PSM Cheat Sheet

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Average items in the Product Backlog are usually

- Larger than items in the Sprint Backlog
2. When is the work planned for the first days of a Sprint
- At the end of Sprint Planning
3. What does empiricism assert?
- That knowledge comes from experience
4. What does Cone of Uncertainty show?
- How much is known about the Product over time
5. What does Burn-down Chart show?
- How much work remains till the end of the Sprint
6. Scrum Artifacts?
- Increment
- Sprint Backlog
- Product Backlog
7. In what way do Scrum Teams deliver products?
- Iteratively
- Incrementally
8. How often should the total work remaining in the Sprint Backlog
be tracked?
- At least for every Daily Scrum
9. What is the Scrum Master responsible for?
- Ensuring Scrum is understood and enacted
- Ensuring the Scrum Team adheres to Scrum theory, practices, and rules
10. What does empiricism assert?
- Knowledge comes from experience
11. What is Product Backlog refinement?
- The act of adding detail to items in the Product Backlog
12. How does Definition of Done help to the Scrum Team? Select
the three most applicable items.
- Guides the Development Team in knowing how many Product Backlog
items it can select during a Sprint Planning
- DoD ensures artifact transparency
- DoD is used to assess when work is complete on the product Increment
13. Could the Sprint Planning be finished if only work planned for the
first days of the Sprint is decomposed to units of one day or less?

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