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How do you think the Federal Reserve ended

up owning a shopping mall and controlling
loans to luxury hotels?

Listen to the first part of the report and find

out why the Fed bought $75 billion of troubled
financial products.

Listen to the next part of the report and answer these questions:
1 How does David Zervos describe the Maiden Lane assets?
2 What does the portfolio contain?
3 In what ways is the Fed now like a high street bank?
4 What is the Fed planning to do with the Crossroads Mall?

The portfolio also contains credit-default swaps. What are they? Listen to the next part of the
report and check your ideas.

Listen to the final part of the report and answer these questions:
1 How does the president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank explain the Fed stepping in like it
2 Why is all this important to the average American?
3 What has been the biggest change for the Fed as a result of acquiring these assets?
Now read the article below about the fund and suggest words for the gaps.

BusinessWeek Mutual Inc. and Countrywide

Financial Corp., loans that
April 2010
were made with limited
Fed Reveals Assets borrower documentation.

After months of litigation and The Bear Stearns assets

political scrutiny, the Federal include bets against the credit
Reserve yesterday ended of bond insurers such as
a policy of secrecy over its MBIA Inc., Financial Security
Bear Stearns Cos. bailout. Assurance Holdings Ltd. and
a unit of Ambac Financial
The Fed’s vehicle known Group, putting the Fed in
as Maiden Lane LLC has the position of wagering
________________ backed companies will stop paying
by mortgages from lenders their ____________.
including Washington
The Fed disclosed that known as Maiden Lane II and for JPMorgan, and Mark
some of Maiden Lane’s III. Herr, a spokesman for AIG,
assets were portions of declined to comment.
commercial ___________ for Assets in Maiden Lane
hotels, including Short Hills II totaled $34.8 billion, Bloomberg filed suit in
Hilton LLC in New Jersey, according to the Fed, which November 2008 in U.S.
Hilton Hawaiian Village set their current market value District Court in New York,
LLC in Hawaii, and Hilton in its weekly balance sheet challenging the Fed’s denial,
of Malaysia LLC, in addition at $15.3 billion. That means as well as the denial of a
to securities backed by Maiden Lane II assets are separate request made in
residential mortgages. worth 44 cents on the dollar, May 2008, seeking records
or 44 percent of their face of four other emergency
The ______________ also value, according to the Fed. ______________ programs.
includes $618.9 million
of securities backed by Maiden Lane III, which has The district court held that
Countrywide, mortgages $56 billion of assets at face the Fed should release
now rated CCC, eight value, is worth $22.1 billion, documents related to those
levels below investment or 39 cents on the dollar, four programs, and should
grade. All the underlying according to the Fed’s search documents held by
loans are adjustable-rate weekly _______________ the New York regional bank
mortgages, with about 88 sheet. A similar calculation to determine whether any of
percent requiring only limited for the Bear Stearns portfolio them should be considered
borrower documentation, couldn’t be made because records of the board of
according to Bloomberg of outstanding derivatives governors.
data. About 33.6 percent of trades.
the borrowers are at least The U.S. Court of Appeals on
60 days late. Countrywide is “The Federal Reserve March 19 upheld the district
now part of Charlotte, North recognizes the importance of court’s ruling on the lending
Carolina-based Bank of transparency to its financial programs.
America Corp. stability efforts and will
continue to review disclosure Representative Darrell
Maiden Lane has $19.5 practices with the goal of Issa of California said in a
million of securities from a making additional information statement that yesterday’s
series of collateralized debt publicly available when disclosure may “signal a new
obligations called Tropic possible,” the New York Fed willingness to cooperate with
CDO that are backed by said in yesterday’s statement. Congress as we investigate
trust preferred securities how these ____________
of community banks and The central bank said it deals were structured and
thrifts. CDOs are investment reached agreement on what the decision making
pools made up of a variety of “issues of confidentiality” for process entailed.”
____________ that provide a the assets with JPMorgan
flow of cash. Chase, which bought Bear
Stearns in 2008, and AIG.
Yesterday’s release by the New York-based JPMorgan
Fed, through its New York and AIG would incur the first
regional bank, also identified losses on the portfolios.
securities acquired in the
bailout of AIG held in vehicles Joe Evangelisti, a spokesman
Teacher’s notes
Total pages 3 / student pages 2 / week of 26.04.10 / CD track 4 / advanced (C1)
Gapfill Words in order of appearance:
securities - debts - loans - portfolio - assets - balance - lending - bailout
Part 1
MELISSA BLOCK, host: Now, the mystery of Maiden Lane. That’s the name the Federal Reserve gave to $75 billion of
troubled financial products. It bought those products from Bear Stearns and AIG to save the companies from collapse.
But in the nearly two years it’s owned the package, the central bank has refused to say what exactly is in it - until last
week, when the Fed opened its Maiden Lane books. Chana Joffe-Walt, with our Planet Money team, took a look inside.
Part 2
CHANA JOFFE-WALT: David Zervos is one of those guys who writes a report every time the central bank coughs.
He’s an equity strategist with Jefferies and Company. And usually his reports are pretty technical. Not the report on the
Maiden Lane assets. It announced: To say this portfolio is a pile of junk is being unkind to junk.
Dr. DAVID ZERVOS (Head, Global Fixed Income Strategy, Jefferies and Company): It was just unbelievable. However,
Wall Street decided to cut up and dice up and slice up all the risk on all these different loans. It’s all there. It’s disturbing.
JOFFE-WALT: What’s all there? Loans to luxury hotels in Malaysia, Hawaii, Trinidad, the Orchard Hotel in Baton Rouge,
the Civic Opera House in Chicago. Spring 2008, Bear Stearns was on the brink. JP Morgan was interested in taking
over the company but did not want these assets. So the Fed told JP Morgan: OK, you take Bear; we will take the toxic
assets. And in that moment, the Fed went from being a boring, button-up-shirt central bank to a bank that now receives
mortgage payments every month from American homeowners and Hiltons in Hawaii and Malaysia. I talked to Vincent
Reinhart, with the American Enterprise Institute, about this. Now, that’s a strange position for the Fed to be in.
Mr. VINCENT REINHART (American Enterprise Institute): You know what’s even stranger? What would happen if one
of those entities actually failed, that it stopped making payments? The Federal Reserve could wind up owning a hotel in
an airport or a hotel out, you know, overlooking a golf course.
JOFFE-WALT: As Reinhart says this, I point out that on page 24, it does look like there’s one asset that has already
failed: Crossroads Mall.
Mr. REINHART: Yeah, it owns it. REO means real estate owned.
JOFFE-WALT: So the Fed owns that mall?
Unidentified Woman: Thank you for calling the Crossroads Mall shopping line. If you know the name of the store you
are interested in...
JOFFE-WALT: The Fed’s mall has a Chick-fil-A, an AMC theater, and an annoying phone directory. This month, it is
some guy’s job to sell the mall for the Federal Reserve.
Part 3
Deeper into the pages of Maiden Lane, there are credit-default swaps. Credit-default swaps are basically a bet on the
success of an investment. And the Fed has swaps on the state of California, Nevada. In one case, the Fed is in the
unlikely position of betting against a Florida school district - meaning, if the district can’t make good on its debt, the Fed
makes money.
Mr. REINHART: It’s mind-bending, isn’t it?
JOFFE-WALT: It is a little mind-bending.
Part 4
Mr. REINHART: So actually, you should have the image of Chairman Ben Bernanke flying to a speaking engagement.
And he could look out the window and look down and say: Boy, I own a piece of that, I own a piece of that, I own a piece
of that. And that’s the way the Fed’s balance sheet is right now.
Mr. WILLIAM DUDLEY (President, New York Federal Reserve): Well, we’re not happy about this. You know, these were
special circumstances.
JOFFE-WALT: This is not Ben Bernanke, but close - William Dudley. He’s president of the New York Federal Reserve
Bank. We talked to him yesterday. And imagine you’re him. You came into your job thinking: OK, central bank president,
invest in one boring thing, U.S. treasuries, not the wildest creations Wall Street ever dreamed up.
Mr. DUDLEY: I did not expect, as president of the New York Federal Reserve, that I’d be having to worry about a mall
in Oklahoma City.
JOFFE-WALT: The Fed didn’t go into these investments blindly or without reason. Dudley says everyone truly believed
that it would be financial Armageddon if they didn’t step in. And the Fed’s an independent entity. It can do what it
wants. But there are two big reasons this all matters to us. Every week, the Federal Reserve hands over profits to the
government. So gambling on toxic assets could mean less for us. Second, to buy up all this junk, the Fed essentially
had to create money. Creating money often leads to inflation - bad for you and me. So far, neither of these things has
happened. The biggest change has simply been one of identity, a transformation from a boring central bank to more of
a regular bank. And actually not just a regular bank, but a pretty risky one.

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