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Read the following story.

Atong, the shepherd boy
Once upon a time, there lived a boy. His name was Atong. He was a
shepherd. He had to look after a flock of sheep every day. One day, he decided to
play a trick on the villagers.
He ran down the village shouting. Help! Help! Wolf! Wolf! The villagers came
running with sticks. When they saw Atong, they asked him, Where is the wolf? Oh!
It was here, but it has gone now, said Atong. The villagers told him to be careful and
they went home.
Atong played this same trick for the next few days. The villagers were getting
angry as they did not find any wolf. A few days later, Atong shouted again Help!
Help! Wolf! Wolf! The villagers did not go and help him. They thought he was playing
a trick again. But now, a real wolf was there and it killed many sheep.
Atong was sad and felt sorry for telling lies.

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