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Student Essay

An Experience of Cultural Conflict

By Dr. Rieko Tsubata, MD
Everyone has his or her own racial identity and cultural pride. This is only natural and somewhat necessary to
keep the prosperity of a race thriving. Each race has its own culture, religion and ways of thinking, which are
usually different from each other. Some races strictly keep their own identities and others are more flexible to
accept the ways that others live. Once I had an unfortunate experience of cultural conflict that I'd like to share
with you, in hopes of promoting peace, harmony and respect between the vast cultures of the world.
Some years ago I lived in Germany before I entered medical school in Japan. I was attending a German
language course at the University of Cologne along with a number of international students from around the
globe. Some students came from other European countries France, Spain as well as Eastern European
countries; some came from as far as China and Japan. In addition others came from the Middle East. Most of
these students were preparing themselves to enter one of the German universities.
The class itself was very good; the teacher was very eager to give good lectures and friendly to everybody. In
addition, all the students were earnest to study and enjoyed the lessons. The atmosphere in the class was really
In December we were supposed to have a Christmas party with all of our classmates and the teacher. Most of
us were looking forward to having the party and started preparing for it in mid-December. However, just a few
days before the party was to be held, it was suddenly called off, because some of the students from the Middle
East were against having a Christmas party, because they were not Christians. All the rest of us were very
disappointed at the cancellation.
Most or all of the students from Asia were not Christian, however the idea of a Christmas party was just fun and
had no religious meaning or overtones to us. Although, for most students from the Middle East, it was
considered to be serious and unacceptable to attend such a party with other Europeans and Asians, even
though they wanted to live in Germany and study at German universities.
We Japanese, on the other hand, are quite flexible and have a mind that is easy to accept other cultures and to
mix them with our own. I'm not suggesting that such an attitude is necessarily better, however I do believe it
leads to peaceful living between peoples. At the same time, I believe it's important to preserve ethnic identity,
cultural traditions and ways of life. It is also important to pass down these traditions to the younger generations
in order to retain cultural identity.
In light of all this, when individuals in general stick to one's own culture and traditions too much so, it tends to
make relationships between people of other cultures worse. Therefore, I think it's most important for all ethnic
groups throughout the world to try to understand each other, respect each other, accept each other's
differences and enjoy the many different and wonderful cultural experiences there are to share in, especially
when visiting a foreign country or living abroad. I'm sure you remember the old saying, which might be good
advice to follow. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

BA English Essay (Democracy)

1. Introduction
2. Advantages of Democracy
3. Shining Examples of Democracy
4. Disadvantages of Democracy
5. Conclusion

Democracy is a very popular term today. It is usually associated with the United States form of
government by people, and to some extent, they are right in doing so. The United States has strived
much more than other countries to uphold the honor of democracy. But, what exactly is democracy?
Abraham Lincoln popularly called democracy a system of government by the people, for the people.
In many ways, democracy is just that. Through an efficient and reliable method of voting and
elections, the leader of a nation is chosen. The people are given a choice of whom to choose to run
their country, and therein lies the essence of democracy: freedom of choice. And that is why the
United States has so relentlessly held on to this notion for hundreds of years.
The biggest advantage of having a democratic system is freedom for the people. The people are free
to choose whomever they want. They are not bound by monarchies or Imperial laws. They are not
forced to serve under feudal lords, or ruthless dictators. They are free to choose who they want to
run their country. They can even choose an ordinary man like themselves. It is true that many
monarchies and dictatorships are very prosperous, and they do a lot to help their people, but in
essence they are faulty. The world is not meant to be ruled by one person alone. Millions of people
should not expected to cower at the whims of just one person. It is possible that the dictator may
have their best interests at heart, but what if he hasnt? That is a fearful thought indeed. The people
would have no choice, but to bow to the atrocities that the dictator will commit. In this way,
democracy is a savior of the common man. With democracy, the common man has a say. He
receives the right to alter the decisions taken in his country; he becomes equal to the leaders who
are running the country.Democracy also ensures a group voice as far as government decisions are
concerned. No influential people are allowed to sway the decision in their favor; they have to abide by
the universal majority of votes.
the United States is one shining example of a successful democracy. For hundreds of years, the
democratic system has ensured that the voice of the common man be heard, and abided, and that
has brought the United States to the precipice of supreme power. Similarly, India is another country
that has excelled in promoting democracy. Although there have been a few hiccoughs, Pakistan has

also managed to pull through, and portray itself as a major democratic country. The clean and clear
voting system of Pakistan ensures that the leader with national acclaim ascends the seat of power.
While a democracy has a host of advantages, there are some disadvantages too. First, it is possible
to manipulate the voting system. With paper ballots and voting machines, there always remains a
margin of err, but even worse, it is possible to change them to make sure that the more corrupt
leader wins. In addition to that, democracy often suffers due to the indecision of the Parliament or
Congress. This is especially true to global emergency cases where the government cannot act
unless it gets approval from its Parliament, and the Parliament or Congress sometimes doesnt
assent. Thus, in such cases, the democratic system comes to a grinding halt.
Thus, looking at the above arguments and examples, it is reasonable to assume that the democratic
system is among the best in the world, and although it has its demerits, the advantages far outweigh
them. Democracy should be the governmental system of choice for every country.

Democracy Essay for F.A FSc B.A B.S.c Student


Democracy is a popular form of government. It is practiced successfully in many countries

of the world. In this form of government people elect their own rules. In a democratic
country, there are many political parties. They take part in election. The party which wins
the majority of vote is declared successful. It is called to form of government. The rest of
the parties are supposed to sit on the opposition benches. In the assembly, important
issues are debated and discussed by the both the ruling party as well as opposition party.
The decision on different problems of country is taken after much deliberation.
Dictatorship is a system of government in which one party or one person rules the country.
The entire power rests with that party or the ruler. The party comes into power after
election. However, unlike democracy, there is no opposition party. All the votes are cast in
favor of one party. In dictatorship no one can oppose the ruler. There are many restrictions
on the freedom of people. An individual does not enjoy any type of freedom. The radio, the
television, the newspapers and other mass media conceal facts. Their main business is to
admire the ruling party.
In dictatorship an individual does not enjoy any respect. This form of government is
popular in communist countries as Russia, China and East Germany.
In democracy there is full freedom of expressing public opinion. An individual enjoy full
free freedom to think, write and express his views. The press is completely free. The
policies of the government are debated and discussed freely in the newspapers as well as
in the assembly hall. In democracy a person enjoy respect and importance. Democracy is
linked with justice. Everybody has equal right in the eye of law. These forms of government
are popular and successful in America, Britain, India and Japan.
Democracy is a difficult system of government. Only the educated and sensible people can
understand and run it. In our country and in many other Asian countries most of the people
are uneducated and backward. They cannot understand the real spirit and structure of
democratic system of the government. Most of the people of our country are poor. At the
time of election, the voters are bribed and tempted to give votes in favor of irresponsible
and uneducated candidates. In this way in democracy, the responsible and educated
candidates do not return to assembly.

In democratic form of government the candidates use unfair means to win the election. The
candidates of the rival party are kidnapped. The ballot boxes are broken and undue
pressure is exercised on the officers who conduct the elections bribery and selfishness.
Democracy has many merits but it has many demerits also. We can say that democracy in
spite of its defects is still a popular form of government. It is better than Dictatorship.

Newspaper Essay 4 (250 words)

The newspaper is very important thing in these days. It is first and foremost thing of everyone to start
the day. It is better to start our day by filling our mind with fresh news and information. It makes us
confident and helps in improving our personality. First of all in the morning it greets every member of
the family with bulk of information. As a citizen of the country, we are fully responsible to know all the
pros and cons going in the country or other countries. It informs us about the current affairs of the
politics, sports, business, industries, etc. It also informs us about the personal affairs of the
Bollywood and business personalities.
Newspaper let us know about cultures, traditions, arts, classical dance, etc. In such a modern time
when everyone does not have time to know about things other than their job, it let us know about
days and dates of the fairs, festival, occasions, cultural events, etc. It is a collection of news as well
as interesting things about the society, education, future, motivational messages and topics, etc so, it
never bore us. It always stimulates and excites us to about everything in the world through its
interesting topics.
In the modern time, when everyone is so busy in his/her daily life, it is hardly possible for them to get
any idea or knowledge about the outer world so newspaper is the best option to remove such
weakness. It gives us a vast knowledge in just 15 mins or half an hour. It is beneficial for persons of
all fields as it contains knowledge for everyone like students, businessmen, politicians, sportsperson,
teachers, industrialists, etc.

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