the kitchen, a steamy plate of yummy vegetables in
her hands. This is my sister, Kim. She's an aspiring poet and she's good, too. And over there is my little brother, Rupert.
He's the sweetest boy you'll ever meet, even though his bedroom is a complete disasterpiece and he needs to clean it. He
wants to become a great fisherman someday. Rupert gave a look of embarrassment when Jett mentioned his bedroom. She
was only teasing mind you. Everyone then began to eat. It was only an assortment of vegetables, but they were tasty,
sauteed with a little butter and a bit of garlic.
I was a fisherman once, Pete replied as he poked his food a bit, it was fun and a half!
Really? said Rupert ecstatically. He had never met a real fisherman before. What did you catch? Rupert was
positively captivated.
Well, your honor, I ain't catch nann, but I got to wear a pretty droll hat. Ahaw-haw-haw, rather.
I like hats, but my head's too big to wear them.
It's nice to meet you, Pete, said Kim. Do you like poetry?
Uh, does Lura knit hats in the woods? Pete happily replied. Of course I likes the word arts! He paused and

raised his hand like he were about to sneeze. Ah, ah, haiku!! This made Kim smile and softly chuckle to herself. Pete was
actually something of a poet himself.
Did my sister tell you what she does? asked Rupert, a tasty carrot at the end of his chopsticks, ironic seeing that
they were eating fairly western-style cuisine. Star City had an interesting culture. It was sort of a mix of other cultures from
around the world.
What, cook okay dinners? replied Pete. Gimme some of that Cappy D's, playa.
Jett didn't tell you her secret? asked Kim as she chewed her food.
Pete paused for several seconds as he squinted his eyes at Jett. You're not a creationist, are you?
What? Absolutely not, Jett denied. What a terrible accusation. No, I'm a deranged serial killer, Pete! she
explained. Talk about an odd thing to up and blurt out.
Pete gave a big frown when he heard. So help me if you killed Count Chocula..." He began to sniffle.
"Frankenberry's gonna be berry sad! He kind of assumed she was only joking, but she wasn't. Jett was very much a killer.
No worries, Pete, Jett assured. I only kill sickos and diddlers. Your breakfast is safe, I assure you.
Oh... well that's kinda cool I guess.
Why don't you stay the night. You can come with me in the morning and I can show you what I do. We'll even
stop for ice cream. Oh, it'll be fantastic!
Pete put his hand to his chin and mulled things over a bit. Hmm, stay the night with a complete stranger /
murderer? I don't see why not.
Chapter Three
The next morning, Jett had taken Pete into town to show him the tricks of her questionable trade. They nonchalantly sat in
front of an old bakery, which seemed like it had been abandoned for many years.
Jett seemed so excited and thrilled to have a new friend accompany her, which seemed a bit morbid considering
what she'd be doing. She showed Pete some files on her tablet. My Dad works for the government, she said. He doesn't
know, but I use his online account to access criminal databases and old case files. A lifetime of free food and medical
attention hardly seems like due punishment, so I take the law into my own hands. Pretty cool, huh?
Pete was noticeably unsure about the whole thing. Yeah, homicide's the bee's capris, man. I'm down with the
destruction, dawg. I'm down with that. But was he really down with that?
Bad guys from all around the world come to Star City to hide out because it's so under-policed.
Just like Argentina.
Yep, all my ducks are in a neat little row.
A shady-looking man walked by them.
Grrr, there's the little pillock, said Jett angrily. He must have been a really bad person. I've been tracking this
monster for weeks now and I know his routine pretty well. Watch and learn, Pete. Jett walked up to the man, looking very
distressed and in need. Excuse me, sir. Could you help us out? It won't take long.
Say what? the man asked somewhat rudely.
Please don't tell anybody, but... me and my friends were horsing off in the old bakery, and we sort of locked my
brother in the freezer. Don't worry, there's no electricity, so he won't freeze.
The man gave a puzzled look, but just went with it. He looked like a bitter person, but obliged. He followed Pete
and Jett into the bakery. Who else knows you're here? he asked.
Just you, Jett replied.
They stepped into the backroom where the freezer was, but there of course was no such brother trapped inside. It
was all a sham.
Is that right, the man muttered in a creepy, almost morbid tone. It was though he had cruel intentions of his own.
I suppose Jett knew what she was doing though.
Yep. She then motioned the man towards the freezer. Right this way, mister sir. Jett stood behind the man as he
slowly walked towards the freezer door.
He opened the door, but immediately knew something was up when it opened with ease, and more damning was
the fact that it was completely empty. He quickly turned around. You little snots! He pulled out a knife. You think I'm
something to play with!? I'm an adult!! He was furious and Pete was understandably terrified.
Oh no! Pete shouted. He's gonna cut us up into little fun-sized pieces!
Despite the apparent danger, Jett remained calm, as she had a handle of the situation. She quickly reached into her
pocket and pulled out a small blow gun, which had been cleverly fashioned from a flute as to conceal its true purpose.
Actually, it still worked as a musical instrument, though it was also an instrument of death. Jett blew into the flute and a
sedative-tipped dark quickly flew into the man's neck.
Ack, what the!? the man yelped as a sharp pain surged through his body. He staggered and became very dizzy.
Sure enough, he quickly lost consciousness and fell over.
He awoke several minutes later, dazed and very confused. His arms and legs were tied to the wall. His legs were
tightly bound together, but his arms were spread far, each roped to a different steel peg in the wall. The pegs were once used
to support heavy pots and pans and easily supported his weight.

He's waking up, Pete, said Jett. Hand me Mr Drill please sir. She was referring to a cordless, 36 volt power
drill. She was about to do something awful with it I'm sure.
Yes sir, Ms Ma'am, he replied. He tried to make light of the whole situation, but was still very much unsure of all
this. Still, Pete obliged and handed Jett the drill.
I don't know what I did, the man panted, but I swear I didn't do it, man. You gotta believe me! He struggled
trying to free himself, but it was no use. He was done for.
My oh my you've hurt a lot of innocent people. You make Ted Bundy look like Little Bear.
Get me down from here you little brat!! He struggled more and more. I'll end you!!
Jett started spinning her drill as she smiled fiendishly. It made a horrible hiss and the man whimpered and squirmed
as he reflected on all the horrible things he had done in his life. This was it this was the end
Jett took a long, sharp screw from her pocket and pressed it hard into the man's left wrist. Without fear or hesitation
she drilled through the man's bone and pinned his arm to the wall all while he screamed in agony. Shh, settle down, silly.
said Jett calmly. You're too tense. She then drilled his right arm to the wall as Pete stood watching in terror.
Uh, dis dude did some dastardly junk dough, right? Pete asked. Please tell me this guy bombed a orphanage for
disabled kittens or something 'cause this seems cruel and unusual. Pete wanted to believe that what Jett was doing wasn't
Are you kidding? This is the infamous Chuck E. Cheese Slasher we're talking about.
Pete started freaking out when he heard this. His lip began to quiver and he started waving his finger around. So
help me if he hurt everybody's favorite mouse who used to be a rat. He and Helen Henny just got back together you
monster! Burn him!!
Jett readied her drill to finish the job. You might want to step outside, Pete, unless you want to see me do the
Pete had seen enough. Er, no thank. I'm straight. He then slid out of the room. And that's the way it is.
With a twisted grin on her face, Jett approached the man slowly to finish the poor fool off. Hope you like dying as
much as you like killing, she taunted.
Please! No!! I'll never do it again, I swear! I have money, lots of money. It's all yours if you let me go!
Silly wabbit, I don't want your money. I want your blood! She then gruesomely drilled through his ear and into
his brain. He died within seconds. What a horrific way to go out. The last thing he heard was the deafening roar of a drill as
it pierced his eardrum and bored into his brain, all why he remained totally helpless.
After the dark deed was completed, Jett and Pete sat on a roadside bench eating yummy ice cream together, as if
nothing strange had even happened. They sat happy as they carried on and goofed about.
Jett attempted to say a tongue twister that Pete had told her, but was having trouble. Six sick hicks nick six slick
br- but she messed up. Oh, this is so hard.
It's 'six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks,' Pete replied flawlessly. He was really good at
tongue twisters.
Jett just shook her head. How was Pete so good at these? She dabbed Pete's cheek with her ice cream cone to tease
him. The two just laughed and had a good time. Say, Pete, said Jett. You don't think I'm a bad person, do you? I mean, I
volunteer at the old folks' home and the animal shelter, I cook for my brother and sister. She suddenly looked a bit sad.
That doesn't change the fact that I'm a killer though.
If you ask me, it sounds to me like you've did more good than bad if you ask me, but that's just me.
You're a very understanding young man, Pete. Thank you.
You're welc'. Can I aks why you do what do what you do?
I don't know, guess I've always been filled with this seething fury and this is the only thing that makes me happy.
Why so salt? Is it because you're bad a tongue twisters?
When I was little, somebody made me do things I didn't want to do.
I hate wearing deodorant too. Pete was just being a smart aleck of course. Jett laughed and gave him a soft punch
in the arm.
Chapter Four
Back at the Garlund house, Pete sat on a couch with Rupert and Kim watching cartoons. They didn't mind Pete being there.
They weren't the type of people who minded change much and nothing seemed out of the ordinary to them.
Why am I still here, asked Pete to no one in particular as he sat sandwiched between his new friends. He had no
real reason to remain there, but they didn't mind him being there one bit.
Jett walked through the living room with a clean towel on her shoulder. I'm gonna grab a shower, she said. She
held up her hands in front of her face and grinned. I got blood in my nails. She stepped out of the room to go wash up,
humming the theme song from Dexter as she left.
What's another word for 'kiss'? asked Kim, her notebook in hand, totally immune the fact that her sister was a
savage murderer who just killed a man. I suppose a problem is only as big as an individual perceives it to be.
What about X? Pete suggested. It was a clever response, but probably not best suited for poetry.
Hmm, I always thought O's were kisses, Kim replied.

What about canoodle? suggested Rupert. He smiled as he said it. It is a pretty funny word after all.
It's too silly, Rupert. What kind of love poem says canoodle in it?
Pete just sat in the middle smiling. He enjoyed hearing their thick British accents quite a bit. I liek listening to you
guys say things.
Shouldn't you be cleaning your room, Rupert? said Kim. "I thought you wanted it to be clean so you and Dad
could play the Wii."
Pete loved helping people and wanted to assist Rupert in cleaning his room. What a nice kid. Ooh, can I helps!?
Pete gently caressed Rupert's soft cheek with the back of his hand, which made him feel very awkward to say the least.
Team work, Pete whispered in his ear. Pete was a nice kid but a total weirdo. Rupert didn't say anything. He just made a
sort of embarrassed onomatopoeia.
Next, the duo stepped foot into the dilapidated wreckage that was Rupert's room. It was about the messiest room
you ever saw. There were mountains of dirty clothes, empty juice boxes and milk cartons scattered about, and school notes
pinned all over the walls. What a nightmare.
Pete looked in awe at the monstrous mess before him, at the decaying ruins of the lost city of Rupert's bedroom.
Cheesasaurus H. Rex, dude, Pete exclaimed. When was the last time you cleaned in here?
Rupert was beyond embarrassed. A boy as sweet and gentle as Rupert was about the last person you'd expect to
have a dirty room. Um, there was no last time, he replied bashfully.
Pete looked around a bit and spotted Rupert's collection of fishing poles. Actually, this was the only area of the
room that wasn't a mess; in fact, it was kept pristine. Whoa, thems yours's? Pete asked. Let's ditch and go fishin', braj!!
Rupert didn't like this plan. Their father would be there later on and he wanted everything to be clean for his
arrival. But I wanted to clean my room for my father.
Relax, idiot, I've got a huge ape in muh magic bag of tricks who'll clean your room for free of charge! Pete
reached into his pocket and pulled out his trusty Bag of Holding, a magical item that could hold things bigger than itself.
That must be what Link uses to carry around so many Rupees. Pete emptied his bag and sure enough an enormous green ape
spilled out. Why he was green I couldn't tell you. He wandered around the room looking a bit confused and very apely.
Rupert was a little frightened to be honest. There was a huge ape in his room! Icarus! Icarus, clean! Pete ordered. I saved
your skin back in the war dang it! You owe me!
I don't believe he wants to clean, Pete.
Don't worry, buttface, he's got this. Let's go fish for fish!! Pete sounded pretty sure of himself. You just never
know with that boy.
Rupert looked particularly unsure about all of this, but didn't say anything. He was shy after all.
Next thing Rupert knew, Pete had roped him into going fishing. Fishing was Rupert's kryptonite and he always
caved in to going. Fishing was without a doubt Rupert's favorite thing. Rather than going to a lake or river, Pete had taken
his new friend to the best fishing hole there is the fish market.
The two young fishermen sat the roof of a tall building with their fishing poles firmly in hand. Below them were
long tables with lots and lots of fish on them. There was too much hustle and bustle for people to notice the lines danging
Are you sure this is a good idea, Pete? asked Rupert. Isn't this stealing?
Pete started shaking his fist in Rupert's face. I'm finna bust you upside yo nop, boy. It's not stealing -- it's
mistransporting. He began to reel in his catch, a nice bass had graced his hook. Mm, this the big one.
Mistransporting? Rupert asked, puzzled by the new word he had heard.
Pete quickly reeled up his catch and admidst the bustle of a thriving market, nobody noticed. Yeah, we're just
moving the fish from down there to up here.
Rupert was still apprehensive about the whole thing. But aren't we going to take them with us though?
Of course we are. If we left them up here they'd get stolen, silly. Pete reeled in the fish and put it in his bag.
Beefaroni's really neat!!
I suppose it's okay to catch a few fish then. Deep down he knew it was still stealing, but again, fishing was his
one true weakness. Even though this was sort of like shooting fish in a barrel, it was fun. As the saying goes, even a bad day
of fishing is better than a good day at work.
Later, the two had 'mistransported' hundreds of fish, way more than they needed. Regardless, it was a successful
day of fishing and there was sure to be quite the fish fry later on.
Job well job, said Pete as he looked at their mighty hall and reflected on the day.
Jett and Kim are going to be so pleased, said Rupert. We'll have meat for weeks.
Actually, I'm one of them weirdo vegetarian-type peeps, but you guys go ahead.
Chapter Five
Back at home, Pete, Rupert and Kim sat at a cluttered kitchen table while Jett fried fish on the stove. Grease crackled and
sweet steam rose. She used freshly cracked pepper, a twist a lime, a bit of soy sauce and just a hint of brown sugar. She
loved cooking. It was something that gave her solace and put her troubled mind at peace. Still, it was rare for her to have so
much to work with. Indeed, this was a lot of fish.

I still don't know why I'm here, said Pete to no one in particular. Truth be told, he had no real reason for being
there, but he was enjoying his stay, and the Garlund household really enjoyed his company.
Goodness me, Rupert, said Jett, sweat beading in her brow, did you have to go and hook all the fish in the sea?
What are we gonna do with all this food? They had caught so many fish that there wasn't even enough room in their freezer
to store it all.
I wish muh cat, Nightmare, was here, said Pete. He loves sea food. I once found a bottlenose dolphin in his
fecal matter.
I'm guessing you can't go back to Sea World then, joked Kim.
Rupert pondered. We could give some of the fish away, he suggested. There's always hungry children running
about. What a thoughtful boy Rupert was.
Aww, that's so sweet, Rupert, Jett replied gleefully. I think that's a wonderful idea. The Garlunds lived in a
fairly impoverished neighborhood and sadly many of its residents often didn't have enough to eat.
We could set up tables out front and make signs, Kim added. She was an artsy kind of person who loved any
creative projects.
Let's go see what do, Pete agreed, eager to make colorful construction paper signs.
The three set up plastic yard-sale tables outside while Jett worked the kitchen. They all had made lovely signs
advertising their neighborhood banquet. Before they knew it, many hungry people had arrived. Even though stealing the fish
was wrong, it had also done a lot of good. Whether or not something is good or bad depends entirely on who you ask, and
who is affected.
An older woman and her family were very grateful that they were offering a free meal. Who knows how long it had
been since they had a proper feast. God bless you, Kim, she said sincerely. It's so nice having real meat to eat.
Government cheese only does so much, you know?
Don't thank me, Kim explained. She pointed to Pete and Rupert. These strapping young men are the ones who
hooked all the fish. The boys smiled bashfully.
The woman gave a light bow and smiled. Thank you, Rupert and- I'm sorry, what is your name? she asked Pete.
I wanna say... Paul.
The good folks call him Pete, said Kim. Funny how the phrase seemed to spread from person to person. What
began as just another random thing uttered by Pete in all his strangeness had become something of a catchphrase.
The woman reached into her purse, which was tattered and outdated, and pulled out two golden spoons of all
things. They were clean and very pretty. In my culture, she elaborated, spoons are a symbol of peace and love. These
were given to me by a man I rescued from a dumpster fire. Likewise, I want to give them to you. Please, take them. She
handed the boys the shiny spoons which seemed to dazzle them with their effortless brilliance.
What kinda dinglewhomper carries around spoons? Uri Geller? blurted Pete. You know, Uri Geller, the famous
spoon bender. Eh, it's not important.
Jett walked outside holding yet another steamy plate of yummy fried fish. She looked puzzled, as though
something were on her mind. Did you leave the telly on, Rupert? she asked. I keep hearing ape noises coming from your
Rupert had totally forgotten about the ape that had been set free in his room. Who knows what kind of gorilla
shenanigans had happened. Oh no, Pete! he shouted. The gorilla! He then darted into the house to assess the situation.
The what!? said Kim in disbelief.
It was beginning to look a bit dreary outside and thunder began to roll.
James Spann lied to me! Pete shouted. He lied to us all! Pete calmly walked inside behind Rupert. Pete didn't
appear very worried about the ape.
Inside the bedroom, Rupert looked in utter amazement, as the room was pristine. To Rupert's surprise, the gorilla
had actually cleaned the room, and he did a thorough job at that. Everything was spotless. The gorilla casually sat with his
legs neatly crossed in an armchair as he read the Daily Daily newspaper. He glanced up at the boys and went back to his
reading. What an inquisitive and classy ape he was.
Amazing, said Rupert, his mouth agape.
I told ya, Pete replied very matter-of-factly. He had no doubts the gorilla would help. Again, you just never know
with that boy.
Rupert took his spoon and slowly handed it to the gorilla as a token of his gratitude. Here, you deserve this more
than I do. I can't thank you enough, Icarus.
The gorilla looked at the spoon. 'Preciate ya, replied the gorilla unexpectedly. Not even Pete knew the creature
could speak.
Back out front, the children's father had arrived. He rode a motorcycle with no helmet. Right off the bat, Kim was
ecstatic to see her father. Daddy! It's so good to see you!
Hello, father, said Jett. She didn't sound as enthused, but smiled nonetheless.
The Bureau thinks I'm investigated a case in Triton City, the father explained. I lied so I could come spend time
with you all. Technically he still lived there, but he worked so much that he rarely ever got to spend time with his kids.

Most of his money went to alimony for his various ex-wives, but he sent what he could to his children.
Unfortunately, it began to rain shortly thereafter. It rained fairly regularly in Star City as it turns out.
Oh, why today of all days? Kim asked.
We'd better head inside then, said the father as he and Kim moseyed inside.
Jett stood behind. Why? she asked. I don't mind the rain. It's just water.
Pete and Rupert walked out of the bedroom. And that's why musical doorbells are now illegal in Walker County,
Pete explained.
It's a real shame about all those penguins though. Rupert then saw his father and gave a big smile. Dad! He ran
over and gave him a big hug. I missed you.
Ah, bring it in, replied the father as the two hugged.
It must be nice having a father, said Pete sadly. Oh cry.
Hello there, the man greeted Pete. What's your name? I wanna say... Benjamin.
I'm the Mildew Man, Pete replied. What he meant by that I couldn't tell you.
Is Jett still out in the rain? groaned Kim. Would you go see if she's alright, Pete?
Pete walked outside to see if Jett was feeling okay. She sat at the table looking a bit sad. Something was clearly
wrong. Everything okeydoke, Jett? Pete asked. Did you forget how to smile? That happened to me once. Pete thought
back to his embarrassing third grade year book photo.
Jett laughed. I know how to smile, silly. I just thought the rain felt nice after slaving over the hot stove. I wish
other people liked the rain the way I do.
Eh, some prefer nettles. Pete didn't mind the rain much, though he preferred to be dry. Still, Pete sat out in the
rain with her. You're dad seems pretty swish. I'd like to shoot some Bs with him and whack some T-dubs on the skeezy.
Ooooh touch pass!
Yeah, he's great. He does so much for us. It's just... he doesn't know my secret. I feel like I'm lying every time I
don't tell. I've always wanted to tell him what I am.
You're not a what, you're a who. This was very true. Every human being is a person. Pete reached into his pocket
and pulled out the spoon from earlier. Here, take a spoon. It's good luck or something. I don't know.
Jett smiled as she took the spoon. What am I supposed to do with a spoon? I don't even know how to use a
Maybe today will be different. If you don't like we can put it on Craig's List and split the money.
Jett gave Pete a hug. I love it."
Chapter Six
Later that night, everyone sat cozy at the kotatsu playing board games. They were all playing what appeared to be an
unlicensed Lord of the Rings version of Monopoly. It was obviously not licensed because its quality was truly atrocious.
No fair, said Pete. How come I have to be dumb old stupid old Bilbo Baggins? I wanna be Gandalf, dang it.
How come Rupert AND Kim get to be Gandalf!? Pete took it pretty hard, but his misfortune was far from over.
I'm Gandalf the White, Kim explained.
Pete reluctantly took his figure, but he wasn't thrilled about it. He firmly crossed his arms and frowned. Fine, I'll
be stupid Dildo Faggins, he mocked.
Aw, but I always thought Bilbo was cute, said Jett.
Why don't you roll first, the father suggested, thinking it might make Pete feel a bit better. Pete was just being
overly dramatic of course. He wasn't actually ticked off.
Pete rolled the dice and by the luck of the draw got snake eyes. He sighed as he sadly moved his piece forward two
spaces. He landed on a chance space. He picked up a chance card and read it aloud, preparing for the worst, hoping for the
best. You shall not pass... go," he said. "You shall not collect 200 gold coins. Go directly to jail. Aw, what!? I just started
the game!
Oh, I'm certain you'll bounce back, Pete, said Rupert, trying to cheer him up a bit. Rupert rolled the dice and
moved forward. Likewise, he landed on a chance space. Perhaps he'd have better luck. He picked up a card and read it.
Aslan has given you a get out of jail free card and 9001 gold coins for no reason.
Pete was absolutely livid. Aslan's not even from Lord of the Rings!
Is that really what it says? asked Jett, not believing it was a real card.
Rupert showed the card. On it was a sketch of the Cowardly Lion of all things from The Wizard of Oz, which
seemed to be lifted straight from the Internet.
That's the Cowardly Lion for Pete's sake! Pete shouted. They didn't even try with this game!
As the night went on, so did their game. Pete still wasn't having any luck unfortunately. His hotels were failing, he
was on the verge of bankruptcy, and he had to sell his railroad to pay for trespassing on Jett's land. No, you can't take my
railroad! he pleaded to Jett. Please, you know I'll pay you back, dawg.
Rules are rules, she replied.
Pete angrily gave Jett the deed to his beloved railroad. Since when did Middle Earth even have railroads!? This
game is so suck.

Pete, maybe you should calm down, suggested Rupert, who now had a booming hotel chain and money to burn.
Maybe you should calm down, Rupert!! Pete exploded. Why do you need so many got-dang hotels, huh!?
Why don't you roll again, Pete, said Kim. You can take my turn. I want to finish my poem. She seemed pretty
intent on finishing her poem.
Pete gave a big grimace and took the dice. This time he landed on another chance space. Oh dear, he said in a
low, monotone voice, as if he already knew it was something terrible. He slowly picked up the card and read it. You and
the fellas got busted for an two grams of pipe weed. Go directly to jail. Oh come on! Uh, the 'fellas'? Is this Middle Earth or
Detroit? Ugh, Bilbo Baggins sucks. I hate this game.
Oh come now, said the father, big things come in small packages.
Jett suddenly seemed very troubled. She stood up. I'm sorry, I have to go, she said.
Is everything okay, Snuggle Bug? said the father. I suppose that was his nickname for her, which was very cute if
you ask me.
Yes, father, it's just been a long day. She yawned and started down the hall. I'm gonna return to the Shire and get
some rest.
Don't forget your peace spoon, said Pete as he held up the spoon.
She paused and turned around. She took the spoon and gave a forced smile. Thanks. I know just where I'm gonna
put it. She walked down the hall and into her bedroom. She sounded strange, like the weight of the world was on her chest
and she was about to lose her head.
Kim looked up from her notebook, seeming very troubled. I'm worried about her, she said. She's been down all
night. I wish I knew the truth.
Their father stood up. Well, I'm gonna go have a heart to heart with her, he said. I believe she's upset with me.
Rupert turned to Pete. Would you like to play another game? he asked.
Pete was a bit apprehensive, but thought a fresh start might help him out so he agreed. Hmm, alright, but I call
dibs on Gandalf, the good Gandalf, not that boring loser with the personality of a wet toast. This sort of goes without
saying, but Pete was not a fan of Gandalf the White.
Inside Jett's room, she sat on her bed looking at the gilded spoon and contemplating life. Her father walked in
slowly and sat at the foot of the bed. Something's on your mind, he said, now spill it.
Yes, father, replied Jett in an eerie, almost alien tone, something is on my mind. There's something I've wanted
to tell you for a long time now. This was it, she was surely about to spill the beans.
What is it, Jett? You can tell me anything.
I want you to know... that I remember everything. Her tone became almost terrifying and she had a wild look in
her eyes. What did she mean by this?
Her father was taken aback when he heard. He knew exactly what she meant by that, but feigned ignorance. Whwhat do you mean?
I remember what you used to do to me.
Her father became agitated. I- I don't know what you're talking about.
Oh stop it! Jett exploded. You're the reason I'm so messed up! You destroyed my life just as soon as it began.
You're a monster. Jett was on the verge of tears.
Her father was becoming very upset. It was a bloody long time ago, Jett. I can't change the past. Why do you
wanna go and wait until now to bring it up?
Because everybody loves you. People care about you, but... but this is killing me and I can't hide it anymore. I
can't change the past, but I can change the future.
Her father had a very bitter expression on his face, as though he didn't feel any remorse for what he had done. If
you tell, I'll go to jail and nobody will being able to support you anymore. You need me.
Jett was now furious. You are the last thing I need! she screamed. You're nothing to me. She then began to
laugh madly.
Did I say something funny?
Jett smiled and looked deep into her father's eyes. Do you wanna know what I do? Do you!? Her demeanor was
very off-putting.
Wh-what? Her father was a bit intimidated actually, as if he already knew the answer.
Gripping her spoon tightly, Jett suddenly unleashed her years of pent-up rage all at once and rammed the spoon
through her father's throat, instantly crushing his windpipe and leaving him unable to speak. Jett got in close, her hand still
on the spoon and fresh blood running down her arm. I kill people, and I blame you, she whispered.
Her father suffered. He was unable to breathe as his lungs were quickly filling with blood. In a panic he ran for the
door but stumbled. He fell onto his stomach and turned over onto his back, looking his daughter in the eyes in sheer terror
and thinking about all the atrocities he had done to her.
Jett stood above him with a very cold look in her eyes and blood dripping down her arm. How does it feel to be
totally helpless? She walked up to him and vigorously jerked the spoon from his neck. How does it feel when someone
you trusted destroys your life!? She then began violently gouging out his eyes with the spoon. Does it hurt!!? She

severely mutilated him until he was a bloody mess. During the cruel beating, he had stopped moving, for Jett had taken his
life. Jett had just killed her father with a spoon.
It was then that there a knocking at the door. Kim had overheard the commotion and went to investigate. What's
going on in there? asked Kim. I thought I heard yelling. Are you two okay?
Well, I am.
Kim had an idea of what happened, but didn't want to believe it. Did you- she paused and turned to Rupert. Go
to your room, Rupert.
But, Rupert argued.
Now, Rupert, Kim ordered.
Come on, said Pete, let's play hide and go tag paper scissors ball station 3. Neither Pete nor Rupert understood
what was going on, but they knew something was wrong. Still, the boys both stepped into Rupert's room.
Jett, Kim went on. She had a very hard time getting her words out and fighting back her tears. Did you... did
you kill him?
Jett said nothing for several seconds. This was it, the big one. ... I'm sorry, Kim.
Kim began to cry. She couldn't fight back the tears. Oh my God, Jett. What have you done? She opened the door
and saw her father dead on the floor. Jett had turned his body over so Kim wouldn't see what she did to his face. Still, Kim
nearly threw up when she saw what Jett had done. What have you done!? What did he do to you, Jett?
Jett began to whimper and cry as well. He's the reason I'm the way I am. When I was little he used to- but the
painful memories were too much to bear. Still, Kim had heard enough to understand what had happened to her, though she
didn't want to believe.
He didn't- Oh my God I had no idea. Why didn't you ever say anything?
Because everyone loved him and I didn't want him to be a bad person in your eyes, or Rupert's eyes, because to
you and Rupert he was a good person and a good father. I'm sorry, Kim.
Jett, I accepted who you are a long time ago. I know what you're capable of, and what you do, but you're my sister
and I love you, we all do. I wish it didn't have to be this way. I wish we could all go back to playing board games together,
but I know I can't ask you to be anyone but yourself. I can't very well ask a wolf to be a sheep. If he really did hurt you, then
he's not a good person in my eyes.
I don't feel bad for hurting him, but I never meant to hurt you.
Kim's strength and understanding was truly something to be admired. She had forgiven a murderer, even as her
father lay dead beneath her feet. For a long time I suspected our father hurt you, and now I finally know the truth. Did you
know the poem I've been working on is about you? Kim asked. I want you to hear it now. Jett wiped away her tears and
listened to what Kim had to say. She took out her notebook and turned to the right page. Through loving arms' embrace /
I'm dazzled by your bewildering grace / From winters so cold and nights all dark / They never manage to dim the spark /
Together we make two, but our hearts are as one / Even as time goes by I feel the magic has only begun / XOXO. Jett
began to sob and hugged her sister tightly. Shh, everything's gonna be okay. We'll get through this together.
Inside Rupert's room, he, Pete and the gorilla played video games. The game was an obscure indie title called
Power Man.
This game sucks, Pete groaned.
Jett walked in and was immediately surprised by the ape in the room. Oh my, she said calmly, there's an 800 lb
gorilla in the room. What a cruel twist of irony that was.
Pete saw the blood on her hands and thought it was high time he left. Uh, I got to go. He got out of there in a
hurry. He slid out of the room and the gorilla followed closely behind. He didn't leave the house. He simply left the room.
Jett sat next to her brother. He knew something was very wrong. Rupert... there's something I need to tell you.
Chapter Seven
Jett explained everything to Rupert, which was the most difficult thing she had ever had to do. It would probably be awhile
before he came to terms with what had happened, but he deserved to know the truth. Still, Jett thought it would be best to
leave for a while.
Early the next morning, Jett thought it might be helpful to take a walk and clear her troubled mind. Joining her was
none other than Pete. Again, he had no reason to still be there, but I guess he no reason to be anywhere else. Like a true
friend he stayed by Jett's side, even after she committed such a gruesome act. Whether or not Jett's actions were truly
justified is for you to decide, but in Pete's eyes she was still a good person.
As the two walked down the street, it began to rain yet again. Always with the rain in Star City. It's like London or
something. Unlike before, Pete didn't seem like he minded the rain.
Want me to buy you an umbrella? Jett asked, trying to be kind.
Nah, I kinda likes the rain now, Pete replied. It's like taking a swimming while standing up.
Thank you for staying with me. Most people who know my secret run away like a spooked rabbit. Can I at least
by you an ice cream?
Only if I get to eat it. What else would he do with it?
Jett let out a small laugh. Deal.

After purchasing more yummy frozen treats, they both sat on a curb and ate ice cream as the rain poured down on
Like before, Pete had challenged Jett to say tricky tongue twisters, but she kept messing up. She still wasn't any
good at them. The tutu tu- The tutu tutor- Uhg, this is really hard.
Pete smirked and preceded to show Jett how it was done. The tutu tutor tried to tutor two timid toddlers to tutu,
too, he said flawlessly. He really ought to consider a career in rap.
He's a witch! Jett blurted. A witch I say!
Pete laughed, but gave a sort of troubled look. I have to ask what did your father do that was so atroc'?
Jett gave a look of distress, which seemed slightly disingenuous. He... he made me wear blood antiperspirant to
school. She didn't want to answer the question, so she answered with a joke.
What? How awful! Pete exclaimed.
All the kids at school made fun of me in PE because I couldn't sweat. Jett was making light of a very grim
situation, but Pete didn't care. For all his flaws, Pete wasn't stupid and he was a very understanding person.
Pete shook his head. That guy was a bag of butts and a half.
Jett reflected on her life choices as she licked her ice cream cone. I guess whether or not someone is good or evil
really depends on who you ask, and who is affected. I mean, I'm as bad as they come if you ask all the people I've killed, but
I guess I do a lot of good, too. I don't know. She turned to Pete looking very sad and uncertain. Can I still call you Pete?
She asked this because only the good folks call him Pete.
Pete gave a very big grin. Of course you can, he said with great kindness and sincerity. You, madam, are good
Jett smiled back. It was something she needed to hear. She playfully dabbed Pete's cheek with her ice cream. Pete
chuckled and dabbed her cheek as well. This was only the beginning of what was sure to be a beautifully odd friendship.

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