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Veterans & Military Families Monthly News

May 2010 Vol. 1 No. 2

Welcome to the Second
Month of the newsletter— 2010 Memorial Day Ceremony
and thank you for reading! A Day of Remembrance
The positive response
from last month‘s issue
From: Sherry Swann (Secretary of Fort Custer
was great to hear; it is our
Advisory Committee and Event Coordinator)
hope that the newsletter
becomes better each Memorial Day is the holiday held in the
month. For that to United States of America in memory of the dead
happen, we need your servicemen and servicewomen of all wars. The
input. If you have any largest ceremony held in our area annually is
article topics, or if you always held the day before the date of the actual
would like to write your own piece, we will holiday. This year‘s ceremony will take place on
gladly try to work it in. We hope you enjoy, and Sunday, May 30th, at 2 p.m. at Fort Custer
we look forward to hearing what you think. National Cemetery, 15501 Dickman Road,
Thank you very much! Augusta, Michigan. The ceremony is sponsored
by the Fort Custer National Cemetery Advisory
Committee, Inc. We encourage area residents of

Additional Benefits for

all ages to attend this stirring patriotic event.
Attending an hour-long event like this is a

Active Duty Time Served

wonderful way for young people to learn why
they should take pride in being an American.
For Memorial Day weekend, over
DD FORM 214-SOCIAL 25,000 American flags are placed on the graves
SECURITY BENEFIT by volunteers and proudly fly along the avenue
From: Social Security Administration (SSA) of flags. Michigan‘s Fort Custer National
Please share this with anyone who's had Cemetery has been selected as the Nations‘ best
active duty service between January 1957 to for the sixth year in a row.
December 31, 2001 and planning for retirement. This year‘s guest speaker is Maj.
In a nutshell it boils down to this: You qualify General Kurt J. Stein US Army TACOM is
for a higher social security payment because of Keynote speaker. Lt Col J Nadrasik Michigan
Military service, for active duty any time from Army National Guard. Mrs. Laura De Roo Blue
1957 through 2001 (the program was done away Star & Gold Star Flag Mother will be speaking.
with 1 January 2002). Up to $1200 per year of Scott Durham, Lakeview High School teacher,
earnings credit credited at time of application - will emcee this year‘s event. Chaplin Greg Van
which can make a substantial difference in social Heukelom will provide the invocation and
security monthly payments upon your benediction. The Lakeview High School Band,
retirement. You must bring your DD-214 to the under the direction of Darin Schmidt, will
Social Security Office and you must ask for this provide patriotic music. Lt. Col. Nicholas Batch
benefit to receive it! Social Security US Army Ret. Will sing the National Anthem
website: and ―America the Beautiful ―sung by Ms. Linda
This is something to put in your files for
when you apply for Social Security down the We would like to express our appreciation
road... It is NOT just for retirees, BUT anyone to all of the fighting men and women in
who has served on active duty between
January1957 to December 31, 2001. FYI - this the United States Military. Thank you for
benefit is not automatic, you must ask for it! your service to this county.

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate‘s committee. p. 1
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Carter-Thomas, By- Chance A few years ago, my
Gospel Group will doing Grandfather died. As a
patriotic music. Deb Gardiner young man, he visited
will perform one popular song France along with
―American Solider‖. Echo thousands of others of his
Taps will be played by Lt. brothers in arms, after
Col. Nicholas Batch & son arriving at some now
Alexander. Kalamazoo famous beaches in
Bagpipers will play ―Amazing Normandy. After his stint in
Grace‖ sung by Ms. Linda Europe, he returned
Carter-Thomas. Mr. Floyd Flags at Fort Custer stateside and married my
Carmichael will sing ―One grandmother. At the time
This Day.‖ they married, she already had four of the six
The program will begin with a fly over children she would have. My Grandfather spent
by the 127th Fighter Wing, MI ANG and the most of his life being a hardass, but to those of
Pledge of Allegiance, lead by Medal of Honor us who loved and knew him, he was a very
recipient Cpl. Duane Dewey USMC (Ret.). caring and loving man.
Color guards from youth groups including the, He was to be interred at Yankee Springs
Michigan Youth Challenge Academy. Will National Cemetery. During the funeral
accompany the Fort Custer National Cemetery ceremony at the church, I was doing well. It was
Tuesday Honor Guard... Veterans‘ organizations when we arrived at the cemetery that things
will lay wreaths in honor of our war dead. Rifle started getting emotional.
salute will be done by the Fort Custer Tuesday After my uncles and I loaded the casket
Honor Guard. on to the bier, the Honor Guard draped the flag
Provided by American Legion Post over his casket. I instantly had a lump form in
#298. Refreshments, including cookies, coffee, my throat and felt my face flush with blood. The
fruit punch and preacher gave his graveside spiel and then one
bottled water will be of the Honor Guard gave his speech. The very
served. last line still burns into me: ―A soldier now
For further sleeps‖ -- tears began to well in my eyes. That is
information about a powerful declaration.
donating a flag to The height of emotion came when Taps
the Fort Custer began to play. There was no holding back the
National Cemetery tears & emotion. I looked around to see if
Advisory anyone saw me crying, and noticed that two of
Committee for the my uncles and my great uncle (Grandpa‘s
cemetery please call brother) were also crying. We were all veterans
Sherry D. Swann, at different times. The ―civilians‖ present were
Flags at Fort Custer Program Chair, at not as moved by this service as they were at the
(269) 964-0309. church.
There is a love for our Country, our

Memorial Day Reflection

Flag, and our fellow veterans that simply cannot
be explained to those who did not serve.
Hopefully, we can help them understand a little
By: Sean M. Furr Specialist 4, US Army Veteran better, this and every other Memorial Day, and
Many civilians don‘t realize the in doing so, get more support for our brothers
significance to veterans of things like Memorial that need help. It is shameful the way our
Day, The American Flag, and fellow soldiers government ―forgets‖ those of us who put our
(veterans). There are emotions involved with lives on the line to protect this great nation and
these things that only veterans can appreciate & its citizens.

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520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
By: Denny Gillem Lt. Col., US Army, Retired
Too many Americans FLAG PLACEMENT
don‘t love America. We For Memorial Day, volunteers are
are threatened from needed to assist the cemetery staff in the
many directions, both placement of small flags on headstones out
external and internal. at Fort Custer National Cemetery
(Augusta, MI) to honor our deceased
Yet, many Americans
servicemen and servicewomen. The annual
seemingly neither know event will take place at 9 a.m. on Saturday
nor care. You know, the May 29, 2010. Volunteers of all ages are
opposite of love isn‘t welcome to participate. Refreshments will
hate. The opposite of love is indifference. If be served for all participants.
you hate something you care enough to want it The flag placement takes place on
to hurt or damaged—and that caring might the day before the annual Memorial Day
change. Indifference means it‘s of zero service at Fort Custer National Cemetery.
importance in your life. And the future and Please come out and join us, to honor our
security of America seems to be of zero fallen heroes on this important national
holiday. If you have any questions, please
importance to many Americans. We must wake
call (269) 964-0309.
them up.
We Americans have more freedom,
liberty, and rights than any other people in the away, because they love their religion and their
world. We enjoy wealth and prosperity that cause and their way of life—so they will fight
dwarfs that of most of the about 200 countries in and die for it. But, Joe Average-American just
the world. And we have become so fat and doesn‘t care.
happy that we act like this abundance is If you‘re reading this, you‘re likely one
somehow our divine right, bestowed by God of the people who does love and care for
upon us because we‘re so good; thus, it will America. Care means to act, to get involved.
never go away. We hear a great deal about our Involved means to invest both your time and
rights but never about our duties. your money. So I really relate to and appreciate
Freedom is not free. Our founding folks who are actively seeking a smaller, less-
fathers put everything on the line to create our intrusive government.
nation—and many of them lost everything. This year is an election year. This
Freedom has had to be defended in every year‘s elections will determine the future of our
generation. Our nation has fought many wars to nation. We have our primary elections this
protect freedom. We must remind folks that summer. The general elections are this
freedom needs to be defended through both November. Thanks for joining me as an
vigilance and service. America lover.
America today seems mostly concerned
about fishing poles, Ipods, and partying. None
of these things are in any way wrong, but when Please Support Veteran‘s Radio with
they become the primary focus, freedom can slip ―Frontlines of Freedom‖
away. When a person is indifferent to freedom, Hosted by Lt. Col. Denny Gillem
to America—the indifferent one no longer loves You can hear it every Saturday at 1pm on
America; he or she is willing to let America fend 1260 AM the Pledge (Zeeland, MI),
for itself. or by visiting the website at
We are at war today. Radical Islam has
sworn death to all Americans. They aren‘t going

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate‘s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933 p. 3
Armed Forces Day
From: Sean M. Furr Specialist 4, US Army
Several nations of the world hold an
annual Armed Forces Day to recognize, Military Report is the most comprehensive
venerate, and honor their military forces. military benefits and quality-of-life
In the United States, Armed Forces newsletter for military personnel and
Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in retirees. Make sure that you and your
May. The day was created in 1949, and was a colleagues subscribe for this free update
result of the consolidation of the military publication. For more information click on
services in the Department of Defense. It was
intended to replace the separate Army, Navy, A promotional video for the Club-K on
Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard the website of Moscow-based makers Kontsern-
Days, but observance of these days, Morinformsistema-Agat shows an imaginary
especially within each particular service, tropical country facing a land, sea and air attack
continues to this day. from a hostile neighbor.
The United States' longest running It fights back by loading three shipping
city-sponsored Armed Forces Day Parade is containers concealing Club-Ks onto a truck, a
held in Bremerton, WA. In 2009, Bremerton train and a ship, disperses them, and then
celebrated the 61sth Armed Forces Day launches a devastating strike on its enemy,
Parade. destroying its warships, tanks and airfields.
The purpose of Armed Forces day is to honor "The idea that you can hide a missile system in a
Americans serving in the five services – the box and drive it around without anyone knowing
Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast is pretty new," said Hewson, who is editor of
Guard. Jane's Air-Launched Weapons.
"Nobody's ever done that before."
Hewson estimated the cost of the Club-
K system, which packs four ground or sea-
Deadly New Russian Weapon launched cruise missiles into a standard 40-foot
shipping container, at $10-20 million.
Hides In Shipping Container "Unless sales are very tightly controlled, there is
By: REUTERS, April 26, 2010 a danger that it could end up in the wrong
hands," he said.
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian The promotional video showed how an
company is marketing a devastating new cruise ordinary shipping container with the Club-K
missile system which can be hidden inside a inside could be hidden among other containers
shipping container, giving any merchant vessel on a train or a ship. When required, the roof lifts
the capability to wipe out an aircraft carrier. off and the four missiles stand upright ready to
Potential customers for the formidable Club-K fire.
system include Kremlin allies Iran and An official reached by telephone at
Venezuela, say defense experts. They worry that makers Kontsern Morinformsistema-Agat
countries could pass on the satellite-guided declined to answer questions about the Club-K.
missiles, which are very hard to detect, to He said the firm had no spokesman and he
terrorist groups. needed time to study written questions before
"At a stroke, the Club-K gives a long- passing a request to the firm's management.
range precision strike capability to ordinary Russia is one of the world's top arms exporters,
vehicles that can be moved to almost any place selling a record $8.5 billion of weapons last year
on earth without attracting attention," said to countries ranging from Syria and Venezuela
Robert Hewson of Jane's Defense Weekly, who to Algeria and China. Its order book is estimated
first disclosed its existence. to top $40 billion.

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520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Mikhail Barabanov, a defense expert at Russia's world" as we can by providing them an all
Center for Analysis of Strategies and expenses paid trip to visit their memorial in
Technologies (CAST), said that as far as he Washington D.C.
understood, the Club-K was still at the concept Our program operates only on donations
stage. from local civic organizations and individuals
"Potential clients include anyone who from around the state.
likes the idea," he said. "It is known that the Our volunteer guardians pay their own
United Arab Emirates has shown interest in way for the pleasure of personally
buying the Club." accompanying the veterans throughout the day,
Barabanov said the Club-K used proven including escorting them on and off the aircraft
missiles from Novator, an established Russian and buses as well as to the WWII Memorial,
maker of weaponry including anti-submarine, Arlington National Cemetery, and any other
surface-to-air and submarine-launched missiles. stops along the trip.
One of the missiles on offer is a special anti-ship We have safely and successfully, made
variant with a second stage which splits off after many trips to DC with our veterans. The flights,
launch and accelerates to supersonic speeds of deluxe tour bus service, t-shirts, scooters, wheel
up to Mach 3. chairs, oxygen and meals are FREE to our
"It's a carrier-killer," said Hewson of Veterans. We pledge to continue to do this as
Jane's. "If you are hit by one or two of them, the long as funds and volunteers are available.
kinetic impact is's horrendous." Our flight dates are planned April
--Story From: REUTERS through November each year. With nearly 900
veterans waiting, your support can help us
increase the number of flights each month so all
our waiting veterans make the trip before it is
too late.


From: Honor Flight Michigan Website
HONOR FLIGHT MICHIGAN Effort to Get Michigan Veterans to
World War II Memorial Still Seeking Funding
SCHEDULES FINAL FLIGHTS Royal Oak, MI - Honor Flight Michigan, Inc.,
has nearly completed its mission to take
From: Honor Flight Michigan Website
The final flights for Honor Flight Michigan's World War II veterans to their
national memorial in Washington, D.C.,
Michigan are now being scheduled for
but there are still many waiting to go.
The purpose of Honor Flight Honor Flight Michigan, Inc., is a
Michigan is to fly Michigan's deserving non-profit organization that arranges
flights for World War II veterans who
WWII Veterans to Washington, DC to
visit the memorial dedicated to honor their have waited more than 60 years to see a
service and their sacrifices for our memorial to their fallen comrades. Nearly
country. 1,500 World War II veterans die each day.
On 29 May 2004, the World War II For many, prohibitive health care costs have
wiped out their savings, preventing them from
Memorial was dedicated to honor "The Greatest
Generation." Regrettably today, very few of visiting the site.
these elderly veterans have the funds, knowledge
We would like to express our
or strength to complete a conventional trip to
Washington D.C., via commercial airline, car or appreciation to all of the fighting men
bus. and women in the United States Military.
It is our mission to honor as many of Thank you for your service to this county.
these selfless "ordinary people who saved the

Paid for by the Michigan Republican Party with Regulated Funds.

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520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
To date, the Michigan organization has A large factor regarding homeless
taken more than 1,200 veterans on 28 flights to veterans is their increasing numbers living with
visit the memorial. The cost to cover the round- PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and
trip flight per veteran is $350. Funds raised by substance abuse. According to a study by the
Honor Flight through various community National Coalition for Homeless Veterans,
activities and donations have paid for the flights. veterans are twice as likely as other Americans
Thousands of volunteer hours have made the to be homeless and figures from a 2007 study
flights possible. indicate veterans comprise 26% of the entire
However, there are about 200 veterans homeless population. One can only imagine
who courageously served their country waiting what the numbers would be if the study were
to visit the World War II memorial. But a conducted today. Shortages of affordable
shortfall in donations due to the downturn in the housing, difficulties in acquiring health care and
economy has left the group with fewer funds a less than desirable reintroduction to the job
than needed to support all the necessary flights. market are some of the concerns in assisting
These veterans can't wait. The need for funds to veterans.
support the flights is urgent. Aging and health The United States Department of
concerns require that the veterans take the trips Veterans Affairs (VA) started events called
sooner rather than later. ‘Stand Downs’ in
Honor Flight Michigan is dedicated to taking the 1988 to provide food,
remaining WWII Veterans who have shelter, clothing,
applications on file and are waiting for their trip counseling services
to Washington D. C. in 2010, should funding about VA and Social
allow. The first flight of 2010 is scheduled for Security benefits, and
early April. many other areas to
Due to a shortage of funding no new assist local vets. These events are usually joint
applications are being accepted. efforts among local government and community
Groups and individuals interested in honoring agencies who serve the homeless. The VA
our World War II heroes can support the estimates nationally nearly 196,000 veterans are
upcoming final flights by sending their checks to homeless on any given night. DOLVETS, Dept
Honor Flight Michigan, P.O. Box 237, Royal of Labor/Veterans Employment and Training
Oak, MI 48068. Service, has provided a great deal of guidance
For further information, contact Fund and financial support for our veterans. This
Raising Coordinator Melissa Downey at 248- service has requested for 2010 an amount of
541-4388 or visit them online at: over $35 million for the Homeless Vets Reintegration Program.
Several cities across the country hold
Stand Down events. If you visit the web site,
will find a list of the events being held all across
the nation throughout the year. Another site,
By: Larry Harr Msgt, USAF Ret, (National Coalition for Homeless
You‘ve finished a hard day at work and Veterans) can also provide information on
then head for home. AAAHHH! Home Sweet homeless veterans and additional information on
Home! Something most of us take for granted.
Unfortunately, many of our veterans don‘t have
that option. Regardless of the circumstances
“Stand Down” in Michigan
that created a ‗homeless veteran‘, the fact May 26th-Lansing
remains that they are without a place to call their August 13th-Grand Rapids
own and struggle day to day to find food and August 27th-Battle Creek
shelter. October 8th-Kalamazoo

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520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
DOLVETS and many other helpful volunteered again for service with the 201st New
agencies/events. York Volunteer Infantry, for the Spanish
Some ways in which you can help varies American War. Unfortunately, he was killed in
from locations and access to veteran‘s center. action during battle against the Spanish forces in
You can start by determining what is needed Cuba.
in your community and contacting homeless Vincent Paul enlisted in the New York
veteran providers to see how you can be of National Guard on April 24, 1916 (age 21). He
service. See if your community has a was given Serial Number 1,207,591 and was
homeless coalition. Work with them to ensure assigned to the 14th Regiment, Company F, at
veterans receive their fair share of resources. If the Armory in Brooklyn, NY. His record of
a coalition is not available, perhaps you can service (index card) is on file in the NY State
educate the community and organize one. Archives, now part of the Cultural Education
Donations are always a great way to help! Center at Albany, NY. No doubt his enlistment
Contact your local homeless veteran provider into the Guard was part of the patriotic emotions
through the NCHV to find offices in or around that were sweeping the country in response to
your area. And involve your local and state the aggression (killing of civilians) of Pancho
elected officials. Make sure they know what Villa. The war in Europe was already going full
you want to accomplish. The local media can be blast and had settled into the trench warfare
a great resource to get the word out about the stalemate by 1915. His brother Louis Esposito
importance of helping the homeless veterans. also enlisted in the U.S. Marines and saw service
Use the links above and search the Internet for in France in the Argonne Forest.
homeless veteran programs. On June 18, 1916, the President ordered
There are many ways we can help and the activation of the Guard to active duty for
help we must. We are members of the same punitive raids into Mexico. General ―Black
military family regardless of what branch we Jack‖ Pershing was tasked to command the
served. Getting our veterans the assistance they army, find, and suppress the bandit Pancho
need to again become a viable and valuable Villa. Gen. Pershing was
asset to a community will reap many rewards. called Black Jack
We cannot let them down. They want a place because of the sudden
to call home too! loss of his wife and
children to disease. It
My Grandfather, Sergeant reflected his lack of
happiness, but not his
Vincent Paul Esposito, US Army, professionalism. In June
Memorial Day 2010 1916, Vincent Paul was
finishing his basic
Part I training for the NY
By: Claude McManus Command Master Chief Guard in Peekskill, NY.
(Surface Warfare), USN Retired On June 27,
Vincent Paul was born March 27, 1916, Vincent Paul, a
1895 in Brooklyn, NY. Vincent Paul comes private in the Army, left
from a family that has served their country NY by train for Mexico
proudly. His four Uncles, John, Charles, Louis with the 14th Regiment.
and William Messing had served in the By July 19, 1916, the 14th
Seventh Regiment (Brooklyn, NY) during the Regiment was on the
Civil war. They saw service in the Battle of border at Hidalgo
Gettysburg for the Grand Army of the County, Texas. They had
Republic. Uncle Charles, John, and William 3,377 horses and mules with them and the
took the land grants issued for their service and relatively new modern machine called a truck.
relocated to Florida in Deland, Volusia County, The 14th was camped in the desert like area of
what is now the Daytona Beach area. One Uncle Camp Mission, Camp McAllen, and Camp

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520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933 p. 7
We would like to express our appreciation to all of the fighting men and women in the United
States Military. Thank you for your service to this county.

Pharr; sixty miles from Brownsville, near the Indian decent, none spoke Spanish) and 300
mouth of the Rio Grande River (Mission, Americans. While on the border, General Order
McAllen and Pharr are presently established 7 was drafted and enforced, there will be no
towns in Texas from what was the original consumption of alcohol, all saloons, bars,
camps). This area of Texas was known as the brothels were off limits, and armed guards were
―disputed‖ area. Since the Mexican War of posted.
1846, the boundaries of the US and Mexico was The Commanding General expected the
disputed (the US claimed the Rio Grande as the 14th Regiment to be Spartans in their soldiering.
boundary, Mexico claimed the Nueces River as It is this training and isolation from a civilian
the boundary). Water in this area was in population that is credited with developing the
extreme short supply. The heat in the summer of seasoned discipline that would needed during
1916 often reached 120F during the day. The the Belgium and French campaigns. The Spartan
mission of the NY Guard was to be in reserve ideal was predominant in the National Guard
for Black Jack Pershing and to guard the Texas leadership at the time. Part of the Spartan way of
border areas. It was anticipated that there would the Guard included not wearing ceremonial
be a large-scale invasion of Mexico. uniforms, not displaying medals or ribbons,
Vincent Paul was promoted to Corporal rugged training, and sparse living conditions.
on July 24, 1916 while on the border. At this General O‘Ryan pointed out that Spartan
time, he was assigned regular infantry duty. As qualifications required physical dexterity, self-
such, he drilled in rifle, horses, bayonets, terrain sacrificing and dependable men, men who will
navigation, and participated in sports. Baseball, suffer and endure without reasonable complaint
boxing, and rodeo events were the common and that these qualities are not grown overnight.
forms of sporting events. In the area the
inhabitants consisted of 800 Mexicans (of local

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Not authorized by any candidate or candidate‘s committee.
520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933 p. 8
In January 1917, the Zimmerman
Telegram occurred. This was a telegram from
the German Government asking the Mexican
Government to join the battle against the Allies. Another good source to send issues facing
In return, the Germans promised to give the
veterans is the VFW of MI page called
Mexicans the return of territories lost during the
Mexican War and the Texas War of ―Sound Off‖
Independence. This greatly alarmed the new
President, Woodrow Wilson. He sought
immediate treaties with Mexico to ensure the
peace, and ordered the Guard home from the
"Sound Off"
The editorial page of the Veterans of
border. Foreign Wars Department of Michigan
Meanwhile, back in NY, the concern
over sinking of ships in the Atlantic by German
submarines, and the potential sympathy of
German Americans towards the war in Europe, The purpose of this page is to serve as a
the Governor called out the Guard. Vincent Paul platform or a tool that can used to help us
was still in Texas, when the Governor directed improve the way we all do business in the
the Guard to patrol and guard the water supplies VFW. This forum will allow our readers, our
of NYC (Catskills), the electrical power members, our Posts, our Districts and our
generation sites in Buffalo, NYC and protect the Department to gain an insight on how others
bridges around the city. Vincent Paul returned view us as veterans.
from Texas on February 19, 1917 to the Armory Please email your comments, opinions,
in Brooklyn. His Company was not tasked with problems and even compliments to
guarding the bridges, so he was returned to in- & please use "Sound Off" on
active NY National Guard status. He was the subject line and we will publish your
promoted to Mess Sergeant on April 16, 1917. comments on this page. The VFW reserves
What this means is he was no longer a ground the right to edit or return, unpublished, any
pounder infantry man, he was now in charge of postings submitted. Please include your name,
cooks in the Mess (A Mess is where the troops phone number & email address in your email.
ate, think tables and chairs, wood or coal fire We will only publish your email address with
ovens, hand pumped water. The ―kitchens‖ were your permission. Feel freely to speak out on
wood wagons with stoves on the back). anything you think that we need to address,
The United States declared war on improve or change that could help other
Germany April 6, 1917. Again, the NY Guard veterans, members, Posts, Districts or the
was called to active duty for fighting in Europe. Department of Michigan.
The Order was received on July 15, 1917, members of the Guard who had been on the
calling all National Guard Units into Federal Mexican border were considered extremely
Service effective August 5, 1917. Vincent Paul valuable. Vincent Paul was demoted/promoted
was ordered to assemble at his Armory in to combat infantry as a private in Company F, in
Brooklyn on July 20, 1917. the newly formed 106th Infantry Regiment
On August 23, 1917, his Regiment was (formerly the 14th Regiment of NYC).
directed to proceed by train to Camp Training at the Camp consisted of
Wadsworth, South Carolina (SC), near forced marches lasting three to ten days. There
Spartanburg, SC. was rifle training, trench training, gas drills,
Vincent Paul departed October 3, 1917, grenade training and bayonet drills. When the
for Camp Wadsworth. During the month of Brits arrived, Sergeant Major William Tector
October, the US War Department was taught the Regiment gymnastics. They were also
attempting to find experience troops and re- taught by British Major Sharp to obey orders by
structure the Army for training prior to playing ―O‘Grady‖ games. The troops were
deployment to war. A result of this was the

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520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933
A wide-reaching statewide effort to
honor Michigan Vietnam War Veterans
culminates in a day of recognition and
celebration of their service and sacrifice for
veterans and their families at Fifth Third Ball
Park in Grand Rapids.
All veterans, family members,
friends and other Michigan residents are
invited to attend. Find event details, local
information on the statewide kick-off at
LZ Michigan is a partnership of
Grand Valley State University, WGVU and
the West Michigan Whitecaps, along with an
extensive group of organizations statewide.
ordered to follow instructions similar to ‗Simon Please log onto for
says‘. The goal of this being to teach the men to more information about the event.
think and act, critical during gas and artillery They arrived in Brest, France on May
attacks. 23, 1918. It took the Division two days to
During the winter of 1917, rumors unload. Vincent Paul was then assigned with his
began to circulate in NYC that the men were regiment to the tent camp at Fort Bougen, Brest,
freezing to death in the training trenches. This France. On May 28, 1918, they entrained for
was untrue, but the training had begun in the art Noyelles sur Mer to begin training for battle
of trench warfare. That meant the troops were with the Bosch (Germans).
training how to conduct warfare in the freezing The Germans had launched a spring
trenches. General O‘Ryan took this opportunity offensive in Belgium (Flanders) with the goal of
to explain to the Division that trench warfare capturing the ports before the Americans began
had been going on in Europe since 1914 with to arrive. This offensive was somewhat
huge loss of life. The goal of the 27th Division successful and the Germans were stopped short
was expressed to break through the Hindenburg of the ports near the Belgium town of Ypres.
Line. The war had deteriorated to a stalemate at The salient known as the Lys Salient or bulge in
the Hindenburg line, which extend from France the line established by the Germans demanded
through Belgium. The Allies seemed to believe that 10 American Divisions or about 200,000
the Line was impregnable. Literally, millions of men were assigned to re-enforce the British and
French, Belgium, Australian, and British troops Belgium troops. It was determined that the 27th
had died on this line, as well as the Germans and 30th Division would be assigned to the
defending it. British to replace the badly mauled units of the
On May 6, 1918, the 106th Regiment British Army. For the duration of the war, the
was ordered to entrain (board a train) at Camp 27th and the 30th remained assigned to the Brits.
Wadsworth for Hoboken, NJ. Once there, they They were supplied by them, issued British
immediately boarded the USS President Lincoln. rations, weapons, and trained in British tactics.
It took several days to get the Regiment aboard Training began with the British Army,
ship, sailing for France on May 10, 1918. 66th Division, under the Third British Army,
commanded by General Sir Julian Byng. The

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“We Ride”
66th Division was badly mauled by the Germans;
only 2,000 remained of their original 30,000
men. The 27th Division lived on British rations,
issued British under clothes and shoes until the By: Sam Cottle Michigan
Armistice was signed. Ultimately, the 27th and State Captain Patriot Guard
39th Divisions were considered the Second Riders
American Army Corp. The Patriot Guard
Vincent Paul was taught that there were began in the fall of 2005 by a few American
two kinds of soldiers in the war, the quick and Patriots that said, ―Never Again will a Warrior
the dead. If he did not learn to recognize the gas Come home and be disrespected for their service
defense alarms, then death would come quickly. and sacrifice abroad for our freedom‖. From
The 106th Regiment with Vincent Paul that simple beginning we have grown to a
was then moved to a new training area at nation-wide organization with membership in all
Canchy, Millencourt, Oneux, St. Requir, north 50 states numbering over 190,000.
of Abbeville and River Somme. This moved Patriot Guard Rider what does that
them closer to the front. St. Requir was the mean. Anyone who visits our web-page will
village where St. Joan of Arc was held prisoner immediately see our mission statement
before her trial and execution at Rouen. They are “The Patriot Guard is a diverse amalgamation
still in France as this point. of riders from across the nation. We have one
Next, the regiment was moved to thing in common besides motorcycles. We have
Beaval, Fr. on June 18, 1918, and assigned to the an unwavering respect for those who risk their
British Third Army. The 106th was camped at very lives for America’s freedom and security. If
Bonneville, Fieffe, and Montrelit. you share this respect, please join us.”
On July 19, 1918, the 106th entrained for We ride but not all of us. Many would
Candas for transfer to the British Second Army, never attempt to ride or even receive a parking
they detrained at Arques. This is the Oudezeele lot ride from one of us. Have you ever seen us
area in Flanders (Belgium). At this point, the …? We have beards and dark sunglasses. We
106th had its back to the sea and in front was the have long and short hair; we have tattoos and
newly constructed defense system of the East wound scars. We wear funny cloth hats, shirts
Poperinghe Line. This was a system of trenches from distant Harley Davidson dealerships. We
that the British had constructed to defend against wear leather vests with Patriotic, military
the Germans. The area was ‗ancient‘ farmland service, funny, embarrassing, confusing and
and the trenches cut through the farm‘s fields. At some completely out of line patches. Would you
this point, the 106th is receiving German artillery let your kid ride with one of us … you could?!
barrages and gas attacks. It is also at this time What brings us all together?
the hardest rain in 30 years fell on Flanders and We ride Harleys. Hondas, Suzuki‘s,
turned the battlefield to mud. It is estimated that Yamaha‘s, Indian‘s, scooters even wheel chairs
the British lost 40,000 men drowned in the mud
of Flanders during this part of the war.
On July 24, 1918, the 106th was moved
to the front lines (trenches) to relieve the British
6th and 41st Divisions. This occurred at night to
minimize German effective bombing, sniping,
and artillery barrages. The 8th Prussian Division
was brought up to the German line specifically
to maul the new American Divisions.
To be continued…

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and walkers but most of all we are all riding to just one lone Patriot standing with his flag.
Victory‘s point that day to be able to say What many think is an insignificant
―Mission Accomplished‖. Our rides are loud process, has the greatest impact on the day that
and many are quiet, they‘re shiny, they‘re dirty, people are sending a warrior to war, or laying
some have every piece of chrome some have their loved one to
none but what is it that draws us together.
We ride, but It is not our politics that
rest. We will be
seen offering our
Up Coming
brings us together; we are Republicans,
Democrats, Independents, Green, Blue and Red
arm to a Senior
Citizen who needs PGR Events
party, we have every political view imaginable assistance getting
and some you wouldn‘t want to imagine. What from their car to the Dearborn Memorial
is it that brings us together? building. Directing Day Parade. The PGR
We ride, but it is not the rank that we traffic, holding a will present a flag-line
achieved in the military. Like myself, many door, driving a flag for Veterans there.
have never served a day in the United States into the hard frozen http://www.cityofdear
Armed Forces but will stand and declare ―God dirt in order that
Bless America‖ and ―Don‘t mess with America‖ there can be a sea of ity-services/public-
we will send our troops to deal with you‖. Why flags to honor the information/press-
do we ride? one who served so releases/400-laid-to-
selflessly rest-with-honor
We ride, but it is not a club, religious underneath of its
organization or corporate entity that brings us proud colors. Presenting an Honor
together. We are sinner and saint, believer and All across Flag-line for a WWII
non. We have every denomination and biker this land we will be Casualty of the USS
persuasion that stand with us. We are rich and seen riding our Oklahoma
poor, young and old. loud, shiny and http://www.patriotguar
We ride, but what it is that ―Common many times dirty,
Bond‖ of Patriotism. As members of the Patriot rain soaked bikes. d/61/forumid/11/posti
Guard Riders, we‘ve been honored to be a part Although some d/1364126/view/topic/
of thousands of tributes paid to American heroes think we are tough, Default.aspx
all across this great Nation. We‘ve been there in yet our hearts are
the large cities and small towns offering honor moved to tears of compassion when we see
in whatever manner has been asked of us by the others grieving their loved one lost.
family of the troop for which we have We wear dark glasses and seem to be
assembled. There may be 1000 bikes and cars or tough men and women and yet we mourn, we
cry, our heart breaks like
everyone else. We are
tough on injustice, we are
tough on dishonor, and we
are tough on those who
mock the price that has been
paid for our American
We ride, yes we
ride, that is one mode of
transportation. In MI we
will be seen in our cars,
vans, trucks whatever it
takes to bring honor and
respect to those who have
laid their life on the line for

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520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933 p. 12
this Nation and our great Constitution. What moves us to tears are men and women who
We ride, when they leave for war. We will stand together to lift another‘s burden.
ride crying and cheering when they return. We The Vigilant American Citizen are those with
hold their wives and children and promise that whom we will crawl through the trench of
the same honor that we showed as they deploy mediocrity, run up the hill of opposition, charge
will be here waiting when they return for r/r or the shore of injustice and stand on the mountain
deploying home. of Victory shouting "We helped another Stand
It is indeed an honor for each and every today and realize their dignity and worth as a
PGR member to be included as invited guests to human being".
share in these tributes. It is indeed an honor to be Courage is the answer to all of these
a Patriot Guard Rider. thoughts and feelings. A great man once said,
What is a Patriot - one who has the ―Courage is when one knows nothing else to do
greatest love for ones country if necessary even but just stand there because to sit and watch life
to the point of ―Them‘s fightin‘ words‖. go by is just inhumane.‖ We will not be sitting
In the PGR we have a preacherman, and watching only Standing and Honoring!
partnr, kroozr, jimmy k, Marine Mike, jimmy j, God bless the families of the fallen who pay the
mailman and milk toast, sparky, we have price of freedom every day!
a grumpy, a chief, a thunderider, a seabee lee, God bless our Veterans and
a sundog, a cigar, boxcar, a taz, a six carbs, Troops serving today!
ciddog, a jj, a webby, a sew girl, a t-bone, God strengthen our POW/MIA‘S!
a harley rider one, a blondie, a doc, a taildragger, God Bless America!
a possum, a lyn , a shadowfaxx, a marine mom, The greatest reason we ride is our Gold
a gadget girl, and a 16 year old Gunny Sgt. Star families that must be supported, honored,
A great man once said, cherished and protected. Here is a web-site that
―What you Love is a clue to the gifts, honors each of our Michigan Fallen Warriors.
skills, and wisdom you possess.
What grieves you to tears is a clue to something bin/fg.cgi?page=vcsr&GSvcid=20278
you were designed to heal.
What you hate is a clue to something you are
designed to correct.
We love our country and the men and women In Closing
who have given their lives to make our Thank you for your service to our
Constitution stand strong today. country. Men and Women like you are what
We hate injustice by those who think that make this nation great.
because we have freedom they can violate We hope everyone has a great Memorial
another‘s life. Freedom of Speech doesn‘t give Day as we remember those who gave it all to
one the right to yell "Fire" in a crowded theater. this nation and its freedom.
If you have anything you would like
Staff share, any questions, or have an article idea
Layout- Matthew X. Hauser ( please let me know. You can contact me
Writers- Larry Harr Msgt USAF Retired anytime at:
Denny Gillem Lt. Col., US Army, Retired
Claude McManus Command Master Chief Sincerely,
(Surface Warfare), USN, Retired
Sean M. Furr Specialist 4, US Army Veteran
Sherry Swann Secretary of Fort Custer
Matthew X. Hauser
Advisory Committee and Event
Sam Cottle Michigan State Captain Patriot If you don‘t want to receive these emails
Guard Riders please Click Here.
Publisher- Hank Fuhs Lt. Col., USAF, Retired, ANG

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520 Seymour Street, Lansing, MI 48933

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