Discrimination: Isc Leecam - Campus 4 Listening Class

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I/ New vocabulary
evil (adj):
race (n)
cosmopolitan (n)
sexist (adj)
II/ Silent Listen
III/ Listen again and write TRUE or FALSE
___1/ I dont understand discrimination. To me, its normal.
___2/ I think there should be really strong laws against all forms of discrimination.
___3/ Sexist people dont have sisters, mothers, wives, daughters; but they still treat women as
being less able.
___4/ I wonder if we'll ever live in a world where were all different

IV/ Listen again and answer the question

1/ How should people who discriminate because of other peoples race, sex or age be ?

2/ What is the thing that surprises the speaker?

3/ How sexist people still treat women ?


I dont understand discrimination. To ______________________ . How can you not
think that all people ______________________ ? It doesnt matter what kind of
discrimination it is, its all terrible. People who discriminate ______________________
peoples race, ______________________ should be named and shamed. I think there
should be really strong laws against ______________________ discrimination. Racism
is horrible. What difference does it make what colour ______________________ ? The
thing that surprises me is that even in the most cosmopolitan cities, racism is everywhere.
Sexual discrimination ______________________ . Sexist people have sisters, mothers,
wives, daughters; ______________________ women as ______________________ . I
wonder if we'll ever live in a world where ______________________ .


I dont understand discrimination. To me, its ilev. How can you not think that all people
are the same? It doesnt tretma what kind of discrimination it is, its all lebtreri. People
who discriminate because of other peoples race, sex or age should be andem and
shamed. I think there should be really rgostn laws against all forms of discrimination.
Racism is loherrib. What difference does it make what colour your skin is? The thing that
ssieurprs me is that even in the most cosmopolitan eicsit, racism is everywhere. Sexual
discrimination is also tdispu. Sexist people have sisters, mothers, wives, daughters; but
they still treat women as being less able. I wonder if we'll ever live in a world where
were all eulaq.

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