Drawing II Syllabus

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Syllabus: Drawing and Painting II

Ms. Grenleski
Fall Semester, 2017
Room 900
E-mail address: janet.grenleski@cobbk12.org


Blog address: iamanartist2451.weebly.com

Objectives of this course:

1. to help students who are serious about learning and improving drawing skills especially in
expressing personal voice, communicating a theme, and conscious choice in the use of color
2. to develop the self-discipline, motivation and patience required to improve and learn
3. to improve the quality and aesthetic value of attempted and completed drawings
4. to provide experiences in a variety of media to encourage exploration, discovery and creativity
5. to produce drawings and paintings from observation experiences, imagination, and non-objective
I. Unit I: Review Elements and Principles of Design
A. Review and Exploration of Elements of Design
1. Line, shape, form, value, space, texture, and color
2. Finding elements in the world around us
3. Finding elements in works of art
B. Review and Exploration of Principles of Design
1. Repetition, rhythm, balance, movement, contrast, and unity
2. Finding principles in the world around us
3. Finding principles in works of art
II. Review of Basic Drawing Skills and Media
A. Contour & gesture drawing in charcoal and crayon
B. Shading with pencil, ink, and pastel
C. Color Theory using color media on realistic life subjects
D. Color Theory using color media on abstract and/or imaginary subjects
III. The Still Life
A. Composition and Emphasis
B. Space and Depth
C. Light and Dark
IV. Working with Color
A. Review Color Theory Applications- practice in pairing and grouping colors for aesthetic effect
1. Monochromatic color schemes (values)
2. Warm/Cool colors and their effects on each other
3. Complementary colors and their effects on each other
4. Harmonious color schemes
B. Producing Color Drawings
1. Rendering Single objects from life
a. Light and shadows
b. reflections
c. transparency
2. Rendering Grouped objects from life
a. Light, shadows, reflections, and transparency
3. Rendering Abstract and imaginary subjects
a. Light, shadows, reflections and transparency
V. Final Exam Drawing: Theme/Subject TBD , Large format

Grading by rubric is as follows: Art Production, 35% ; Meaning and Creative Thinking, 20%; Assessment and
Reflection, 15%; Contextual Understanding, 10%; Connections, 10%; Final Project, 10%.

Drawing I and II , Fall 2017

Policies and Procedures
1. Each student will be assigned and be responsible for a portfolio for storing his/her own tools
and materials. DO NOT share your portfolio, because you and you alone are responsible for
tools and materials assigned to you. Write your name on the portfolio as instructed. (These will
be returned end of semester)
2. The Osborne High School art department will supply drawing materials and paper for each
student; however, our supply is limited due to budget restrictions. Therefore, each student must
be responsible and conscientious in keeping drawing pencils, charcoal, erasers, tortillions, etc.
in the designated places and protecting them from loss, misuse, damage, theft, etc. Students
will be held accountable for drawing materials lost or damaged due to carelessness or
negligence, including oversharpening.
3. Artwork must be stored only in its designated place, your portfolio. Artworks left lying on a
table or counter or any other inappropriate place will be recycled, and the logical consequence
will be that you will have to start the drawing over.
4. Your name must be written on each and every artwork you produce, as soon as you begin
working on it- legibly and with class period, in bottom right corner.
5. Drawing textbooks are not to be removed from the classroom. They are not to be written in,
torn, placed on the floor, or damaged in any way. They are to be placed on the correct
bookshelf space at the end of every period.
6. Drawing successfully requires your full attention, with a minimum of distractions. To ensure
that your drawing experience will be as successful and satisfying as possible, as well as your
classmates, talking will be kept to a minimum during drawing exercises, and only for
purposeful exchange related to the assignment. Detentions and parent phone calls will result in
chronic violators.
7. You must keep every drawing that you produce in class, even after it is graded. You are
building a portfolio of your drawings, which means it will include even those you did not do
well or did not like. At the end of the semester you will be graded on a final portfolio, and that
will be the appropriate time to discard any drawings you do not want to include, but you can
learn much even from drawings that you do not consider successful!
8. The art room must be left neat and clean where you have worked, including washing tables,
discarding trash, and putting all materials away when clean-up time is called, and putting the
chairs up before the bell after 4th block.
9. By signing below, you indicate that you agree with these policies, and that you will cheerfully
accept reasonable consequences if not upheld.
Please sign below, and have your parent/guardian sign that you and they have read these policies and procedures for
the drawing class, and date.
student signature

parent/guardian signature

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