Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurements

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Measurement of length

SI Units: metres Symbol: m

Negative Zero Error(Vernier Caliper) = Add this
error to reading. Before any measurement,there is
already some measurement LESS
Positive Zero Error(Vernier Caliper) = Subtract this
error from reading. Before any measurement,there
is already some measurements MORE

Measuring Tape = 0-10m Accuracy: 0.1cm/1mm

Metre Rule = 0cm-100cm Accuracy: 0.1cm/1mm
Vernier Calipers = 2cm-10cm/20mm-100mm --> 2cm10cm/20mm-100mm cm: 2dp mm: 1dp
Main Scale + Vernier Scale = Reading

Zero Error

Micrometer Screw Gauge = Less Than 3 cm (0-30mm)

Accuracy: 0.001cm/0.01mm
Sleeve + Thimble = Reading

Positive Zero Error(Micrometer) = The zero marking

on the thimble scale is below the datum line.
Subtract the error from the reading
Negative Zero Error(Micrometer) = The zero
marking on the thimble scale is above the datum
line. Add the error into the reading

SI: seconds Symbol: s

Measurement of Time

Chapter 1: Physical Quantities and

Physical Quantities

Clocks = Accuracy: 1 second

Quantities that can be measured and they consist of

a numberical magnitude/number and a unit

Stopwatches = Electronic stopwatches time accurate :

2dp 0.01second(digital) 0.1second(analog)
Same distance between 2 dots = CONSTANT Speed
Increasing distance between 2 dots = INCREASING
Decreasing distance between 2 dots = DECREASING
Average speed of object, v=d/t

Ticker Tape Timer->Produces Dots(Electricity Operated)

= 0.02second between 2 dots Frequency: Number of
dots produced in 1 second

Defined as the time for one full oscillation to happen

Defined as the number of complete oscillation in 1

Basic Quantities:

Used to express physical quantities that are either

very LARGE or very SMALL

Length =SI: metre/meter Symbol: m

Based on the SI unit of a particular physical quantity

Mass = SI: kilograms Symbol: kg

Things that move around in a manner that repeats

A full oscillation happens when example a fan turns from
left to right and back to left again


LARGER Units :

Periodic Motion

Prefix --> Non-prefix = Multiple

Giga = Symbol: G (10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10

x 10) [ 9 ]

Non-prefix --> Prefix = Divide

Mega = Symbol: M (10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10) [6]




Frequency (Symbol: f) f = 1/T Hz (Hertz)

Amount of substance = SI: mole Symbol: mol

kilo = Symbol: kg (10 x 10 x 10) [3]

centi = Symbol: c (1/10 x 10)

milli = Symbol: m (1/10 x 10 x 10)
micro = Symbol: (1/10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10)

1. Start the stopwatch only after a few oscillations

2. Measure the time taken for 20 complete oscillations
and take the average
3. Ensure that the pendulum bob is displaced from the
vertical at a small angle (<10 degree)

Electrical current = SI: ampere Symbol: A

Temperature = SI: kelvin Symbol: K

deci = Symbol: d (1/10)

The time taken for one complete oscillation ( Symbol: T)

Time = SI: kilograms Symbol: kg

Measure the period of a pendulum acurrately:

nano = Symbol: n (1/10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x

10 x 10) [9]

Luminous Intensity = SI: candela Symbol: cd

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