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Shawn Green
Math Ed 308
Jul 27 2016
The preface to Making Geometry Dynamic focuses on the benefits of using technology to
be able to manipulate geometric figures to gain insight into geometry. It focuses on how
geometry proofs are encouraged by dynamic geometry tools. In the past some have claimed that
dynamic geometry tools cause students to stop short of proof because a pictorial representation
convinces them of a conjecture without having tried every case and developed a formal proof.
However, this preface argues that dynamic geometry actually allows students to test a large
number of examples at one time for evidence to give them motivation to create more proof-like
arguments. The fact that dynamic geometry can be manipulated simultaneously using preprogramed constructions, allows students to distinguish false claims more quickly as well.
Sometimes a proof can seem perfectly sound by looking at a static representation of a situation.
However, dynamic geometry encourages a wider and more precise view of what is really going
on and is thus helpful in the mathematical pursuit of understanding geometry.
So What?
The implications of the arguments presented in this article are that static representations
should be replaced with more dynamic models to encourage mathematical activity. The preface
suggests that static models are not precise nor truly revealing of geometric patterns. Additionally,
dynamic geometry tools can also help provide access to Non-Euclidean geometry concepts. This
implies that we might want to expose younger students to Non-Euclidean geometry. Other

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implications may include the need to include computers as part of a mathematics class. The
dynamic geometric systems will normally require a computer or calculator thus those resources
would be essential
So What?
This article did impact the way I look at dynamic geometry. I have used Geometers
Sketchpad for my research but I do not think I ever really formalized in my mind how powerful
the dynamic aspect of the software is. I was so focused on understanding the math through it and
creating accurate representations that I did not appreciate the tool I was using. I feel like I
personally have been able to experience the process of doing mathematics using dynamic
geometry. So I agree with the argument made in this article and have developed the belief that
technology helps students really engage in mathematics when it is structured in a way where they
look of patterns, then try to formalize those with proof-like arguments.

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