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The Mountain Smoke Offering Arranged for Recitation
by Dudjom Rinpoche

om svasti

The practice of Riwo Sangch, the mengak, secret instruction, from
Lhatsn Namkha Jikms Rigdzin Sokdrup, as arranged by Dudjom
 $  % &
( ) 

+,' " !! '
Making an auspicious fire in a clean vessel or burner, burn aromatic
woods, resins, medicinal plants, the three white and three sweet
substances, (yogurt, milk and butter; sugar, molasses and honey) and all
kinds of incense and powderwhatever you have available, and sprinkle it
with pure water.
% / 0
1. Taking Refuge
123456 7 8  9/ :;
"< 6
om ah hung, kha nyam sishyi kyab kn nyingp ch
O h! The heart essence of all sources of refuge of sasra and
nirva, who are as vast as space,

=">?% @!
wang drak rigdzin pema ttreng tsal
Powerful and wrathful vidydhara, Padma Ttreng Tsal;
B! C$
 D 7E 6
khy kur nangsi gyalw kyilkhor dzok

Within your body, all that appears and exists is the perfect buddha
0:  F*/ G 6
dro kn si l dral chir kyab su chi
In order to liberate all beings from sasra, I take refuge in you!
3 times
! /! 
2. Generating Bodhicitta

 H!'!   %! 96
sang chok yeshe sal tikl shyir
In the ground of the luminous tikl of supremely secret wisdom,
0:FG   C
dro kn drib sum dak n ku dang sung
May the three obscurations of all beings be purified, and
J %!KL$

tuk kyi tikler lhndrub nang shyi ngang
With the four visions spontaneously perfected in the tikl of the wisdom
body, speech and mind,
9MN C0 ! /!  6
shynnu bumkur drolwar semky do
May all beings be liberated into the youthful vase body! For this, I
generate the heart and mind of bodhicitta.
3 times
3. The Seven Aspects of Devotional Practice

'  P Q *R9

shi rik mach nyukmar chaktsal shying
To the primordial, unaltered nature of rigpa, I pay homage!
 %.    "N6
ting ta dralw sal chpa bul
The luminosity, transcending limits and dimensions, I offer!
  8 8 U
O' 6
khorwa nyangd nyamnyi long du shak
In the expanse of sameness of sasra and nirva, I confess!
V.  &  !"! H
lodral ch z chenpor j yi rang
In the great exhaustion of all dharmas, beyond the ordinary mind, I
KLE " !"  7X6
lhndrub dzogpachenp chkhor kor









 Y "  ! 6
khorwa dong n trukpar solwa deb
Stir the depths of sasra, I pray!
7G    %.Z %[6
khor sum mik ta dralw pata ngo
In the absolute state, free of subject, object or activity, I dedicate!
4. Self-Visualization
   C +
   ! A 
kadak chk ying l gakm tsal












unobstructed play, is
">?% @!
  9\ ]  
pema ttreng kar mar shyn tsul dz
Padma Ttreng Tsal, white with a tinge of red, in the full beauty of youth,
R "!&^!% "$  
tsenp zibar dorj tpa nam
In dazzling splendour, with the major and minor marks, holding a vajra
and skull cup,
]  D
 + H
dz ji gyen dang chaj yongsu dzok
Majestic, complete with all ornaments and robes,
H!8  ! D:O "_  
damy nyim gyal kn dp zuk
Samayasattva and jnasattva indivisible, his form is all the buddhas in
7 :`a " !"b 
khord kn gyi chi pal chenpor gyur
The great embodiment of all sasra and nirva.
12345cde">? f456
om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung
9! DA# g
108 times
5. Purification and Blessing of the Sang Offering
Purify the ingredients of the sang offering with:
E h iHi7i 
ram yam kham


E &" ! "H!'! O A  HD Rklm
 7B @b
tongp ngang l sangdz zakpa mep yeshe kyi dtsi dyn
gyats trinpung khakhyab tu trowar gyur
Out of emptiness appear the ingredients of the sang offering, transformed
into the wisdom nectar free of any impurity, from which arises an oceanlike cloud of sensual stimulants, spreading out to fill the whole of space.
  7 k [ G    +o 
Bless the sang offering with the three syllables o h and the skytreasury mantra:
om ah hung
3 times
 3 pSq2S!rst7!r3 pq27iu>vS!wxy i7iz{ |
nama sarva tatagat bayo bisho mukheb sarva takham udgat
saparana imam gagana kham soha
3 times
6. The Sang Offering
}~6  !$Rk 
 $ H
droom, rinchen natsok dangm n yang su
Bhr! In the vast lustrous vessel, made of the essence of various jewels,
! "   RE 6
jikten sip dgu damtsik dz
The samaya substances, all the desirable objects in worldly existence, are
nG H!'! O A+o " 6
dru sum yeshe dtsir jinlabp
Transformed into the nectar of wisdom through the blessing of the three
seed syllables o h,
   "   " 6

nangsi chp dgur trikpa di

So that all that appears and exists becomes an offering of all that is
V H   

lama yidam daki chsung dang
This I offer to the lamas, yidams, kins, dharmaplas and
* <D 7;! 
chok chu gyalw kyilkhor jiny dang
All the mandalas of the buddhas of the ten directions,
9     06
dzamling shyidak rik druk lenchak drn
To the local deities of this world, beings of the six realms and the guests
to whom I owe karmic debts,
B " R]@9
khyepar dak gi ts trok sok ku shying
And especially to those who would steal my life and deplete my life force,
 A "
n tong barch tsomp jungpo dang
To the malicious jungpo demons who inflict sickness and obstacles,

milam taktsen ngen dang t ngen rik
Bad signs in dreams and all types of evil omens,
!D  e
d gy marung chotrul dakpo dang
The eight classes of negative spirits, the masters of magical illusions,
`  P6
z dang n dang nor gyi lenchak chen
And those to whom I owe karmic debts of food, place and wealth,
0 =!Z' '

drib dak nyodr poshin moshin dang

To forces that bring obscuration and madness, to the shades of men and
women dead,
=! P 6
driwo terang drong sin dremo ch
To all the spirits, terangs, ghouls and female ghosts!
   " !S!!6
lenchak marp m la jal t sek
Now all my karmic debts are paid, burnt in the scarlet flames.

rang rang yi la gang d dg char
Whatever each one desires, may the objects of their desires rain down:
   7 8 O6
jisi namkha n kyi bar nyi du
For as far and as long as space exists,
  "HS& " ! "[6
dp ynten zepa mepar ngo
I dedicate an inexhaustible amount of sensual stimulants!
 O G   "F
dak gi d sum sakp dikdrib dang
May my negative actions and obscurations accumulated in past, present
and future,
  ' a "h 6
knchok d shinkor la chepa nam
And misuse of the offerings made to the Three Jewels, in devotion and for
the dead,
j! !   H  bP6
jinsek mech di yi dak gyur chik
Be purified in the fire of this sang offering!

@! 6
mech nangsi gangw dultren r
Let its flames fill the entire universe and every minute particle of flame
 & "6
kunzang chp trinpung mizepa
Become an inexhaustible cloud of offerings like Samantabhadras
7 H
gyalw shyingkham yong la khyab gyur chik
Pervading throughout all the buddha realms!
!!H!'!    j&!6
mech yeshe ng chjin zer
May these flames, offering-rays of five-coloured lights of wisdom,
   !  GBb" 6
rik druk narm n su khyab gyurp
Pervade throughout the six classes of beings, down to the Avc Hells,
7 G 7  C06
kham sum khorwa jal kur drol
The three realms of sasra be liberated into the rainbow body,
D '6
dro kn changchub nyingpor sangye shok
And all sentient beings awaken into the heart of enlightenment!
om ah hung
9! nG D
L %
100 times, 1000 times, or moreas many as you can
7. Conclusion
CG  "$ 9H G6
ku sum dakpa n kyi shyaly su

All is purified into the three kyas: the environment, a heavenly palace
YG $
 _ m
h 6
ch long trul sum nangsi zukpung nam
Dharmakya, sabhogakya and nirmakyathe forms and aggregates
of phenomenal existence,
O A  $

dtsir shyuw ja barnang gang
Melt into nectar, flooding the whole expanse of the sky with rainbow light.
 & ! O A < 6
khorwa nyangd zakm dtsi ch
Sasra is liberated into nirva; this essence of immaculate nectar
% ! O   H O6
tokm d n danta yench du
I share with all those who, from beginningless time until now,
nangsi drn du gyurpa yong la ngo
Have been guests in worldly existence.
 . NHS %*9
sa lam dreb ynten tarchin shying
Having attained all the noble qualities of the stages, paths and fruition,
 a " :  6
ta gom chp barch kn sal n
And dispelled all obstacles in view, meditation and action,

J  7 +
mejung kunzang tuk kyi khaying su
Within the sky-like space of Samantabhadras wondrous wisdom mind,
9MN CS &"'6
shynnu bumkur tensi zinpar shok

May we seize the stronghold of the youthful vase body!

7D Rk !"
" %6
khorw gyatso chenpo tongp tar
And when at last the great ocean of sasra is emptied;
D '6
womin pema drawar sangye shok
May all beings attain buddhahood in the Lotus Net of Akaniha!
7 !E ,
& 6
pung kham sekdz trakdang ziji bar
The sang offerings of the aggregates and elements blaze in vivid, brilliant
 ! !E  !
kar mar changsem sekdz detong bar
The sang offerings of red and white bodhicitta blaze in bliss and

8 ;
!!E    +

tongnyi nyingj sekdz chying gang
The sang offerings of emptiness and compassion fill the dharmadhtu!
 7 ^! 96
nangsi khord dorj ng shyir
Upon the ground of five-coloured vajra light of phenomenal existence,
sasra and nirva,
D "!E N6
lhndrub dzok sangyep sekdz bul







[`  % P +
ngn gyi lenchak tamch jang gyur chik
May all my karmic debts from the past be purified!



    %' 6

danta gy la min tol lo shak
In the present so they do not remain in my mindstream, I confess them!

F"7 bP6
ma ong dribp khorlor magyur chik
And in the future, may I never be drawn into the wheel of obscuration!
 ! ""H6
sotar changsem rigpa dzinpa yi
All impairments of the vows of individual liberation, bodhisattva precepts,
 P "
[  R 6
dom ch labpa sang ngak damtsik rik
And samayas of the vidydharas,
 Rk8 " %' 6
tsor dang matsor nyampa tol lo shak
Conscious or unwitting, I openly admit.
ne dn drib dang mitsang dak gyur chik
May illness, harmful influence, obscurations and impurities be purified!
 t Rk`X"9bP6
n muk tsn gyi kalpa shyi gyur chik
May this age of plague, famine and warfare be pacified!
%  N G
G g6
tami su ongw snma dok
May the attacks of invaders be repelled!
   V  =! g6
chdz lama dendren barch dok
May obstructing forces that cause the spiritual teacher to depart be
 , ' " 

byul trami ship te ngen dok

May inauspicious bad omens for the whole world and the land of Tibet be
&D"  N  "g6
za lu gyalp sok uk dpa dok
May the planetary forces, ngas and arrogant king-like spirits, who cut
short the breath of life, be repelled!
 " !"D 
jikpa chenpo gy dang chudruk dok
May the eight great fears and sixteen lesser fears be overcome!
 P7P , ' "g6
dakchak khor ch trami shipa dok
For me and all those round me, may all that is inauspicious be averted!

" J M "g6
damsi gongp tutob npa dok
May the powers and strength of samaya-breakers and gongpo demons be
I }~6  !$Rk     nG 

I CG  "  P  %
When counting the number of recitations of Riwo Sangch, return
to droom, rinchen natsok..., then say the three syllables o h as
much as possible, then ku sum dakpa... and so on.
8. Dedication
D  "  8! bP 
gyalwa chp ny gyur chik
May all the buddhas be pleased with this offering!

damchen tukdam kong gyur chik
May the solemn promise of the protectors be fulfilled!
   "R bP 
rik druk dpa tsim gyur chik
May the wishes of the six classes of beings be satisfied!
  ' 7j
lenchak shakhn jang gyur chik
May the enmity of karmic debtors be assuaged!
Rk 8 H
GE bP 
tsok nyi yongsu dzok gyur chik
May we complete the accumulation of merit and wisdom!
F8    bP 
drib nyi bakchak dak gyur chik
May we purify cognitive and emotional defilements, and karmic traces!
"C8 %bP 
dampa ku nyi tob gyur chik
May we attain the dharmakya and rpakya, for the benefit of self and

j"D !b" H J  

jinpa gyachen gyurpa di yi t
Through the power of this vast act of generosity
0 O

D ' 
drow dndu rangjung sangye shok
May we spontaneously attain buddhahood for the benefit of beings!
[`Dh   0 

ngn gyi gyalwa nam kyi madrolw

All those who were not liberated by the buddhas of the past,
/!Rk h j" 0bP 
kyew tsok nam jinp drol gyur chik
Through this act of generosity, may they be liberated!

jungpo gangdak dir ni lhak gyur tam
May all the spirits gathered in this place,
sa am nt barnang kh kyang rung
Be it on the earth or in the water or in the sky,
/!h  + +! P
kyegu nam la taktu jamj ching
Always show goodwill and kindness to all beings,
 RO  a "' 
nyin dang tsen du ch la chpar shok
And practise Dharma day and night!

! H /!: 

gewa di yi kyewo kn
Through the positivity and merit of this, may all beings
   H!'! Rk E '
snam yeshe tsok dzok shing
Complete the accumulation of merit and wisdom,
snam yeshe l jungw
And from this merit and wisdom,

"C8 %"' 
dampa ku nyi tobpar shok
May they attain the dharmakya and rpakya, for the benefit of self and

A   " 
b dang tsolw magpa
Untainted by effort and exertion
H 9N " '
yishyin norbu paksam shing
A wish-fulfilling jewel, a wish-granting tree,
! P!X
semchen rewa kong dzepa
May I fulfil the hopes of sentient beings
 "L",' ' 
sampa drubp tashi shok
And may all be auspicious to accomplish their desires!
P!   ' " "  !! G+ 
Make everything positive and well with auspicious prayers such as these.
 *!D  $Rk '$
V  l "
 B!O. "!0
[ "Z P

From the many ways, elaborate or condensed, of doing this practice, I
Jna (Dudjom Rinpoche), an old yogin, composed this abbreviated
version for daily practice.


Ri bo bsang mchod kyi ngag 'don khrigs bkol in bDud 'joms gsung 'bum.
25 vols. Kalimpong: 19791985. (TBRC W20869) vol. 23, pp. 527533

| Rigpa Translations, revised 2016.

 RO  ! 

.!V h++o  !    
A Shower of Blessings: A Guru Yoga Practice to Accompany the
Seven Line Prayer
/ 0
Taking Refuge
 6 V  !'! O "C6
namo lama deshek dp ku
Homage! Lama, you embody all the sugatas,
 G `
knchok sum gyi rangshyin la
Your very nature the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
0 ! Ph 6
dak dang dro druk semchen nam
Together with all sentient beings in the six realms,
-O/ G 6
changchup bar du kyap su chi
Till enlightenment is attained, I take refuge in you.
Repeat three times.
! /! 
Arousing Bodhichitta, the Heart of the Awakened Mind
! /! 0:  6
sem ky drowa kn dn tu
Now I arouse bodhichitta, and to benefit all living beings
D  6
lama sanggy drupn ni
Through realizing the awakened state of the master,

O@  6
gang la gang dul trinl kyi
And with enlightened action, training every one according to their needs,
0F P6
drowa drolwar dam cha o
I vow to liberate them all.
Repeat three times.
Rk   H<"
The Ten Branches for Accumulating Merit
V H  70'! 6
lama yidam khandro shek
Approach now, gurus, devas and kins:
8g">?  6
nyi da peme den la shyuk
Take your seats on cushions of lotus, sun and moon.

H G d *R6
l ngak yi sum g chak tsal
I offer homage, while devotion fills my body, speech and mind.

chi nang sangw ch pa bul
I make offerings, outer, inner and secret.
8  F %9
' 6
nyamchak dik drip tol shying shak
I confess all impairments and breakages of vows, all my harmful actions
and obscurations.

[  ! H
sang ngak drup la j yi rang
I rejoice, because the secret mantrayna is being accomplished.

[   7X6
mindrol sang ngak ch khor kor
I request you: Turn the wheel of the secret mantra teachings, which bring
ripening and liberation.
     ! 6
nya ngen mi da shyuk sol dep
Remain with us without passing into nirvana, I pray.
" ! P O[6
nyingpo semchen dn du ngo
All merit I dedicate so that sentient beings attain the essence of
 ^!  '6 
yang dak dorj dn tok shok
May we realize the true meaning of indestructible reality.
The Visualization
 %  " O 7e 
ah rang l tamal nep dn kha ru
Ah! I am in my ordinary form; before me, in the sky
D= ! ' Rk 
orgyen drim dhanakosh tso
Appears Oiyna, and the immaculate Dhanakosha lake,
&HD - 
ting zap yenlak gy den ch gangw
Deep and full of water with eight kinds of purity.
N G !" 
 D !
w su rin chen p dongdap gy teng
In its centre you dwell, on a jewelled lotus blossom, its petals open wide:

/  :O D^!

kyapn kund orgyen dorj chang
All sources of refuge combined, Orgyen Dorje Chang,
R "! " RkD 
tsenp palbar tsogyal yum dang tril
Ablaze in splendour with the major and minor marks of perfection, and
embracing the consort Yeshe Tsogyal.
*H ^!H" % N $  
chak y dorj ynp t bum nam
You hold a vajra in your right hand, a skull cup containing a vase in your

 !e "D`  ]  
dar dang rinchen rp gyen gyi dz
Beautiful in all your silk, jewel and bone ornaments.
  ! !&+ 
ng longn dechen zi jin bar
In an expanse of blue, white, yellow, red and green light, you preside
resplendent, radiating great bliss.
7OAG D RklS  
khor du tsa sum gyatso trin tar tip
All around you, gurus, devas and kins gather like clouds.
+o J ! !  &  
jinlap tukj char bep dak la zik
Pour down your blessings in a rain of compassion: watch over and care
for me!
  ! H!'! C 
gyal kn ngowo chim yesh kur
Essence of all buddhas, in your immortal wisdom body,

 ="  * R 
dung shuk drakp d chak tak tu tsal
Now and always, I bow to you with passionate longing and devotion.

a O G  !Rk  
l dang long ch d sum gew tsok
My bodies, possessions and all my merit, past, present and future
  "lO   N 
kunzang chp trin du mikn bul
I visualize as Samantabhadras offering clouds, and present them to you.
% !    
tokm n sak dik tung ma l shak
My harmful actions and downfalls, committed through beginningless time,
I confess without exception.
 P D:`HS` 
s ch gyalwa kn gyi ynten gyi
You alone have completely mastered the precious qualities of all the
buddhas and bodhisattvas,
B P "h % 
khyap dak chik pu gnp nam tar la
And with all my heart I rejoice at your liberating life story.
 "   ! '
nying n yi rang dep sol dep shing
With total trust I pray to you,
&D     !! "C 
zap gy ch kyi char chen beppar kul
And implore you: shower down a great rain of Dharma, profound and

9 !
rang shyen gew ngpo kun dom n
Gathering all the actual merit of myself and others,
07 D Rk   
dro kham gyatso ji si n kyi bar
For as long as these infinite realms of living beings remain
"B h %! ;! S! 
gnpo khy kyi namtar j nyek t
I shall follow your example, Lord,
7B0=!" O[ 
kha khyap drowa drenp dn du ngo
And dedicate it all to guiding beings as limitless as space.

/  :O  B!A!S! !" 

kyapn kund khyents terchen po
You are all my sources of refuge in one, a great treasure of wisdom and
;  /  " ! 
d ngen nyik m kyap chok rinpoch
Our precious, our greatest, protection in this dark age, the dregs of time.
  "  '
nga d gp nar shing dung shuk kyi
Tormented and drained by the the five kinds of degeneration, when I call
on you
  ! NA! J  &  
sol dep bu la tsew tuk kyi zik

In desperate yearning, look upon your child with all the love of your
wisdom mind.

 J !A
gong p long n tukj tsal chung la
Let the power of your compassion burst out from your vast expanse of
+` o  
m den dak gi nying la jin gyi lop
And flood my devoted heart with your blessing.
 R O"
tak dang tsenma nyur du tnpa dang
Quickly show me the signs and marks of attainment,


chok dang tnmong ngdrup tsal du sol
And grant me siddhis, ordinary and supreme.
RO  ! PM G  
Recite The Seven Line Prayer as many times as you can.
4~6 D`M+
 R 6
hung, orgyen yul gyi nup jang tsam
H. In the north-west of the land of Oiyna,
pema gsar dong po la
In the heart of a lotus flower,
H R 
 L! 6
yatsen chok gi ng drup ny
Endowed with the most marvellous attainments,
 9! G0 6
pema jungn shy su drak

You are renowned as the Lotus-born,

7O 70
" X6
khor du khandro mangp kor
Surrounded by many hosts of kins.
B! ! G  6
khy kyi jesu dak drup kyi
Following in your footsteps
+` o *'! G 6
jin gyi lop chir shek su sol
I pray to you: come and bless me with your grace!
de">? f4~6
guru pema siddhi hung
9!   d   S" V H `j R 
J  H!'!  &!$%D
% "  +
` o" 
Imagine that, because you are praying with sincere devotion, from the
place of union and the heart of the lama and the consort fine shafts of
wisdom lightblue, white, yellow, red and greenshoot out and dissolve
into your heart, blessing and transforming your very being.
Recite the Vajra Guru Mantra as much as you wish.
1234~cde">? f4~6
om ah hung vajra guru pema siddhi hung
J %
At the end of the session:
V  G H!nG  6
lam n sum yi g dru sum l
From the three syllables o h at the three centres of the lama,
 &!   %
zer kar mar ting sum jung n su
White, red and blue rays of light strike out

 G % " G `6
rang gi n sum timp go sum gyi
And dissolve into my own three centres, purifying the obscurations
J ^!b6
drip jang ku sung tuk kyi dorjr gyur
Of my body, speech and mind, and transforming them into vajra body,
speech and mind.
%V 7P  O6
tar ni lama khor ch du shyu
Finally, the lama and his retinue melt into light
 %!4~  R"e6
kar mar tigl hum gi tsen pa ru
And into a red and white tikl marked with h,

% " V J 6
rang gi nying gar timp lam tuk
That dissolves into my heart, through which the lamas wisdom mind

 !  +! ! /!   C 6
rang sem yerm lhen ky ch kur n
And my own mind merge inseparably, and so I abide in the ever present
9!  H! P (
 ! 8      C !"
9 H
% P V 

9O  ![9
' " "  !! G+ 
As you utter a ah, look into the actual face of the great primordial
dharmakayathe very nature of your own mind that from the very
beginning is utterly beyond alteration or change, beyond rejecting or









appearances as the nature of the lama. Dedicate the merit and make
prayers for auspiciousness, so that peace and wellbeing prevail.
End the practice well by recognizing all illusory appearance as the nature
of the lama, dedicating the merit and making a prayer of prosperity.
9! "
% P OP! "09gHR] D  R] % P Ode">?.O)  ! " Z h "DH 
On the eighth day of the waxing moon in the seventh month called
Taming All Beings, this arose from the oceanic mind of Mipham Nampar
Gyalwa, one who prays and aspires to serve Guru Padmasambhava in all
his lives. May virtue ensue!
p vi 
Sarva Magala.
Translated by Patrick Gaffney, Rigpa Translations, 2015.

.!Rk    "`N &

Excellent Vase of Splendour: The Tsok Feast Offering to
Accompany the Vajra Seven Line Prayer
  P+ E ' 
Arrange whatever samaya substances you have, such as meat and
4~ 123    +

 8 " 
hung, ah l chying dang nyam kapalar
H. With appears a skullcup, as vast as the space of dharmadhtu,
   HRk G'  
om l nang si d yn tsok su sham
With o, all appearance and existence are displayed as the tsok offerings
4~  ! !H!'! " 
hung gi dechen yesh rolpar gyur
With hung, they transform into the wisdom play of great bliss,
3{ H AG Rk  `! "X
hrih yi tsa sum lha tsok gy pa kang
With hr, gurus, devas and kins, all the deities gathered, are pleased
and satisfied.
1234~3{ +` o 
om ah hung hrih
Bless the offerings with o h hr
4~6 D`M+
 R 6
hung, orgyen yul gyi nup jang tsam
H. In the north-west of the land of Oiyna,
pema gsar dong po la
In the heart of a lotus flower,
H R 
 L! 6
yatsen chok gi ng drup ny
Endowed with the most marvellous attainments,

 9! G0 6
pema jungn shy su drak
You are renowned as the Lotus-born,
7O 70
" X6
khor du khandro mangp kor
Surrounded by many hosts of kins.
B! ! G  6
khy kyi jesu dak drup kyi
Following in your footsteps,
  HRk a=!6
d yn tsok la chen dren na
We invite you to this feast of desirable offerings,
+` o *'! G 6
jin gyi lop chir shek su sol
So come now, bless us with your grace!
n chok di ru jin pop la
Pour down your blessings on this sublime place,
Rk   H!'! O A6
tsok ch yesh dtsir gyur
Transform the tsok offerings into wisdom nectar,
drup chok dak la wang shyi kur
Grant us, the supreme practitioners, the four empowerments,
=!  6
gek dang lok dren barch sol
Dispel obstructors, negative forces and obstacles


chok dang tnmong ngdrup tsol
And confer siddhis, ordinary and supreme.

4~6 V !">?% @!

hung, lama jetsn pema ttrengtsal
H. Beloved master Pema Ttrengtsal,
P "H 
rigdzin khandr tsok dang chpa yi
With your throng of vidydharas and kins,
AG :O D 7 
tsa sum kund gyalw kyilkhor la
Encompassing the three roots in this mandala of the buddhas,
 d O
 ="   !  
m g dung shuk drak p solwa dep
In deep devotion, with fervent yearning, I pray to you.
 9G  !Rk 
a P  
dak shyen go sum g tsok long ch ch
All the merit of my and others body, speech and mind, our wealth,
   H `!  d R
nang si d yn gy gu ma tsang m
And everything desirable in the universe, every source of pleasure and
enjoyment with nothing left out,
 ! !Rk 7N 
kunzang dechen tsok kyi khorlor bul
I offer as Samantabhadras unending ganachakra of great bliss.
J A! `! 9! J  X
tukts gy shy tuk dam kong gyur chik
With all your compassion and love, accept them with delight, so your
hearts wishes are fulfilled.
  !  de" ! 
solwa dep so guru rinpoch
Guru Rinpoche, I pray to you;
+` o ' 70 Rk  
jin gyi lop shik rigdzin khandr tsok

Vidydharas and kins, inspire me with your blessings;

 N J
m den bu la chok tn ngdrup tsol
Grant this devoted disciple attainments, ordinary and supreme;
R8  % P j
damtsik nyam chak tamch jang du sol
Let all my impairments and breakages of samaya be healed, I pray.

chi nang sangw barch ying su drol
Obstacles outer, inner and secretliberate them all into dharmadhtu.
-O. ! ! 9
changchup bardu dralm j dzin shying
Until I realize enlightenment, hold me close, without ever parting,
R]  8  H
ts s nyam tok yar ng da tar pel
Like the waxing moon let my lifespan, merit, experience and realization
grow ever greater,
 "K` L"+` o  
sampa lhn gyi druppar jin gyi lop
And bless me so that all my aspirations spontaneously come true.
1234~de">? f4~
om ah hung vajra guru pema siddhi hung
The Concise Tsok Feast
Rk E h  1234~  +` o 
om ah hung ho
Bless the substances for the tsok offering with o h ho
AG Rk Rk a=!'!  
tsa sum lha tsok tsok la chen dren shek
Gurus, devas, kins all: come now to this tsok feast.


 ! !Rk   N 
chi nang sangw dechen tsok ch bul
Outer, inner and secret great bliss are the tsok offerings I make.
R8  % P  %'  
damtsik nyam chak tamch tol lo shak
All impairments and breakages of samaya, I confess.
8  0!    +
nyi dzin dra gek ch kyi ying su drol
Duality, enemies and obstructors: liberate them into the dharmadhtu.
8 8  ! !"J  X
nyam nyi dewachenp tuk dam kang
May your wishes, the great bliss of equality, be fulfilled;


chok dang tnmong ngdrup tsal du sol
Please grant me attainments, ordinary and supreme.
The Remainder Offering
=! "Rk 6
om ah hung, lhak la wangwa dregp tsok
o h. Gathering of arrogant ones empowered to receive the
lS '
trin tar tip shing hap sha gyuk
Cluster like clouds and gorge yourselves voraciously.
'D"Rk 9! 6
sha trak gyenp tsok lhak shy
Accept the remainder offering of the tsok, ornamented with meat and
[` P9O6
ngn gyi dam cha ji shyin du
Just as you vowed long ago,

 0 8 & G&6

ten dra dam nyam z su zo
Devour enemies of the Dharma and samaya breakers,
 R O6
tak dang tsen ma nyur du tn
Quickly show us signs and marks of realization,
" g"

drupp barch dokpa dang
Avert all obstacles to realization,
@ %  ! L" k 6
trinl tokm druppar dz
And carry out enlightened activity without any hindrance.
utsita balingta kha hi
With this, place the offering outside in the north east.
3 V  7O 
hoh rigdzin lam kyilkhor du
Ho. In this mandala of the vidydhara lama,
Rk   "NH  
tsok kyi chpa bulwa yi
By making the tsok offering,
 90  " 
dak shyen drowa ma l pa
May I and others, with no exception,
7P L"' 
kyilkhor chik tu druppar shok
Reach attainment all together in the one mandala.
| Translated by Patrick Gaffney, Rigpa Translations, 2015.

A Prayer of Devotion, to Make the Tears Fall

By Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa
!  O G 
D :`J !S! 
emaho d sum sangye kn gyi tukj ter
Emaho! You are the treasure of all the buddhas compassion, past,
present and future,
7 G   F !  "  
kham sum mal drolw depn chok
You are our greatest guide, who liberates all three realms,
 7 0H
b kham drowa yong kyi nyen chikpu
You are the one and only friend of every living being in Tibet,
= \
 ! D !" 
kadrin tsungm orgyen chenpo la
Your kindness is beyond compare, Orgyen Chenpo.

a V;
G N 
l dang longch lo nying drang sum bul
I offer you my body, my possessions, my heart and soul,
 ! "  !  
khashy ngo kok mepar solwa deb
As I pray to you, without a trace of deceit or pretence.

7R]%  !    
khor ts tokma m n dant bar
From beginningless time in samsara till now,

marik l dang nynmong wang gyur n

Dominated by ignorance, karma and destructive emotions,
7 G   GB "  
kham sum gy druk n su khyampa dak
I have wandered through the three worlds and six realms of beings,
[G `9 " P
dukngal sum gyi shyakp chingpa l
Bound by the ropes of the three kinds of suffering
OJ ! FPde! 
nyurdu tukj drol chik guru j
Quickly, with all your compassion, free me, O Guru, O lord.

- % 
di n zung t changchub matob bar
From this moment on, till I reach enlightenment,
/ ! 8! &

kyiduk lekny zang ngen chi jung yang
In happiness or sorrow, comfort or danger, good or bad, whatever may
! !"">?
jetsn chenpo pema jungn khyen
Jetsn Chenpo, Lotus-bornknow me, care for me!

  ! "
solwa nying n debp gangzak la
When someone prays to you with all their heart,

J !  ! "99! " 

tukj gynch mepar shyalshyep
Your compassion flows unceasing: this is your promise,
% 0G
 .   " 
tdrol sung gi dn dr malpa
And since your words liberate upon hearing, then grant

G  O AO  
ngnsum mik gi dtsir tsal du sol
Us everything you have pledged, here and now, I pray, so that I may see
it with my very eyes!

B " 9R]HO + R] 

khyepar namshyik ts yi d j ts
Above all, when this life comes to an end,
! .O " 
bem rik dralw d la babpa na
When the moment arrives for mind and body to part,
/!   P [@
kyechi bardo n ch dukngal trang
When I face the agony and suffering of birth, death and the bardo in
'  " !"H
shintu jikpa chenp yangsa la
Then protect me from the bardos horrifying abyss,
/ S!
kyob t ngensong sum duma tangwar
And hold me back from the three lower realms.

h  &
rangnang namdak zangdok palri shying
Let whatever I perceive transform into your pure land, the Copper
Coloured Mountain of Glory,
CG  ! !"Z.
ku sum dewa chenp podrang ch
And right there, in the sublime three-kaya palace of great bliss,
"B J 
 +! ! O 
gnpo khy kyi tuk dang yerm du
As I merge, Lord, one with your wisdom mind,
=!" !  " k P |de 
drenp depn dz chik maha guru
Lead me, Mah Gurube my guide.

/  :O D !" B! 

kyabn knd orgyen chenpo khyen
You who are all sources of refuge, Orgyen Chenpo, care for me.

D :O D !" B! 
sangye knd orgyen chenpo khyen
You who are all buddhas, Orgyen Chenpo, care for me.
  :O D !" B! 
damch knd orgyen chenpo khyen
You who are all Dharma, Orgyen Chenpo, care for me.
!O:O D !" B! 
gendn knd orgyen chenpo khyen
You who are all the Sagha, Orgyen Chenpo, care for me.

AG :O D !" B! 

tsa sum knd orgyen chenpo khyen
You who are all gurus, devas and kins, Orgyen Chenpo, care for me.

;   %J 
dani d ngen nyikm ta la tuk
As we reach now the end of this degenerate dark age,
  \9+! "
damch tsulshyin jep long ma khom
We have no time to practise the sacred Dharma correctly.
 !#% H t!
s ser tsa ten n yam mug dang
When we are oppressed by frost, hail, flood and drought, by sickness,
epidemic and famine,
 A O  " :   
trukts d kyi gp kntu nar
By violence and the decadence and decay of our time,

$ < !.!  
jungwa gang shong nch tendrel chuk
When the elements are plunged into chaos, the tendrel for the planet and
its inhabitants go wrong,
 7  ! P[=" 
b kham semchen dukngal drakpo la
And when beings in Tibet endure the harshest of suffering,
a R]!deJ !H  
ch ts jetsn gur tukj yi
Then, with all of your compassion, Jetsn Guru,

 X E  "Z*!  

nekab dzokden sarp gopar ch
Immediately, fling open the door to a new kind of golden age,
%J    CZ.
tartuk sal chk podrang du
And ultimately, I pray, within the dharmakyas palace of clear light
7 G  P %  N 
kham sum lchen tadak ukyung n
May all living beings of the three worlds find relief,
 Y "  O  
khorwa dong n trukpar dz du sol
So that samsara is emptied, from its very depths!
9!     %"  d    "+ 
Pray with such devotion that tears cascade from your eyes.

9! "
'!`.m Rk 7 "  ! "XR] 0  ! h ` C
.8d#k U

!  7h+`    
At the crystal cave of Yarlung, when offering a limitless tsok feast, and at
the urgent request of a number of friends, below the rock Draknyak
Gurchok1, this prayer was spoken by Longchen Namkhe Naljorpa.
| Rigpa Translations, 2013
1. This phrase could also mean that Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa was then living
in a simple tent in a cleft in the rocks.

V D" !  ! ) O+

 L   9! +   
Wish-Fulfilling Feast of SiddhisAn Aspiration Prayer to Orgyen
Rinpoche, the Precious Master of Oiyna
by Jamyang Khyents Wangpo
! ^!Q H!'!  +
sem kyi dorj nyukm yeshe ying
The vajra nature of the mind is the space of primordial wisdom,
O.   ">?% @!

dudral ma mik pema t treng dang
And inseparable from it in every way is Pema Ttreng Tsal.
+! ! B  "V  
yerm khyabdak palden lama la
You who are one with him, all-pervasive lord, glorious lama,
   !  +` o  
nyingn solwa deb so jingyi lob
From my heart I pray, grant me your blessing!

C %
 % $
gang ku tongw tamal trulnang gak
Simply to see your form puts a stop to ordinary deluded perception,

% "  ! !H!'! /!  
sung sang tp dechen yeshe ky
Simply to hear your secret voice arouses the wisdom of great bliss,
 9 @" 
drenpa yi kyang sishyi jik trokp
Simply to think of you snatches away all fear of sasra and nirva

ZPV   A!  

pa chik lama b do tsew gong
Lama, my only father, I cry out to you: think of me with love.

 =  ! 8 %0 
dak dang dak dr gnm nyamtak dro
I and those like me, beings who are worn and weary, with no-one to
protect us,
[7D Rk+
dukngal khorw gyatsor jingwa la
Are drowning in sasras ocean of suffering,
"B  / 9   "  
gnpo khy l kyab shyen machip
Since we have no other refuge or protection but you, lord,
h  )"  L k  
namdak mnp n di nyur drub dz
Swiftly make this, our pure aspiration, fulfil its aim.

nekab nedn jungp tsewa sok
Here and now, eliminate the harm caused by illness, dns, jungpos and
the like;
damch drubp gal kyen kn shyi shying
Pacify all circumstances unfavourable for practising the Dharma.
R]   "+
tses paljor lungtok ynten sok

Increase our long life, merit, prosperity, the qualities due to study and
J!! Rk D "  O  
tnkyen lek tsok gyepar dz du sol
Favourable circumstances and everything positive and good.

 ! S
tartuk ngejung jangsem tingn jong
Ultimately, grant us your blessing so that when we have cultivated a deep
experience of renunciation and bodhicitta,
0 G [   C' 
nangdrak rik sum lha ngak chkur shar
And appearance, sound and awareness arise as deity, mantra and
 KL^! !
kadak lhndrub dorj seng lam n
Then through the special vajra path of primordial purity and spontaneous

 L! "+` o  
chok gi ngdrub nyepar jingyi lob
We may attain the supreme among siddhis, enlightenment.

S!R] L % ;  

galt ts dir drubta ma nyok na
If, in this life, I can not follow through to completion,
chiwa sal dn gyi pema jung

When the clear light dawns at death, let me behold in it

G  %
 . ! /
ngnsum tong n dralm kyangwa yi
The actual presence of Padmasambhava, and abiding there, inseparable,

9  C +
rangshyin chk ying su drolwar shok
May I be liberated into the dharmakya space of the nature of all things.

8 9 
der yang nyidzin trulw shyenwang gi
But if, at that point, I fall under the control of dualistic delusion,
 " $
sipa bard nangwa char si ts
And the appearances of the bardo of becoming arise,
=PV  Rk/! ^!
drinchen lama tsoky dorj dang
Then let the kind and compassionate lama, 'Lake-born Vajra',
" 70Rk   OG S! 
pawo khandr tsok kyi dn s t
Come to welcome me, with throngs of kas and kins,
 !S ! 9 
rolm dri dang metok charbeb shyin
Amid the sounds of music, and a falling cascade of flowers;
NP "`\'P!  
bu chik pal gyi riwor tsur shok ch
Saying Only child of ours, come now to the Mountain of Glory,

 a "9
ming n lungten sa la chp shying
Calling me by name, and leading me to this paradise on earth,
">? 0
O "' 
pema kyi drong du tripar shok
To the city of Lotus Light!

! Rk h 
der ni rikdzin daki tsok nam dang
Once there, constantly practising the Dharma of the supreme vehicle of
P%!   a P
lhen chik tek chok ch la tak ch ching
Along with the hosts of vidydharas and kins,

 !)0 `%  7  
sang chen mindrol lam gyi tabkh la
May I become skilled in the great secret path of ripening and liberation,
! C9Z
ten n ku shyi gopang nyur tob shok
And swiftly attain the sublime level of the four kyas.

  ! " 9
shyenyang rim tenpa dar shying gy
Then, may the 'non-partisan'1 teaching flourish and spread,
 h 9 " XD 
tendzin chok nam shyab p kal gyar ten

May the lives of the supreme holders of the teaching be secure for ages to
 7 O  ":99
b kham d kyi gpa kn shyi shying
May all the degeneration of this time in the land of Tibet be pacified,
E  " D "' 
dzokden sarp gatn gyepar shok
And the joy and happiness of a new age of perfection increase and

dorna di n changchub nyingp bar
Finally, from now until attaining the essence of enlightenment,
"V H 9N9  
palden lama yishyin norb shyab
May the feet of the glorious lama, the wish-fulfilling gem,
 N ">?. !    
nying pemor dralm tak shyuk n
Rest forever, uninterruptedly, on the lotus at the centre of my heart,
 9! Rk D ",'  
si shyi lek tsok gyep tashi tsol
Granting auspiciousness so that all good things in sasra and nirva
P! "
O G  B!"D !"+o   "
9` O  A! d. &
9!  ZB! g * R] <Rk   "` X "": B!V  `! 
"  S" ! !9OL"+` o    p vi 

Through the blessing of the great master of Orgyen who knows past,
present and future, in the natural gathering place of kas and kins,
Drakmar Zangyak Namkha Dzong, on the upper slopes of Tibets fivepeaked mountain, while celebrating the tsok feast on the tenth day of the
waxing moon of the miracle month of the Male Iron Dog year (1850),
called the common one, the vidydhara Khyents Wangpo, favourite
servant of the omniscient Guru, made this prayer, and may it be blessed
so that it comes to pass exactly as it says. Sarva magala!
Courtesy of Rigpa Translations
1. Tib. Rim

~6 &
  ")  "
 9! + 6
Secret Path to the Mountain of GloryA Prayer of Aspiration for
the Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory
by Rigdzin Jikm Lingpa
1234~cde">? f4~6
om ah hum benza guru pema siddhi hung

9h  V.Q  6
rangshyin namdak lodral nyukm bub
From the primordial state of natural purity, beyond all concept,
 !  !

sal dang gakm detong longk tsal
The sabhogakyas radiance of bliss and emptiness shines out,
7   !  " 6
tulk shyingkham mij kp cha
As this nirmakya realm, part of our world of No Fear
zangdok pal gyi riwor kyewar shok
May we be born on this Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory!

 H!^! 6
dzamling sa yi tewa dorj den
The vajra seat, centre of this world of Jambudvpa,
O G D   7X 6
d sum gyalw ch khor korw n
Is that sacred place where buddhas of past, present and future turn the
wheel of Dharma.


d yi nubjang ngayab langk ling
North-west of there lies the land of Ngayab Langk Ling
zangdok pal gyi riwor kyewar shok
May we be born on this Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory!

 "KL# (6

kpa lhndrub tsitte sa dzin po
A spontaneous array, a mountain rising in the shape of a heart:
A !
P" % OP
tsawa dengchen jokp t du ching
Its base rests on the crown of the hooded king of the ngas,
X! "  !  70 Rk 7X6
kepar lm khandr tsokkhor kor
Its slopes throng with the formless kas and kin, celebrating the
gaacakra feast,
A! _ 7  S; "6
tsemo zuk kham samten nyokpa t
Its peak soars into the meditative absorptions of the form realms
zangdok pal gyi riwor kyewar shok
May we be born on this Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory!

D !HA! 9 ! 7

ri gyal d yi tsem shyalm khang
On the summit of this king of mountains stands a palace beyond all

[{ 6
shar shel lhochok wang ngn baidurya
The eastern side of crystal, the south of blue lapis lazuli,
M* " +
*  6
nubchok prak jangchok indra ni
The west of ruby, and north of emerald
 ! &

chinang barm zangtal wang shy dang
All translucent like the arc of a rainbow, with no outside, inside or in
zangdok pal gyi riwor kyewar shok
May we be born on this Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory!

L N B6
khyam dang druch lo bur ja ri khyil
Corridors, corners, and parapets pulsate in rainbow outlines,
  $ Zd  *! 
dnam pagu drawa drach dang
Terraces, walls and hangings with pendant fringes,
'N HD P6
sharbu dayab go gyen tabab chen
Waterspouts, corbels, door ornaments and steps,
 7O S^  E "6
ch khor duk tok da dn tak dzokp
The wheel of Dharma, parasol and finial: all perfect in identity, meaning
and symbol
zangdok pal gyi riwor kyewar shok

May we be born on this Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory!

" "'

O A -6
paksam jnp shing dang dtsi chu
Here are wish-fulfilling trees and rivers of nectar,
J 6
n'u sing men jong drisung tulw tr
Green groves sweet with the fragrance of healing plants,

+Rk  6
drangsong rikdzin ja tsok bhrama ra
Where is, vidydharas, flocks of birds and swarms of bees,
%!G   F
tek sum ch kyi dra dang da lu gyur
Reverberate with the sound of the three vehicles of Dharma, and with
mystic songs
zangdok pal gyi riwor kyewar shok
May we be born on this Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory!

9 !  !"!6
podrang shyalm chenp tewa la
A palace vast and limitless, in the heart of which
 !_D ">?8g!
rinchen zur gy pema nyid teng
On an eight-cornered jewel, a lotus and sun and moon disc seat,
 !'! :O 

deshek knd rangjung pema jung
Padmkara appears naturally, as all the sugatas in one,

CG  O &!U

ku sum rik d ja zer long na shyuk
Embodying the three kyas, resplendent in an aura of rainbow light
zangdok pal gyi riwor kyewar shok
May we be born on this Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory!

&  ! !H!'! A6
gangi zabsal dechen yeshe tsal
Through your wisdom of great bliss, profound and luminous,

8 ;
!' 6
tongnyi nyingjer sharw gyuntrul l
Emptiness manifests as compassion, and as its magical display,
* <:
B " O6
chok chu kn dang khyepar b yul du
In every direction of space, and especially through the land of Tibet,
Y+!@D ! `! 6
trulwa jewa trak gya barm gy
Billions of emanations stream out, with no interruption
zangdok pal gyi riwor kyewar shok
May we be born on this Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory!

H 0D h 6
y kyi dral na gyaw rikdzin nam
On your right stretch the rows of vidydharas from India and Tibet,
+ GU 6
sal dorj rol ngor jam su l

Totally suffused in the limitless vajra play of luminosity,

H`0Z  "Lh 6
yn gyi dral na pak bpa drub nam
On your left, are the rows of scholars and saints of India and Tibet,
' 8  0!
shedrub nyamtok droleng ch dra ur
Their voices ring out the sounds of Dharmateaching, practising and
discussing their experience and realization
zangdok pal gyi riwor kyewar shok
May we be born on this Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory!

%X R !
ta kor bartsam jebang nyernga dang
Around them, and in between, the king and subjects, the twenty-five
Y"S!L" h 6
trulp tertn drubp khyuchok nam
Nirmakya tertns and sovereigns among the siddhas,
%!"  d7a P
tekpa rim g khorlo la ch ching
Practise the cycles of the nine graded ynas,
H !  
"&!` 6
yom gongp zer gyi tulshyuk dzin
Keeping the yogic lifestyle of one-pointed, unwavering realization
zangdok pal gyi riwor kyewar shok
May we be born on this Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory!

* 9 R D L B :6

chok shyi tsam gy druch barkhyam kn
The four directions, eight intermediate points, the corners and internal
galleries, all
pawo dakki lha dang lham kheng
Are filled with kas, kins, gods and goddesses,
^! NH6
dorj lugar miktrul tabur yo
With their vajra hymns and dances, moving like a mirage,

  l"+! 6
chinang sangw chtrin tobpar j
Sending out clouds of offerings, outer, inner and secret
zangdok pal gyi riwor kyewar shok
May we be born on this Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory!


C9 !   ] 
d teng longk shyalm k dz nang
Above lies the limitless palace of the sabhogakya, an array of beauty,
chak na pema jikten wangchuk la
Where Padmapi, Lord of the World, presides
Rk N 7 H 7` X6
tsomb kyilkhor samy khor gyi kor
Encircled by an entourage that surpasses the imagination,
h    0 %+! 6

namtok bakchak dra dn talwar j

Utterly destroying discursive thought and habitual patterns, enemies and
zangdok pal gyi riwor kyewar shok
May we be born on this Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory!

7 8  6
d teng chk shyingkham nyamgawar
Above, in the joyful pure land of the dharmakya
H!'! ;
": &
shyi nang yeshe nyingpo kntu zang
Dwells Samantabhadra, essence of wisdom: the appearance from the
 %"7^  6
nang ta rigpe khor la da ch tn
Symbolically giving teachings to Limitless Light, Amitbha, the selfappearing disciple of his own awareness.
" 8 "@ P6
tnkhor gongpa nyamp trinl chen
Both teacher and disciple possess equal realization and activity
zangdok pal gyi riwor kyewar shok
May we be born on this Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory!

98D" !"96
go shyir kanyen gyalpo chenpo shyi
At the four gates, are the four great kings, who keep their vows;


!D :6
chinang sangw lhasin d gy kn
All the eight classes of gods and demons, outer, inner and secret,
  t!  O6
ponyar ngak n mutek damsi dul
Despatched as envoys, subjugate trthikas and transgressors.
PD Rk " D
damchen gyatso pa tak gyal nga dung
An ocean of oath-bound protectors beat the victory drum to show their
zangdok pal gyi riwor kyewar shok
May we be born on this Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory!

 " S 6
detar shying gi kpa sal tab n
Now, by visualizing vividly the details of the pure land,
chirol yul gyi zangdok palri la
And through the power of this aspiration, shaped by our subjective will,
" ) ! J 6
yulchen nang gi rigpe mn d t
Toward our external goal, the Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory,

   ! 9
rang l mij shying gi kp nang
So, within this very body of ours, display of our world of No Fear,

rangnang zangdok palrir ngnpar shok

Let our whole perception be transformed, here and now, into the Coppercoloured Mountain of Glory!

B "/! E & !.!` 6

khyepar kyedzok zabm tendrel gyi
Then, when the knots of the three channels and five cakras have been
AG 7 O "0 
tsasum khor ng dpa drol n kyang
Through the interconnection of profound generation and completion
 N &
nying zangdok palri podrang cher
And when we have perfected the power of the play of innately arising
/! H!'! "AE  6
lhenky yeshe rolp tsal dzok n
In the centre of our own heart, the great palace of the Copper-coloured
Mountain of Glory

rangrik pejung j dang jalwar shok
May we meet the Lord Padmkara, our own rigpa, face to face!

Rk j %
tsok jor tong gom mi lob lam ng bub
The five paths of accumulation, joining, seeing, meditation and no more
:  6

rab ga n zung kntu kyiwar

The bhmis from Perfect Joy up until Universal Radiance,
! ^!%!"  8 6
d l dorj tekp sa chok nyi
And then the two supreme stages of the Vajrayna,
B "  E " !"H6
khyepar sal dzokpa chenpo yi
Especially the Wisdom Lama, the extraordinary stage
 HH!'! V  6
tnmong mayin yeshe lam sa
Of Dzogpachenpo, path of luminosity
+ ! K"

jarm lhukp ngang du dzok n kyang
May we perfect them all, in an effortless state of ease,
9 +
">? O0'6
shyi ying pema du drolwar shok
And so be liberated in the space of the ground, the Lotus Light!

"A ! E 6
galt gongp tsal chen ma dzok na
Yet if we cannot perfect the full strength of realization,
  ! ) ="Z!"H 6
soldeb mnlam drakp penpa yi
Through the power of our fervent prayer and aspiration,
 9 #% 
nam shyik chiwa tsentab jungw ts
When death arrives with all its force,
">?Z8 70 7 6

peme ponya khandro garkhen m

Let the messengers of Padma, the kins, gracefully dancing,

G "\ _
ngnsum lakp khutsur n zung n
Actually take us by the hand,
7 !&
kharchen za dang guna nata tar
Just as they did Kharchen Za and Gua Ntha,
">? O "'6
dak kyang pema du tripar shok
And lead us to the paradise of Lotus Light!

h " " !"
chying nampar dakp denpa dang
By the truth of the dharmadhtu, utterly pure, and
 AG D RkJ !H 6
knchok tsasum gyats tukj yi
Through the compassion of the ocean of Three Jewels and three roots,
  )"H 9Lb 6
dak gi mnpa yishyin drub gyur n
May we accomplish all our aspirations just as we have wished,
0=!" !  "+! "'6
drowa drenp depn jepar shok
And become a guide to lead all beings!


D 8 "  ! !O    
The Prayer in Seven Chapters to Padmkara, the Second Buddha
The terma of Tulku Zangpo Drakpa and Rigdzin Gdem Chen

de 6
Homage to the Guru!
!ZD`g6 " H GRk   "D !"S
O G6  " !"">?
 6 !

6 D"
6 70H!'!  RkD
6 $ ^!O  
6  t#"
X+ 6 " !
m  "6
It was in the twelfth month of the male Fire Horse year (766), when a
huge tsok feast was offered at Glorious Samy monastery. Five disciples
the bhiku Namkh Nyingpo, the king Trisong Detsen, the kin Yesh
Tsogyal, Nanam Dorj Dudjom, and the prince Mutri Tsenpoperformed







Padmasambhava, and offered him a maala of jewels. They then made

this request:
! " !" 6 
[   G
"% P 
 !6 !
V   ! "#k !
  6  Ph 
=!"6 +o  !6 
&% "V
" R " 
[ h J 
C6 de8 +o "6 
M   ! "RQ
 O "9 P
" ! Ph 

D 8  G
9!  " 6
O great master! In every one of the teachings of the secret mantras you
have given, you have stated that keeping the samaya vows is of vital
importance. And among these vows, you have said that to pray to the
master is the most important of all. Since that is the case, both for
ourselves and for future generations, we request you, who are a buddha:
please teach us a prayer that we can say in the morning and the evening,
few in words and concise in meaning, a prayer that will inspire vivid faith
and delight, infuse us with a powerful blessing, and, when ordinary
people, not gifted with great intelligence, use its words as an urgent plea,

will invoke the wisdom mind of the deities of the Secret Mantrayna, and
cause the blessing of you, the guru, to enter into us.
 " !" "6
The great master replied:
8P Xh 6 
[ %!" 
 S!6 [
 !"   7XO GH

^!%!"  G
D +!@D <A9 
D h  
 b6 P*9!6 0
h $ O b"*6 [X"% X": P! +
D [
D"9! +"
D !F  6 `
D sJ"" 
[ +"6 !X"+! " X" !S "9! +

D   " +
9! + 

\ J"9
!6 ! 
[ D !"b6 X" !G 0
h $ Oe
*6 X" !G  H"O  H


Listen, you fortunate ones of Tibet! How rare it is for this Secret
Mantrayna even to appear at all! When the previous buddha, the Great
Guardian of Light, turned the wheel of Dharma, he did not teach this
secret mantra Vajrayna. Eight hundred and forty million buddhas have
not taught it, and nor will the buddhas of the future teach it. Why not?
Because those who live at that time are not suitable to receive it. Long
ago, during the very first kalpa, called The Kalpa of the Complete Array,
in the teaching of a buddha called Once-Come-King, the secret mantra
teachings were widely proclaimed. Now too, the secret mantras have
appeared in the teaching of the present buddha, the sage of the kyas,
kyamuni. Ten million kalpas from now, in a kalpa called 'Array of
Flowers', the buddha Majur will come, and just like me, he will reveal
the secret mantras on a vast scale. The reason that these teachings
appear in these three kalpas alone is because the beings alive then are
suitable recipients. At no other time apart from these three kalpas will the
secret mantra teachings appear.
! "  +`  %6 
[  "h !
[ 8 G
!"  "  9+R
  6 ! R
 R8 S!7B 
! 6

! 6 !P*9!6 O G `
 Oa " +
-%" G

Therefore, now that this teaching is present, you who have obtained a
free and well-favoured human body and who have embarked on the
practice of the secret mantras, must not fall under the influence of
laziness and apathy. Now you have to possess, in their entirety, the four
requirements for practising the secret mantras. If they are not complete,
the samaya will be impaired, and you will definitely wander in sasra,
and you will definitely fall into lower rebirths. Why is this? Because not
one of the buddhas of past, present and future teach that enlightenment
can be realized by indulging in destructive emotions just as they are,
 "  96 G % O #% GP " 
  6 8 
O  !6 O
0O'! "
  6 OH!
6 !   O'! " 
  6 R#
6 /! N !
The four requirements are these: First, you require the instruction for
cutting forcefully through the entanglements and attachment that make
you slip into ordinary ways of body, speech and mind.Second, when the
five poisons of the destructive emotions are extremely turbulent, you
require the instruction on knowing how these five poisons can be liberated
in themselves.Third, when you fall under the influence of busyness and
distraction, you require the instruction on recognizing expectation and
fear as the obstacles.Fourth, to keep the samaya vows pure, you
require the key instruction that is like an archer steadily drawing his bow.

[ %!"uO !SN!
 b6 S!
O   6 !0h $ O b"*6
Furthermore, the Secret Mantrayna is like the uumbara flower, which
hardly ever appears, and even when it does, it does not last long. This is
because beings are not suitable recipients for these teachings.
B! D"  N  "h 8P6 "  +`  %6 
[  6 R] +
-%"  "h  6 A

H R#
 !6 ! 
Rk+! )# !m
@ "N6 R

#kL '! G R
  6 " ! 
[ $ O e
6 AL  ! !P% O 6 '!  ! 
a &  +! '! 6

Now, you all, with the king at your head, listen well! Once you have
obtained a free and well-favoured human body during a time when the
Buddhas teaching flourishes, and once you have set out on the path of
the secret mantras, if you wish to attain enlightenment in this life, you
must keep the root and branch samayas pure. This is absolutely vital. If
not, you would be like a person who goes looking for a healing medicine,
and finds instead a deadly poison, lethal to the touch. To keep the
samaya, you need devotion, diligence and discriminating awareness, all
three. Without devotion, you are not a suitable candidate for the Secret









experience, a lazy, indolent person. Without discriminating awareness,

you will not know how to distinguish between the profound view and
action of the Secret Mantrayna.

[ 0 d P` O+"H6 !H

[ "V  !
 G'! "   %PG

The secret mantra teachings have come for the benefit of those beings
who have devotion and faith. So recognize this master who teaches you
the secret mantras as actually the Buddha in person, and recite this
The Prayer to the Three Kya Guru
! 3 l .   +
7 G6
emaho, trdral ch kyi ying kyi shyingkham su
Emaho: O wonder! In the pure realm of the dharmadhtu, of natural
 8 O G /! ! "

chnyi d sum kye gak mep ngang




throughout the whole of time,

+.KE  ! !"C6






jadral lhn dzok dewa chenp ku

You dwell, as the body of great bliss, free from activity, spontaneously
  79OJ !*   ! 6
namkha shyindu tukj chokri m
Your compassion impartial and unbiased, like the sky:
V   C  ! 6
lama ch kyi ku la solwa deb
Dharmakya Lama, to you we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pema jungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

 ! !K` L"9
7 G6
dechen lhn gyi drubp shyingkham su
In the pure realm of Great Bliss, spontaneously present,
HS@ 6
ku sung tuk dang ynten trinl kyi
Dwells the embodiment of all sugatas, with the five wisdoms
H!'!  !'! "C6
yeshe ngaden dewar shekp ku
Of body, speech, mind, qualities, and enlightened action,
J !+!.$Rk   6
tukj jedrak natsok sosor tn
Appearing to different beings in all kinds of compassionate forms,
a E C  ! 6
lama longch dzok ku la solwa deb
Sabhogakya Lama, to you we pray!

   ! 6
orgyen pema jungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

 ! ! "9
7 G6
mij jikten dakp shyingkham su
Into the pure realm of our world of Endurance,
J ! !" 0 +6
tukj chenp drow dn la jn
Out of your great compassion, you have come, to bring benefit to beings,

O%  0   6
gang la gang dul tab kyi dro dn dz
Skilfully helping them by taming each according to their needs,
 + O G `6
d dang majn danta d sum gyi
Throughout the whole span of past, future, and present,
V Y"C  ! 6
lama trulp ku la solwa deb
Nirmakya Lama, to you we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pema jungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
The Lineage Prayer
 C: &
"  !  
chku kuntuzangpo la solwa deb
We pray to the dharmakya, Samantabhadra,

CD   !  
longku gyalwa rik nga la solwa deb
We pray to the sabhogakya buddhas of the five families,
YC G  "  !  
tulku rik sum gnpo la solwa deb
We pray to the nirmakya lords Majur, Avalokitevara and Vajrapi,
Y ^!  !  
yangtrul garab dorj la solwa deb
We pray to their emanation Garab Dorj,
 "  "'! 8!  !  
lobpn jampal shenyen la solwa deb
We pray to the master Majurmitra,
{    !  
rigdzin shri singha la solwa deb
We pray to the vidydhara r Siha,
"y !    !  
penchen bimamitra la solwa deb
We pray to the great scholar Vimalamitra,
D ">?
gyals pema jungn la solwa deb
We pray to the bodhisattva Padmasambhava,
!#  !  
chgyal trisong detsen la solwa deb
We pray to the Dharma-king Trisong Detsen,
70H!'!  RkD  !  
khandro yeshe tsogyal la solwa deb
We pray to the kin Yesh Tsogyal,

"  !  
gelong namkh nyingpo la solwa deb
We pray to the bhiku Namkh Nyingpo,
$ ^!O    !  
nanam dorj djom la solwa deb
We pray to Nanam Dorj Dudjom,
 t#"  !  
lhas mutri tsenpo la solwa deb
We pray to prince Mutri Tsenpo,
"0 "  !  
tulku zangpo drakpa la solwa deb
We pray to tulku Zangpo Dragpa,
 LD R  !  
rikdzin ngdrub gyaltsen la solwa deb
We pray to the vidydhara Ngdrub Gyaltsen,
 H D R  !  
knpang dny gyaltsen la solwa deb
We pray to the renunciate Dny Gyaltsen,
gydzin snam chokzang la solwa deb
We pray to the lineage holder Snam Chokzang,
L !%

D"  !  
drubchen tangtong gyalpo la solwa deb
We pray to the great siddha Tangtong Gyalpo,
 L "  !  
tsungm ngdrub palden la solwa deb
We pray to the incomparable Ngdrub Palden,

=P: &
"  !  
drinchen knga zangpo la solwa deb
We pray to the compassionate Kunga Zangpo,
b @
"  !  
mingyur letro lingpa la solwa deb
We pray to Mingyur Letro Lingpa,
 !mRk   !  
gyalwang rinchen pntsok la solwa deb
We pray to Gyalwang Rinchen Phuntsok,
YC  7D+  !  
tulku namkha gyajin la solwa deb
We pray to tulku Namkha Gyajin,
7 L [   !  
khedrub dongak tendzin la solwa deb
We pray to the learned siddha Dongak Tendzin,
@ KL  !  
rigdzin trinl lhndrub la solwa deb
We pray to the vidydhara Trinl Lhundrup,
"  !  
chgyal terdak lingpa la solwa deb
We pray to the king of Dharma, Terdak Lingpa,
O G A V   !  
dsum tsagy lama la solwa deb
We pray to all the root and lineage masters of past, present and future,
=PAV   !  
drinchen tsaw lama la solwa deb
We pray to our root lama, in all his kindness and compassion,

H  !D   !  

yidam drubchen kagy la solwa deb
We pray to the yidam deities of the great Kagy sdhanas,
  70 Rk   !  
mamo khandr lhatsok la solwa deb
We pray to the throngs of mamos and kins,
   =  !  
chkyong magn chamdral la solwa deb
We pray to the Dharma protectors Ekaja, Mahkla, Za and Dorj Lekpa.

 * G O+` o  

di chi bardo sum du jingyi lob
Inspire us with your blessings in this life, the next and the bardo state,
7[`D Rk FO  
khorwa dukngal gyi gyatso l dral du sol
Release us from sasras ocean of suffering,
/! ! ;
""+` o  
kyem nyingpo lnpar jingyi lob
Inspire us with your blessings to arrive at our unborn, enlightened nature,


chok dang tnmong ngdrub tsal du sol
And grant us the siddhis, ordinary and supreme!
!  ! " %6 P! G
The guru concluded: Recite this prayer continuously, without any

Chapter Two: The Prayer Requested by King Trisong Detsen

! D"
!#`  "6
Then the king, Trisong Detsen, made this request:
! " !" 6  
" Ph  O6 O G ` !'! "% P  +` o"6 R]   !
6 * *D !" 
M   ! "  '9!   6
O great master! For me and for those in the future who have devotion, I
request you to grant us a prayer to recite in the morning and the evening,
that will grant the blessings of all the sugatas of past, present and future;
that will remove the obstacles for this life; and that in the next life will
confer the supreme siddhi of mahmudr.
de9 6 D" !"! " PP! G
The Guru replied: Great king! Listen well!

! 3
D " 
 H 6
emaho, sangye tenpa mejung samy la
Emaho: O wonder! In the teachings of the buddhas, extraordinary and
beyond conception,
B "Z ""h G +6
khyepar pakp tenpa nam sum jn
The especially sublime teaching will be revealed three times.

D J"9
7  6
sangye shakya tubp shyingkham dir
Now, here in the realm of the Buddha kyamuni

[ ^!%!""+6
sang ngak dorj tekp tenpa jn
This teaching of the Secret Mantrayna has come:

"" !  ! 6

tenpa rinpoche la solwa deb
To this precious teaching, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

 K` L"Z.

womin lhn gyi drubp podrang du
In the palace of Akaniha, spontaneously perfect,
O G  !'! " 
"H 6
d sum dewar shekp gongpa yi
The sugatas of the three times, in their wisdom, saw
ie" 6
matram rudra kago lokpa l
How Matram Rudra betrayed their commands,
0 ! P[8 %& 6
dro druk semchen dukngal nyamtak zik
Tormenting the beings of the six realms with suffering.
J !
 RP  ! 6
tukj ngotsar chen la solwa deb
To those with wondrous compassion, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

changlochen gyi podrang dampa ru

In the sacred palace of Alakvat

!9'! "% P 0   6
deshyin shekpa tamch kadr dz
The tathgatas all consulted and determined,
=@ h 9H 6
shyi gy wang drak trinl nam shyi yi





magnetizing and subjugating,

"O "O  6
lokpa d kyi tenpa dulwar dz
To put an end to the teachings of this perverse and evil demon.
O G  !'! h   ! 6
d sum deshek nam la solwa deb
To the sugatas of past, present and future, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

 H  A!6

riwo malaya namchak barw tser
On Mount Malayas blazing peak of meteoric iron,
O " ie=" F6
dpo matram rudra drakp dral
You wrathfully liberated the demon Matram Rudra,
  Rk h j  6
sinmo ma tsok nam la jorwa dz
And united with the hordes of rakasis.

[ "
" ! +6


sang ngak tenpa dangpo den jn

And so the teaching of the secret mantras first came;
O+B "P  ! 6
dulja khyepar chen la solwa deb
To this special one who had to be subjugated, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!


womin ch kyi ying kyi podrang du
In the Akaniha palace of the dharmadhtu,
O G /! ! "  C6
d sum kyegak mepa ch kyi ku
Is the dharmakya, which neither comes into being nor ceases, in the
past, present or future,
 h h  H! K` L6
ch nam namdak yen lhn gyi drub
Where all dharmas are completely pure, and from the beginning
spontaneously perfect.

D % P J  /! "H6
sangye tamch tuk l kyep yab
To the father who generates all buddhas from his wisdom mind:
 C: &
"  ! 6
chku kuntuzangpo la solwa deb
To Samantabhadra, the dharmakya, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb

To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

 ! !K` L"9
7 G6
dechen lhn gyi drubp shyingkham su
In the pure realm of spontaneously perfect great bliss,
Sth     +

timuk namdak chying yeshe ngang
Embodying the wisdom of dharmadhtu, which is bewilderment in its
natural purity,
h "$
a E "C6
nampar nang dz longch dzokp ku
Vairocana presides as the sabhogakya,
CH   7` X6
ku yi rik chok rik kyi khor gyi kor
Surrounded by his entourage, the supreme family of the Wisdom Body.
Nf Rk   ! 6
buddha rik kyi lhatsok la solwa deb
To youdeities of the Buddha family, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

" 9
7 G6
sharchok ngnpar gaw shyingkham su
In the east, in the pure realm of Manifest Joy,
h   !

shyedang namdak melong yeshe ngang
Embodying mirror-like wisdom, which is anger in its natural purity,

^! !  "
a E "C6
dorj sempa longch dzokp ku
Vajrasattva presides as the sabhogakya,
J    7` X6
tuk kyi rik chok rik kyi khor gyi kor
Surrounded by his entourage, the supreme family of the Wisdom Mind.
^! Rk   ! 6
dorj rik kyi lhatsok la solwa deb
To youdeities of the Vajra family, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

*  " ] "9

7 G6
lhochok palden dzep shyingkham su
In the south, in the pure realm Beauty in Glory,

Dh   8 8 H!'! 

ngagyal namdak nyamnyi yeshe ngang
Embodying equalizing wisdom, which is pride in its natural purity,
a E "C6
rinchen jungn longch dzokp ku
Ratnasambhava presides as the sabhogakya,
HS   7` X6
ynten rik chok rik kyi khor gyi kor
Surrounded by his entourage, the supreme family of Noble Qualities.
 ! Rk   ! 6
rinchen rik kyi lhatsok la solwa deb
To youdeities of the Ratna family, we pray!

   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

M*  !P`9
7 G6
nubchok dewachen gyi shyingkham su
In the west, in the pure realm The Blissful,
    h   H!'! 

dchak namdak sortok yeshe ngang
Embodying the wisdom of discernment, which is desire in its natural
a E "C6
nangwa tay longch dzokp ku
Amitbha presides as the sabhogakya,
   7` X6
sung gi rik chok rik kyi khor gyi kor
Surrounded by his entourage, the supreme family of Wisdom Speech.
">? Rk   ! 6
pema rik kyi lhatsok la solwa deb
To youdeities of the Padma family, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

*  E "9
7 G6
jangchok lerab dzokp shyingkham su
In the north, in the pure realm Complete and Perfect Action,
@ h  +LH!'! 


trakdok namdak ja drub yeshe ngang

Embodying all-accomplishing wisdom, which is jealousy in its natural
H L"
a E "C6
dny drubpa longch dzokp ku
Amoghasiddhi presides as the sabhogakya,
@    7` X6
trinl rik chok rik kyi khor gyi kor
Surrounded by his entourage, the supreme family of Enlightened Activity.
 Rk   ! 6
karma rik kyi lhatsok la solwa deb
To youdeities of the Karma family, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

"9H  !"6
chying rolp shyaly chenpo na
In the measureless mansion of the play of dharmadhtu,
OE " !
nynmong duk nga dzip den tengdu
Trampling on the five poisons of the negative emotions,
D" ! !e6
trow gyalpo chemchok heruka
Rages the sovereign among wrathful deities, Chemchok Heruka,
  !'! O "7` X6
rik nga deshek dp khor gyi kor

Surrounded by his retinue of all the sugatas of the five families gathered
!eRk   ! 6
kunzang heruk lhatsok la solwa deb
To you, Samantabhadra Heruka and all your deities, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

J !"9H  !"6
tukj rolp shyaly chenpo na
In the great mansion of the play of compassion,
O =! "E " !
ma d drekpa dzip den tengdu
Trampling the female arrogant demons underfoot,

E D" ! !e6
ngndzok gyalpo chemchok heruka
Is Ngndzok Gyalpo, the heruka Great and Sublime, King of Manifest
H!'!  L  7` X6
yeshe l drub mam khor gyi kor
Surrounded by his retinue of mamos of wisdom and activity:
!   Rk   ! 6
chemchok mam lhatsok la solwa deb
To you, Chemchok and your hordes of mamos, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

LG 9H 6
tingnak drusum barw shyaly na
In a dark blue three-sided mansion, blazing with fire,
ie=E " !
matram rudra dzip den tengdu
Trampling on Matram Rudra,
J  8 c!e6
tuk kyi daknyi benza heruka
Is Vajra Heruka, embodiment of the wisdom mind.
7` X6
traktung trowo barw khor gyi kor
Surrounded by his retinue of blazing, raging herukas,
" !!eRk   ! 6
palchen heruk lhatsok la solwa deb
To you, the great, awesome heruka and all your deities, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

! ="9H 6
tingnak l drakp shyaly na
In the wrathful mansion that arises from the dark blue syllable ,
E " !
shinj chu lang dzip den tengdu
Trampling on Yama, the water buffalo,
  "H2'!'! 6
jampal yamantaka shinj sh

Is Majur in the form of Yamntaka, slayer of the Lord of Death,

'! "=! "7` X6
shepo trowo drekp khor gyi kor
Surrounded by his horde of wild and wrathful slaughterers:
'!'! "Rk   ! 6
shinj shep lhatsok la solwa deb
To you, Yamntaka and all your deities, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

9H 6
mar nak drusum wang gi shyaly na
In the dark red triangular mansion of power,
O Z E " !
d nak pomo dzip den tengdu
Treading on the dark mra demons, male and female,

wang gi gyalpo pema heruka
Arises Padma Heruka, king of power,
">? h  X6
pema rik kyi trowo nam kyi kor
Surrounded by the wrathful deities of the Padma family
Rk   ! 6
tamdrin wang gi lhatsok la solwa deb
To you, mighty Hayagrva and all your deities, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb

To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

X" !9H 6

kalpa m tar barw shyaly na
In the mansion which blazes like the inferno at the end of a kalpa,
ZO =! "E " !
po d drekpa dzip den tengdu
Trampling arrogant male demons,
" !^!9M "C6
palchen dorj shynnu paw ku
Is the great and glorious Vajrakumra, his form like a warriors,
O O<% 7` X6
ddul tro chu tra tab khor gyi kor
Surrounded by his retinue: the ten wrathful ones, who subjugate mras,
with their aides, the tratap.
^!mRk   ! 6
dorj purw lhatsok la solwa deb
To you, Vajraklaya and all your deities, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

9H  !"6
pema wang gi shyaly chenpo na
In the great mansion of the Lotus of Power,
  ">? !
ma chak pema barw den tengdu
Seated on a shining lotus flower of non-attachment,

P  "H!'! R] " ! 6

chomden gnpo yeshe tsepakm
Presides the enlightened one, the lord of wisdom and longevity, Amityus,
  ! R]HRk h  X6
chim ts yi lhatsok nam kyi kor
Surrounded by all the deities of immortality and long life:
^!R]HRk   ! 6
dorj ts yi lhatsok la solwa deb
To all you deities of indestructible vajra-life, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

O   "9H 6

durtr ngam ji rolp shyaly na
In the mansion on the charnel ground Display of Horror,
SE " !
tira genkyal dzip den tengdu
Trampling on the corpse of the supine demon Tira,
 ! ^!Z C6
yumchen tromo dorj pakm ku
Dances the great wrathful mother, Vajravrh,
  70Rk 7` X6
mamo khandro lhatsok khor gyi kor
Encircled by her retinue of mamos and kins:
^!h+ Rk   ! 6
dorj naljorm lhatsok la solwa deb
To you, Vajrayogin and all your deities, we pray!

   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

D^! `Z.
gyagar dorj den gyi podrang du
At the palace of the Vajra Seat in India,
.  !" 0   P
gyundr denp drow dn dz ching
Is the one who brings benefit to beings through teaching the truth of
cause and effect,
!$ G `"D R 6
den sum gyi tenp gyaltsen tsuk
Who raises the victory banner of the teachings of the tripiaka,
8% +
- !  "7` X6
nyent changchub semp khor gyi kor
Surrounded by his entourage of rvakas and bodhisattvas:
YCJ"  ! 6
tulku shakya tubpa la solwa deb
To you, the nirmakya kyamuni, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

dhanakosha lu yi podrang du
In the palace of the ngas at Dhanakoa
J !  0 +6

tukj tob kyi drow dn la jn

Is the one who, through the power of his compassion, comes to benefit
" 0
0  6
gyalw gongp dro druk rangdrol dz
And, through the buddhas' enlightened vision, causes beings of the six
realms to find self-liberation.
70!  7` X6
khandro d nga mam khor gyi kor
Surrounded by his entourage, the five classes of kins:
YC ^!  ! 6
tulku garab dorj la solwa deb
To you, the nirmakya, Garab Dorj, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

gyanak riwo ts ng podrang du
In the palace of the Five-Peaked Mountain in China,

D CHY"  " +
sangye ku yi trulpa jampal yang
Is Majughoa, emanation of the buddhas wisdom body,
* 9CH 0   6
tengok chok shyir ku yi dro dn dz
Bringing benefit to beings in the four directions, above and below,
through his perfect form,
- !  "7` X6

ku yi changchub semp khor gyi kor

Surrounded by his entourage of bodhisattvas of the wisdom body:
Z "  "`Rk   ! 6
pakpa jampal gyi lhatsok la solwa deb
To you, the noble Majur and all your deities, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

n chen riwo tal podrang du
At the great power-place, the palace of Mount Potala,

Y"a & 6
sangye sung gi trulpa chenrezig
Is Avalokitevara, emanation of the buddhas wisdom speech,
* 9G
 0   6
tengok chok shyir sung gi dro dn dz
Bringing benefit to beings in the four directions, above and below, with
his speech,
- !  "7` X6
sung gi changchub semp khor gyi kor
Surrounded by his entourage of bodhisattvas of wisdom speech:
a & Rk   ! 6
chenrezig kyi lhatsok la solwa deb
To you, Avalokitevara and all your deities, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

n chok changlochen gyi podrang du
At the supreme place of power, the palace of Alakvat,

D J Y"^!6
sangye tuk kyi trulpa dorj dzin
Is Vajrapi, emanation of the buddhas wisdom mind,
* 9J  0   6
tengok chok shyir tuk kyi dro dn dz
Benefitting beings in the four directions, above and below, with his mind,
J +
- !  "7` X6
tuk kyi changchub semp khor gyi kor
Surrounded by his entourage of bodhisattvas of wisdom mind:
*^!Rk   ! 6
chaknadorj lhatsok la solwa deb
To you, Vajrapi and all your deities, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

* h "D7
tengchok nampar gyalw khang zang du
Above, in the exquisite palace of Complete Victory,
Z "  "J  
"H 6
pakpa jampal tuk kyi gongpa yi
Through the vision of Majurs wisdom mind,
D+ G
[ +6
lhawang gyajin n su sang ngak jn

The secret mantra teachings appeared in the realm of Indra, king of the
Rk NN 
P S!

D 6
tsombu bum dangch t ngn sangye
And one hundred thousand attained true enlightenment:
Hh   ! 6
lha yi rigdzin nam la solwa deb
To you, the vidydharas among the gods, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

* D Rk !"S

e O6
ochok gyatso chenp ting rum du
Below, in the depths of the great ocean,
a &  
"H 6
chenrezig wang tuk kyi gongpa yi
Through the vision of Lord Avalokitevaras wisdom mind,
D" G
[ +6
lugyal jokp n su sang ngak jn
The secret mantra teachings appeared in the realm of Takaka, king of
the ngas,
Rk NN 
P S!

D 6
tsombu bum dangch t ngn sangye
And one hundred thousand attained true enlightenment:
Hh   ! 6
lu yi rigdzin nam la solwa deb
To you, the vidydharas among the ngas, we pray!

   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

D !A! e6

ri gyal meri barw tsemo ru
On the summit of the Blazing Fiery Volcano, king of mountains,
"H 6
chaknadorj tuk kyi gongpa yi
Through the vision of Vajrapis wisdom mind,
D"3H G
[ +6
gyalpo dza yi n su sang ngak jn
The secret mantra teachings appeared in the realm of King Ja,

& P  +
gangzak lechen mal changchub tob







Hh   ! 6
mi yi rigdzin nam la solwa deb
To you, the vidydharas among humans, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

M* D 
nubchok orgyen wang gi podrang du
In the powerful palace of Orgyen, in the west,
 !'! CG
J Y"!6



deshek ku sung tuk kyi trulpa t

Is the emanation of the sugatas body, speech and mind,
O0 +6
dzambuling du drow dn la jn
Who came to this world of ours to benefit beings.
"7` X6
rigdzin khandro mangp khor gyi kor
Surrounded by his entourage of countless vidydharas and kins,
 Rk   ! 6
pemajungn kyi lhatsok la solwa deb
To you, Padmakra and all your deities, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

chku longku tulku yangtrul dang
To the dharmakya, sabhogakya, nirmakya, with your further
emanations, and
 + O G `6
d dang majn danta d sum gyi
To all the buddhas, vidydharas and bodhisattvas throughout the whole of
* <
D +
 ! 6
chok ch sangye rigdzin changsem la
And through all dimensions of space:
H G d "H 6
dakchak l ngak yi sum gpa yi

With devotion and longing filling our body, speech and mind,
H 8 %!Rk  ! "  ! 6
yinyi tetsom mepar solwa deb
With no trace of hesitation or doubt, to you we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
9! G
This is what he said.
D" !"R] 7!0 
O O %6 
[ A RH6 RA  d 

AL H6 !8 AV 
H   ! "H" 6 AL P` 8 GV
6 R] *D !" 
L%"b9! G
O Great King, do not let yourself fall under the power of the fame and
distractions of this life, but pray continuously! The root of the secret
mantra path is to keep the samaya. The roots of the samaya are devotion
and diligence. And the root of these two is to pray to your master and
your yidam deity. Someone who is diligent and puts this into practice will
obtain the supreme siddhi of mahmudr in this very lifetime.
So he spoke.

Chapter Three: The Prayer Requested by Khandro Yesh Tsogyal

!  70H!'!  RkD`  "6
Then the kin Yesh Tsogyal made her request:
! " !" 6 a
D J"9
7  6 %!" !" 
[ +"0H
= ! 6
O great master! In general, the appearance of the secret mantra
teachings of the Mahyna in this world, the realm of Buddha kyamuni,
represents the greatest kindness towards all beings, it is true.

[ % P C
^!% @!
A6 G
%!" !" 
 0=!6 J   
"  78 'N

Yet the essence of the wisdom body of all the deities of the secret
mantras is you, Dorj Ttrengtsal! Your wisdom speech embodies the pith
instructions of the Mahyna, with which you guide living beings. Your
wisdom mind embraces a profound vision, as deep and as magnificent as
the sun, lighting up the entire sky.
 !'! :O ">?
 8  "
D  =H!'!  RkD` 9 #O ! "  " 6  
 O "6 &+o  !6 de8  S"# ` +o   7lHM "6
Wherever I may look, someone like me, Yesh Tsogyal, will never find a
buddha greater than you, Lotus-born, for you are the embodiment of all
the sugatas in one. Because of this, please grant me a prayer which is
brief in its words and concise in its meaning, profound in its truth and
great in blessings, so that by simply praying to you, O Guru, your
blessings will rush in like clouds filling the sky.
 % "h   O S" 6 de8 DO'! "O G 70
 J !   "Ph 
 G+S!+` oM "99!  " 6
I request a prayer which has such power of blessing that even after you
have returned to the land of Orgyen, when we ordinary people in Tibet
recite this prayer, in all your compassion you will come from the realm of
the kins to Tibetans with devotion, wherever they may be.

He replied:
8P  RkD6 7 G ` ! P% P 8 
 "7+ '
8 $
"  _
Listen, Lady Tsogyal! Sentient beings in the three realms, driven by their








thoughts, and are deluded by clinging to the dualistic appearance of

subject and object.

8   C
D % P  +` o 6 
a E "
D % P   
- ! 
"% P  0 S! N
O+6 B " t"
D " +
[ . N  
All the buddhas of the dharmakya have granted me their blessing, all
the buddhas of the sabhogakya have empowered me, and all the
nirmakya buddhas and bodhisattvas conferred and decided I should
come to this southern continent of Jambudvpa. Especially, I have come in
order to spread the teachings of the buddhas here in the benighted land
of Tibet, and to lead beings into the resultant Dharma of the secret
mantras. For this reason:
 ! Rk
" 6 

9 P/! N "P6  O
 !    ! 6 
. !.!) B "` 6
D 9  8 J !6 RkD  " O %6
In the heart of a lotus, on an island in the lake of jewels, I came,
symbolizing the natural self-manifesting of the nirmakya. If anyone
who has faith, devotion and a connection with me, prays with yearning
and with real fervour, then the force of our special aspirations, and the
interdependence of cause and effect, will ensure that my compassion
comes to his or her help more quickly than that of any other buddha. So
pray, Tsogyal, continuously and with devotion.
P! G
This is what he said.
!O G9M & S!6 " !
e "D$Rk  D6 *H " % " e6 *H"  RkD`a
9!6  X P! G

At that moment, he gazed towards the south-west. He was adorned with

various jewel and bone ornaments, and playing his amaru skull drum in
his right hand, he placed his left hand on Lady Tsogyals head, as he
! 6   8 M R '! 6
emaho, di n nyima lhonub tsam sh na
Emaho: O wonder! Yonder, in the south-west,
  !^! `M+
 R 6
n chen dorj den gyi nubjang tsam
To the north-west of the sacred Vajra Seat,
@&+! "6
ngayab ling tren zaj sinp yul
Lies the continent of Ngayab Ling, land of the cannibal rakasas,
O G 
D h  +o "6
d sum sangye nam kyi jinlab p
Blessed by all the buddhas of past, present and future,

 B "P  ! 6
ling chok khyepar chen la solwa deb
To this sublime and special realm, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

4~6 [`X"
" "O 6
hung, ngn gyi kalpa dangpo dep d
H! Long ago, in the very first aeon of the past,
ieFE D 6
matram rudra dralw dz gy la

The eight objects from the liberation of Matram Rudra

[ +" D +` o 6
sang ngak jnp n gy jin gyi lab
Blessed the eight sacred places where the secret mantras would come.
#D G " 6
tsitta orgyen n su babpa l
His heart, it fell in the land of Orgyen.
!.!B "P  ! 6
tendrel khyepar chen la solwa deb
To this special and auspicious circumstance, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

^!Z  +` o " 6

dorj pakm jin gyi labp n
A sacred place, blessed by Vajravrh,
  70% P O
mamo khandro tamch duw ling
The continent where mamos and kins all convene,

[ ^H
F 6
sang ngak da yi rangdra di ri ri
Where, by themselves, the symbolic sounds of the secret mantras ring
  !*"# ` +
n der chinpa tsam gyi changchub tob
To reach this realm is to attain enlightenment.
  B "P  ! 6

n chok khyepar chen la solwa deb

To this supreme and sacred place we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

  "`# + 6
zangdok pal gyi riwo tsitt yib
The Copper-coloured Mountain of Glory is shaped as a heart,
AHD" G_6
tsawa lu yi gyalp n su zuk
Its base deep down in the domain of the nga king;
X! "K   70  6
kepa lhn chak khandr n na ji
Its slopes, resplendent and majestic, rising into the realm of the kins;
A! R
"!;! "=6
tsemo tsangp jikten nyekpa dra
Its soaring peak as high as the world of Brahm:
DB! "P  ! 6
ri gyal khyepar chen la solwa deb
To this special king of mountains, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

"`A! 6
pal gyi riwo barw tsemo na
On the shining crest of this awe-inspiring mountain,

'* '!* { 6

sharchok shel la lhochok baidurya
Its eastern side of crystal, the south of lapis lazuli,
M* 2+
*   6
nubchok raga jangchok indre dok
The west of ruby, and the north of emerald,
 ! " 9H 7
chinang mepar salw shyaly khang
Stands the celestial mansion, shimmering, and translucent from within
and without,
B "P  ! 6
podrang khyepar chen la solwa deb
To this exquisite palace, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

9H  !"* 9 R D 

shyaly chenp chok shyi tsam gy dang
Every side and face of this great mansion, in each direction,
% P " ! L6
tengok tamch rinpoche l drub
Above and below, is made from jewels and precious substances.
L N 9H
khyam dang druch lobur rik shyi yang
Corridors, corners, and parapetseach shine
@ 9H7    6
trinl shyi yi khadok sosor sal

With the colours of the four buddha families and enlightened activities,
white, yellow, red and green:
KL9H 7
  ! 6
lhndrub shyaly khang la solwa deb
To this spontaneously perfect mansion, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

A"  $ Zd 
tsikpa dnam pagu drawa dang
The walls and ledges, friezes and hanging garlands,
 *!  H !$ 6
drach dayab rinchen na nga sal
Tasseled fringes, and rooftop parapets all gleam with gold, and silver,
turquoise, coral and pearl,
9   7Dh :6
go shyi tabab chkhor gyen nam kn
The four doors, the porches, the wheel of Dharma, and all the ornaments
$Rk " !H  ] "D6
natsok rinpoche yi dzepar gyen
Stand out in beauty, set with every kind of jewel:
 !9H 7
  ! 6
rinchen shyaly khang la solwa deb
To this precious celestial palace, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

" '

O A- 
paksam shing dang dtsi chumik dang
Wish-fulfilling trees, bubbling springs of nectar, with
Rk$ *
lS 6
jatsn na ng chinang trin tar tib
Rainbows of blue and white, yellow, red and green, gathering like clouds
inside and all around,
!S">?  $
metok pem kyi barnang kheng
The atmosphere is bathed in light in the shape of lotus flowers,
  !="# `  ! !%6
n d drenpa tsam gyi dechen tob
Simply to think of this place brings great bliss:
">? 9H   ! 6
pema kyi shyaly la solwa deb
To this heavenly palace of Lotus Light, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

9H  !" !H

'! 6
shyaly chenpo d yi nang sh na
Within this measureless mansion,
 !_D 8 g 6
rinchen zur gy nyima daw den
On an eight-cornered jewel throne, and sun and moon disc seat,

ma chak pema barw dongpo la

On the shining, blossoming, lotus of non-attachment,
  !'! O "C6
pemajungn deshek dp ku
There you preside, Padmkara, you who embody all the sugatas:

Y"C  ! 6
rangjung trulp ku la solwa deb
To this self-arising nirmakya emanation, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

shyi gy wang drak dn la gongp chir
So as to benefit beings by pacifying, enriching, magnetizing and
C * RDh  
kudok chaktsen gyen nam ma ng kyang
Your colour, attributes, and ornaments will change,
nyima tong gi l zidang ch
Yet your brilliance remains, always brighter than a thousand suns,
 ! !6
ri gyal lhnpo b kyang jirch
Your majesty surpassing even Mount Meru.
H RY"C  ! 6
yatsen trulp ku la solwa deb
To the wondrous nirmakya emanation, we pray!

   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

J  Y" !B"`! 6

tuk kyi trulp jikten khyabpar gy
Emanations of your wisdom mind fan out through the whole world;
& 6
chen tsa nyida tabu khyil shying zik
Like the sun and moon, your eyes turn and gaze on all.
  7 J !@ 6
namkh lok l tukj trinl nyur
Your compassionate action is swifter than a flash of lighting in the sky,

"&   7U

 8 6
gongpa zabmo namkh long dang nyam
Your understanding as deep as the vast expanse of space:
J !B "P  ! 6
tukj khyepar chen la solwa deb
To your extraordinary compassion, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

0A!%  0   6

dro la tsew tab kyi dro dn dz
With the skilful means born of your love for beings, you act always for
their benefit;
9  ] "

shyal dzum dzep dangden ya la la

From your smiling mouth, glowing in beauty,

F !6
druk tong dirw sung gi dang dra ch
The sound of your voice, mightier than the roaring of a thousand dragons,

[ &   F 6
sang ngak zabm ch dra di ri ri
Thunders out the sound of the profound secret mantra teachings,
F   ! 6
tsangp sung yang drok la solwa deb
To your speech, which has the melodious voice of Brahm, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

YC !"* 9 R D 6

tulku chenp chok shyi tsam gy na
In each of the eight directions around this great nirmakya buddha,
" 0! E " !
lokp dragek dzip den tengdu
Crushing underfoot malicious enemies and obstructing forces,
HS@ 6
ku sung tuk dang ynten trinl kyi
Rages the assembly of wrathful deities who subjugate negativity,
  !'! O ORk 6
rik nga deshek ddul trow tsok
The sugatas of the five families, of the wisdom body, speech, mind,
qualities and activity:

 !D Rk   ! 6

drubchen kagy kyi lhatsok la solwa deb
To the deities of the great Kagy sdhanas, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

* 9">? 9 !

chok shyi pema dab shyi den tengdu
In the east, south, north and west, on four-petalled lotus blossoms,

 70!9 Rk 6
rik shyi ging dang khandro d shyi tsok
Arise the gings of the four families, together with the four classes of
% P   O  
tamch mal durtr ch dangden
Every one of them wearing the grisly attributes of the charnel ground,
] "D" G 6
dzep gyenden rolp tab su shyuk
Along with beautiful ornaments, all assuming the postures of dance:
H!'!  70H   ! 6
yeshe khandro yabyum la solwa deb
To the kas and kins of wisdom, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

9H  !"* 9B 


shyaly chenp chok shyiwar khyam dang

In the four directions within the great celestial mansion,
L N 70 7!
druch lo bur rigdzin khandr kheng
The courtyards, corners, and balconies are crowded with vidydharas and

"lS 6
lha dang lhamo mangpo trin tar tib
Countless gods and goddesses gather, swirling like clouds,

  "$Rk N6
chi nang sangw chpa natsok bul
Lifting up offerings of every variety, outer, inner and secret:
  70 Rk   ! 6
mamo khandr lhatsok la solwa deb
To the mamos, and kins with their throngs of deities, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

 !9H 7
  $ 6
rinchen shyaly khang gi dnam la
All along the galleries of this great jewelled mansion,
 "  lNS 6
chp lhamo chartrin tabur tib
Offering goddesses gather like clouds of rain,
  H  " !7!
dyn druk gi chp jikten kheng
Filling the whole world with offerings to delight the six senses.

: &
"  "  !'!   6
kuntuzangp chp deshek ch
To the sugatas, they make offerings as infinite as Samantabhadras:
Rk   ! 6
ynten knjung gi lhatsok la solwa deb
To all these deities, the source of all good qualities, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

9H  !"* 96

shyaly chenp chok kyi go shyi na
In the east, south, west and north, at the four gates of the great
D !!98  6
gyalchen d shyi gow kanyen dz
Stand guard the four Great Kings, who carry out the commands entrusted
to them,
!D .
Z8`! 6
lhasin d gy dren dang ponyar gy
Despatching the eight classes of gods and demons as their servants and
t! @9OO6
d dang mutek dultren shyindu dul
To grind demons and trthikas into dust.

 Rk   ! 6
chkyong sungm lhatsok la solwa deb
To all of you Dharma protectors and guardians, we pray!
   ! 6

orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb

To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

4~6 9!
  70Rk 6
hung, shyeng shik pemajungn khandr tsok
H! Rise up, Padmkara, with your throng of kins!

'* <O G  !'! h 6
gong shik chok chu d sum deshek nam
Care for us, sugatas of all time and all directions.
! !"">?% @!
jetsn chenpo pema ttreng tsal
Great and noble guide, Padma Thtreng Tsal,
 70  '! G 6
rigdzin khandr n n shek su sol
Come now from the realm of vidydharas and kins!

N ] "%\ '  !'6

utra dzep tortsuk shik s shik
Your beautiful long tresses swept up and rustling;
" 6
rinchen gyencha mangpo si li li
Your jewels and ornaments all jingling;
O e "D 6
durtr rp gyencha trololo
Charnel ground bone ornaments rattling;
dra dang rolmo mangpo u ru ru
Everywhere music and cymbals rumbling;

H Rk 4~F 6

yidam lhatsok hung dra di ri ri
Yidam deities thundering out the sound of h!;
70! +! '  !'6
khandro d ng gar j shik s shik
kins of the five classes gracefully swirling;

 ! " .
gingchen paw drodung trab s trab
Great gings in their warrior dance, stomping;
  70l%  !%6
mamo khandro trin tar tib s tib
Like clouds, mamos and kins swarming;
!D  +!   !6
chkyong d gy lej khyuk s khyuk
The eight classes of Dharma protectors and their agents striking;
FX  6
shyub chen tong gi drak si li li
One thousand armoured soldiers clattering;
H Z % P '6
y na pogy tamch sha ra ra
To the right, all the male deities advancing;
H  % P '6
yn na mogy tamch sha ra ra
To the left, all the female deities advancing;
% P  O   !6
barnang tamch dar duk lhab s lhab
Space is full of flags and umbrellas fluttering;
=9 ( 

dri shyim p kyi ng dang tu lu lu

Fragrances of the sweetest incense wafting;

^X  6
khandro sangw da k di ri ri
The kins secret code language resounding;

 ! "ee6
ging chen paw shuk lu kyu ru ru
The great gings warrior hymn whistling;

" 6
hung gi nang lu mangpo di ri ri
Everywhere, the yogic song of h reverberating;
Z^X ="
p kyi da k drakpo sang s sang
Fierce and forceful, the symbolic syllable pha exploding.

0 ! P% P 6
dak dang dro druk semchen tamch la
Look on us allsentient beings in the six realms
J ! &   '! G 6
tukj zik la n dir shek su sol
With your compassion. And come now, to this place!
  J !  
n dir tukj gong t shek n kyang
Now you have embraced us in your compassion, now you have come to
this place,
" %6
dak gi changchub nyingpo matob bar
Until we have realized the essence of enlightenment,
=! O

gek dang lokdren barch dulwa dang

Subjugate all obstructing forces, all obstacles and those who lead us


 LO 6
chok dang tnmong ngdrub tsal du sol
Grant us the siddhis, ordinary and supreme!
7[`D Rk FO 6
khorwa dukngal gyi gyatso l dral du sol
And release us from sasras ocean of sufferingthis we pray!
RkD !  "  %6 " 
 0   ! 6 R 
6 "P

b6 9! G
Tsogyal, pray like this; pray with devotion! For me, Padmkara, there is
nothing apart from benefiting beings. Through the force of the samaya
link, I shall return to the land of Tibet. To those who have faith, I shall
actually grant prophecies directly.
de9 6
The Guru spoke again:
  ! "
"  " 
=!6 HS %
  "/!6 H B! '!  " +o 6 ! %!Rk 
 "L6 P! G
With regard to this prayer, first of all when you recount its story, you will
be filled with inspiration. When you see its precious qualities, deep faith
will be born within you. When that faith becomes unshakeable trust and
devotion, then my blessing will enter and transform you. When your mind
is free of all doubts, whatever you wish can be achieved.

Chapter Four: The Prayer Requested by Namkh Nyingpo

!  !
"  "6
Then the bhiku Namkh Nyingpo made his request:
! " !" 6   "V h   ! "6 $

  6 F0 R H G
O6 "P
'  8 O0  ! '9!  " 6
O great master! Please, I implore you, teach me a prayer to the lineage
masters, one which allows all appearances to be perceived clearly as
deities, male and female, all sounds to be heard as the speech of the
yidam deity, and any thoughts that arise to be liberated into dharmat,
the nature of reality!
This was his reply:
! 6 l . ! !D: &
emaho, trdral dechen gyalwa kuntuzang
Emaho: O wonder! The conqueror Samantabhadra, the great bliss of
natural simplicity,
D "^!
rik ng sangye drukpa dorj chang
The sixth buddha, Vajradhra, embodying the five buddha families,
0   +
- !  "C6
dro druk dn dze changchub semp ku
And the forms of the bodhisattvas, who act only to benefit the beings in
the six realms:
CYCh "G 6
chku longku tulku nampa sum
To the dharmakya, sabhogakya and nirmakyas
" "  ! 6
gyalwa gongp gypa la solwa deb
Of this wisdom mind lineage of the buddhas, we pray!

   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

0  /
drakden chok kyong njin karda dong
From the god Yaasvi Varapla, the yaka Ulkmukha,
V0 % D"
lodr tabden lugyal jokpo dang
The rakasa Matyaupyika, the nga king Takaka,
= ! 0 " PD"6
drim drakpa lechen gyalpo dza
The human Vimalakrti the Licchavi, and so to the fortunate King Ja,
D+  S!6
rigdzin lhawang gyajin lasok t
The vidydhara, divine Indra, and the rest:
" "  ! 6
rigdzin rigp gypa la solwa deb
To the rigpa awareness lineage of the vidydharas, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

 C: &
"H 6
chku kuntuzangp gongpa yi
The blessing of the wisdom mind of Samantabhadra, the dharmakya,
^! !  " ^!
dorj sempa garab dorj dang

Passed to Vajrasattva and Garab Dorj

{ O+o S!6
shri singh bardu jinlab t
And down to r Siha;.
 + O G `6
d dang majn danta d sum gyi
To the masters of the lineage of Dzogpachenpo,
E  ! "V   ! 6
dzogchen gyp lama la solwa deb
Of past, future and present, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

D  CH 
"H 6
gyalwa ch kyi ku yi gongpa yi
The blessing of the dharmakya buddhas wisdom mind
 !'!   G  "
deshek rik nga rik sum gnpo dang
Passed to the sugatas of the five families and to Majur, Avalokitevara,
and Vajrapi,

O+o S!6
sangye sangw bardu jinlab t
Down to Buddhaguhya;
 + O G `6
d dang majn danta d sum gyi
To the masters of the lineage of the Magical Net,
 "V   ! 6

gyutrul gyp lama la solwa deb

Of past, present and future, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

"H 6
jampal yamantak gongpa yi
The blessing of the wisdom mind of Majur Yamntaka
 " !"  "'! 8!
lobpn chenpo jampal shenyen dang
Passed to the great master Majurmitra, and

 !O+o S!6
rolang dew bardu jinlab t
Down to the zombie Vetlasukha;
 + O G `6
d dang majn danta d sum gyi
To the masters of the lineage of the wisdom body,
CH "V   ! 6
ku yi gyp lama la solwa deb
Of past, future and present, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

"H 6
pema heruka yi gongpa yi
The blessing of the wisdom mind of Padma Heruka

wang gi lhamo nagarjuna dang
Passed from Indradev and Ngrjuna,
 O+o S!6
pemajungn bardu jinlab t
Down to Padmkara;
 + O G `6
d dang majn danta d sum gyi
To the masters of the lineage of the wisdom speech,
 "V   ! 6
sung gi gyp lama la solwa deb
Of past, future and present, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

"H 6
benza heruka yi gongpa yi
The blessing of the wisdom mind of Vajra Heruka
^!  "'! 8!
garab dorj jampal shenyen dang
Passed to Garab Dorj, Majurmitra, and
4~ !O+o S!6
hungchenkar bardu jinlab t
Down to Hchenkara;
 + O G `6
d dang majn danta d sum gyi
To the masters of the lineage of the wisdom mind,

J  "V   ! 6

tuk kyi gyp lama la solwa deb
Of past, future and present, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

! !eH 
"H 6
chemchok heruka yi gongpa yi
The blessing of the wisdom mind of Chemchok Heruka
Y" 70
trulp khandro rigdzin mangpo dang
Passed to countless emanated kins and vidydharas,
b  7O+o S!6
mingyur namkh bardu jinlab t
Down to Mingyur Namkha;
 + O G `6
d dang majn danta d sum gyi
To the masters of the lineage of noble qualities,
HS "V   ! 6
ynten gyp lama la solwa deb
Of past, future and present, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

" !^!9M 
"H 6
palchen dorj shynn gongpa yi

The blessing of the wisdom mind of the great, awesome Vajrakumra

KL*D !"
lhndrub chakgya chenp rigdzin dang
Passed to the vidydharas of spontaneous presence and mahmudr,
^!% @!
A+o S!6
dorj ttrengtsal la jinlab t
Down to Dorj Ttreng Tsal;
 + O G `6
d dang majn danta d sum gyi
To the masters of the lineage of enlightened activity,
@  "V   ! 6
trinl gyp lama la solwa deb
Of past, future and present, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

E D" ! !e 6
ngndzok gyalpo chemchok heruka
The blessing of the wisdom mind of the great supreme heruka King of
Manifest Perfection
magy lhamo yong khy d ma dang
Passed to the goddess of the Mother Tantras, Yongkhyu Dma,
 iO+o S!6
dhanasamskri bardu jinlab t
Down to Dhanasaskta;
 + O G `6

d dang majn danta d sum gyi

To the masters of the lineage of the mamos who control existence,
 "  V   ! 6
sipa magy kyi lama la solwa deb
Of past, future and present, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

P =! ":O 

"H 6
chomden drekpa kn dul gongpa yi
The blessing of the wisdom mind of The Bhagavan, Tamer of All the
 d#J   6
rombuguhya chandr tuk gy n
Passed from Rombuguhya Candra
 !v!O+o S!6
shakya sengg bardu jinlab t
Down to kya Seng;
 + O G `6
d dang majn danta d sum gyi
To the masters of the lineage of Offering and Praise of the World,
   "V   ! 6
cht gyp lama la solwa deb
Of past, future and present, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

" ! " 

"H 6
palchen tobden nakp gongpa yi
The blessing of the wisdom mind of the great and awesome black
 "' J   6
lobpn shantinggarbh tuk gy n
Passed from the master ntigarbha,
^!0 A+o S!6
dorj drol tsal la jinlab t
Down to Dorj Drol Tsal;
 + O G `6
d dang majn danta d sum gyi
To the masters of the lineage of the fierce mantras,
=[  "V   ! 6
drakngak gyp lama la solwa deb
Of past, future and present, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

"R] " !  

gnpo tsepakm kyi gongpa yi
The blessing of the wisdom mind of Lord Amityus
 #2 J   6
lhamo tsandali la tuk gy n
Passed from the dev Cali,
  ! ">?
 +o S!6

chim pemajungn jinlab t

Down to Padmkara, the deathless;
 + O G `6
d dang majn danta d sum gyi
To the vidydharas with mastery over life,
R]Hh   ! 6
ts yi rigdzin nam la solwa deb
Of past, future and present, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

^!Z J  

"H 6
dorj pakm tuk kyi gongpa yi
The blessing of the wisdom mind of Vajravrh
70 !
PJ   6
khandro seng dongchen tukgy n
Passed from the kin Sihamukh,
^!="A+o S!6
dorj drakpotsal la jinlab t
Down to Dorj Drakpo Tsal;
 + O G `6
d dang majn danta d sum gyi
To the masters of the female lineage of the Secret Mantrayna,

[   V   ! 6
sang ngak magy kyi lama la solwa deb
In the past, future and present, we pray!
   ! 6

orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb

To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

"H 6
dorj traktung tuk kyi gongpa yi
The blessing of the wisdom mind of the Vajra Heruka
 J   6
tulku pemajungn tuk gy n
Passed from the nirmakya Padmkara,
  P+o S!6
dzamling b kyi lechen jinlab t
Down to the fortunate ones of this world of Jambudvpa, and Tibet;
 + O G `6
d dang majn danta d sum gyi
To the masters of this lineage which brings together the whole Secret

[ O  V   ! 6
sang ngak d gy kyi lama la solwa deb
In the past, future and present, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

D h  
"H 6
dep sangye nam kyi gongpa yi
The blessing of the wisdom mind of the buddhas of the past

D J"J   6
sangye shakya tubp tuk gy n

Passed from the buddha kyamuni,

 O+o S!6
bodhisatv bardu jinlab t
Down to Khenpo Bodhisattva;
 + O G `6
d dang majn danta d sum gyi
To the masters who teach the truth of cause and effect,
.  `V   ! 6
gyundr dn tn gyi lama la solwa deb
In the past, future and present, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

- !  " 
"H 6
rigdzin changchub semp gongpa yi
The blessing of the wisdom mind of the vidydharas bodhisattvas

& Ph +o S!6
gangzak lechen nam la jinlab t
Passed to those beings destined by their karma,
O Rk   D% 6
dts di n ngabgy tam bar
And from that moment on, till the last of the five hundred year periods,

[ 9" RP6
sang ngak ka shyin drubp damtsik chen
You maintain the samaya of practising the secret mantras exactly
according to instructions:

 "  ! 6

gangzak nyen khung gypa la solwa deb

To you, we pray, who hold this hearing transmission of realized beings!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

ditar mik gi yul du nangwa yi
Do this towards all you see:
$ < 
 "% P :6
chinang nch ngpo tamch kn
Outside, inside, environment and beings, all things
  ! "

nang yang dakdzin mep ngang la shyok
Whilst seeing them, without grasping, remain.
zungdzin dakpa saltong lha yi ku
This freedom from the trap of duality, subject-object clinging, is the very
form of the deityluminous and empty.
0`V   ! 6
dchak rangdrol gyi lama la solwa deb
To this lama, the very self-liberation of desire and attachment, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

 hO0 "H6
ditar naw yul du drakpa yi

Do this towards all that you hear:

 ;"Fh :6
nyen dang mi nyen dzinp dra nam kn
All sounds, grasped as sweet or harsh,

drak tong samno dralw ngang la shyok
Whilst hearing them, empty, without afterthought, remain.
/! ! "DG
drak tong kyegak mepa gyalw sung
This empty sound, with no beginning and no end, is the speech of the
Victorious Ones.
  ! 6
drak tong gyalw sung la solwa deb
To this empty sound, the speech of all the buddhas, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

 H ObH6
ditar yi kyi yul du gyuwa yi
Do this towards all that stirs in the mind:
nynmong duk ng tokpa chi shar yang
Whatever thoughts and emotions of the five poisons arise,
[G!   VH P  6
ngnsu j ch lo yi ch mi shyuk
Dont invite them, dont chase after them, dont let mind fabricate or

 9"   C06
gyuwa rang sar shyakp chkur drol
Simply allowing them to settle in the face of their own arising, is
liberation into the dharmakya.
0`V   ! 6
rigpa rangdrol gyi lama la solwa deb
To this lama, rigpas self-liberation, we pray;
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

chitar zungw yulnang dakpa dang
So outwardlypurify appearances of their allure;

" ! 8 0
nangtar dzinp semnyi drolwa dang
Inwardlyfree the mind from grasping;

'! "e6
bardu sal rang ngo shepa ru
And in between, by the self-recognition of clear light,
O G  !'! h J !H 6
d sum deshek nam kyi tukj yi
May the compassion of all the sugatas of past, present and future
 0+` o 6
dak dr ranggy drolwar jingyi lob
Inspire and bless beings like us with self liberation!
!  ! " %6   7;
""# _
. ! " ! ! Ga6 9! G

Recite this prayer continuously, Namkh Nyingpo, and seize the

stronghold of rigpa. Without ever being separate from me, come to the
pure realm of Great Bliss.

Chapter Five: The Prayer Requested by Nanam Dorj Dudjom

! $ ^!O    "6
Then, Nanam Dorj Dudjom made his request:
! " !" 6 8 
D % P O "C6
D % P O "G
D % P O "J 6  !'! :
O J !P6
O great master! In you are embodied all the buddhas perfect forms, in
your wisdom speech all the buddhas speech, in your wisdom mind all the
buddhas' minds. Compassionate one, you are all the sugatas in one.
 DC6 B  "9 ! 6  
  ! O6 8 +\  \6 ! 
6 H  ! 
 d /!H6
O Padmkara, pure form of the conquerors, no other buddha can surpass
you. For me, and for the benefit of the future, grant us a prayer, about
how you came and what you did, one which we can depend upon, to fill
us with inspiration, and make conviction and devotion blossom within us.
  ! +` o "G
6  J ! 
6 9!   6
With your compassion, teach us a prayer that carries the blessing of your
speechthis is my request!
He replied:
8P[ h+"6
Hh %  \6  `  B  
 O6 Y" 0 + "\6 <

9'  d " 86   ! " %6
Listen, yogi who practises the mantras! My life and my actions are
beyond the imagination, and defy all telling. Yet I shall explain, a little,
about how I have acted to benefit beings through manifesting in this
world of Jambudvpa, and in Tibet. So listen, listen with devotion! And
recite this prayer without any interruption.

P! G

So he spoke.
! 6 MH
emaho, lhonub ngayab lingtren sinp yul
Emaho: O wonder! To the south-west, in the continent of Ngayab, land of
D Rk" Rk
sindhu gyatso rolp tso ling du
Lies the ocean of Sindhu, where, on an island
D" "7
lugyal jokpo nep khang tengdu
Above the palace of Takaka, king of ngas,
pema barw dongp ts l trung
You were born, upon the heart of a shimmering lotus blossom.

 RP  ! 6
rangjung ngotsar chen la solwa deb
To you, wondrous and self-arising, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

  ! B!Y"C6
pa dang ma m khy'u trulp ku
With no father, no mother, you manifested as a child,
 ! ! ! D RkU
gyum kyenm gyats long l jn
With no cause, no conditions, you appeared in the vastness of the ocean,
" ! P=!" "6

marik lokp semchen drenp pal

Awe-inspiring guide for sentient beings led astray by ignorance.
 !'! CG
J Y"!6
deshek ku sung tuk kyi trulpa t
Emanation of the body, speech and mind of all the sugatas,
YC Rk/! ^!  ! 6
tulku tsoky dorj la solwa deb
To the nirmakya Tsoky Dorj, The Lake-born Vajra, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

 PD" SH 6
lechen gyalpo indrabhuti yi
Because of his karmic destiny, the fortunate king Indrabhti
D Rk !" 
 !  !+6
gyatso chenp ling n ny d jn
Came to find you on that island in the vast ocean.
" a=
dep chendrang gyalpor ngasol dz
Out of his devotion he invited you, and enthroned you as king,
D      ! 6
gyalsi ch kyi trim kyi d la k
And with the law of Dharma you established the whole kingdom in
D"%PP  ! 6
gyalpo torchok chen la solwa deb
To the sovereign Torchok Chen, the Turbaned King, we pray!

   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

*  R`O O6

lhochok silwa tsal gyi durtr du
In the southern charnel ground the Chilly Grove, Stavana,
D (
  a "  6
gyalsi pang n tulshyuk chpa dz
Once you had renounced the kingdom, you practised yogic discipline,
"H 6
tana gan jordrol gongpa yi
And with the realization gained from the practice of union and liberation,
  70% P  
O 6
mamo khandro tamch wang du d
You brought all the mamos and kins under your power.
S  ! 6
shantarakshita la solwa deb
To ntarakita, Guardian of Peace, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

* 9O : a "  6

chok shyi durtr kntu chpa dz
East, south, west and northin every charnel ground you practised,
H!'!  70h  +` o 6
yeshe khandro nam kyi jin gyi lab

Where the wisdom kins infused you with their blessing.

^!Z 9 %

dorj pakm shyal tong ngdrub tob
Vajravrh appeared to you, face to face, and you obtained the siddhis,
  7& !% P .O6
namkh zachen tamch dren du kol
Making all the great planetary forces in space your servants:
^!="A  ! 6
dorj drakpo tsal la solwa deb
To Dorj Drakpo Tsal, Powerful Vajra Wrath, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

. +
drak mar jakhyung tsal gyi k'u tsang du
In the red rock cave Garua Grove,
lobpn prabhahasti chen ngar jn
You met the master Prabhhasti,
h+H  j
"  6
naljor yog ch la jangpa dz
And trained in the teachings of Yoga Tantra,
HRk h 9& "6
yog lhatsok nam kyi shyalzikp
Till the whole assembly of Yoga deities appeared before your eyes:
!C  ! 6
shakya seng ku la solwa deb

To the perfect form of kya Seng, Lion of the kyas, we pray!

   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

D`* 9  !O6

gyagar yul gyi chok shyi n chen du
In Indias great places of power, in the east and south and west and
rigdzin drubtob mangp chen ngar jn
You studied with countless vidydharas and siddhas,
Hh G   j
"  6
yoga nam sum ch la jangpa dz
And trained in the teachings of the three inner yogas,
R8 H  F  P 6
tsennyi gyu yi ch kyi drondok ch
Cutting all doubts about the causal Dharma of characteristics:
7 "V !   ! 6
khepa loden chok s la solwa deb
To the learned Loden Choks, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

drakpuk maratik k'u tsang du
In the rock cave of Mratika,

  ! R]H "R]6
chim ts yi rigdzin drubp ts
Where you accomplished the state of vidydhara of immortal life,
"R] " !  +` o 6
gnpo tsepakm kyi jin gyi lab
Lord Amityus granted you his blessing, and
/!  ! "^! Gb6
kyechi mepa dorj l su gyur
You attained the indestructible vajra body, free from birth and death:
  ! ">?
   ! 6
chim pemajungn la solwa deb
To Padmkara the deathless, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

&D7 OO'! "R]6

zahor gyalkham dul du shekp ts
When you went to tame the kingdom of Zahor,
" ! P   6
marik trulp semchen ch la ts
To bring to the Dharma sentient beings deluded by ignorance,
yatsen medu jungw dzutrul ten
The miracles you performed were wondrous and amazing,
D7 % P    
gyalkham tamch ch kyi gangwar dz
And filled the entire kingdom with the Buddhadharma.

">? iC  ! 6

padmasambh ku la solwa deb
To Padmasambhava, the Lotus-born, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

DD7 OO'! "R]6

orgyen gyalkham dul du shekp ts
When you went to tame the kingdom of Orgyen,
'!   !H N G! "6
shem m yi su sekpa na
And executioners sought to burn you on a pyre,
mepung tso ru gyur t dzutrul ten
You displayed the miracle of transforming the inferno into a lake,
-  6
indrabhuti changchub lam la k
And set King Indrabhti on the path to enlightenment:
  ">?D"  ! 6
s chok pema gyalpo la solwa deb
To the supreme prince Padma Gyalpo, Lotus King, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

 ! !O 
womin n dang dechen durtr dang

In the realm of Akaniha, and the charnel grounds Great Bliss,

">?A!   6
lhndrub tsek dang pema tsek lasok
Spontaneous Mound, Lotus Mound and the others

O "R]6
rangjung chten drung du shyukp ts
When you stayed in these naturally arising sacred places,
  70  /
7` X6
mamo khandro chkyong khor gyi kor
Mamos, kins and Dharma protectors thronged around you:
de8  &!  ! 6
guru nyima zer la solwa deb
To Guru Nyima zer, Rays of the Sun, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

* DO'! "R]6

lhochok gyagar yul du shekp ts
When you went to the south, in the land of India,
70O O H +` o 6
khandro ddul ma yi jin gyi lab
You were blessed by the kin The Mistress who Subjugates Negativity,
Khandro Ddul Ma;
t! "DA "g6
mutek tnpa ngabgy tspa dok
You defeated five hundred trthika teachers in debate,

[  "t! % F6

ngen ngak dakpo mutek tok gi dral

And brought down lightning to liberate their masters of sorcery:
Z " !
!FF   ! 6
pakpa seng dradrok la solwa deb
To the noble Seng Dradok, Lions Roar, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

!' .m 6
balyul yanglsh kyi drakpuk tu
In the rock cave of Yanglesh in Nepal,
  ! !;
" "R]6
yangdak dechen nyingpo drubp ts
You accomplished the practice of Yangdak, Essence of Great Bliss,
 ! h ^!m" F6
barch gek nam dorj purp dral
Liberating all obstacles and obstructors through Vajraklaya;
*D !"
 L  !%6
chakgya chenp ngdrub n der tob
And, in this sacred place, you attained the siddhi of mahmudr:
^!% @!
A  ! 6
dorj ttreng tsal la solwa deb
To Dorj Ttreng Tsal, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

* D" +"R]6
jangchok gyalp dn la jnp ts
When you travelled north to help the king,
  j% P  S 6
b kyi njin tamch dam latak
You bound all the harmful forces of Tibet under oath;
" 6
samy ngasol gyalp gongpa drub
Consecrating Samy, you fulfilled the vision of the king,
 % P    
byul tamch ch kyi gangwar dz
Filling every corner of Tibet with the Dharma:
   ! 6
tulku pemajungn la solwa deb
To the nirmakya, Padmkara, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

 H   m. !R
samy chimp drak mar k'u tsang du
In the Red Rock Cave of Samy Chimphu,
[  7O6
drubchen kagy sang ngak kyilkhor du
You matured those fortunate ones, the king and subjects,
)"  6
lechen gyalpo jebang minpar dz
Empowering them into the maala of the Secret Mantrayna, the great
sdhanas of Kagy.

[ . N%!"D "  6
sang ngak dreb tekpa gyepar dz
You made the resultant vehicle of the secret mantras spread far and
=     ! 6
kadrin sam l d la solwa deb
To you, whose kindness is beyond all imagining, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

! L!R
taktsang seng samdrub k'u tsang du
At the Tigers Lair, in the cave called Fulfilment of the Lions Wishes,
O"t! O 
dukp mutek d dang damsi tul
You subjugated malicious trthikas, mras and damsi demons;
.h S! ! 6
n chen gang drak nam la terchen b
In power-places, amid snow and rock, you hid the great termas,

;   ! PJ ! & 6
ma ong nyikm semchen tukj zik
Gazing in compassion on sentient beings still to come in this degenerate
^!0 A  ! 6
dorj drol tsal la solwa deb
To Dorj Drol Tsal, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb

To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

b kyi gang chen shyi la drubkhang dz
On the four great snow mountains of Tibet, you made your hermitages,
.m !"D H
 !  6
drakpuk chenpo gy la yang wen dz
In the eight great rock caves, you went into isolated retreats,
* 9.YC9 ! 96
chok shyi drak la tulk shyabj shyak
On stone in the four directions, you left your footprint,
0 " Rk !9*! 96
drakp tso chen shyi la chakj shyak
At the four famous lakes, you left your hand-print:
    ! 6
dro druk drib jong dz la solwa deb
To you who purify the obscurations of beings in the six realms, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

*  7.C! 96

lhochok mnkh drak la ku j shyak
To the south, in Bhutan, you left the imprint of your body in the solid
CRS!  96
kutsab ter nga b kyi dn la shyak














D " %eD "  6
sangye tenpa ta ru gyepar dz
You made the buddhas teaching spread to the borderlands and beyond,
b kyi lha chik drowa yong kyi pal
Sole deity of Tibet, glorious inspiration of all beings:
J !B "P  ! 6
tukj khyepar chen la solwa deb
To you whose compassion is unique, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

@ "A!6
lhonub ngayab lingtren palri tser
South-west of here, in Ngayab Ling, on the peak of the Mountain of Glory,
"D"  6
rigdzin khandro mangp gyalpo dz
You rule as sovereign among countless vidydharas and kins,
'&"% P  S 6
shaza sinpo tamch dam latak
Binding all the cannibal rakasas under oath,
   ! "J ! & 6
b la gynch mepar tukj zik
Ceaselessly you turn your compassionate gaze on Tibet and on the world:
= !Y"C  ! 6

drinchen trulp ku la solwa deb

To you, the nirmakya, and to your kindness, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

D%   ! P6

ngabgy tamar b kyi semchen la
During this last five hundred year period, wherever we sentient beings,
whether in Tibet or anywhere in the world,
 [  ! 6
l ngen wang gi dukngal gynch m
Suffer with no relief, oppressed by our negative karma
B h %=P
  ! 6
khy kyi namtar dren ching soldeb na
When we remember your life, when we pray to you,
0 ! P% P 6
dak dang dro druk semchen tamch la
Look on us and all sentient beings in the six realms with your compassion,
J ! & +` o  6
tukj zik la jingyi lab tu sol
Inspire us with your blessings!
^!O  ! "d " 86
Hh %=P
 %6 R] ">?
H+` o6 * +
-  "
! 6
Dorj Dudjom, listen with real devotion, remember my life and
liberation, and recite this prayer! Then in this very life I, Padma, shall
bless you, and in the next, it is certain you will traverse the path to
9! G

This is what he said.

Chapter Six: The Prayer Requested by Prince Mutri Tsenpo

!  t#"  "6
Next, it was the prince Mutri Tsenpo who made a request:
! " !" 6 O  
"D;  J"R]6 ! P% P  
 ['a   "G

 6 !h J ! &  [ /M "  ! '9!   6
O great master! You have said that in the future, when the dark age of
the final five hundred years arrives, sentient beings, driven by their
negative karma, must experience only misery. For them, I request a
prayer, one that invokes your compassion for them, and possesses the
power to protect them from suffering!
This was his reply:
8Pt#"6 R ! D/! M " 6 "9
  ! +
-d /!6 H B! '! V 7!  G `
+o D

Listen well, Mutri Tsenpo! Without boiling, the colour of dye will never
take; without the field of devotion, the seedlings of enlightenment cannot
grow! Without single-minded conviction, the blessings of the Three Jewels
will be far off!
8P 6
- !  "h 0   ! "   !6 0O   ! 6 7 
Y " b6  
* h [ /"  6 H B! '!  ""` 6 V  G S 
PP! 9 ! N
Listen, prince! Buddhas and bodhisattvas act ceaselessly to benefit
beings. Yet they cannot free them from the depths of sasra, because,
among beings in the six realms, ego-grasping caused by the five poisons
is just so strong. Prince, if you wish to protect your Tibetan people in the
future from suffering, make a declaration to your subjects, telling them to
develop stable and unswerving devotion, and to have total trust in the
Three Jewels.
O O  "  O %P! G

Now recite this prayer, constantly and with devotion:

! 6 M*  !P`9
7 G6
emaho, nubchok dewachen gyi shyingkham su
Emaho: O wonder! In Dewachen, Blissful pure realm in the west,
"R] " ! J !H 6
gnpo tsepakm kyi tukj yi
Lord Amityus, with all of his compassion,
dzambling du drow dn la gong
Directed his wisdom mind towards benefitting beings in this world of
* <
D :` +o "6
chok ch sangye kn gyi jinlab p
Then all the buddhas of the ten directions granted their blessing.
O G  !'! h   ! 6
d sum deshek nam la solwa deb
To you, the sugatas of past, present and future, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

D Rk" Rk

sindhu gyatso rolp tso ling du
On an island in the Sindhu sea,
metok pema barw dongpo la
On a shimmering lotus flower,


pa dang mam rangjung shuk l jung

With no father, no mother, naturally arising,
 ! ! ! 0 +6
gyum kyenm drow dn la jn
With no cause, no conditions, you came to bring benefit to beings,

 RP  ! 6
rangjung ngotsar chen la solwa deb
To you, wondrous and self-arising, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

D :`CHY"!6
sangye kn gyi ku yi trulpa t
As the emanation of the wisdom body of all buddhas,

 "!+ "+6
rangjung tsen dang pej denpar jn
You appeared naturally possessing all the major and minor marks,
nyima tong gi l zidang ch
Your splendour more dazzling than the light of a thousand suns.
B Y" !B"`! 6
khy kyi trulp jikten khyabpar gy
Your emanations stream out to fill the entire world:
H RY"C  ! 6
yatsen trulp ku la solwa deb
To you, the wonderful nirmakya manifestation, we pray!
   ! 6

orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb

To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

D :`G
sangye kn gyi sung gi trulpa t
As the emanation of the wisdom speech of all buddhas,
ma chak pem dongp ts l trung
You were born on the lotus of non-attachment,
n !

drukchen tong gi draw sung dang ch
Your speech is mightier than the roar of a thousand great dragons,
0 O%! !  FF 6
drow dndu tekchen ch dra drok
Proclaiming the sound of the Mahyna teachings, to benefit all beings,
nF "G
  ! 6
druk tar drokp sung la solwa deb
To the dragon-like sound of your speech, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

D :`J Y"!6
sangye kn gyi tuk kyi trulpa t
As the emanation of the wisdom mind of all buddhas,
 % ! "U
 /! 6
gyatso ting tamep long l ky
You were born from the fathomless, endless ocean,

  7 J !@ 6

namkh lok l tukj trinl nyur
Your compassionate actions are swifter than lightning striking through the

"&   7 %
 8 6
gongpa zabmo namkh ta dang nyam
Your vision as deep as the infinite expanse of space,
 !J   ! 6
chiryang sal tuk la solwa deb
To your wisdom mind, where everything arises in vivid clarity, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

0 OH 9NC6

drow dndu yishyin norb ku
Your perfect form is a wish-granting gem for helping beings,
B  R% # ` [ !6
khy kyi tsen t tsam gyi dukngal sel
Simply hearing your name dispels all suffering,
Rk9OHS   6
jatsn shyindu ynten sosor sal
Like the colours of a rainbow, your noble qualities each shine out
X P=" +
- $=!6
kechik drenp changchub lam na dren
To think of them, for even an instant, is to be led down the path to
B   ! 6

ynten knjung khy la solwa deb

To you who are the source of every noble quality, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

J !@  
tukj trinl wang gi dn dzep
The power of your compassionate actions brings benefit everywhere,
=@ h 9H 6
shyi gy wang drak trinl nam shyi yi
Pacifying, increasing, magnetizing and subjugating,
O  ! P%  O6
nynmong dul k semchen tab kyi dul
You skilfully train sentient beings, with their turbulent emotions so
difficult to tame.
  7X@   B6
namkh kar tar trinl sam mikhyab
Like the stars in the night sky, your enlightened actions are vast beyond
@ D Rko   ! 6
trinl gyats lab la solwa deb
To you whose activity rises as a great wave in the ocean, we pray!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!

* 90   

tengok chok shyir drow dn dz kyang

Above, below and in the four directions, you act to benefit beings,
 7POJ ! & 6
byul khawachen du tukj zik
So turn your compassionate gaze now on the world and on Tibet, the land
of snows,
% P 6
b kyi ngadak jebang tamch la
Inspire our rulers, and the rulers of Tibet and all their subjects,
O G   ! "+` o 6
d sum gynch mepar jingyi lob
Grant them your blessing, throughout the past, the present and into the
future, without any break!
7[`D Rk FO 6
khorwa dukngal gyi gyatso l dral du sol
Release us all from sasras ocean of sufferingthis we pray!
9! G
This is what he said.
! 7`"h " Rk   "D !"m6 *
X+ S! "6
At this point, all five of those who had made requests offered a vast and
splendid tsok feast, prostrated and circumambulated Guru Rinpoche, and
then they asked:
! " !" 6  N  ! B "PG
"= ! 6   ! "
&% "PP F   '

6 O  
&h [` 8!" 6  "8 ! G=   ! 6

O   9!   6
O great master! You have shown immense kindness in teaching us
special prayers like these. But these prayers should not be chanted in the
everyday jabbering sounds of ordinary people. In the future, when people

like us are faced with suffering, when we think of you, the master, and we
recite these prayers, what kind of melody should we use?
This was his reply:

H! 7(
  h 6 d   " O %6 A!PO
 !6 B!Z  =O

6 "i
;"H 6 8 RO h G %6
You followers of mine, you who wish to leave sasra behind, pray with
unswerving faith and devotion. Pray with single-minded focus, in a
melody full of longing and yearning, like an infant calling to its parentsa
sound as sweet as a guitar or a flute. And pray like this during the six
times of day and night!

"8 " 
h  ",'  D` 7X
The four and a half lokas (eighteen lines) below were added by the
emanation of Trisong Detsen, the glorious Tashi Topgyal:
P! G
[`J  99! 9 
ch sung ngn gyi tukdam shyalshy shyin
Just as you promised long ago with these words of yours,
d '
 ="   ! N 
g shing dungshuk drakp soldeb bur
These, your children, are praying now with yearning and devotion:
! J ! & ' |de 
kyema tukj zik shik maha guru
Kyema! Look on us with your compassion: O Great Guru,
+` o '!% @!
jingyi lob shik jetsn ttreng tsal
Inspire us with your blessing: Jetsn Ttreng Tsal!
 : O O="A 
barch kn sol ddul drakpo tsal

Dispel all our obstacles, Ddul Drakpo Tsal!

 L D" ! 
ngdrub chok tsol orgyen rinpoche
Grant us the supreme siddhi, Orgyen Rinpoche!

A O D; O   

danta tsd ngabgy nyikd dir
Now, in this age of strife, the degenerate age among the five hundred
year periods,

"    /! "R] 
jungp gy truk kyew lokpar ts
When our minds are deranged by jungpo demons and we cause only
harm and wrongdoing,
ta yi makpung n tsn mug sok
Pacify warfare and sickness, violence, famine and the like

jur dang t ngen npa kn shyi shying
Pacify disasters and and evil omens, and every kind of harm!
B "%! d 
gyalw ten dang khyepar tek g sol
Let the holders of the buddhas teaching, and especially of the tradition of
the nine ynas,
!Rk h  )D bP 
d dzin tsok nam dar min gy gyur chik
Develop, mature and increase!

mRk  H KLZ.
pntsok samy lhndrub podrang n
When the place was the spontaneously perfect palace of Samy, the
  &  " 
pemajungn lam zab ch tnpa
The teacher was







profound path,
%! !D  !$O   
tekchen gyalsi rinchen na dn ch
The teachings possessed the seven precious qualities of sovereignty of
the Mahyna,
X P "h7 
kalden lechen dakpa na ng khor
The disciples were those five pure ones, those with fortunate karma,
,' O  
kar gyal gyi gangw tashi d
And the time was when auspiciousness overflowed, like the victorious
white light of the full moon rising:
  "KL,' ' 
deng dir sampa lhndrub tashi shok
So, nowhere toomay all be auspicious for our wishes to be
spontaneously fulfilled!

% O GM* G6
H!  "h+"6 0  !a "
  6 %!Rk -
 /6 !=
 P;  O G
In times to come, the final age, a follower of mine from the west, a
hidden yogin1 will bring tremendous benefit to beings, and possess
exceptional devotion for me. With few doubts, he will protect the family

line of the Dharma Kings. A fortunate one such as him will appear in the
dark and decadent age.
9! " P OS!O 6 w22q26
Conceal this as a terma, for the benefit of him and those who have the
karmic connection and good fortune! Sa Ma Gatha!
1. This is said to refer to Rigdzin Gdem Chen. Tulku Zangpo Drakpa
revealed the terma in the Male Water Tiger year (1362) from Guru
Rinpoches retreat cave at Drompa Gyong in Rulak, and gave it to Rigdzin
Gdem Chen to decipher.

Chapter Seven: Sampa Lhundrupma

'The Prayer to Guru Rinpoche that Spontaneously Fulfills all
Namo Guru: Homage to the Guru!
 M"O'! "O G6 d
%  t#" *
X+ 6 9 a   6 
&!  S!a 
![ m6
When the master Padmasambhava was leaving for the land of the rakasa
ogres in the south-west, on the heights of Gungthang, the prince Mutri
Tsenpo offered prostrations and circumambulated him. He placed the
gurus feet on the crown of his head, and clutching at the edge of his
robe, with tears streaming down his face, he offered him this mournful
! de" !6 <O % 6

0  6  N  + S!6
G! '
[6  D
!!6  N G!6
Kyema! O Guru Rinpoche! In this final five hundred year age, here at
Gungthang, in Mangyul, alongside the snow ranges, my family and
lineage have settled. If we sink to the level of the common people, and
we are plunged into misery, pity the kings of Tibet! Who will my family
turn to?
 "+! 6 ! 8"=
" +! 6  
 ! " 6 V  h 8 !D6 * 

Fighting and violence will be the common lot. The great isolated
hermitages will be torn down; mountains and valley will become the
haunts of bandits. When no-one has the time to practise Dharma,
masters and their patrons will face trouble and hardship. Pity those with
faith in times to come!

O 7
+! 6 CG
J !h '6 E  /! a 6 ! ` FF 6  7J"
6 "!h !D6  7
Temples will become battlegrounds; holy objects, statues, texts and
stupas will be destroyed; sacred items will be profaned by lay people;
remote hermitages will ring with the invocation of magicians. When
monasteries and temples are on the verge of annihilation, the entire
culture of Buddhadharma will face ruin. Who can we turn to then, to
protect the Dharma?
O   6  !J +! 6 H  
G! 6 ;
A! 0  V6  9
!6 D"J P! G!6
The great and revered will be murdered by poison; the powerful will be
assassinated; the best will be dragged down by the lawless to the lowest
level; when dearest friends betray us, pity the royal ministers of Tibet!
Who can then be trusted by the king?
  Rkt! X" 6 %H 9 N G'6 =!! 
" RS
6 P   "
!6 /  !  ! PG!6
Sickness, war and famine will spread; armies from the border lands
invade; ghosts, obstructors and jungpo demons suddenly run rampant.
When everything unwanted arises, pity the people of Tibet in their
suffering! Who can they turn to, sentient beings with no protector?

!# d
'! 6 deD '! 6 t#" O6
Trisong Detsen has passed away; the guru is leaving for the land of
Orgyen; Mutri Tsenpo is to be abandoned in Tibet!
  6 deJ !-
  6     -
  6  7"8   6  
/ "&   6
The king my fathers life was cut short; so be it! The gurus compassion
is so scant; so be it! My merit is so meagre; so be it! The monasteries
and teachings fail; so be it! The Tibetan peoples happiness is at an end;
so be it!

de O G6 t#" d "6  VS G 6 ;
A!0 GH  ! 6 "  G6  O ZG
H  ! 6  [GH  !6 Fj
@ GH   6
Why on earth did Mutri Tsenpo not die while my father and the guru
were here? Who can I rely on now? Who will give me loving advice? Who
can I ask for teachings? When I am dying, who will transfer my
consciousness? In the bardo, who will dispel my suffering? When I am
dead, who will perform the practices to purify my obscurations?
!  J !-
Kyema! Kyih! What little compassion!
9! ![  P
 = ! OD6 !  "">?
O  S ="  6   N
S!6  X G
As he said this, the prince let out a grief-stricken sigh and fainted. The
master Padmkara spat into his ear, and he recovered consciousness. He
gently laid the princes head in his lap. Then he spoke:
8P D" "P6  P  d "
Listen, king of Tibet, faithful one! My fortunate, my devoted son!

!#CR] %eB6 J 
Know that Trisong Detsens life had reached its natural end. So do not
despair, prince and lord of Tibet.
   6 "P
 G   6 J 
Still I shall come for the benefit of Tibet, to those who have devotion, I
shall appear in person to teach the Dharma. So do not despair, prince and
lord of Tibet.
B F% P   "6
H9 %
#  "
! 6 J 
All your negative actions and obscurations, every one, will for certain be
purified by just seeing my face. So do not despair, prince and lord of
*   G O6

[ !6 J 

In this life, the next and in the bardo state, you will meet me again and
again, and your suffering will be dispelled. So do not despair, prince and
lord of Tibet.
  /!<0  k 6 ! D 70
O+6 J 
You will accomplish the benefit of beings during sixteen lifetimes after
this one, then you will go to Orgyen, realm of the kins. So do not
despair, prince and lord of Tibet.


   e6 8 O
 * +"h 6 O
     D /
HJ !  ! "
& 6 J 
On these slopes of the snow peaks of Gungthang in Mangyul, your
descendants will in future rule unfailingly according to Dharma. My
compassion will gaze upon all uninterruptedly. So do not despair, prince
and lord of Tibet.
!      d "H 6 D
J !O+h 6
H+o J ! / 6 J 
When those with faith and devotion practise in retreat, the teaching of
the buddhas and the compassionate disciples will be protected by my
blessing and my compassion. So do not despair, prince and lord of Tibet.
X ! a O  6   0 ! " ! P6    / 
 a 6 
V" h 

6 !HJ      8 6 O

! "06 

H9 %
% " 6 %  
O+/!6 J 
Unfortunate ones, demonic with their evil actions and wrong views,
sentient beings bent on harm, doubting and jealously finding fault, cannot
be protected by me, for all their actions are negative. Even these evil
ministers at present in power who trouble the mind of the king and violate
their samaya vow with me, will go to the three lower realms, that is
certain, but having seen my face, having heard my voice, when their last
negative karma is purified, theyll be born as my disciples. So do not
despair, prince and lord of Tibet.

%  %J!e6 ,&
9! +'  G6 "h+P) ` 6
HS!  O
/6 J 
When this degenerate age reaches its end, at the eastern foot of Mount
Trazang, because of his aspirations, a hidden yogi will reveal my terma
treasure, and protect your family line. So do not despair, prince and lord
of Tibet.
%  ! P&" O6 !H/`  \ 6  
  = +! %!Rk  !6
Sentient beings in this final dark age are duped by false guides, and,
because of this error, are stuck in the swamp of wrong views. Unable to
distinguish Dharma from what merely looks like Dharma, they are
plagued by doubts.
[ %!" !"
6 !\a  "h+" 6 d
! 6 J 
He who will appear at the foot of Mount Trazang is a hidden yogi who
practises the virtuous way, utterly in keeping with the teachings of the
secret mantra Mahyna. He will certainly protect the King of Gungthang
and his subjects, so do not despair, prince and lord of Tibet.
9! G
 6 !O GD"[ !+! 8 

09! +G
And so he spoke. This was the occasion in which the guru gave the
teaching called, The Self-liberation of Negative Emotions, that Dispels the
Suffering of the King.
de9 6
Then he spoke once more:
 8 N
 OJ ' A! 6
 h O ;   %J "O+o J ! /6  

9 !  O9P! G
O prince, because of your exceptional kindness toward your subjects,
with my blessing and compassion, I shall give refuge to your royal line
until the very end of the dregs of time. O prince, to you and your
subjects, I leave this final advice:


  H 6 t#"  O
   6  J ! O_
The noble and authentic divine lineage of clear light from Mutri Tsenpo
for as long as this family line continues, I shall hold constantly in my
a 0 
V"7 S
6 D     Rk k 6   ! =! "&&HP6 ;O 
\ 6  9a " D7  !b6
Do not listen to advice from manipulative friends or ministers whose
actions are evil. Maintain your civil laws according to the principles of
Dharma. People devoid of spiritual values, stubborn, cunning and
deceptive, will appear in this dark age; defeat them and uphold the law of

6 D"
G! "
6  "
O\ g" k 6
If your life is in danger, your power is being taken over, and king is
brought down to commoner, make the gods and spirits be your witness
and act to avert such crises.
; O d
A!*6 .O
=X! "6  O
In the dregs of time, because of my compassion for the King of
Gungthang, on the slope of the rock mountain, in a place shaped like a
heap of poisonous snakes, I leave the pith instructions that will protect
the princes descendants.
!O /!0 h %!Rk  !6  +! 
H9 6 d
D" " !H L6
Then, when human beings are engulfed by doubts, do not have wrong
views, follow my instructions, and the wishes of the King of Gungthang
will be fulfilled.
a D"  / b6
Kings who commit evil will not receive my protection.
9! G
So he spoke.

de9 6
The guru spoke again:
HS!` /"O G6  "O  "HS!6 ! PP   "
6 !

 6 8 6 9  6 a D" 6
Z" 6 Z
 6 ! O G
D " %
J6 H 
 LH6 70  /
9& 6 ! P`/ "& "H6
A time will come when the very last of the princes line at Mangyul
Gungthang will be protected by my terma. This will be a time when
suffering will come to Tibet, when sentient beings will encounter
everything they do not want. Above, the gods and demons will be thrown
into chaos and turmoil; below, the ngas and nyens will be thrown into
chaos; in between, the lords of the earth will be thrown into chaos; rulers
who perpetrate evil will be thrown into chaos; ordinary people will be
thrown into chaos; parents, siblings and childrenwhole familieswill be
thrown into chaos. This will be the time when the teaching of Buddha will
be reaching its end. The siddhis of the yidam deities will fade. kins and
dharmaplas will look away, and turn towards Mount Meru. The happiness
of sentient beings will have come to an end.
D"H  !
h 6
H9 S!`  a 6 ">? J !  ! !O G

6 O 
 ! "
 %P! G
King of Gungthang, patrons of the Dharma, ruler and subjects, carry out
my instructions and practise this treasure teaching. For this is when my
compassion, Padmas compassion, will come, ever more swift and strong.
Pray to me, constantly:
! 6 M*  !P`9
7 G6
emaho, nubchok dewachen gyi shyingkham su
Emaho! In Dewachen, Blissful pure realm of the west,
 %H J !+o H 6
nangwa tay tukj jinlab y
Amitbhas compassionate blessing was aroused,
 +o S!6

tulku pemajungn jinlab t

And he blessed his emanation, Padmasambhava,
O0 +6
dzambling du drow dn la jn
To come into this world to bring benefit to all beings.
0   ! "J !P6
dro dn gyn ch mep tukj chen
Compassionate one, you never cease to bring us help and well-being:
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

!#   6
gyalpo trisong detsen mench n
All the Dharma kings, from Trisong Detsen
chgyal dung gy ta la matongwar
Down to the very end of the royal line,
O G   ! "+` o 6
d sum gyn ch mepar jingyi lob
Throughout past, present, and future, know your constant blessing.
b kyi chkyong gyalp nyen chikpu
You are the only protection for rulers who follow the Dharma, as in Tibet.
D"  a /
J !P6

gyalpo chch kyongw tukj chen

Compassionate one, you safeguard the lands that practise Dharma:
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

CM"7  6
ku ni lhonub sinp kha nn dz
While your wisdom body subjugates the rakasas in the south-west,
J !   ! PH
& 6
tukj b kyi semchen yong la zik
You look on sentient beings everywhere with compassion,
" ! P=!" "6
marik lokp semchen drenp pal
Magnificent guide for sentient beings led astray by ignorance,
O  ! P%  O6
nynmong dul k semchen tab kyi dul
Skilfully you teach them, with their emotions so difficult to tame.
  ! "J !P6
ts dung gyn ch mep tukj chen
Compassionate one, your love is constant in its kindness and care:
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6

sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob

Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

;   %J"R]6
d ngen nyikm ta la tukp ts
Now, when this degenerate dark age reaches its final depths,

!  +6
nang r gong r b kyi dn la jn
At dawn and at dusk you come, for those who have devotion,
P S!+6
nyizer char d dang la chib t jn
Riding on the rays of the rising and the setting sun,
R] <O G
yarngo ts ch d su ng su jn
And on the tenth day of the waxing moon, you come in person.
0   !  "J !P6
dro dn tobchen dzep tukj chen
Compassionate one, you act with vast power to help beings:
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

D% A O ;  6

ngabgy tama tsd nyikma la

Now in this dark age, the age of conflict, the final era of five hundred
! P% P 8 
O 6
semchen tamch nynmong duk nga rak
The five poisons of the negative emotions grow more violent in all
sentient beings
 a 6
nynmong jol nyok duk nga ranggy ch
Recklessly we indulge in destructive emotions, and let the poisons
dominate our minds.
!=O B! =J ! / 6
dendr d na khy dr tukj kyob
At a time like this, let your compassion be our refuge and protection.
 % =!"J !P6
deden tori drenp tukj chen
Compassionate one, you lead those with devotion to the higher realms:
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

  "   %X 6

hor sok jikp mak gi ta kor n
When terrifying armies of oppression encircle us,
chkhor nyenpo jik la tukp ts

Menacing the great centres of the Dharma with destruction,

H 8 %!Rk  ! "  ! 6
yinyi tetsom mepar solwa deb
With no trace of doubt or hesitation we pray:
D!D 7` X6
orgyen lhasin d gy khor gyi kor
O Guru Rinpoche, with your retinue of eight classes of gods and demons,
g"%!Rk  ! 6
hor sok makpung dokpar tetsom m
You will repel aggressors and their armiesof this we have no doubt!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

! P " 
semchen gyul jikp n jung ts
When sickness strikes, to destroy the fragile bodies of sentient beings,
& [  8!"6
mi z dukngal n kyi nyenpa na
When diseases plunge us into unbearable suffering and agony,
H 8 %!Rk  ! "  ! 6
yinyi tetsom mepar solwa deb
With no trace of doubt or hesitation we pray:
 +! !  6
orgyen men gyi la dang yerm b

O Guru Rinpoche, embodiment of the Buddha of Medicine,

R]&  H 
! " !6
ts z mayin barch ngepar sel
You will remove the obstacles that bring untimely death!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

 < 8 "R]6
jungwa drar lang sach nyamp ts
When nature turns against us, and earths resources fail;
! Pt!  8!"6
semchen mug n kyi nyenpa na
When sentient beings are tormented by the plague of famine,
H 8 %!Rk  ! "  ! 6
yinyi tetsom mepar solwa deb
With no trace of doubt or hesitation we pray:
D 70Rk 
P 6
orgyen khandro norlh tsok dangch
O Guru Rinpoche, with all your kins and deities of prosperity,
,! X  !%!Rk  ! 6
ulpong trekom selwar tetsom m
You will dispel all deprivation, all hunger and thirstof this we have no
   ! 6

orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb

To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

 P0 OS! 6

lechen drow dndu ter dn na
When the destined revealers retrieve hidden treasures for the benefit of
R&& ! " " 
damtsik zolzok mep pading gi
Courageous and confident of our pure, unbroken samaya,
H 8 %!Rk  ! "  ! 6
yinyi tetsom mepar solwa deb
With no trace of doubt or hesitation we pray:
 +! ! " 6
orgyen yidam lha dang yerm p
O Guru Rinpoche, inseparable from our yidam deity,
ZNH "%!Rk  ! 6
pa nor bu yi lnpar tetsom m
You will ensure the true heirs receive their fathers treasureof this we
have no doubt.
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob

Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

   ! ; "R]6

b yul naktr wen sa nyokp ts
When travelling through hidden lands, forests and deserted places,
7 N\ '
khachar buyuk tsub shing lam gak na
When our way is blocked and we are cut off by storms, by rain and snow,
H 8 %!Rk  ! "  ! 6
yinyi tetsom mepar solwa deb
With no trace of doubt or hesitation we pray:
D9 8"7` X6
orgyen shyidak nyenp khor gyi kor
O Guru Rinpoche, surrounded by mighty local spirits,
    $=!"%!Rk  ! 6
chdz lam na drenpar tetsom m
You will lead us practitioners to the right pathof this we have no doubt!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

&  =! O !P6

tak zik dom dr dukdrul chewachen
When vicious wild animals menace ustigers, leopards, bears and
poisonous snakes,

@ ! "@

0 "R]6
trok chen jikp trang la drimp ts
On our way through terrifying passes, wild and desolate places,
H 8 %!Rk  ! "  ! 6
yinyi tetsom mepar solwa deb
With no trace of doubt or hesitation we pray:
D "

 P 6
orgyen pawo ging dang sungmar ch
O Guru Rinpoche, along with your gings, warriors and protectors,
O" ! P "%!Rk  ! 6
dukp semchen trpar tetsom m
You will drive off these ferocious creaturesof this we have no doubt!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

- !

sa chu m lung jungw barch kyi
When obstacles arise in earth, water, fire and air
gyul nyen ching jikp d jung ts
To threaten these illusory bodies of ours with destruction,
H 8 %!Rk  ! "  ! 6
yinyi tetsom mepar solwa deb
With no trace of doubt or hesitation we pray:

9H P 6
orgyen jungwa shyi yi lhamor ch
O Guru Rinpoche, with the goddesses of the four elements,

 9%!Rk  ! 6
jungwa rang sar shyiwar tetsom m
You will harmonize the elements into their natural stateof this we have
no doubt!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

0 "R]6
lamsang jikp trang la drimp ts
When travelling on dangerous routes,
 B!"  " 8!"6
s khyer jakpa chomp nyenpa na
If murderous bandits and robbers attack us,
H 8 %!Rk  ! "  ! 6
yinyi tetsom mepar solwa deb
With no trace of doubt or hesitation we pray:
orgyen chakgya shyi yi gongpar den
O Guru Rinpoche, through your realization of the four mudrs,
#    ! o"+! 6
tsau ra mig ngam sem lakpar j
You will dispel the terror of all brutality and greed.

   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

9'!     %X 6
gangshyik shem mak gi ta kor n
When faced by killers on all sides,
Rk h"  ! '
tsncha nnp deb shing nyenpa na
Who threaten us with lethal weapons,
H 8 %!Rk  ! "  ! 6
yinyi tetsom mepar solwa deb
With no trace of doubt or hesitation we pray:
"H 6
orgyen dorj gur dang denpa yi
O Guru Rinpoche, the protection of your vajra tent
'!  .! P
 Rk %b6
shema dr ching tsncha torwar gyur
Will cause killers to panic and weapons to be scattered.
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

 9R]&  O 
namshyik ts z chiw d jung ts
When this lifespan is exhausted, and we come to die,
 P [=" 8!"6
n ch dukngal drakp nyenpa na
If we are racked by the intense anguish and pain of dying,
H 8 %!Rk  ! "  ! 6
yinyi tetsom mepar solwa deb
With no trace of doubt or hesitation we pray:
 %H Y"!6
orgyen nangwa tay trulpa t
O Guru Rinpoche, as you are the emanation of Buddha Amitbha,
! "/!6
dewachen gyi shying du ngepar ky
It is certain we will be born in The Blissful pure realm of Dewachen:
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

 H"9" e6
gyul yarpo shyikp bardo ru
Once this borrowed and illusory body is destroyed in the bardo realm
trulnang nying trul dukngal nyenpa na

When our deluded experiences, and our further delusions, arise to make
us suffer,
H 8 %!Rk  ! "  ! 6
yinyi tetsom mepar solwa deb
With no trace of doubt or hesitation we pray:
DO G  B!"J !H 6
orgyen d sum khyenp tukj yi
O Guru Rinpoche, you who know past, present and future, through your

 0%!Rk  ! 6
trulnang rang sar drolwar tetsom m
You will let all delusion be self-liberatedof this we have no doubt!
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

shyenyang l dang kyen gyi wang gyur t
When we are overwhelmed by karma and circumstance,

trulnang ngpor shyen ching dukngal na
And suffer through grasping at delusion as real,
H 8 %!Rk  ! "  ! 6
yinyi tetsom mepar solwa deb
With no trace of doubt or hesitation we pray:

D ! !D"
orgyen dechen gyalp ngowo t
O Guru Rinpoche, King of Great Bliss,
["A  9"+! 6
dukngal trulpa tsen shyikpar j
You will utterly destroy the delusions that bring suffering.
   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!

0[ !" 8!"

dro druk dukngal chenp nyenpa dang
When beings of all six realms are tormented by immense pain,
B " !
khyepar b kyi jebang dukngal na
And especially when our leaders and people are engulfed in suffering,
d   "O
 ="H 6
d g mp dungshuk drakpo yi
With intense longing and devotion, from the depths of our hearts,
H 8 %!Rk  ! "  ! 6
yinyi tetsom mepar solwa deb
With no trace of doubt or hesitation we pray:
DJ ! Zb ! "& 6
orgyen tukj pogyur mepar zik
O Guru Rinpoche, with your unchanging, unwavering compassionwatch
over us!

   ! 6
orgyen pemajungn la solwa deb
To the Lotus-born Guru of Orgyen, we pray!
 "K` L"+` o 6
sampa lhn gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Grant your blessing, so all our wishes be spontaneously fulfilled!
9! G
 6  J A!  
S!H 9NN 

6 !   d " *
X+ 6 de
D`O9& 8&!P    6
So he spoke, and thinking of the prince with love, he gave him thirteen
pith instructions which are like wish-fulfilling jewels. The prince then
prostrated and circumambulated in devotion. Gazing towards Orgyen, the
guru departed, riding on a ray of the sun.
 t#" 8 


6 H 9NN 
9 ! 
P "
`. !
S!O 6 S!  ! 9P6
The prince Mutri Tsenpo concealed The Pith Instruction on Self-Liberation
of Negative Emotion, and The Pith Instructions akin to Wish-fulfilling
Jewels, along with The Final Advice in Mangyul as a terma in the rock
resembling a pile of jewels (Drak Rinchen Pung Dra). He entrusted it to
the treasure custodians, the four sisters of Si Lhamo. These were his
 9O  % 6
 "O 6 ,&
'  6  P/! N
R]6 !R] !H ! b 6  O

 /"'6 P! G
 6 w226v
When at the end of time, it is time for my royal line to suffer, on the
eastern slope of Mount Trazang a being with the karmic destiny will come.
Then let him find this, and let my line be protected!
 t#"9 6
Prince Mutri Tsenpo said:

 d "h 6 V CG `  !  !6 / V  =O  %6

My faithful and devoted people, recite The Prayer to the Three Kya
Guru whenever you recall the master, your refuge.
" !6  ="O G %6
Recite the prayer given to King Trisong Detsen, my father, in the
evening, the time of wrath.
" !6 %
D "O G %6
Recite the prayer given to Lady Tsogyal before first light, early in the
morning, the time of increase.
" !6  
9O G %6
Recite the prayer given to gelong Namkh Nyingpo at dawn, the time for
$ ^!O  G
" !6 
O G %6
Recite the prayer given to Nanam Dorj Dudjom in the afternoon, the
time for magnetizing and power.
" !6  d
t") %6
Recite the prayer given to Prince Mutri Tsenpo in the darkness of
" !6 8d
Recite the Sampa Lhundrupma, the prayer given to the King of
Gungthang, at midday, during rest.
a[`8O  %6
In general, recite these prayers whenever you feel threatened by
 D" O
6  \9a " P6 a
D % P = !6  de=  B6  
86 O O  "  %6
To me and my unbroken royal line, and to those with the good fortune of
acting according to Dharma, in general, all the buddhas are extremely

kind: in particular, the guru is inconceivably kind. So listen to my words,

the words of a king who protects the Dharma: pray to the guru
constantly, and with deep devotion.
P! G
 6 d
"  !  "KL 9! + 6  t#" e0 "D
6 S!  =!9 P6 w226v q226  H6 DDD6
These were his words. This prayer taught to the King of Gungthang, called
The Spontaneous Fulfilment of Wishes was concealed by Mutri Tsenpo in
the temple of Rulak Drampa Gyang. The terma custodian to whom he
entrusted it was Lhamo Dru Shynma.
"0 " S! SS!  !" ! PS   !" '
!  S!D6 D6 &D6 %6
In the Male Water Dragon Year (1352), Tulku Zangpo Drakpa took out the
terma from the temple of Rulak Drampa Gyang, and entrusted it to the
great vidyadhara Rigdzin Chenpo Gdem Truchen (1337-1408), who
deciphered it from the kin code.
| Rigpa Translation

   !    ! 

Barch Lamsel
The Prayer that Removes All Obstacles from the Path
A terma revealed by Orgyen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa
1234~cde">? f4~6
om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung
 %H   ! 6
chku nangwa tay la solwa deb
To the dharmakya Amitbha we pray!

CJ ! !"  ! 6
longku tukj chenpo la solwa deb
To the sabhogakyathe Great Compassionate Onewe pray!
   ! 6
tulku pema jungn la solwa deb
To the nirmakya Padmkara we pray!

dak gi lama ngotsar trulp ku
Wondrous emanation, master of mine,
%    6
gyagar yul du kutrung t sam dz
In India, you were born, you studied and you contemplated;
  N G9+=! " 6
byul su shyal jn drekpa tul
To the heart of Tibet you came, to subjugate its arrogant demons,
DOC 0   6
orgyen yul du kushyuk dro dn dz

In Orgyen you dwell, accomplishing the benefit of beings:

J !  +` o 6
tukj dak la jingyi lob
With your compassion, inspire us with your blessing!
A!     $=
tsew dak sok lam na drong
With your love, guide us and others along the path!

gongp dak la ngdrub tsol
With your realization, grant us siddhis!
M "      6
np dak sok barch sol
With your power, dispel the obstacles facing us all!
*H *e 6
chi yi barch chi ru sol
Outer obstaclesdispel them externally,

O 6
nang gi barch nang du sol
Inner obstaclesdispel them internally,

G 6
sangw barch ying su sol
Secret obstaclesdispel them into space!
d " *R/ G 6
gp chaktsal kyab su chi
In devotion, I pay homage and take refuge in you!
1234~cde">? f4~6
om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung

Gyalw Dungdzin1
 R %
ku yi ngotsar tongw ts
When we gaze on the wonder of your perfect form,
H " 0*D  6
yep raldri chakgya dz
Your right hand forms the mudr of the sword,
H" d "*D  6
ynp gukp chakgya dz
Your left in the mudr of summoning.
90  !# `!& 6
shyal dr chetsik gyen la zik
Your mouth held open, with fangs bared, you gaze up into the sky.
0 6
gyalw dungdzin drow gn
O Gyalw Dungdzin, Protector of Beings:

J !  +` o 6
tukj dak la jingyi lob
With your compassion, inspire us with your blessing!
A!     $=
tsew dak sok lam na drong
With your love, guide us and others along the path!

gongp dak la ngdrub tsol
With your realization, grant us siddhis!
M "      6
np dak sok barch sol

With your power, dispel the obstacles facing us all!

*H *e 6
chi yi barch chi ru sol
Outer obstaclesdispel them externally,

O 6
nang gi barch nang du sol
Inner obstaclesdispel them internally,

G 6
sangw barch ying su sol
Secret obstaclesdispel them into space!
d " *R/ G 6
gp chaktsal kyab su chi
In devotion, I pay homage and take refuge in you!
1234~cde">? f4~6
om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung
Maw Seng
   ! "R]6
damch rinchen senp ts
When hearing the priceless teachings of Dharma,
C  &!

ku sal zer dang dangden
Your body shines with a dazzling radiance of light,
*H !$ !  $ 6
chak y den lekbam nam
In your right hand, volumes of the tripiaka,
H" m"$ 6
ynp purp puti nam
In your left, the texts of Klaya.

&   h J G- 6

zabm ch nam tuk su ch
All these profound teachings have infused your mind,
!' "S6
yanglesh kyi pandita
O Paita of Yanglesh:

J !  +` o 6
tukj dak la jingyi lob
With your compassion, inspire us with your blessing!
A!     $=
tsew dak sok lam na drong
With your love, guide us and others along the path!

gongp dak la ngdrub tsol
With your realization, grant us siddhis!
M "      6
np dak sok barch sol
With your power, dispel the obstacles facing us all!
*H *e 6
chi yi barch chi ru sol
Outer obstaclesdispel them externally,

O 6
nang gi barch nang du sol
Inner obstaclesdispel them internally,

G 6
sangw barch ying su sol
Secret obstaclesdispel them into space!

d " *R/ G 6

gp chaktsal kyab su chi
In devotion, I pay homage and take refuge in you!
1234~cde">? f4~6
om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung
Kychok Tsul Zang
P S "R]6
damchen dam la takp ts
When placing under oath the protectors who abide by their vows
= !   8 ! 6
drim n chok nyam r ga
In that supreme place of power, immaculate and enchanting,
D   R G6
gyagar byul satsam su
On the very border of India and Tibet,
+` o  +"R]6
jingyi lab n jnp ts
You grant your blessing, and as soon as you arrive
drisung p ng denp ri
The mountain becomes fragrant, a sweet scent wafting through the air,
!S">? dH
metok pema gn yang ky
Even in winter lotus flowers bloom,
- +
-O A-6
chumik changchub dtsi chu
And springs cascade with the nectar of bodhicitta.
 ! !H   6

deden d yi n chok tu
In this supreme and sacred place, inundated with bliss,
/!  \&
kyechok tsul zang chg sol
O Kychok Tsul Zang, clad in Dharma robes,
*H ^!A! d$ 6
chak y dorj ts gu nam
Your right hand wielding a nine-spoked vajra,
H"  !& S6
ynp rinchen zama tok
Your left holding a jewelled casket
O A 
OS 6
rakta dtsi nang du tam
Brimful of the elixir of rakta.
70 P S 6
khandro damchen dam la tak
You bind under oath the kins and guardians who keep their pledges,
H 9& 
 L! 6
yidam shyalzik ngdrub ny
And you attain the siddhi of beholding the yidam deity face to face:

J !  +` o 6
tukj dak la jingyi lob
With your compassion, inspire us with your blessing!
A!     $=
tsew dak sok lam na drong
With your love, guide us and others along the path!


gongp dak la ngdrub tsol

With your realization, grant us siddhis!
M "      6
np dak sok barch sol
With your power, dispel the obstacles facing us all!
*H *e 6
chi yi barch chi ru sol
Outer obstaclesdispel them externally,

O 6
nang gi barch nang du sol
Inner obstaclesdispel them internally,

G 6
sangw barch ying su sol
Secret obstaclesdispel them into space!
d " *R/ G 6
gp chaktsal kyab su chi
In devotion, I pay homage and take refuge in you!
1234~cde">? f4~6
om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung
Dkyi Shchen
D" "R]6
gyalw tenpa tsukp ts
When you establish the teaching of the buddhas,
H "  6
yari nak la drubpa dz
And practise in the Slate Mountain forest,
;!m  7 +
nyenpur namkh ying su par

Your phurba of approach soars into the wide open sky.

^!*D V
dorj chakgy lang shing dril
You catch it with the vajra mudr, roll it
# GZ
dril shying tsenden nak su pang
Between your hands and hurl it into the Sandalwood Forest,
! '
X! 6
mebar truk shing tso yang kem
Which bursts into flames, evaporating its lake.
! 6
sib kyi mutek sa gang sek
In an instant, you burn the land of the trthikas to ashes,
yaksha nakpo dul du lak
And crush their dark yaka lords into dust.
0`  ! O '! 6
dren gyi dom d kyi sh
O peerless Dkyi Shchen:

J !  +` o 6
tukj dak la jingyi lob
With your compassion, inspire us with your blessing!
A!     $=
tsew dak sok lam na drong
With your love, guide us and others along the path!

gongp dak la ngdrub tsol

With your realization, grant us siddhis!

M "      6
np dak sok barch sol
With your power, dispel the obstacles facing us all!
*H *e 6
chi yi barch chi ru sol
Outer obstaclesdispel them externally,

O 6
nang gi barch nang du sol
Inner obstaclesdispel them internally,

G 6
sangw barch ying su sol
Secret obstaclesdispel them into space!
d " *R/ G 6
gp chaktsal kyab su chi
In devotion, I pay homage and take refuge in you!
1234~cde">? f4~6
om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung
Dzam Ling Gyen Chok
"7  "R]6
sinp khann dzep ts
When overpowering the rakasas,
YC  P6
khy'u chung tulk chaluk chen
You appear as a youth in nirmakya garb,
H R_ &
7 ! 6
yatsen zuk zang khadok lek
Your amazing, beautiful form, with its lovely hue,

R] 0  N ! ] 6

tsem drik utra ser la dz
Perfect teeth and golden hair, gorgeous
gunglo chudruk lnp tsul
Like a youth of sixteen years,
 !D $Rk  6
rinchen gyencha natsok sol
Wearing all the jewel ornaments.
*H 7m"$ 6
chak y kharw purpa nam
Your right hand grips a phurba of bronze,
"7  6
d dang sinp khann dz
Subjugating mras and rakasas.
H"  !
m"$ 6
ynp sengdeng purpa nam
Your left hand holds a phurba of teak,
/  6
mp bu la sung kyob dz
Granting protection to your devoted sons and daughters,
d m"$ 6
gul na chak kyi purpa nam
Around your neck you wear a phurba of iron
8 G ! 6
yidam lha dang nyisum
You and the yidam deity are insepararble,
8  ! YC 
nyim tulku dzamling gyen

O Dzam Ling Gyen Chok, manifestation of non-duality:

J !  +` o 6
tukj dak la jingyi lob
With your compassion, inspire us with your blessing!
A!     $=
tsew dak sok lam na drong
With your love, guide us and others along the path!

gongp dak la ngdrub tsol
With your realization, grant us siddhis!
M "      6
np dak sok barch sol
With your power, dispel the obstacles facing us all!
*H *e 6
chi yi barch chi ru sol
Outer obstaclesdispel them externally,

O 6
nang gi barch nang du sol
Inner obstaclesdispel them internally,

G 6
sangw barch ying su sol
Secret obstaclesdispel them into space!
d " *R/ G 6
gp chaktsal kyab su chi
In devotion, I pay homage and take refuge in you!
1234~cde">? f4~6
om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung

dr yi yul du gongp ts
When you choose to go to the 'Land of Phantoms',
'  96
mepung sh kyi sashyi la
The ground on which the blazing pyre is lit

da gyang gang gi tso nang du
Turns into a lake, the width of an arrow shot,
O  =6
pem tengdu sil sil dra
Where, on a lotus blossom, you appear, cool and sparkling.
"  6
pem nang na gongpa dz
Within the lotus, you display your realization
 9! 6
tsen yang pema jungn shy
And win the name of Pemajungn, Lotus-born.
E "
dzokp sangye ng su jn
You come in person as a completely realized buddha
dendr tulku yatsen chen
O wondrous nirmakya, such as you:

J !  +` o 6
tukj dak la jingyi lob

With your compassion, inspire us with your blessing!

A!     $=
tsew dak sok lam na drong
With your love, guide us and others along the path!

gongp dak la ngdrub tsol
With your realization, grant us siddhis!
M "      6
np dak sok barch sol
With your power, dispel the obstacles facing us all!
*H *e 6
chi yi barch chi ru sol
Outer obstaclesdispel them externally,

O 6
nang gi barch nang du sol
Inner obstaclesdispel them internally,

G 6
sangw barch ying su sol
Secret obstaclesdispel them into space!
d " *R/ G 6
gp chaktsal kyab su chi
In devotion, I pay homage and take refuge in you!
1234~cde">? f4~6
om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung
Khypar Pakp Rigdzin
 8   "R]6
b kyi nyima dzep ts
When you shine as the sun over Tibet,

0=!" "6
deden drowa drenp pal
An awe-inspiring guide for any with devotion in their hearts,

OC 6
gang la gang dul kur ten n
You display whatever forms each being needs to be tamed.
7H% 6
tsang khala yi la tok tu
High up on the Khala mountain pass in Tsang,
0 !;! S 6
dralh genyen dam la tak
You place the genyen of the dralas under oath.
RR' O6
yul ni tsaw tsash du
Down in the valley of Tsawarong,
H !;!=! "P6
lha yi genyen drekpachen
It was the arrogant genyen of the gods,
8AP S 6
nyishu tsachik dam la tak
Twenty-one of them, you make swear fealty.

 !H+ lO6
mangyul d yi jamtrin du
In Mangyul, at Jamtrin,
gelong shyi la ngdrub nang
You grant siddhis to the four bhikus.
B "Z " 6
khyepar pakp rigdzin chok

O supreme Khypar Pakp Rigdzin:

J !  +` o 6
tukj dak la jingyi lob
With your compassion, inspire us with your blessing!
A!     $=
tsew dak sok lam na drong
With your love, guide us and others along the path!

gongp dak la ngdrub tsol
With your realization, grant us siddhis!
M "      6
np dak sok barch sol
With your power, dispel the obstacles facing us all!
*H *e 6
chi yi barch chi ru sol
Outer obstaclesdispel them externally,

O 6
nang gi barch nang du sol
Inner obstaclesdispel them internally,

G 6
sangw barch ying su sol
Secret obstaclesdispel them into space!
d " *R/ G 6
gp chaktsal kyab su chi
In devotion, I pay homage and take refuge in you!
1234~cde">? f4~6
om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung

Dzutrul Thuchen
" %
palmo tang gi pal tang du
On Palmotangs plain of glory
 <8  S 6
tenma chunyi dam la tak
You give the twelve tenma goddesses their binding oath.
 7% 6
byul khal la tok tu
Up on the Khala pass of Central Tibet,

 ' !  S 6
gangkar sham dam la tak
You bind the white snow goddess Gangkar Sham under oath.
 ' N;

damsh lhab nying drung du
In the marshlands of Damsh before Mount Lhabi Nying,
H  S 6
tanglha yarshy dam la tak
You swear Thangla Yarshu to a solemn vow.

hepori yi yang gong du
High up, on the peak of Mount Hpori,
% P  S 6
lhasin tamch dam la tak
You place all the devas and rakasas under oath:
!=!% P  6
chew lha dr tamch kyi
And out of all these great gods and demons,

lal sok gi nyingpo pul
Some offer up the very essence of their life force,
+ 6
lal tenpa sungwar j
Some are turned into guardians of the teachings,
 .O7 V
+ 6
lal dren du khelang j
Others take the pledge to act as your servants.
 " !6
tu dang dzutrul tobpo ch
O mighty Dzutrul Thuchen:

J !  +` o 6
tukj dak la jingyi lob
With your compassion, inspire us with your blessing!
A!     $=
tsew dak sok lam na drong
With your love, guide us and others along the path!

gongp dak la ngdrub tsol
With your realization, grant us siddhis!
M "      6
np dak sok barch sol
With your power, dispel the obstacles facing us all!
*H *e 6
chi yi barch chi ru sol
Outer obstaclesdispel them externally,

O 6
nang gi barch nang du sol
Inner obstaclesdispel them internally,

G 6
sangw barch ying su sol
Secret obstaclesdispel them into space!
d " *R/ G 6
gp chaktsal kyab su chi
In devotion, I pay homage and take refuge in you!
1234~cde">? f4~6
om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung
Dorj Drakpo Tsal
"  "6
dampa ch kyi tenpa ni
When you plant the teachings of the sublime Dharma,
D RN "R]6
gyaltsen tabur tsukp ts
As if hoisting a victory banner,
 H  9!
K` L6
samy mashyeng lhn gyi drub
Samy is completed spontaneously, with no need to be built,
" %*  6
gyalp gongpa tarchin dz
And the entire vision of the king is fulfilled.
/!  G ` RH
kyechok sum gyi tsen yang sol
Then, you bore the names of three supreme beings
 9! 6

chik ni pema jungn shy

One was Padmkara, Lotus-born,
P">? 6
chik ni pema sambhava
One was Padmasambhava,
P Rk/! ^!9! 6
chik ni tsoky dorj shy
And one was Tsoky Dorj, the Lake-born Vajra.

sang tsen dorj drakpo tsal
O Dorj Drakpo Tsal, now we invoke you by your secret name:

J !  +` o 6
tukj dak la jingyi lob
With your compassion, inspire us with your blessing!
A!     $=
tsew dak sok lam na drong
With your love, guide us and others along the path!

gongp dak la ngdrub tsol
With your realization, grant us siddhis!
M "      6
np dak sok barch sol
With your power, dispel the obstacles facing us all!
*H *e 6
chi yi barch chi ru sol
Outer obstaclesdispel them externally,

O 6

nang gi barch nang du sol

Inner obstaclesdispel them internally,

G 6
sangw barch ying su sol
Secret obstaclesdispel them into space!
d " *R/ G 6
gp chaktsal kyab su chi
In devotion, I pay homage and take refuge in you!
1234~cde">? f4~6
om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung
Kalden Drendz
 H   m"  6
samy chimpur drubpa dz
When you practise at Samy Chimphu,

kyen ngen dok ching ngdrub nang
You repel all harmful circumstances, and grant siddhis.
!V%"  6
jeln tarp lam la k
You set the king and ministers on the path to liberation,
 _ `" 6
dn zuk bn gyi tenpa nub
Destroying those teachings of the Bnpos that conjure evil spirits,
 C= !  !6
chku drim rinchen ten
And showing the dharmakya, precious and immaculate.
D   6
kalden sangye sa la k

O Kalden Drendz, you lead us fortunate ones to buddhahood:

J !  +` o 6
tukj dak la jingyi lob
With your compassion, inspire us with your blessing!
A!     $=
tsew dak sok lam na drong
With your love, guide us and others along the path!

gongp dak la ngdrub tsol
With your realization, grant us siddhis!
M "      6
np dak sok barch sol
With your power, dispel the obstacles facing us all!
*H *e 6
chi yi barch chi ru sol
Outer obstaclesdispel them externally,

O 6
nang gi barch nang du sol
Inner obstaclesdispel them internally,

G 6
sangw barch ying su sol
Secret obstaclesdispel them into space!
d " *R/ G 6
gp chaktsal kyab su chi
In devotion, I pay homage and take refuge in you!
1234~cde">? f4~6
om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung

Raksha Ttreng
! DO+6
den orgyen yul du jn
Then you leave, and for the land of Orgyen,
"7  6
danta sinp khann dz
Where now you subjugate the rakasa demons;
 bH R !6
mi l lhak gyur yatsen ch
Great wondersurpassing any human being,
a " 

 R !6
chpa mejung ngotsar ch
Great marvelin your phenomenal enlightened actions,
 " !6
tu dang dzutrul tobpo ch
Great mightwith all your miraculous powers:

J !  +` o 6
tukj dak la jingyi lob
With your compassion, inspire us with your blessing!
A!     $=
tsew dak sok lam na drong
With your love, guide us and others along the path!

gongp dak la ngdrub tsol
With your realization, grant us siddhis!
M "      6
np dak sok barch sol

With your power, dispel the obstacles facing us all!

*H *e 6
chi yi barch chi ru sol
Outer obstaclesdispel them externally,

O 6
nang gi barch nang du sol
Inner obstaclesdispel them internally,

G 6
sangw barch ying su sol
Secret obstaclesdispel them into space!
d " *R/ G 6
gp chaktsal kyab su chi
In devotion, I pay homage and take refuge in you!
1234~cde">? f4~6
om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung
Guru Dechen Gyalpo
J 0=!" "6
ku sung tukden drowa drenp pal
Endowed with wisdom body, speech and mind, you are our glorious
7 G  ! B!6
dribpa kn pang kham sum saler khyen
You have freed yourself of obscurations, and so know the three realms
with vivid clarity;

 L !  ! ! C6
ngdrub chok ny dechen chok gi ku
You have attained the supreme siddhi, and so possess the supreme body
of great bliss;

! " !6
changchub drubp barch ngepar sel
All the obstacles to our enlightenmenteliminate them for good!

J !  +` o 6
tukj dak la jingyi lob
With your compassion, inspire us with your blessing!
A!     $=
tsew dak sok lam na drong
With your love, guide us and others along the path!

gongp dak la ngdrub tsol
With your realization, grant us siddhis!
M "      6
np dak sok barch sol
With your power, dispel the obstacles facing us all!
*H *e 6
chi yi barch chi ru sol
Outer obstaclesdispel them externally,

O 6
nang gi barch nang du sol
Inner obstaclesdispel them internally,

G 6
sangw barch ying su sol
Secret obstaclesdispel them into space!
d " *R/ G 6
gp chaktsal kyab su chi
In devotion, I pay homage and take refuge in you!

1234~cde">? f4~6
om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung
1234~cde">?% @!
Ac  H3 fZ4~126
om ah hung benza guru pema ttreng tsal benza samaya dza
siddhi pala hung a
9! "
A .O  Y"S! !"D b ! !
" g87
 " !"9  a=
J  : !`9 ;
H 9N  *  ! "7O
This is the outer practice of prayer that comes from the Commentary on
the Essence Manual of Instructions: the Wish-fulfilling Jewel in The Heart
Practice of the Master: Dispelling All ObstaclesLam Tukdrup Barch
Kunselthe revelation discovered from below the foot of the Great
Awesome One at the Danyin Khala Rongo rock by the great treasure
revealer Orgyen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, who appeared in this age of
 "% P 8!99
 !!  % P H
May this prayer become the cause for pacifying completely all the
obstacles and degeneration for both the teachings and beings, and
accomplishing all the aims of virtue and goodness! Magala!
| Rigpa Translations, 2013.
1. In the practice associated with this prayer, Guru Rinpoche appears as
Orgyen Ttreng Tsal, surrounded by his twelve emanations: Gyalw
Dungdzin, Maw Seng, Kychok Tsulzang, Dkyi Shchen, Dzamling
Gyenchok, Pemajungn, Khypar Pakp Rigdzin, Dzutrul Tuchen, Dorj
Drakpo Tsal, Kalden Drendz, Raksha Ttreng, and Dechen Gyalpo.

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