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Generate Random number between 1 and 200

1 Combat Encounter
2 Combat Encounter
3 Combat Encounter
4 Combat Encounter
5 Combat Encounter
6 Traveling Medicine Merchant
7 Traveling Alchemy Merchant
8 Traveling Weapons and Armor Merchant
9 Escaped Slave with master in hot pursuit, only 2-3 minutes behind
10 Adventuring Party passes by
11 Wounded traveler in the road
12 Cleric in need of food and water (grants Bless for one day if they help, Curses the party (ha
13 Bounty Hunter passes, looking for someone the party know, possibly an NPC in the party
14 Combat Encounter
15 Abundant Silver ore deposit in the mouth of a mysterious chasm
16 Largest rat you've ever seen passes by, seems nonviolent
17 A single gold piece on the ground - whoever picks it up has Advantage on Everything for th
18 A trio of dogs guarding a hunter's corpse
19 Camp of Nomads
20 Dire Bear and Dire Boar fighting one another
21 A pack of Wolves attacking a man, offers reward
22 Stranger walks up, hands you a key, walks away
23 Brush/Forest Fire
24 Freshly dug graves in rows of three (6 total)
25 Combat Encounter
26 Unattended children begin following the party, calling them names
27 Clinically insane woman walks by
28 Cannibal eating a corpse
29 Combat Encounter
30 Empty Shack
31 Parent and Child, child asks for autograph
32 Traveling merchant with fake magic items
33 Cartographer passes, asks for help on notes for an extremely detailed world map he is mak
34 People trying to start up a town
35 Adventuring Party passes by, arguing about who did what wrong in their last adventure
36 Meet a looter who is travelling to an abandoned town, offers to share wealth with the party
37 A man in rags comes out of a hut and screams obscenities at the party, dances around them
38 Random PC contracts a disease due to either exposure or bad food
39 Random Pickpocket
40 Star flies overhead, crashing to the ground somewhere out of sight
41 Dragon flies overhead and roars
42 Missionary shares his religion with you
43 An unmarked tower. Locked and vacant, but has stuff in it
44 Hidden Prison labor camp filled with POWs found
45 Combat Encounter
46 Random PC gets invited to join a group of some kind

47 Come across a rare piece of foliage

48 Extremely fertile plot of land
49 Travelers share a tale of a nearby ancient temple in the woods, that nature has practically r
50 An arrow flies past your head. A novice archer runs out and apologizes
51 Peasants approach begging for food and shelter, offer to work in exchange
52 Bandit holds up the party for 5 gold each
53 Cavern found, large animal or pack inside
54 Combat Encounter
55 Combat Encounter
56 Group of POWs escorted by enemy faction
57 Group of POWs escorted by friendly faction
58 Group of slaves escorted by a driver
59 Bandit Ambush
60 Incompetent bandit ambush
61 Veteran Bandit Ambush
62 Enemy Faction Ambush
63 Road suddenly turns sharply, going in a different direction than marked on the map
64 A group of armored men guarding an ornate carriage passes by
65 A ragtag group in a variety of cheap clothing pass by driving an ornate carriage, cheering a
66 Noble passes by
67 Noble passes by seemingly guarded by two men in cheap clothing
68 A group of people burying someone on the side of the road
69 At night, wolves circle the camp like they are going to attack. They do not unless provoked
70 Traveling Minstrel
71 d4 men in black robes pass by. They are: (Roll a d4) 1. Monks from a distant abbey, 2. Culti
72 A man in fine clothing wearing golden earrings, necklace set with gems, and ten ornate rin
73 A corpse is found on the ground. In his pouch is an "Elixer of Eternal Life." There is still som
74 A knight on horseback trots by, his squire close behind
75 A naked woman runs out in front of the party begging for protection from a bear. Roll a d4.
76 The next city the party finds roll a d4: 1. Has been taken over by bandits, the guards are
77 Bodies of bandits on the side of the road
78 Bounty Hunter, looking for Bandits that headed this way
79 Assassin, looking for one of the party members
80 A thin, weak, droopy bridge over a long gorge (Creatures large or larger automatically brea
81 You encounter a group of travelers that look either sickly or scrawny, or perhaps of a race t
82 A large tree has fallen into the road, and the locals are trying to move it
83 Holy men on a pilgrimage
84 Tax Collectors
85 Freak weather forcing the party to share shelter with a stranger
86 A group of entertainers
87 Road is marked by (d4) 1. A circle of strange runes (after investigating for a while, childre
88 Lost child
89 Pack of wild dogs, non-hostile unless provoked
90 Vultures feasting on carcasses of soldiers of the faction that controls the area
91 A sword buried in a rock (it is cursed)
92 A minstrel that wants to follow you to write a song about your next adventure
93 Combat Encounter

94 Combat Encounter
95 A man threatens the party, claiming to be a master necromancer, demands tribute. Actuall
96 You find a journal detailing troop movements. Roll a d6: 1-3: Friendly, 4-6: Enemy
97 Adventuring party passes, but as you greet one another one of theirs is swept up by a flyin
98 The bridge over a river has fallen down. The river is very strong and deep.
99 A horse pulling an empty carriage runs toward the party, away from something
100 A bard plays on an instrument, followed by a group of cheering, singing, and dancing childr
101 A monocled halfling with a wooden leg and King Candy voice driving a brightly colored wag
102 A group of refugees travel to safer lands
103 A man claiming to be a great hero offers to protect the party
104 An elderly man with a kindly disposition follows the party, asking for protection. Along the w
105 A battle between two factions
106 A dying courier from a friendly faction begs the party to deliver a sealed letter back the wa
107 A dying soldier from an enemy faction begs the party to deliver a sealed letter to a nearby
108 A man challenges one of the party members to a duel, bets money he can win
109 A major NPC
110 A group of women living in huts, offer a place to stay the night (They may or may not be wi
111 You find a cabin late at night, seemingly abandoned. Inside the cabin, there are enough bed
112 A group of enemy scouts, injured, friendly
113 A group of friendly scouts, injured, incredibly rude
114 A camp of peasants inflicted with a highly contagious disease, every party member now ha
115 A friendly military camp
116 An enemy military camp
117 An elven lady named Elen begs the party for help clearing her name against charges of aid
118 Random Inn, use inn generator
119 Random Inn, use inn generator
120 Random Inn, use inn generator
121 Random Inn, use inn generator
122 Random Inn, use inn generator
123 Random Inn, use inn generator
124 Random Inn, use inn generator
125 Random Inn, use inn generator
126 Random Inn, use inn generator
127 Random Inn, use inn generator
128 Random Inn, use inn generator
129 Combat Encounter
130 Combat Encounter
131 Combat Encounter
132 Combat Encounter
133 Combat Encounter
134 Combat Encounter
135 Combat Encounter
136 Combat Encounter
137 Combat Encounter
138 Combat Encounter
139 Combat Encounter
140 Combat Encounter

141 Combat
142 Combat
143 Combat
144 Combat
145 Combat
146 Combat
147 Combat
148 Combat
149 Combat
150 Combat
151 Combat
152 Combat
153 Combat
154 Combat
155 Combat
156 Combat
157 Combat
158 Combat
159 Combat
160 Combat
161 Combat
162 Combat
163 Combat
164 Combat
165 Combat
166 Combat
167 Combat
168 Combat
169 Combat
170 Combat
171 Combat
172 Combat
173 Combat
174 Combat
175 Combat
176 Combat
177 Combat
178 Combat
179 Combat
180 Combat
181 Combat
182 Combat
183 Combat
184 Combat
185 Combat
186 Combat
187 Combat


188 Combat
189 Combat
190 Combat
191 Combat
192 Combat
193 Combat
194 Combat
195 Combat
196 Combat
197 Combat
198 Combat
199 Combat
200 Combat


elp, Curses the party (half max HP for a week if they don't)
bly an NPC in the party

age on Everything for the day

led world map he is making

n their last adventure

are wealth with the party if they join
arty, dances around them cackling "he's coming for you!"

at nature has practically reclaimed

arked on the map

nate carriage, cheering and drinking fine wine

do not unless provoked

a distant abbey, 2. Cultists spreading the word of an upstart religion, 3. Nobles trying to travel unnoticed, 4. A g
gems, and ten ornate rings offers the party a contest at the price of 1000 gold: "Before me I will set these two c
al Life." There is still some left.

n from a bear. Roll a d4. 1. Her husband was a druid who accidentally turned into a bear mentally as well as phy
bandits, the guards are dead. 2. The burning remains of a city, 3. has been taken over by a faction that oppose

arger automatically break this bridge)

ny, or perhaps of a race that the party considers evil, but they are kind. They would like to travel with you for a d

gating for a while, children approach, they made it), 2. a grave dug in the middle of the road, 3. Dead bandits, 4

ls the area

demands tribute. Actually just a bandit with several friends pretending to be zombies
ly, 4-6: Enemy
irs is swept up by a flying creature and taken to a cave in a nearby cliff

m something
nging, and dancing children
ng a brightly colored wagon full of interesting knick-knacks

or protection. Along the way, he asks about things related to the plot (he is a spy for the BBEG)

ealed letter back the way they came from

sealed letter to a nearby camp
y he can win

ey may or may not be witches)

bin, there are enough beds for the entire party. On each wall is a painting of a different man, but each are smilin

ry party member now has this disease unless they pass a DC 18 con save

me against charges of aiding and abbeting a faction hostile to the nearest town

o travel unnoticed, 4. A group of happy, normal travelers who really like black robes
me I will set these two chests. If you can find the treasure, it is yours." Both are garbage, the treasure is the jew

r mentally as well as phyiscally, 2. She was a forest animal turned human by a druid who was enamored of her
by a faction that opposed that city's faction, 4. Is gone, replaced by a sinkhole.

to travel with you for a day, and the entire time speak of Aradhelion, the perfect city, which the party has neve

road, 3. Dead bandits, 4. a broken wagon

man, but each are smiling and staring. In the morning, you realize these were actually windows.

e, the treasure is the jewelery he wears.

ho was enamored of her (the bear), 3. Bear found her while she was washing, 4. Bear is a nervous young druid h

which the party has never heard of


a nervous young druid hoping to catch a peek

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