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According to Polk, Christopher J.

(2006) entitled Effective predators of

submarine junior officer technical competence stated that Nowhere else is
the need for technically-skilled sailors greater than in the nuclear
submarine community. Newly-commissioned, submarine officers must
endure a rigorous training and qualification program, which starts
immediately following their college graduations. In order to successfully
reach their first submarine assignments, these officers must display a high
level of competency in many academic subjects, such as calculus, physics,
and engineering. Historically, the United States Naval Academy has been
given the responsibility of providing the majority of these technicallyorientated officers to the submarine fleet. As part of this responsibility, the
Naval Academy has specifically recruited high school graduates who are
technically inclined and has developed an core curriculum designed to
provide graduates with a solid technical foundation.

Foreign Literature
Based on the Article of Surugiu (2010) entitled Leadership Development
Training as method to increase seafarer Competitiveness stated that
Competitiveness in maritime domain can be defined as a comparative
concept of the ability and performance a seafarer can illustrate while
obeying the legal norms of seafaring stated by the International Maritime
Organization and other international and national institutions, related to
safety, efficiency and efficacy issues. Competence is a blend of technical
skill and sufficient mastery of the social structures which inevitably
embrace all activities.

Based on the article of Dragomir (2010) entitled Developing

Competitiveness through Training stated that A feasible method of
developing competitiveness is through training and long-life learning.
Training is delivered for undergraduates or Cadets in maritime schools and
universities. For ratings and graduates the training path starts or as
appropriate continues in maritime training centers or in the employing
shipping company. While establishing the training Strategy, a particular
attention must be given to transmission of adequate knowledge for gaining
competences and competitive abilities and not only theoretical insights.

According to the Article of Surugiu (2010)

Seafarers competitiveness is a maritime companys key aspect for gaining

competitor advantage in the financial crisis environment. In order to
become competitive in a dynamic and turbulent environment, seafarers
need guidance for professional development and such development can be
mainly aquired through training inside or outside the employing company.

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