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Identify the good qualities of Don Francisco Mercado as

a father.
Don Francisco Mercados good qualities include a
sense of dignity and self-respect, seriousness,
self-possession, hospitable and much resected.


Identify the good qualities of Doa Teodora as a mother.

Doa Teodora was known for being a disciplinarian as
well as a dedicated, courteous and hard working


Explain the word adage.

Adage is a saying that sets forth a general truth
and that has gained credit though long use.


Describe the life Rizal as a young boy. Compare his

life when he was young to our young boys today.
Young boy Jose lives in a good environment probably
because he has a well-known family in their place.
He has a chance to study in respective school or his
parent can afford quality as a young boy was full of
knowledge/wisdom because his family support him all
the way and if were going to compare young boy Jose
to the new generation today specially the young one,
I might say that Jose Rizal was lucky to have a good
environment that lead him to study abroad unlike
today that some young couldnt afford education due
to global crisis.


What do you think are the effects psychological and

emotional of a good environment to young growing child.
If a young growing child lives in a good
environment, definitely he/she will become a better
person in the future. Psychologically, he/she can
manage every problem with positivity on his/her
mind. Emotionally equipped and being sensitive to
the feelings of others.


As a young boy what was his bitter memory when you was
a young boy life Rizal can you remember an unpleasant
memory or experience in your life? Can you relate?
Being bullied by my classmate when I was a kid. I
can relate on Rizal because I know it feels being
discriminate by others.


What do you think at the outset of Don Francisco wanted

Rizal to study in Letran? What could be the reason? Why
he change his mind and Finally enroll him in Ateneo?
Don Francisco find out that in Ateneo has more
quality of education and was more advance that
others. Ateneo Municipal run by the Jesuit
congregation (Society of Jesus).


What is your embression about Ateneo de Manila as a

educational institution many years ago and today.
Ateneo in Rizals time was a colegio, meaning a
secondary or high school and not a Universidad and
exclusive for male students But on December 11, 1959
Ateneo became a university and now its famous in our
country whose have a higher education institution


As a student what was your experience during your first

day in your newly environment.
As a student my experience during my first day in a
newly environment is awesome because I meet new
people that now are my friends although its
confusing because its a new environment with
different schedules, procedures and living

Prepared by:
Roi Edward V. Cariaga

Submitted to:
Joseph Jay U. Aureada

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