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Reel Leadership: 24 Leadership

Lessons And Quotes From
Marvels Avengers: Age Of
May 1, 2015 18 Comments (http://www.jmlalonde.com/reel-leadership-24-leadershiplessons-and-quotes-from-marvels-avengers-age-of-ultron/#disqus_thread)

Reel Leadership: 24 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Marvels Avengers: Age Of Ultron
| Joseph Lalonde

I enjoyed the first Avengers movie. Seeing Chris Evans as Captain America,
Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/Hulk, Chris
Hemsworth as Thor, Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Scarlett
Johnansson as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick
Fury was amazing.

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I dont believe it was as great as everyone said it was but it was still enjoyable.
Now, Disney and Marvel has released the latest in the Avengers series, Avengers
2: Age of Ultron, and this one blows the first movie out of the water.

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Leadership Lessons & Quotes From Avengers: Age Of Ultron

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For those not in the know, the Avengers is a team of superheroes who band
together to combat ominous threats to earth. In their first outing, they faced Loki
and his evil hordes. In round two, they face off against an evil robot called Ultron.
This sets us up for plenty of leadership lessons and quotes from the Avengers.
Lets dig in!

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1. Steve Rogers/Captain America:




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Tony Stark/Iron Man dropped a four letter word and we hear Captain America
respond with a one-liner of Language
Captain America was old-fashioned and felt dropping curse words was rude
and he called Tony on it.


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This reminds me of a recent post by Michael Hyatt (http://michaelhyatt.com

/profanity.html). He ponders how much business profanity has cost you. And I
Profanity isnt pretty. It distracts from your core message. And its offensive.
Try to keep things clean.
2. When you try to help, your help may not be welcome: While the
Avengers are fighting off a threat, they realize the city theyre fighting in is in
danger. Tony Stark makes the call and sends in, what he calls, his Iron
Legion of robot defenders to protect the citizens.
Their reaction was not what he expected.
The people of the city attacked the robots. They told them to go away. They
even damaged some of them.

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Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? Okay, I know you
probably have never found yourself in a situation like Tony Stark found
himself in here but Im pretty sure youve tried to help someone and found
that your help wasnt wanted.


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Leadership Lessons & Quotes From Avengers: Age Of Ultron

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Thats a fact of life, and leadership.

Youre going to want to help people. Theyre not always going to want your


3. Bruce Banner/The Incredible Hulk:


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Sometimes exactly what I want to hear is exactly what I

dont want to hear

There are things we know we need to hear but dont want to hear those
words. Thats what Bruce Banner was feeling here.
He knew he needed to hear certain words but they stung and he didnt want
to them to be spoken.
You will hear words that will sting you. They will prick your soul. You wont
want to hear them. But you better listen. Those words are meant for you.
4. Get excited over cool things: After raiding a secret Hydra safe house,
Tony Stark explores the building and finds a secret door. He lets out a gasp of
excitement and geeks out.

Popular Posts

Tony, the man who built Iron man, got excited over a hidden door. He knew
life needs joy and happiness and he expressed it in this scene.

1. The Toughest Decision Ive Had To Make

How often do we ignore the cool things in life because of the urgency of work
or the fast pace of life? More often than we should.

2. An Invitation To Guest Post

Seek out the cool things in life. When you find one, make it known.

3. Your Past Doesnt Define You. It Helps



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5. Thor:

4. 12 Books You Should Add To Your

Victory should be honored with revels

Reading List (http://www.jmlalonde.com

5. Change is like leaping out of an airplane

The Avengers had a small victory in destroying the Hydra safe house they
found. They were also able to take away vital intelligence.

6. 5 Book Recommendations For The Rest

Sounds like a reason to celebrate to me. It did to Thor as well.

Of 2012 (http://www.jmlalonde.com

When you have victories in your organization, dont hesitate to celebrate a bit.
Youve got to let loose once in awhile.

7. 5 Keys To Building A Loyal Blog Following

6. We hide when we know were doing wrong: Tony Stark brings in Bruce
Banner and asks him to help create artificial intelligence. He also asks Bruce
to keep the other members of the Avengers in the dark.

8. 5 Simple Ways To Become More Likeable

Stark knew what he was doing was dangerous. Stupid even And thats why
he kept others in the dark.

9. Book Review- Platform: Get Noticed In A

Noisy World by Michael Hyatt

He hid what was going on because he knew he was wrong.


Take notice of when youre trying to hide your actions. This is typically a sign

10. The Pen Is The Path To Becoming A

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Leadership Lessons & Quotes From Avengers: Age Of Ultron

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that youre headed in the wrong direction.

Thought Leader (http://www.jmlalonde.com


7. Tony Stark/Iron Man:


Our job is IF

While this quote is referencing what I said we shouldnt do in lesson #5, I

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think the quote is still valuable. Tony Stark saw his job as creating the IFs in
As leaders, shouldnt that be our goal as well? See what IFs you can push for
in your organization..
What IF we gain 100 new church members?
What IF we help struggling single mothers like Around Graces Table
(http://www.gofundme.com/lyjpm0) (If you can, go support them, theyre doing
great work)?
What IF we helped young men and women gain new skills that will increase
their value?

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Monthly Top
Ralph Mayhew (5)

The IFs are what we should be all about.

Patricia Likakis (3)

8. Our story is important: We learn the backstory to Pietro

Maximoff/Quicksilver and Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch when Pietro begins
to tell their story. He tells of how their parents were killed and a bomb with
Starks name landed next to them.

Jeffrey P. Rush (2)

Kari Scare (2)
Larry Carter (2)

Their story drove them to side with Hydra and Ultron. Their story matters.


Your story matters too. Your story has value and power.


Tell it.


Mary Harwell Sayler (2)

Dan Black (1)

I've watched the Maze Runner (1)

9. Ultron:

Jason Pockrandt (1)


Down in the real world you have to make ugly choices

Jon Stallings (1) (http://www.jonstallings.com/)

Ultron was the bad guy, the villain, the one who wanted to destroy the world.
And yet he laid out an amazing leadership quote.
In the decision making process, we forget the world isnt perfect. Theres
consequences to our choices and sometimes those consequences are ugly.
Be prepared to make decisions others will not like.
10. We think were stronger than we are: The Scarlet Witch has a sweet
superpower. She can manipulate minds and make people see things that are
not there.
In one battle, Scarlet Witch goes from Avenger to Avenger and distorts their
minds. She makes them see things not as they are but as their fears.

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03/12/2015 12:55

Leadership Lessons & Quotes From Avengers: Age Of Ultron

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After she touches Thor, he proudly proclaims that he is stronger than her.
What he didnt realize was that even he was affected by her touch.
Youre tough. Ill give you that. Though sometimes we think were stronger
than we are.
We have to be careful we dont fall into the trap of prideful thinking when it
comes to strength. Know your limitations.
11. Ultron:

I know you meant well but you didnt think it through

Tony Stark truly meant well when he began the process of creating Ultron. He
thought Ultron could protect the world and the Avengers would no longer be
He was wrong. He was hasty. He didnt think it through and mass destruction
was wrought.
Youll have many decisions to make in your position as a leader. Sometimes
those decisions will have to be made quickly and others will allow you
breathing room.
Even in the times when decisions have to be made quickly, think through the
choice and see where the actions could lead to. You may avert an
unforeseen crisis.
12. Have a backup plan: The Scarlet Witch was able to touch the Hulk and
unleash his rage. He goes on a rampage and begins attacking the city they
were trying to protect.
Tony Stark knows this is trouble but he had a backup plan He knew he had
to call on Veronica.
Things will go wrong at one point or another in your organization. Be
prepared. Think of a contingency plan and have one ready in case you need
13. Clint Barton/Hawkeye:

Someones going to have to teach those punks manners

Not everyone you meet will be pleasant to deal with. Theyll lack couth or
You might not be able to teach them the proper way to act but you can at
least try to guide them in the right direction.
14. Mind games screws with people: Mind games is Scarlet Witchs
specialty. As you have seen or read, shes able to alter a persons thinking
and drive them mad.

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Leadership Lessons & Quotes From Avengers: Age Of Ultron

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Her powers left those she touched damaged and wounded.

As leaders, we have the ability to play mind games with our team. But we
know good leaders dont do this.
Mind games only hurt those were trying to lead.
15. Laura Barton/Hawkeyes Wife:

Youve got to make sure this team is really a team and

theyve got your back.

Laura knew a team that wasnt cohesive was dangerous. Theyre a time
bomb waiting to explode.
Thats why you have to be cautious as well with teams. You have to get
people on the same page and keep them there.
A team that doesnt want to be together is worth less than no team at all.
16. Answers may not be where youre at: After Scarlet Witch messed with
Thors mind, he needed answers. He knew they werent in the battle and he
had to go somewhere else to get them.
Youll have questions that need answers. Many times they wont be where
youre at. Youll need to go somewhere to find them.
Whether thats a retreat, to a mentor, or in a book you need to seek out
17. Embrace who you are: Tonys talking to Bruce after theyve recovered
the body Ultron was trying to build. Tony has another crazy idea to put Jarvis
into the body.
Most of the Avengers thinks hes crazy. And he is.
Tony admits to Bruce that theyre mad scientists. Their line of thinking isnt
always rational but they have to embrace it.
You have unique talents and skills. You may not want to admit to them but
you have them. Embrace who you are.
18. Sometimes you have nothing to offer: After the battles, the Avengers
feel like they have nothing to offer. They even say as much.
And sometimes youll find yourself in that position. Youve expended a great
deal of energy and youre wasted. You cant give anymore.
Its okay to take a breather. Get yourself together so you can get back out
there and help others.
19. Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow:

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Leadership Lessons & Quotes From Avengers: Age Of Ultron

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Now, go be a hero

Natasha tells this to Bruce Banner after hes transformed into the Hulk. She
knows hes a hero so she gives her words of affirmation to him.
Whens the last time you encouraged someone with your words? Your words
have power and you should speak positively towards those youre leading.
You can encourage them to greatness.
20. Teams may fight and disagree: Things got quite ugly in the Avengers
team. When Tony wanted to continue working on implanting Jarvis into
Ultrons body, there were disagreements and fights.
The team didnt agree with what Tony wanted to do. And they had good
Even after the fight, the team was able to come back together and fight as a
When you have disagreements in your team (or your marriage), dont think
its the end. Its the nature of relationships.
Well disagree but we can move past those disagreements. Great teams
know how to stick it through the tough times.
21. Tony Stark/Iron Man:

We can do our best to protect them

Ultron lifted a city off the ground and placed hundreds, maybe thousands, of
lives in danger. Tony knew things were dangerous but he knew the Avengers
could protect people and thats what he told the team.
You can protect the team you lead as well.
Take the blame when its acceptable. Take pay cuts before you ask your team
to do so. Take time off so others can work.
You can do small things to protect others. Do them.
22. Steve Rogers/Captain America:

This is what S.H.I.E.L.D. is supposed to be

The world thought S.H.I.E.L.D. was a shell of its former self. And it was
but S.H.I.E.L.D. still had a cohesive team.
This is what Steve Rogers saw when he said this line.
Sometimes our organizations change and theyre no longer seen in the same

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light. This doesnt mean our organization cant come back.

You can guide your organization back to its greatness. You dont have to give
23. Teamwork saves the day: Ultron was a force to be reckoned with. But
like every great villain, the villain will fall. And so he did when the Avengers
teamed up and fought back.
They were able to defeat Ultron by combining their strengths and tag-teaming
Get your team to work together and they can do amazing things.
24. We have to make difficult choices: By the end of the movie we know
Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff had a thing for each other. But Bruce
Banner had a dangerous temper that could hurt Natasha.
So, he made a difficult choice to leave. He knew it would hurt him and he
knew it would hurt her but it had to be done.
Our choices wont feel good all the time. In fact, theyll hurt.
But leaders make choices. So make a choice.
Man, those are some leadership lessons, huh? The Avengers: Age Of Ultron
delivered with action and story and leadership lessons.

Question: Have you seen Avengers: Age Of

Ultron? What leadership lessons did you see in
the movie? Please share them in the comment
section below.
This post was part of a crossover blog series titled Reel Leadership. Ive joined
forces with superhero bloggers and podcasters to bring you even more
leadership lessons from movies this summer. The next installment will be by
blogger Paul Sohn (http://www.paulsohn.org) and podcaster Jeff Brown


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Jeffrey P. Rush

Thanks. There's another one I thought of. When Hawkeye is talking to Scarlett
Witch he tells her it's OK to not go out there, someone will come. But if she goes out
there, "You're an Avenger." Wow! Acknowledgment of fear, reluctance, while at the
same time, giving her a purpose. Not sure what to call that, but it's powerful.
I use film and TV in my classes, using some of your posts as examples. Hope that's

Kiki Stamatiou

I like the piece of wisdom Hawkeye gives to the Scarlett Witch. I find it not
only enlightening, but deeply moving. Those simple words really cut to the
heart, and speak volumes.

Joseph Lalonde


That's definitely okay. Thanks for sharing my content with your class!

Kiki Stamatiou

There certainly is some great philosophy to take away from the Avengers: Age of
Ultron. Actually, man superhero movies have great philosophy within them which
resonates with me. In one of the Xmen movies the Night Crawler had tons of great
philosophy. I admire the character for one thing, becasue although he was a mutant
and faced adversity in his life, he still found strength and wisdom through his faith
and belief in the Lord. On more than one occassion in the film, I've seen him
kneeling in prayer quite often. I can't remember his exact words, but he talked much
about how a prayer can help during times of struggle and adversity. I believe his
wisdom served as important part of guiding the Xmen in the right direction in the
movie Xmen the Last Stand.
In your article here, many things resonated with me where it talks about making
tough choices, deciding whether or not to offer help even when it is not asked of me.
I remember many years ago in college, and friend of mine and I I tried to help
another friend out with her relationship she had with her boyfriend, but in the end
she didn't appreciate our advice nor our help. She also blamed us for her and her
boyfriend breaking up. However, the fact is she was juggling three different people
at the same time. All we did was tell her to chose one to have a relationship with
and be honest with all three parties. It was her dishonesty which ruined her
relationships, not the other friend and I who tried to help her. I don't know this
experience ties much into what you were discussing in your article. However, I like
to think even simple friendships are like a team, especially when the people seem
like family, and are in need of help. The problem is like you state in your article,
sometimes folks don't want our help, even though it's needed. Still, it's important to
know when to involve one's self to help some one out, and when not to involve one's
self. Therefore, sometimes, it's better not to involve one's self when help is not
asked, and it's better to let nature takes its course, letting things transpire and come
to pass as they may.

Michael Sillion

Thanks for putting together such an Awesome list!

I reposted it on my blog after I had done my my thoughts and observations on Age

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Leadership Lessons & Quotes From Avengers: Age Of Ultron

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