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Centennial Institute

Centennial Review
Colorado Christian University
8787 W. Alameda Ave.
Lakewood, CO 80226

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Principled Ideas from the Centennial Institute Publisher, William L. Armstrong
Centennial Review Volume 2, Number 5 • June 2010 Editor, John Andrews
June 2010

TAX LIMITATION: The Moral Dimension: True Charity

THE TIME IS NOW Charity is a moral impulse for personal giving. Tax-
supported welfare handouts can't be charity. I regard them
By Douglas Bruce as more akin to stealing, in violation of Exodus 20:15.
Tithing is a religious practice of giving 10 percent to help
Editor’s Note: Coloradans were farsighted when they imposed
your church or other good works. If 10 percent is good
the nation’s toughest tax limitation almost two decades ago.
The dangers of unrestrained taxing, spending, and borrowing enough for God, it’s good enough for government.
are dramatized by the fiscal emergencies now unfolding from The Right reveres God; the Left worships government.
Tax Limitation: California to New York to Greece. In a Patriots’ Day lecture Scripture for the former is the Holy Bible; for the latter, it is
for the Centennial Institute on April 19, 2010, the man who
The Time Is Now designed Colorado’s fiscal restraints talked about the principles
the Internal Revenue Code. The atheist Karl Marx co-wrote
By Douglas Bruce involved and the lessons to be learned. the Communist Manifesto, which urged in 1848, “From
Why limit taxes? To protect free- each according to his ability; to each according to his need.”
dom. God wants us to be free. But WESTERN CONSERVATIVE SUMMIT  July 9-11  Denver Marriott South Why should taxes be limited? To But people have limited ability and unlimited “needs.” Marx
liberty rests on self-discipline. The Centennial Institute invites you to Colorado for our first annual leadership protect freedom. Taxation invokes a didn't grasp basic economics or human nature. The wiser
TABOR amendment in Colorado conference on setting America right. Keynoters include Michele Bachmann, choice between self-government and axiom is, “From each according to his need (his ambition); to each
has global relevance. Dick Morris, Dennis Prager, Arthur Brooks, and Gen. Jerry Boykin. collectivist control. The more you can according to his ability (to produce).”
Register today at or call 303.963.3424 “vote” for goods and services with
your own dollars, the more free you Or as Saint Paul put it: “If a man will not work, he shall not
are. When taxation is 50 percent, eat...Some among you are idle....Such people we command...
you are half-enslaved. to settle down and earn the bread they eat” (II Thes. 3:10-
campaign promises; limiting their ability to do so is the To conclude: One percent of the people make things 12). Government thinks everything belongs to government;
solution. Specifically here in Colorado, some of us have two happen; another four percent watch things happen; and 95 Abraham Lincoln said, “This nation cannot endure it lets us retain a bit so we will keep working and paying
priorities this year: bolstering the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights percent ask, “What happened?” Where do you belong? ■ permanently, half slave and half free.” That applies to taxes. Yet Jesus taught otherwise: “Render therefore unto
against recent infringements and holding accountable the 1
Data in the paragraph on page 3 reflect nominal dollars. When adjusted individuals, not just societies or classes. I know in my heart, Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the
judges who allowed those infringements. for inflation and population growth within the respective time frames, the God wants us to be free. things that are God's” (Matt. 22:21). Jesus also gave us the
increases have been approximately 80% for total state spending, 63% for
 Three petitions to restore and reaffirm TABOR are on income-tax revenue, and 21% for property-tax revenue. - Editor Economists since Adam Smith have agreed: Taxes should assurance of John 8:32: “Ye shall know the truth, and the
our state’s 2010 ballot. Each promotes limited government, be low, clear, simple, uniform, fair, and competitive. They truth shall make you free.”
the definition of freedom. They won't undo all the recent $6 should not overly burden individuals, families, or free The Economic Dimension: Incentives
damage, but they will fix illegal property-tax increases, debt TABOR Does Not Starve Government $5.4 markets. Coping with irrational and convoluted tax codes
Colorado General Fund, 1992-2009 is itself a tax on our time and assets. Taxes should not be a Everyone knows the first law of economics—supply and
abuses, and car-registration hikes. Details and an opportunity
$5 $4.8
major factor in our personal or business decisions. demand. The second law says, “If you want more of
to volunteer are online at
$4.3 something, subsidize it; if you want less, tax it.” Taxes are a
 Four justices of the Colorado Supreme Court are also $4.0 $4.0
Taxes should not be regressive, progressive, or aimed big part of any economy, and dominate economic decisions.
on the ballot for new 10-year terms. It is they who twisted $4
$3.6 $3.7 at behavior control. They should not distort economic Government control—in its forms of taxation, fees, and
TABOR, allowed higher property-tax rates, signaled acceptance $3.3 $3.3 decisions. They should be neutral and not pick economic regulations—now exceeds 40 percent of the economy,
of a $250 million car-registration tax increase, and approved $3 $2.8 winners and losers. The impossibility of central planning is moving steadily towards half. That is dangerous. If most
unconstitutional debt under different names. A campaign is $2.5 shown in the failure of command-and-control economies people ever depend on government for their income and
underway to retire them; see $2.1 such as the Soviet Union and Communist China.
$2 $1.9
Douglas Bruce, of Colorado Springs, is one of America's leading taxpayer advo-
Said Ronald Reagan: “Government is not the solution to our Free markets will reward work and innovation, and punish cates. He authored the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights in 1988 and led its passage into
problems; government is the problem.” And from the other bad decisions. That is the divine law of compensation: You the Colorado Constitution in 1992. He is a former county commissioner and state
party, hear Adlai Stevenson: “Patriotism is not short, frenzied
$1 generally get out of life what you put into it. A wise observer legislator. He graduated from Pomona College and the University of Southern
once wrote, “Liberty is the luxury of self-discipline.” California Law School.
outbursts of emotion, but the quiet and steady dedication of
a lifetime.” Centennial Institute sponsors research, events, and publications to enhance
$0 As a bulwark of liberty, tax limitation has moral, economic, public understanding of the most important issues facing our state and nation.
and political dimensions. By proclaiming Truth, we aim to foster faith, family, and freedom, teach citizen-
ship, and renew the spirit of 1776.
Centennial Review, June 2010 ▪ 4
survival, we will have passed the tipping point and be unable money to be self-sufficient, and Big Brother taxes your Our glorious Constitution is a document with one main Vo i c e s o f C C U
to reverse course. As French economist Frederic Bastiat said, bank interest, even if it is below inflation rates. You're also goal—to limit government power. Cowardly or corrupt
“Government is the great fiction through which everybody taxed to pay health care, retirement, and other living costs judges and politicians have twisted its noble words and curbs ECONOMIC LITERACY
endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.” that freeloaders refuse to pay for themselves. on governmental tyranny into a dead letter. We have been IS NOT OPTIONAL
Today, federal income tax collections from the top 1 percent Government loves to control personal behavior via taxes. betrayed. Tax limits are a practical way to curb illegitimate
expansions of power. By Ron Rex
of income earners exceed 40 percent. The top 5 percent Smoking is heavily taxed. This year, Colorado began to tax
Business strategies seek the sustainabil-
pay 60 percent; the top 10 percent pay 73 percent. The candy and soda pop. It plans to tax French fries, cookies, America began with a tax revolt. Tax limits reform
ity of the firm. As citizens, shouldn’t we
bottom 50 percent of income earners pay under 3 percent. and other food linked to obesity. They want to control your government policy. Government has two great powers: also consider the sustainability of our
This does not include state output and your intake! to legislate and to confiscate. Tax limits control the latter, whole economy? Many Americans today
and local taxes. “Soaking the The top one percent of Government insures seashore homes against which directly affects the ability of politicians to legislate cannot sustain payments on their credit
rich” even more won't work. earners pay 40 percent hurricanes, so people keep rebuilding in coastal and fund new regulatory programs or entitlements. cards and home loans. Yet prescriptions
Picture an inverted pyramid, for re-energizing our economic growth
areas. It pays “cash for clunkers.” It offers low-cost The Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights: Then and Now call for more consumer spending. And
with one corner teetering at of income taxes. flood insurance. Buying inflated loans from banks Colorado politicians had plenty of warning before the most voters are not economically literate
the bottom, trying to sustain all the weight. Ayn Rand's helps buyers of overpriced houses put no money down, enough to see the growing danger.
epic novel, Atlas Shrugged, predicted wealth-producers then face foreclosure, default, and buy another house (with Taxpayer's Bill of Rights passed; it was the ninth try in 26
years. Our tax revolt started with a 1966 ballot issue. That Economic literacy leads to good choices on how to use
would rebel against such exploitation and stop carrying the an $8,000 cash credit). When people shoot themselves in
was followed by ones in 1972 and 1976, then a pair in 1978, money. Economic illiteracy leads to catastrophe. Greece
weight of society on their shoulders. the foot, count on government to offer them more bullets. was a seemingly stable country with comprehensive en-
and ultimately four in a row, 1986-1992.
Taxes now subsidize unemployment, promiscuity, indolence, titlements for a high standard of living. But always when
On the other hand, government dislikes business and rich The two major principles of TABOR (Article X, Section the people were asked who would fund these provisions,
debt, risky acts, lack of insurance, and bad health habits. people because they are competing sources of power, not 20, of the Colorado Constitution) are that (1) only voters everybody assumed it would be someone else: Illiteracy
Not working? Get a check. Making babies by a parade of dependent on government. Big Brother wants infinite may approve an increase in debt, tax rates, or new taxes, and in spades. Now it’s all collapsing.
one-night stands? Get a check. Staying in college for 10 dependents. As a screen actor in the 1940s, Ronald Reagan
years? Get a check. Mortgaged up to your neck? Deduct it (2) the rate of growth of specified government revenue is The free lunch magically enhancing our lifestyle is seduc-
and others protested the 91 percent top federal income-tax limited, and excess revenue must be refunded unless voters tive but illogical. It mocks sustainability. No government
from income taxes. Drink like a fish, smoke like a chimney, rate. President Kennedy brought that down to 70 percent can indefinitely provide for its citizens all of the resources
inject illegal drugs, hang-glide into a cliff ? Government allow government to keep it. Other provisions include
and the economy began to grow. As president, Reagan election rules, a ban on some types of taxes, and requiring they desire. At some point the books have to balance or
pays all your costs, and offers spending money besides. lowered the top rate to 28 percent, and triggered eight the firm (regime) goes broke.
an emergency reserve.
Big Brother's Backward Priorities years of prosperity. George H.W. Bush broke his tax pledge Economic literacy teaches us that provision of the es-
and America went into a recession. Our incentive to work TABOR does not starve government. State charts show sentials of life is not the role of government; it is the role
Government punishes work, and not only by income tax. that total state spending was $3.4 billion in 1984 and will of mankind. Government attempting to be the provider
Have a job? Employers pay tax for those who don't work. declines with the rise of tax rates. People will work less as
taxes rise; they will sit back and let Big Brother support be $19.6 billion in the next fiscal year. That's a 476 percent of all things leads to individuals becoming weak and
They pay unproductive people money they could have paid increase. It has never declined. State income-tax revenue disclaiming responsibility for anything. After that comes
you, so it's really a work tax, not an “unemployment tax.” them with money taken from “the rich.” Sadly, that is now social chaos.
our official national policy. zoomed from $700 million in 1982 to about $4.6 billion
Have a job in Denver? You and your boss both pay an in 2009, a 557% increase. Property-tax revenue has risen Disaster ensues from the wishful thinking that expects
“occupational privilege” tax for what you foolishly thought The Political Dimension: Who Decides? 164% since TABOR passed. It has also never declined.1 some mythical “others” to provide for us. That’s why
was your right to be in the job market. The essence of politics is who decides government policy. logical reasoning and economic literacy are integral to the
TABOR's purpose is not to cut taxes, but to “reasonably curriculum at Colorado Christian University. ■
Invest in technology to boost productivity, and pay taxes In our successful 1992 campaign when the Taxpayer’s Bill of restrain most the growth of government.” TABOR
on phones, business equipment (both sales and annual Rights (TABOR) finally became law, I asked voters a simple Ron Rex is associate professor of management
empowers voters to decide whether they want state and in the School of Business at Colorado Christian Centennial
ownership taxes), and vehicles (double-taxed, too). Save question: “Who should decide how much government local government to take a bigger share of the economy University. A former Fortune 500 executive, he runs
we can afford—We the People who earn the money, or Institute
than it does now. two companies in addition to his teaching. He holds Colorado Christian University
the politicians who want to spend it?” More than 800,000 degrees in psychology from Xavier University and
citizens shouted for freedom and rejected tyranny. Despite Yet in 2007, the legislature raised school property taxes by Northern Kentucky State University.
the Left's political blather about consumer rights and changing state limits without voter approval; the courts
consumer power, they refuse to admit that citizens are the shrugged. This will cost taxpayers billions very soon. In Make Things Happen
consumers of government and have the moral, economic, 2009, the legislature raised car taxes $250 million per year,
again without voter approval. Doubling the registration The challenge in Colorado or any other state is not merely
and political right to set its price. to complain about burdensome taxes and constitutional
“fee” to more than $50 for a process that costs a county
clerk $4 to perform was dishonest and illegal. erosion, but to stop them. Get involved. Make the world a
CENTENNIAL REVIEW is published monthly by the Centennial Institute at
Colorado Christian University. Designer, Danielle Hull. Illustrator, Benjamin better place than when you found it. Tell the incumbents:
Hummel. Subscriptions free upon request. Write to: Centennial Institute, 8787 The response of liberals (progressives, collectivists, “Don't just do something; stand there.”
W. Alameda Ave., Lakewood, CO 80226. Call 800.44.FAITH. Or visit us online at socialists) is to insist that recent government spending has
been “cut.” It has not. They claim that any lower rate of My advice to taxpayer advocates is not to waste time on
increase than what they wanted is a cut. Don't believe them; politicians. Change the system, not the faces. Support the
Please join the Centennial Institute today. As a Centennial
donor, you can help us restore America’s moral core and prepare remember John 8:32. rule of law, not of men. Fight for integrity, not individuals.
tomorrow’s leaders. Your gift is tax-deductible. Please use the Push principles, not personalities. Demand freedom, not
envelope provided. Thank you for your support.
- John Andrews, Director
free lunches. All elected officials are tempted to break
Centennial Review, June 2010 ▪ 2 Centennial Review, June 2010 ▪ 3
survival, we will have passed the tipping point and be unable money to be self-sufficient, and Big Brother taxes your Our glorious Constitution is a document with one main Vo i c e s o f C C U
to reverse course. As French economist Frederic Bastiat said, bank interest, even if it is below inflation rates. You're also goal—to limit government power. Cowardly or corrupt
“Government is the great fiction through which everybody taxed to pay health care, retirement, and other living costs judges and politicians have twisted its noble words and curbs ECONOMIC LITERACY
endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.” that freeloaders refuse to pay for themselves. on governmental tyranny into a dead letter. We have been IS NOT OPTIONAL
Today, federal income tax collections from the top 1 percent Government loves to control personal behavior via taxes. betrayed. Tax limits are a practical way to curb illegitimate
expansions of power. By Ron Rex
of income earners exceed 40 percent. The top 5 percent Smoking is heavily taxed. This year, Colorado began to tax
Business strategies seek the sustainabil-
pay 60 percent; the top 10 percent pay 73 percent. The candy and soda pop. It plans to tax French fries, cookies, America began with a tax revolt. Tax limits reform
ity of the firm. As citizens, shouldn’t we
bottom 50 percent of income earners pay under 3 percent. and other food linked to obesity. They want to control your government policy. Government has two great powers: also consider the sustainability of our
This does not include state output and your intake! to legislate and to confiscate. Tax limits control the latter,
and local taxes. “Soaking the The top one percent of Government insures seashore homes against
whole economy? Many Americans today
which directly affects the ability of politicians to legislate cannot sustain payments on their credit
rich” even more won't work. earners pay 40 percent hurricanes, so people keep rebuilding in coastal and fund new regulatory programs or entitlements. cards and home loans. Yet prescriptions
Picture an inverted pyramid, for re-energizing our economic growth
with one corner teetering at of income taxes. areas. It pays “cash for clunkers.” It offers low-cost
flood insurance. Buying inflated loans from banks
The Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights: Then and Now call for more consumer spending. And
Colorado politicians had plenty of warning before the most voters are not economically literate
the bottom, trying to sustain all the weight. Ayn Rand's helps buyers of overpriced houses put no money down, enough to see the growing danger.
epic novel, Atlas Shrugged, predicted wealth-producers then face foreclosure, default, and buy another house (with Taxpayer's Bill of Rights passed; it was the ninth try in 26
years. Our tax revolt started with a 1966 ballot issue. That Economic literacy leads to good choices on how to use
would rebel against such exploitation and stop carrying the an $8,000 cash credit). When people shoot themselves in
was followed by ones in 1972 and 1976, then a pair in 1978, money. Economic illiteracy leads to catastrophe. Greece
weight of society on their shoulders. the foot, count on government to offer them more bullets. was a seemingly stable country with comprehensive en-
and ultimately four in a row, 1986-1992.
Taxes now subsidize unemployment, promiscuity, indolence, titlements for a high standard of living. But always when
On the other hand, government dislikes business and rich The two major principles of TABOR (Article X, Section the people were asked who would fund these provisions,
debt, risky acts, lack of insurance, and bad health habits. people because they are competing sources of power, not 20, of the Colorado Constitution) are that (1) only voters everybody assumed it would be someone else: Illiteracy
Not working? Get a check. Making babies by a parade of dependent on government. Big Brother wants infinite may approve an increase in debt, tax rates, or new taxes, and in spades. Now it’s all collapsing.
one-night stands? Get a check. Staying in college for 10 dependents. As a screen actor in the 1940s, Ronald Reagan
years? Get a check. Mortgaged up to your neck? Deduct it (2) the rate of growth of specified government revenue is The free lunch magically enhancing our lifestyle is seduc-
and others protested the 91 percent top federal income-tax limited, and excess revenue must be refunded unless voters tive but illogical. It mocks sustainability. No government
from income taxes. Drink like a fish, smoke like a chimney, rate. President Kennedy brought that down to 70 percent can indefinitely provide for its citizens all of the resources
inject illegal drugs, hang-glide into a cliff ? Government allow government to keep it. Other provisions include
and the economy began to grow. As president, Reagan election rules, a ban on some types of taxes, and requiring they desire. At some point the books have to balance or
pays all your costs, and offers spending money besides. lowered the top rate to 28 percent, and triggered eight the firm (regime) goes broke.
an emergency reserve.
Big Brother's Backward Priorities years of prosperity. George H.W. Bush broke his tax pledge Economic literacy teaches us that provision of the es-
and America went into a recession. Our incentive to work TABOR does not starve government. State charts show sentials of life is not the role of government; it is the role
Government punishes work, and not only by income tax. that total state spending was $3.4 billion in 1984 and will of mankind. Government attempting to be the provider
Have a job? Employers pay tax for those who don't work. declines with the rise of tax rates. People will work less as
taxes rise; they will sit back and let Big Brother support be $19.6 billion in the next fiscal year. That's a 476 percent of all things leads to individuals becoming weak and
They pay unproductive people money they could have paid increase. It has never declined. State income-tax revenue disclaiming responsibility for anything. After that comes
you, so it's really a work tax, not an “unemployment tax.” them with money taken from “the rich.” Sadly, that is now social chaos.
our official national policy. zoomed from $700 million in 1982 to about $4.6 billion
Have a job in Denver? You and your boss both pay an in 2009, a 557% increase. Property-tax revenue has risen Disaster ensues from the wishful thinking that expects
“occupational privilege” tax for what you foolishly thought The Political Dimension: Who Decides? 164% since TABOR passed. It has also never declined.1 some mythical “others” to provide for us. That’s why
was your right to be in the job market. The essence of politics is who decides government policy. logical reasoning and economic literacy are integral to the
TABOR's purpose is not to cut taxes, but to “reasonably curriculum at Colorado Christian University. ■
Invest in technology to boost productivity, and pay taxes In our successful 1992 campaign when the Taxpayer’s Bill of restrain most the growth of government.” TABOR
on phones, business equipment (both sales and annual Rights (TABOR) finally became law, I asked voters a simple Ron Rex is associate professor of management
empowers voters to decide whether they want state and in the School of Business at Colorado Christian Centennial
ownership taxes), and vehicles (double-taxed, too). Save question: “Who should decide how much government local government to take a bigger share of the economy University. A former Fortune 500 executive, he runs
we can afford—We the People who earn the money, or Institute
than it does now. two companies in addition to his teaching. He holds Colorado Christian University
the politicians who want to spend it?” More than 800,000 degrees in psychology from Xavier University and
citizens shouted for freedom and rejected tyranny. Despite Yet in 2007, the legislature raised school property taxes by Northern Kentucky State University.
the Left's political blather about consumer rights and changing state limits without voter approval; the courts
consumer power, they refuse to admit that citizens are the shrugged. This will cost taxpayers billions very soon. In Make Things Happen
consumers of government and have the moral, economic, 2009, the legislature raised car taxes $250 million per year,
again without voter approval. Doubling the registration The challenge in Colorado or any other state is not merely
and political right to set its price. to complain about burdensome taxes and constitutional
“fee” to more than $50 for a process that costs a county
clerk $4 to perform was dishonest and illegal. erosion, but to stop them. Get involved. Make the world a
CENTENNIAL REVIEW is published monthly by the Centennial Institute at
Colorado Christian University. Designer, Danielle Hull. Illustrator, Benjamin better place than when you found it. Tell the incumbents:
Hummel. Subscriptions free upon request. Write to: Centennial Institute, 8787 The response of liberals (progressives, collectivists, “Don't just do something; stand there.”
W. Alameda Ave., Lakewood, CO 80226. Call 800.44.FAITH. Or visit us online at socialists) is to insist that recent government spending has
been “cut.” It has not. They claim that any lower rate of My advice to taxpayer advocates is not to waste time on
increase than what they wanted is a cut. Don't believe them; politicians. Change the system, not the faces. Support the
Please join the Centennial Institute today. As a Centennial
donor, you can help us restore America’s moral core and prepare remember John 8:32. rule of law, not of men. Fight for integrity, not individuals.
tomorrow’s leaders. Your gift is tax-deductible. Please use the Push principles, not personalities. Demand freedom, not
envelope provided. Thank you for your support.
- John Andrews, Director
free lunches. All elected officials are tempted to break
Centennial Review, June 2010 ▪ 2 Centennial Review, June 2010 ▪ 3
Centennial Institute

Centennial Review
Colorado Christian University
8787 W. Alameda Ave.
Lakewood, CO 80226

Return Service Requested

Principled Ideas from the Centennial Institute Publisher, William L. Armstrong
Centennial Review Volume 2, Number 5 • June 2010 Editor, John Andrews
June 2010

TAX LIMITATION: The Moral Dimension: True Charity

THE TIME IS NOW Charity is a moral impulse for personal giving. Tax-
supported welfare handouts can't be charity. I regard them
By Douglas Bruce as more akin to stealing, in violation of Exodus 20:15.
Tithing is a religious practice of giving 10 percent to help
Editor’s Note: Coloradans were farsighted when they imposed
your church or other good works. If 10 percent is good
the nation’s toughest tax limitation almost two decades ago.
The dangers of unrestrained taxing, spending, and borrowing enough for God, it’s good enough for government.
are dramatized by the fiscal emergencies now unfolding from The Right reveres God; the Left worships government.
Tax Limitation: California to New York to Greece. In a Patriots’ Day lecture Scripture for the former is the Holy Bible; for the latter, it is
for the Centennial Institute on April 19, 2010, the man who
The Time Is Now designed Colorado’s fiscal restraints talked about the principles
the Internal Revenue Code. The atheist Karl Marx co-wrote
By Douglas Bruce involved and the lessons to be learned. the Communist Manifesto, which urged in 1848, “From
Why limit taxes? To protect free- each according to his ability; to each according to his need.”
dom. God wants us to be free. But WESTERN CONSERVATIVE SUMMIT  July 9-11  Denver Marriott South Why should taxes be limited? To But people have limited ability and unlimited “needs.” Marx
liberty rests on self-discipline. The Centennial Institute invites you to Colorado for our first annual leadership protect freedom. Taxation invokes a didn't grasp basic economics or human nature. The wiser
TABOR amendment in Colorado conference on setting America right. Keynoters include Michele Bachmann, choice between self-government and axiom is, “From each according to his need (his ambition); to each
has global relevance. Dick Morris, Dennis Prager, Arthur Brooks, and Gen. Jerry Boykin. collectivist control. The more you can according to his ability (to produce).”
Register today at or call 303.963.3424 “vote” for goods and services with
your own dollars, the more free you Or as Saint Paul put it: “If a man will not work, he shall not
are. When taxation is 50 percent, eat...Some among you are idle....Such people we command...
you are half-enslaved. to settle down and earn the bread they eat” (II Thes. 3:10-
campaign promises; limiting their ability to do so is the To conclude: One percent of the people make things 12). Government thinks everything belongs to government;
solution. Specifically here in Colorado, some of us have two happen; another four percent watch things happen; and 95 Abraham Lincoln said, “This nation cannot endure it lets us retain a bit so we will keep working and paying
priorities this year: bolstering the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights percent ask, “What happened?” Where do you belong? ■ permanently, half slave and half free.” That applies to taxes. Yet Jesus taught otherwise: “Render therefore unto
against recent infringements and holding accountable the 1
Data in the paragraph on page 3 reflect nominal dollars. When adjusted individuals, not just societies or classes. I know in my heart, Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the
judges who allowed those infringements. for inflation and population growth within the respective time frames, the God wants us to be free. things that are God's” (Matt. 22:21). Jesus also gave us the
increases have been approximately 80% for total state spending, 63% for
 Three petitions to restore and reaffirm TABOR are on income-tax revenue, and 21% for property-tax revenue. - Editor Economists since Adam Smith have agreed: Taxes should assurance of John 8:32: “Ye shall know the truth, and the
our state’s 2010 ballot. Each promotes limited government, be low, clear, simple, uniform, fair, and competitive. They truth shall make you free.”
the definition of freedom. They won't undo all the recent $6 should not overly burden individuals, families, or free The Economic Dimension: Incentives
damage, but they will fix illegal property-tax increases, debt TABOR Does Not Starve Government $5.4 markets. Coping with irrational and convoluted tax codes
Colorado General Fund, 1992-2009 is itself a tax on our time and assets. Taxes should not be a Everyone knows the first law of economics—supply and
abuses, and car-registration hikes. Details and an opportunity
$5 $4.8
major factor in our personal or business decisions. demand. The second law says, “If you want more of
to volunteer are online at
$4.3 something, subsidize it; if you want less, tax it.” Taxes are a
 Four justices of the Colorado Supreme Court are also $4.0 $4.0
Taxes should not be regressive, progressive, or aimed big part of any economy, and dominate economic decisions.
on the ballot for new 10-year terms. It is they who twisted $4
$3.6 $3.7 at behavior control. They should not distort economic Government control—in its forms of taxation, fees, and
TABOR, allowed higher property-tax rates, signaled acceptance $3.3 $3.3 decisions. They should be neutral and not pick economic regulations—now exceeds 40 percent of the economy,
of a $250 million car-registration tax increase, and approved $3 $2.8 winners and losers. The impossibility of central planning is moving steadily towards half. That is dangerous. If most
unconstitutional debt under different names. A campaign is $2.5 shown in the failure of command-and-control economies people ever depend on government for their income and
underway to retire them; see $2.1 such as the Soviet Union and Communist China.
$2 $1.9
Douglas Bruce, of Colorado Springs, is one of America's leading taxpayer advo-
Said Ronald Reagan: “Government is not the solution to our Free markets will reward work and innovation, and punish cates. He authored the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights in 1988 and led its passage into
problems; government is the problem.” And from the other bad decisions. That is the divine law of compensation: You the Colorado Constitution in 1992. He is a former county commissioner and state
party, hear Adlai Stevenson: “Patriotism is not short, frenzied
$1 generally get out of life what you put into it. A wise observer legislator. He graduated from Pomona College and the University of Southern
once wrote, “Liberty is the luxury of self-discipline.” California Law School.
outbursts of emotion, but the quiet and steady dedication of
a lifetime.” Centennial Institute sponsors research, events, and publications to enhance
$0 As a bulwark of liberty, tax limitation has moral, economic, public understanding of the most important issues facing our state and nation.
and political dimensions. By proclaiming Truth, we aim to foster faith, family, and freedom, teach citizen-
ship, and renew the spirit of 1776.
Centennial Review, June 2010 ▪ 4

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