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Accident Prevention Plan

Accident comes with two types of losses to the organization which is categorized as direct costs
(costs which directly arise from the accident) and indirect costs (costs which arise indirectly as a
consequence of the event). Direct costs as a result of an accident includes damage to plant
and equipment, first aid cost, medical costs, workers sick pay, compensation payable to victim,
loss or damaged product, fines in criminal courts and loss or damaged product. On the other
hand indirect costs includes loss of staff morale, negative effect on business reputations, staff
turnover, costs related to accident investigations, change of process or equipment, costs
related to the recruitment and training of new employees, damage to industrial relations,
compliance with any enforcement notice served by the relevant authority, Negative effect on
industrial relations.
In Order to get away from these costs it is necessary to focus on accident prevention. It is the
duty of this industry to Reduce accidents by applying various accident prevention strategies
and control measures.
Pakistan accumulators (pvt) limited have a duty to establish a program in order to prevent
workers from injury or damage to plant or equipment by minimizing accidents in the workplace.

Lack of experience in performing job safely due to new recruitment of employees

Pressure of meeting delivery dates
Lack of management commitment towards health and safety of HSE receiving low
priority than other business issues
Inadequate work conditions and lack of the provision of personal protective equipment
Shortcuts in performing work tasks
No practical arrangements for Hazard elimination or risk reduction such as ignoring
engineering or administrative safety controls.
Lack of consultation with employees
Failure to adequately supervise workers
Failure to provide necessary training to the employees
Lack of maintenance of machinery
Inadequate checking or the inspection of plant, premises and equipment
Failure to carry out risk assessments.
Negative safety culture of the organization
Presence of blame culture in the organization which can create panic or stress in worker
leading indirectly towards accident.
Lack of the provision of safe working procedures specially designed for each particular


Providing advice and guidance on health and safety issues

Immediately correcting any unsafe act or condition and doing practical arrangements
for the implementation of hierarchy of risk control
Introduce training programs after consultation with HOD or supervisors for carrying out
job safely
Introduction of consultation program on various health and safety issues with employees
which will develop sense of ownership and they will do work positively and safely.
Preparing written safe working procedures for each job and training employees to
comply with it
Introducing HSE targets system particularly emphasizing on accident reduction and
rewarding employees who complied with it.
Conduct risk assessment on weekly or monthly basis in order to assess those factors which
can contribute towards happening of accident and then deciding necessary
precautionary measures.
Promoting positive health and safety culture


Immediately report any hazard, unsafe condition to the safety official.

Ensure that all health and safety procedures for carrying out job are understood by the
Inform employees about any work related hazard and carrying out work activity safely
Ensure that proper risk controls such as elimination or reduction or engineering and
administrative methods are implemented.
Proper care and usage of personal protective equipment according to the nature of the
Consult with employees on planning of doing job safely
Give necessary training to the employees
Necessary supervision should be provided to the employees.
Participate in accident investigations and inspection system
Ensuring that environment conditions are suitable for the job
Do not pressurize workers to work fast. This will increase the risk of accident.
Information session should be done with employees for their better understanding of work
Take special care of vulnerable workers. eg young persons.


Take reasonable care of their own health and safety and others who might be affected
by them
Report any unsafe condition or hazard in workplace
Comply with safety instructions and procedures.
Use of equipment in safe manner
Proper use of personal protective equipment


Elimination or reduction of hazards and risk by applying hierarchy of risk control

Introduction of systematic maintenance program
Workers shouldnt be pressurized under any condition. Stress and pressure are the main
cause of accidents in the workplace
Introduction of active monitoring program in order to identifying and correcting possible
cause of accident before its happening
Proper Accident investigations system to find immediate and root causes of accident to
prevent its reoccurrence in future
Hazards awareness session for the employees in order to understand, identify and report
potential hazards
Provision of safe plant , equipment , premises , working conditions to the employees
Effective communication system within the organization in order to enable employees to
understand risk factors inherent in job.
Giving correct advice and guidance to the employees
Planned systematic inspection system of the workplace
Provision of necessary personal protective equipments (ppe) to the employees
according to the nature of job
Practical implementation Permit to work program in order to control high risk activities
and prevent accidents from happening
management commitment and involvement in health and safety issues
Introduction of accident reduction rewards scheme for employees.
Introduce accident reduction targets in health and safety policy and doing practical
arrangements for the achieving this goal
There should be safe working procedures/safe system of work for each and every job
and it should be fully implemented by consulting with employees, taking their suggestions
and practically training them based on written safe working procedures
Tool box talk session for the awareness of the employees on different health and safety
Identifying training needs by assessing various factors and then training employees on
health and safety issues


Prepared by: Shahzaib HSE

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