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Chapter 1

This chapter revolves around the players finding the pillar in the 3 rd cave.

1st Cave Information

Room 5
6 x Medium Spiders (DMG, Page 288)
Armour: Breastplate (200 gp).
Shields: +1 Shield, heavy steel (1,170 gp).
Goods: Red-brown spinel (90 gp); White pearl (80 gp).
Currency: 600 gp.

Room 6
1 x Aranea (DMG, Page 15)
3 x Small Spiders (DMG, Page 288)
Weapons: Crossbow, heavy, Masterwork (350 gp).
Armour: Chain shirt (100 gp).
Shields: Shield, light wooden, Masterwork (153 gp).
Goods: Everburning Torch (110 gp).
Currency: 800 gp.

2nd Cave Information

Room 1
This room has a fire in the middle with a wolf slowly roasting on the top. Around the
fire site 2 Hobbes who are half guarding/half eating. In the corners sits a small bed
and sacks.
2 x Hobbe Leader (Lvl 3)
Goods: Rich purple corundum (1,300 gp); Zircon (50 gp); Tourmaline (90 gp); Lapis
lazuli (12 gp).
Currency: 4000 sp.

Room 2
This room has a fire in the middle with a wolf slowly roasting on the top. Around the
fire site 4 Hobbes who are half guarding/half eating. In the corners sits a small bed
and sacks.
3 x Hobbe Spellcasters (Lvl 1)
1 x Hobbe Leader (Lvl 3)
Weapons: Shortspear, Masterwork (301 gp).
Armor: Chain shirt (100 gp); Banded mail (250 gp).
Goods: Crowbar (2 gp).
Currency: 500 gp.

Room 3

This room has a hire going in the centre with a pot on top. Around the pot a hobbe
appears to be creating dinner with another watching on in the far corner. In the
north east corner a small passageway exists that is about 4 foot high and 5 foot
long. The hobbe that is sitting appears to be sitting on a chest of medium size.
1 x Hobbe Spellcaster (Lvl 4)
1 x Hobbe Leader (Lvl 2)
Goods: Cloth of gold vestments (80 gp); Old masterpiece painting (900 gp); Gold
and ruby ring (6,000 gp); Solid gold idol (10 lb.) (1,000 gp).
Currency: 300 gp.

Room 4
This chamber is slightly muddy and you can see water dripping from the ceiling and
down the walls. Around the room you can see the bodies of 4 hobbes each with a
sack that they appeared to be carrying. When the PCs move into the room a large
elemental rises and attacks.
1 x Large Earth Elemental (DMG, Page 97)
Goods: Golden yellow topaz (200 gp); Citrine (30 gp); Moss agate (10 gp).
Magic: Wondrous: Hat of Disguise (1,800 gp).
Currency: 2000 sp.

3rd Cave Information

Room 1 Entrance

In the entrance to this cave the PCs notice that it has been shaped out to form
reasonably straight walls. The entrance is 60 feet long. 30 feet into the entrance sits
a Hail of Needles Trap.

Trap: CR 3, Atk +20 (2d4); Search DC 22; Disable Device DC 22.

Room 2 Pool
This clear fresh water sources from a spring underneath, it is cool and very
refreshing but other than that it has no properties.

Room 3 Storeroom 1

This room looks slightly cleaned up and contains some food stuff (enough to get by
for a week or so for a few people)

Room 4 Storeroom 2
This room contains some old smashed crates in the corner.
1x Dire Rat

Room 5 Kitchen

This looks to be a kitchen, there are a few bits and pieces of food and cutlery
around which looks recently used.

Room 6 Foyer
2 x Rogues (Lvl 2)
2 x Fighters Melee (Lvl 2)
2 x Fighters Ranged (Lvl 2)
Armor: +2 Studded leather (4,175 gp).
Goods: Azurite (6 gp); Deep blue spinel (600 gp); Deep blue spinel (400 gp); Golden
yellow topaz (600 gp).
Currency: 400 gp.

Room 7 Bedchambers

This looks to be bedchamber; it has a small bed and dresser which looks pretty run
down. After the PCs engage the other bandits a main guy in this room will come out
and attempt to stop the battle and is willing to run away.
1 x Fighter (Lvl 4)

Room 8 Secret Chamber

This room glows a light blue and in the centre sits a pillar with writing all around it
then glows a soft white. When the PCs have entered and taken a quick look a
ghostly figure of a little girl floats through the back wall and says Brave ones, it is
said that the ones who find this chamber are destined for greatness. An opportunity
will arise for you to make a difference to the world and bring a light long forgotten
back. Seek out the one who can read the script for only then the path will open. But
beware for one seeks to betray you and seeks the glory for the wrong reasons. Until
we meet again fair ones She then fades away into nothing.

Room 9 Empty Chamber

Room 10 Empty Chamber
Room 11 Torture Chamber
This room is empty (now) except for a broken table.

Room 12 Prison Chambers

These 6 chambers are each barred of with metal gates. The gates are all open
currently and only the bodies of 2 skeletons remain in the 1 st and 2nd cells. If the
PCs look carefully they will notice a ring is on the 2 nd skeletons hand (Search DC 12,
Spot DC 16).
Ring of Energy Resistance (Electricity)

Chapter 2
This chapter sets the scene for discovering the location of Caleb in order for him to
decipher the pillar script. With Caleb still under the effect of feeblemind the PCs are
told that either Jerry or Ash who were companions of Caleb may have some
information that may help. Then the PCs need to hunt them down to find out what
they know.
Finding the Betrayers
When the PCs return to Oakvale and update Kara she thinks about it overnight then
comes back and says that she knows of one of the betrayers who may be able to
help (Caleb). He was last heard of being at the Heroes Guild but nobody has heard
of him since. She hires the PCs to go to the Heroes Guild and speak with the
Guildmaster to locate Caleb, and then they are to track him down and find out how
much it will cost to hire his services then go to Bowerstone to meet with Kara so she
can negotiate cost. During this the PCs are not to tell anyone about what they have
found and merely to mention they have some text that they would like to have read.
When the PCs get to Heroes Guild they find the guild is a very ordered structure
place and they can only see the Guildmaster if they pay a 5gp toll. The Guildmaster
is quite an old man now and the PCs are taken to meet him. He waves the guards
away and asks them what he can do for them. He is quite helpful and is willing to
tell them about Caleb and his problem. He suggests that he has no solution as he is
carefully guarded and cannot perform the studies he once did. But he suggests that
the PCs should visit some old students of his who may be able to help them with
knowledge or advice. He says there are 2 students Ash and Jerry who they would
know as the betrayers but this is a false story and they are great heroes. Both have
gone into hiding but he keeps in contact, Jerry will be the easier to find as he
doesnt move around much and may not be of much help in curing but will know
how to get into contact with Ash faster than he would. Ash is probably the best
person to find in order to cure Caleb but even she hasnt been successful so far but
may know of some information that you could use.

Jerry can be found in the west, he has setup a small home in the base of the
mountains (Guildmaster is able to give directions), you suggests that you be careful
as Jerry isnt the same person he once was due to all the problems that he has had
to face, but if they approach in a friendly manner he will be reasonable enough. The
Guildmaster suggests they head to a small farm that Jerry keeps in contact with as
this will be the best option.
During the wait for (Jarvies character) swords (Jarvie) receives a visit from Kara
who says she has a note for him from her employees. That same evening she also
delivers a note to Barry (Bens character).
Let the hunt begin
During the hunt for Jerry the PCs will encounter a group of humans about
to fight each other; it appears to be a 2 on 4 situation. On the side with only 2 men
they are dressed in Full Plate a have the symbol of the Heroes Guild on them and
the other they are dressed in various garments and bear a black bandana. It
appears that the men wearing bandanas have caught the other two by surprise and
the PCs see this from about 100ft away. The PCs hear the bandits say You lot have
been troubling us for too long, now we seek our justice onto you. Hand over those
gems you took and we will let you leave here without pain. The hero looks to his
partner and says These gems our ours, we earned them and we are going to keep
them. Now back off and WE wont inflict pain onto you. A battle begins

The general battle sees the heroes take a small advantage but slowly the
bandits take control.
If the PCs come into sight the bandits yell to the PCs for help, saying they
will split the goods with them. They are willing to share than get themselves
No matter who wins they will ask what the PCs are doing and if they can join.

When the PCs get to the farmhouse they are greeted by some older farmers who
are reasonably friendly but very distrustful of the PCs when they ask about Jerry.
They arent willing to give the information up very easily as they dont trust anyone
asking about him. They can be convinced with a bluff check or if they force the
answers from them.
Basically they dont know where he lives but he comes down every month or so to
chat and for food. They expect him in about 4 days time.
When Jerry arrives if the PCs have threatened the farmers he becomes instantly
defensive and asks why he shouldnt strike the PCs down where they stand. If they
have bluffed or found another mean then he doesnt really like to chat too much. He
refuses to talk of the past and questions the PCs about who sent them and why
they want his help.
If the PCs can convince him that they really need to help Caleb he says that he his
sister Ash doesnt have a place of residence and that she will be hard to find. But
suggests looking towards the taverns of Bowerstone, she enjoys gambling so look

around the tables. Ask around for (Owens character) as she will know who this is
and nobody else will. He doesnt sound hopefully that they will be able to help Caleb
as Ash has been looking for years and has found nothing.
Back to Bowerstone
Finding Ash is fairly easy with the password as after a few tries they
manage to say the name enough that she finds the PCs rather than them
finding her.
She isolates the weakest appearing character and confronts them as to
what they want. She questions who sent them on this mission and the
motivations behind it. She really tries to drill the characters to find out more about
their employees.
When satisfied she has the answers she says she has no information for them, she
has been trying to find an answer but has had no success. The only advice she can
give is that he needs some powerful magic that she has never come across and her
studies do not indicate anything how to remove the enchantment. She has looked in
all towns and libraries and found nothing.
When this information is passed onto Kara she says she will need time to discuss
with her employer, but for the PCs not to go anywhere as this may take a week or
so before she gets back to them.
During this week Ash contacts Owens character and asks to speak. Here she says
that she is very surprised that they came looking for her as nobody in about 14
years had. After some initial searching people thought them dead and so moved on.
She questions how Owens character became involved and whether he/she is open
to working for Ash instead. Ash doesnt have much to offer but if they can stick with
these guys to discover what is going on, do what is necessary to fit in and continue
along and when the opportunity arrives update Ash as to what is going on (by
visiting the Bowerstone tavern where Ash will find them). It is essential that nobody
knows anything about this.
NOTE: If Owen is quite happy to do this then Ash will offer money as she
needs to know what is going on.
After a week Kara contacts the PCs again and says that a way is possible to fix this
but it requires the PCs to undertake 2 tasks.
She says that the tasks will not make a lot of sense as to why but all will become
clear at the end. She also says that she has some good news which is that her
employers are almost prepared to speak directly with the PCs but will be using
these last 2 tasks as judgment. They will be watching the manner and methods
used in which they undertake these 2 tasks.
The first task is to bring the Guildmaster and Caleb to the blue pillar cave. She
doesnt care how but they must follow some simple guidelines;
1. The Guildmaster and Caleb must not be killed.

2. They must not tell anyone what they are trying to do including the
3. They have 4 weeks to complete this task.
But remember you will be judged as to your manner and method. Kara will meet
them at the cave where she will tell them on the last mission.
The last mission is that they need to obtain a scroll from the Temple of Veris Vita.
This will not be easy due to the fact that in order for this scroll to be given out you
must be a strong follower of Veris Vita. The proposal is one of two ways, try to
convince someone to go in there and retrieve it or steal it. The scroll is usually kept
in the high priests chambers and ever since Heroes Guild began becoming not as
heroic some of the ex-guild members have freely joined at the temple as guards.
Now this scroll is very special as it is a one of a kind scroll that allows the reader to
read one spell from it, but not everyone can read it and only those of virtue true can
actual cause the scrolls spell to form. The high priest isnt so pure and as yet hasnt
been able to make anything appear. This is a cause of much frustration but because
he is quite an arrogant figure he wont allow anyone else to look at it for fear that
they may be able to get the scroll to work.
Return to the cave
When the PCs arrive back at the cave they enter to find Kara is sitting at
a makeshift table and chairs with the Guildmaster and a young man who
looks like a well dressed nobleman, except for the greatsword that sits at
this side.
Kara greets the PCs and asks how they went.
Introduces her employer Skorm, who gives each a nod and asks
them to take a seat.
Skorm says that the PCs have done an excellent job and is suitable
impressed with the outcome. He had hired a few others to try but
none had been successful and they can look forward to being well
compensated. The reason that they are all hear is that he had to be
sure that Mayor and her troops didnt find out what was going on for
they would certainly have tried to stop the plan from working. This is
why nobody has been informed very much for it was the only way
that it could be successful. Now if the Guildmaster can have the
scroll he should be able to produce a spell that should help Caleb,
who can then decipher the pillars script.
The Guildmaster takes the scroll and moves into the bedroom mat
the back where Caleb lays, he opens the scroll and words appear on
it, he reads the words, the scroll disappears and Caleb wakes. He looks
very weak but manages to look up and asks what happened?
After being updated, Skorm asks his favor to read the pillar. He knows that
Caleb is weak but it is extremely important and once it is done he can rest.
Skorm asks the PCs to assist Caleb into the room as he helps the
Guildmaster. Skorm tells the PCs to hold him up to the pillar.
As everyone moves Caleb thanks them all for their help and Skorm says, that
its no problem he just wishes that Caleb had never been put in that way in
the first place.
Caleb begins to read:

Let the history books be set straight. It was I who sacrificed my life in
order to prevent the vile utopia from being created. History will have
you believe that I was a wicked evil beast but how misguided they
were. Men must understand that sacrifices must be made in order for
progress to happen and the pursuit of the goal is all that counts. I was
there. I had achieved my goal and then he turned up and all was lost,
the countless hours, lives, frustrations and triumphs, all gone because
glory was about to be taken from him. He arrives bearing the symbol of
Verus Vita, claiming holy right and orders me to stop my experiments.
Besides my is the final experiment, hanging from above, her beautiful
blue eyes staring at me and the life essence dripping into my success
At this point Caleb looks at Skorm with a shocked look on his face then he
looks down to see the Guildmaster laying at Skorms feet. Breathing, just.
Skorms foot rest uneasily on the Guildmasters neck and he says in a calm
voice Continue reading bard or your good friend here will never see the light
of another day.
Caleb replies You hurt him and your pillar will never be read!
Skorm A hasty threat and an arrogant one, for you presume that you are the
only one who can read this pillar. I dont NEED you to read the pillar; I merely
wanted the honor to go to you. So please let us put our threats aside and you
simply get on with the task of reading the pillar before my foot gets tired and
a put it down for good.
Caleb looks at the Guildmaster and then at the PCs, and what will you do
with me, with us when I have finished?
Skorm says, Why each will be well rewarded for their contributions, now if
youre donecontinue.
Caleb sighs and reads on:
o He claimed that my experiments were cruel and unnatural. He
claimed that his law was that of Verus Vitas and that I should be
punished. I could see the holy power radiating like a beacon and could
hear the sound of the blade being drawn. Then the slow footsteps. But
I was not about to let all of my work be destroyed by one of Verus Vitas
minions. I would not let the dream of the one land be taken so easily,
so as his blade bit into me I threw the final piece into the creation of
this pillar and with it sealed away my dream for another. Only those
dedicated to me and my work will every find this place and with a
simple sacrifice realize that which I will never get a chance too. But I
die in knowing that my final act stops not only my dream but theres as
well, a land of many. Skorm.
When Caleb is finished he looks to Skorm and Skorm walks over, Your job is
done bard, now to those I have trusted and how have done so well I grant you
the honor of performing the sacrifice. Caleb says So you rescue me when
you didnt need too and now you sacrifice me. Why?
Skorm replies, You arent the one to be sacrificed my friend, I am. He then
lowers his head and says Make sure you do this quickly and the rewards will
As the blade takes Skorms life and the first instant of blood hit the ground it
starts to work its way towards the pillar. It works its way up the pillar changing
the blue hue of the writing to blood red and lights start to flash to match as the

blood rises. When the entire pillar is covered the blinding flash and a black mist
circles the pillar and it makes its way into Skorm and he begins convulsing. Then
Skorm rises, slightly, shakes and then drops.
He then looks up and his eyes have narrowed and he looks paler than before. He
sits up and looks at himself. The wound that caused his death has now gone and
he looks around at the PCs, guildmaster and Caleb.
He turns to the PCs and says in a hollow voice Thank you, we have done it. The
dream, my dream has been realised I am the dream. Now I honour my
payments to those who have helped me to achieve this dream. I offer you one of
two options; the first is a chance to join me and my revolution. I offer a chance
for you to experience what I have and live a life where others fear and respect
you. I offer power and all the glory that comes with it. I offer you an opportunity
that will not be offered again. The other offer is the one opportunity to walk
away, you will be compensated with 20000gp but as soon as you walk out he
cave entrance you will walk away with a large target on your back just like all the
other humans, but yours will be slightly larger for you also take certain
information. Which do you choose?
If the PCs choose to stay Skorm calls the PC over and asks him to kneel before
him and give his allegiance, he then asks Now for your first reward if you
choose, power. If the PCs accept he then bites down on their neck and drains
him until the PCs con drains away. The PC will then arise the next day as a
If the PCs choose to walk away Skorm tells Kara to pay the PC the money and
escort them away. As they walk to the front entrance Kara says, I understand
you choice and I wish you well. But some advice for the future, from now on the
quieter you are about what you have seen here the better for you. I would find a
way to disappear. She then gives the PCs a kiss on the cheek.
When the PCs awake the find themselves lying in the pillar room with only
themselves, now a doorway exists where the false wall once stood. A black mist
lingers all over the room and the PCs feel strange, a numbness exists and an
emptiness from within the body. They awake to hear noises coming from out in
the main room.
When they walk out the see Skorm and Kara (and any other PC not a vampire)
cleaning the chamber. Ah you have awoken, now how do you feel? (He waits
for the answer) You will feel strange for a while and will start to feel ill but I
must explain what has happened. He then draws a dagger out and stabs one of
the PCs, this causes the PC no pain what so ever and everyone notices that no
blood is upon the dagger and there is no wound upon the PCs body. Skorm
smiles, Impressed? But this is the end of your power. (He then explains about
being a vampire, but they arent called vampires)

Chapter 3

This chapter involves introducing Skorms power to the Mayor.

Now that you have your power there are a few things I need to pass on to you.
The first is that you have been given an opportunity that many have died for and
in this you are special. I offer you more chances to get that which you desire and
in return you offer me your allegiance. In offering this allegiance I have some
ground rules I would like to make completely clear to youfirstly under no
circumstances are you to bring anyone back here unless I tell you too, secondly
do not blow this opportunity by doing something rash or stupid and lastly in my
eyes you are all equal and Im not interested in having favorites so when your
asked to do a job, just do it and we will all be happy.
Now on to the first task, it is in two parts. What we need to do is something
about sanctifying this cave as the new Chapel of Skorm. In order to perform the
rites required we will need sacrifices; your first task is to hunt down and bring
back 2 humans each making sure they are alive. The second part is that Skorm
offers the PCs quarters to fit out as they see fit and we offers them 5000gp in
order to outfit their rooms. This will give you an opportunity to do something fun
and to explore your new power.
When the PCs return they find the cave is starting to take on a different
appearance and starting to fill out. Skorm shows you around and says that they
will be all offered He shows them the jail and in the cells the PCs find that Caleb
and the guildmaster are locked up, they look unharmed and they give the PCs
glares of hatred. Skorm explains that the pillar is the key to this cave but its
power is not fully unlocked. He says after the ritual they will be safe then he
takes all the humans and puts them into the water he brings in a book and
stands with Kara he asks the PCs to share in this experience. He begins to chant
and the whole place takes on an eerie feeling, then he crescendos and turns to
each PC and offers a knife and says sacrifice those that you brought into the
water. As each are sacrificed Skorm offers up words in a language that you dont
understand and the room fills with the blackness that ate up Skorm in the pillar
room. When all are dead he walks over to each PC and says With these
sacrifices may you walk safe within these walls, he then says the same thing to
Kara. Then the blackness takes over and completely covers the room so that no
sights can be seen. Then it slowly fades and a purple glow takes over and
everyone feels energized. In the water all the bodies are gone and instead 6
ghostly images exist, they face Skorm and he says Walk free but never out of
the cave and they fly out of sight.
He turns to each PC and says, We are now safe. No scrying can find us and no
travel will find this cave unless I want them too. When you are in this cave your
power is heightened and those against us are weakened. We are done and our
attention can be turned to your first task.
I would like you to go to Bowerstone and gain an audience with the Mayor. I want
you to make her understand that her time of ruling is coming to an end and a
new force is coming. I want you to put on a bit of a display of the power just to
prove our seriousness, dont go overboard but make sure you leave a lasting
impression. But mostly I want you to make her fear youLet her know that

Skorm is returning. When you are out I want you to find a way to get this
parchment into either Ash or Gerrys hands. For the moment make it indirectly, I
dont want you coming into contact with them just yet. Also keep a look out to
see if (Owens character) has surfaced. When you are done return here.
Each Tuesday Lady Grey holds an open court where she meets the people
who have come to ask questions or boons.
The entrance has a guard building where all who want entrance must
Guards are stationed at every point of the palace.
Lady Greys day isnt filled with doing much work; she tends to have
guests over all day.
Each day there is a 5% cumulative chance that she will be visited by one
of the bandits guild
Each day there is a 5% cumulative chance that she will be visited by one
of the heroes guild
The information that the PCs can gather about (Owens character) is that he
returned recently but hasnt been seen since he went to his room the other night.

Chapter 4
This chapter is about finding allies, this is a 2 part set of missions. The first is to visit
The Deathbringer who lives on Hook Coast under the lighthouse. The second is to
visit the old bargate prison to discover what lies within and to form an alliance with
whatever party exists.
When the PCs return from working on the Mayor quest Skorm says the next phase
of is plan is to garner some additional support and strategic alliances. The first is
that he needs the PCs to visit a man he knows as The deathbringer, he resides
under the lighthouse in Hook Coast. He doesnt really care what they offer as he will
be answering directly to them as Skorm is too busy to deal with all the details. So
you must decide what to offer and how to go about it, but dont stuff up. His
knowledge of the past and of undead is something which we will need. Skorm can
offer very little more other than he would be an old man who has lived well beyond
the age which he should have.

This is Hook Coasts old lighthouse. The inside has been totally destroyed and
nothing exists above except for shards of wood that shows where the floor levels
used to be. Inside of the lighthouse is dark and when the PCs a hollow voice comes
from the Dread Wraith who is hiding in the darkness above the PCs. I sense there
is only one living but yet there are 3, commoners you are not. Who enters this room
and what do you want?
If the PCs say they wish to see The Deathbringer the wraith says Nobody sees
him, nobody has ever seen him and nobody has called him by that name in a long
time. Who sent you?


No matter what the PCs say it says I have not heard of this one. But it matters not
for he will not want to see you, but he may wish to study you. Then it attacks
1 x Dread Wraith (MM, Page 258)

Overall description
Mist clouds the passages in this dungeon. Undead roam the halls during night and
by day they guard their space. The deathbringer controls all within and does much
testing to create new undead types. His quarters are strictly off limits to the undead
and none have ever entered within.

Room 1

This dark empty room has a slightly damp feel to it. It is easy to see that a light mist
fills the entire cavern. When the PCs enter this room a mouth appears and says
Leave the goods at the door
1 x Dread Wraith (MM, Page 258)
Armour: +4 Studded leather (16,175 gp).
Goods: Silver ewer (30 gp); Solid gold idol (10 lb.) (1,100 gp).
Currency: 5000 gp.

Room 2
This passageway contains nothing but the PCs can see a light that surrounds the
door at the far end.

Room 3

This is the corpse room, the room has stairs leading down 10 feet and the roof sits
30 feet above the ground. From the top the PCs can see many piles of bodies and
skulking amongst them is 10 shadows and 1 wraith. The smell from this room is
extremely overpowering. The creatures only move to attack once the PCs move
into the room.
10 x Greater Shadow (MM, 221)
1 x Dread Wraith

Room 4
This is the great hall. It contains the tombs of many royals whose names have faded
over time. This room has been well maintained. Within each tomb lie the remains of
a past noble and their skeletons live on. Only when The Deathbringer calls them
forth do they appear.


14 x Lvl 10 Skeletons

Room 5
This is a cell block. Within are 7 commoners from Hook Coast along with a Dread
Wraith. When the PCs enter they plead for their freedom and offer to do anything to
be set free.
1 x Dread Wraith
3 x Male Commoners (aged 10, 20 & 30)
4 x Female Commoners (aged 10, 15, 18 & 26)

Room 6

This room is one of the testing rooms it contains tables, racks, chains and has
quite a bad odour wafting from within. This room contains nothing of value but
several ghouls and ghasts
1 x Dread Wraith

Room 7
This room is one of the testing rooms it contains tables, racks, chains and has
quite a bad odour wafting from within. This room contains nothing of value but
several Zombies and Abominations
1 x Dread Wraith

Room 8

This is the kitchen for The DeathBringer. It contains all manner of fine dining
equipment and a well stocked kitchen. This room is completely clean and contains
many exotic spices and food.

Room 9
This is the lounge/study. It is a very clean room with plush red carpet and nice
lounge set. Against the far wall is a bookshelf that contains many books.



Room 10
This is the bedroom, which is outfitted in similar colours to the lounge room. It has a
large canopied bed and another book shelf and drawers.

Room 11

This is the alchemy room where the deathbringer performs various experiments
with formulas to create new undead types. It also contains a large alchemy set and
a desk with many pages of scrawl and books of his work.

Skorm then says that one the island of Hook Coast there is something that is
causing the creation of monsters that were a mystery to him in the past but
now he understands more of their kind but wishes to find their creator. Go to
Hook Coast and find the one responsible for them and escort him back for
discussions. If he is willing to come freely all the better but if necessary then
feel free to do whatever is necessary to bring him back.
Once they have returned with the maker then he asks that in the past their
was one known as Jack of Blades, he was an interesting man with connections
that interest Skorm. He had a bastion in the northeast (bargate prison) which
has been forgottendeliberately. Skorm wants the PCs to investigate this
ruin and discover what Jacks connections were.
After this meeting he says he has one final task for them. Many years ago he
was visited by a family claiming to be heroes, they saved him from an evil
pixie but when he asked to be travel with them they refused and left him with
his evil grandmother. After this he was sold into slavery in order for his
grandmother to make some money and here he was treated very badly. Long
story short he owes them and has been waiting patiently a long time in order
to get back at them. The PCs will remember that they were asked to seek out
the family to assist, this was irrelevant to his main objective at the pillar but
he needed contact again with them in order to maintain knowledge of where
they are. Now it is Skorms time for vengeance.


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