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Children Observation Project

Student: Roger Briceno

Lecturer: Dr, Noel Carballo
University of Belize
Psychology of Learning

Observation Description
This observation was carried out as a requirement for the completion of the course- Psychology
of Learning at the University of Belize. The students observed are all freshmen in a Science Class.
The observation was conducted at the Corozal Community College, which is one of the most
prestigious education institutions in Belize. This science class had a total of 34 students coming
from town primary schools and schools in rural areas in the vicinity. These students were
observed for particular behavior under the scope of theories such as: Pavlov, Skinner,
and Bandura.

General Observations

Classroom observations recorded:

1) Students reach little late on class
2) Students took some time to settle down
3) Students formed groups to work in class
4) Some students stayed at the back of the class and had some talking at the beginning
of the lesson.
5) Students knew that when raising their hands, the teacher will acknowledge them in
order to respond to a question or to ask a question
6) Students participated in group discussion
7) Some students repeated the same answers that was given before due that they were
not paying attention

8) Some students were talking with each other during the lesson
9) During the discussion the students were little loud among the groups
10) Students were eager to leave the class room as the time was approaching the end
of the class
11) At the end of the class, students were instructed to pack the furniture but paid no
importance to the instruction
12) Some students didnt took notes when they were instructed.
13) Students got focused every time teacher passed by the students.
14) Some students were playing around in their little groups and not paying attention to
the teacher.

Salient Points
Class: 1L- 34 students
Subject: Science
Observers: Roger Briceno
1. students raised hand to ask question or
give comments
2. students decreased their noise as teacher
approached their area


Room for Improvement

Students need to practice punctuality
Classroom procedures
Students took long to settle
Taking notes
Students did not packed chairs as
Students were not paying attention but
were playing
Students were not engaged

Analysis for Children Observation

Before I begin with the analysis, I need to

comment that the observed behavior is that
acquired through primary school and not
necessarily the fault or responsibility of
the high school teacher. This is because
students are just starting high school.
This is for sure a clear example of the
many challenges against which form one
teachers war against.
After reviewing the class observation and
filtering the data through Pavlov's theory
many finds were made. I was able to
appreciate classical condition when
students listened to the buzzer everybody
direct themselves to the class where they
were supposed to have classes. An

unconditional response observed was that

the presence and proximity of the teacher
caused the students to be focused and be
quiet. However, no unconditional stimulus
was observed.
Secondly, when I filter the data through
Skinner's theory, new findings were
revealed. For example, in this class there
was no liberal use of positive
reinforcement. Personally I felt that it
was needed because some students were not
engaged and were bored. On the other hand,
a negative reinforcement observed was that
the teacher allowed the students at the
back to have their will. By doing this the
teacher did not rescue the students from
distraction. I think there was also an
eminent manifestation of disobedience and
defiance. I notice this when the teacher
directed the students to rearrange
the furniture but the teacher was
just ignored. Students have not learned to
respect the teacher as the authority of the
Lastly, after analyzing the data through
Bandura's Theory, it was obvious that the
students were not being motivated and to
make matters worse there was little or no
motivation in the students for this class.

Also the feedback provided during class

work was not meaningful. As a result, the
levels of self-efficacy in general were
poor and the students left the class with a
very ambiguous picture of their efficacy.
Teachers need to re-enforce good classroom management
skills through behaviorism. They need to be creative in
order to spark the curiosity of students. Teacher should
have extended activities for students that finish before
time. Teachers should come together as staff and plan
what are the desired qualities they want to instill in the
students and what behaviors or qualities they want to

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