InnovationZone Hackathon Scenarios

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Innovation Zone Hackathon

IoT Scenarios

2014 IBM Corporation

Internet of Things Creates Opportunities Across Industries





Paid home
care family

ER Bed


Pay-per-drive car

Fleet mgmt

Banking the


Life style


Remote ATM


In-car Movies,
Music, Games



Cash replacement

Paid Alerts to

Sensor enabled
Loyalty cards


Delivery and stock


Smart Cities
Traffic mgmt

Store layout

Smart Vending




Delay nonessential supply

during peak


Smart home

Delivery Lockers

Store energy mgmt



Store parking mgmt

Dynamic price labels

Crowd mgmt
Timetable mgmt
Asset mgmt

Remotely control

2014 IBM Corporation

Example 1 using City Bus data set

 Use location data to track the buses routes through the city
Do the routes adequately cover the desired area?
Should certain stops be moved to a different route to provide more optimum
coverage and lower cost?

 Check the various routes from day to day

Focus on daily variances on the same route - why are the routes different?
Road construction, drivers making special trips, etc

Are the busses on time?

If the busses are regularly late, does the schedule need to be changed to account for
the new times between stops?
Which days & times are the busses most likely to be on time?

 Bus metrics
How many miles has the bus travelled?
Use this information for maintenance scheduling

2014 IBM Corporation

Example 1 using City Bus data set (2)

 Use in conjunction with some other (generated) data to perform
Additional passenger data would allow for capacity planning
How full are the busses?
Does there need to be more busses placed on the routes at various times?

Additional weather data would allow for seasonal/weather event driven

capacity planning
Is there any correlation between rainy days and bus ridership?
Should more busses be placed in service in the winter/summer?

Additional driver data would allow for scheduling planning

How many miles/hours has each driver driven?
Excess driver miles could increase accidents and impact passenger safety

2014 IBM Corporation

Example 2 using Energy Meter data set #1

 Scenario involves electricity usage for 1166 homes for one month
 This data can represent the historian data for these homes.
 Hacker can also integrate (virtual or real) sensors to generate additional
real time data for one home or a number of individual homes. Real time
sensor data would be inserted into the home gateway database
 Application can focus on the real time data for a single home and respond
to incoming sensor data. For example:
Change thermostat when electricity usage exceeds some threshold
Start washing machine when electricity usage falls below some threshold

 Application can use local data from the home gateway together with
historian data for the home and city for better analysis and threshold

2014 IBM Corporation

Example 3 using Energy data sets #2

 Data includes water and electricity usage for 10,000 homes for one year
 Data represents the historian (Cloud) data for these homes
 Hackers can also integrate (virtual or real) sensors to generate additional
real time data for one home or a number of individual homes. Real time
sensor data would be inserted into the home gateway database
 Application can focus on the real time data for a single home and respond
to incoming sensor data. For example:
Change thermostat when electricity usage exceeds some threshold
Start washing machine when electricity usage falls below some threshold
Water the lawn when water usage falls below some threshold

 Application can use local data from the home gateway together with
historian data for the home and city for better analysis and threshold
2014 IBM Corporation

Example 3 using Energy data sets #2 (2)

 Work with the local gateway data and correlate the temperature and water
consumption data for one home
 Establish real world scenario around cost savings (examples)

Water more than XXX gallons per month is more expensive

Water delivered during peak hours is more expensive
Water delivered when temperature exceeds a threshold is more expensive

 Define thresholds/triggers to respond to the sensor data and the analytics

When to water the lawn
When to activate the clothes washer, dishwasher, etc.

 Build a (dashboard?) application to allow the home owner to interact with

the data
See what is going on real time and historical
Establish thresholds/triggers/actions to activate lawn sprinklers, washing
machine, dishwashers, fill swimming pool, etc.

 Incorporate the Cloud (city level) data to provide comparisons between

local house and the entire city
2014 IBM Corporation

Example 3 using Energy data sets #2 (3)

 Work with the Cloud data and correlate the temperature and water
consumption data for the city
 Determine some capacity and cost valuations for water resources
How much water can the system deliver?
Potable water could be more expensive than non-potable water. Some ways
to analyze the data with these variations.

 Establish real world scenario around this data (examples)

Which neighborhoods/homes use the most water?
Relationships between temperature and water consumption
Forecasting future water usage based on previous water usage and
temperature data
Forecasting infrastructure enhancements in water delivery system to be able to

 This approach involves creative analytics on the data and developing

ways to present it.
2014 IBM Corporation

Example 4 using Health Care data set

 Data includes vital sign data from a health care monitoring device which
reads body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure and respiration rate
15 minute interval data is available for 10,000 patients for one year

 This data can represent the cloud based historian data

 One scenario could be tracking patient progress using one or more of
these vital signs over time
 Use in conjunction with some other (generated) historian data to perform
Where were the readings taken? (Hospital vs. Assisted care Facility vs. home)
May allow some correlation between the vital signs and the location
May allow some comparisons between different facilities

What kind of diagnosis was the patient given and when?

Track the changes in vital signs before, during and after the diagnosis

2014 IBM Corporation

Example 4 using Health Care data set(2)

 Incorporate real time sensor data (real or virtual sensors) to allow the
application to work with both real time (gateway) data and historian
(cloud) data
 One scenario could represent the various floors of a hospital. Virtual
sensors upload patient vital sign data to a hospital floors gateway
In this kind of usage, data for some of these sensors should be arriving each
Need to respond to urgent situations (heart rate = 0) in real time
Dashboard type program to allow monitoring of each patient from central
Mechanism to establish individual alert thresholds for each patient
View historical data as well as current data

 Use in conjunction with some other (generated) historian data to perform

correlations mentioned earlier
2014 IBM Corporation

Other IoT scenarios

(data sets not yet created)

2014 IBM Corporation

Sensors on both Android and iOS devices

 Motion sensors - accelerometer, gravity, gyroscopic and rotational
vector sensors
 Environmental sensors - ambient air temperature and pressure,
illumination and humidity sensors
 Position sensors orientation and magnetometer sensors
 Also included are radios, which aren't strictly sensors but which
include the GPS for location services
 Other on-board devices include camera, speaker & microphone

2014 IBM Corporation

Example 5 Work with sensors on smart phones

 One scenario could involve weather forecasting
Uses barometer, temperature and humidity sensors on iOS/Android devices

 Develop application to display this data on the mobile device

 Upload data to the historian/Cloud database
Historical sensor data can be generated
Use a real weather dataset for historical data

 Develop some strategy to correlate the data and a mechanism to present it

2014 IBM Corporation

Example 6 home security (virtual sensors)

 Scenario involves a home security system
Virtual sensors generating data for:

Doors and windows opening and closing

Lights on and off
Smoke alarm on and off
More .

 Virtual sensors upload data to the home gateway database

 Develop (mobile?) application to display to view the status of the home and
to (virtually) interact with various components: (examples)
Arm and disarm the security system
Turn on/off the lights
Turn off the lawn sprinklers

 Develop some other views of the data and a mechanism to present it

2014 IBM Corporation

Example 7 smart parking (virtual sensors)

 Scenario involves a parking garage assigning parking spaces
 Each parking space is instrumented, for example:
Time of event

 Each car could have some identifier (RFID?)

 Virtual arrival and departure of cars at various times
Some percentage of cars represent short term parkers (shoppers) vs. some
are long term parkers (workers)
Program assigns parking spots

 Virtual sensors upload data to the garage gateway database

 Mobile program for driver to view parking garage, parking space
assignment and fee for parking
 Administration program viewing all the parking assignments and billing
2014 IBM Corporation

Example 7 smart parking (virtual sensors) (2)

 Cloud database would represent consolidated view of all of the parking
garages in the city
 Cloud database would help city planners:
Capacity planning are there enough parking spaces?
How many cars are turned away?
Billing strategy higher charges for peak hours?

 This approach involves creative analytics on the data and developing

ways to present it.

2014 IBM Corporation

Example 8 truck fleet maintenance (virtual sensors)

 Scenario involves a delivery company truck fleet maintenance
 Each truck is instrumented, for example:
Fuel level
Tire pressure

 Virtual truck assignments at various times

Various distances and weights

 Virtual sensors upload each trips data to the trucking companys gateway
 Gateway database also maintains (examples)

Which trucks are in service?

Service intervals
Fuel usage
Tire replacement
Driver information (how many hours driven and using which trucks)

 Mobile program for driver to view current status and maintenance history of
current truck
 Administration program viewing status for all the trucks

Which trucks are not available because they are in the shop?

2014 IBM Corporation

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