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Manual for ABB Robotics encode application

How to run the application:

1. Open the Command Prompt.
2. Go to c:\encode\ (type cd encode)
3. Execute the application.
The syntax for the application is:
encode [options] sourcefile destfile
The encode application encodes every RAPID-modules in the sourcefile and
puts the file(s) in the destfile. A RAPID-module means a file that ends with
.sys, .prg or .mod. The sourcefile could be a file or a tree structure. If this is
a tree structure it searches through the whole tree. With the e option there wont be
any copies of the non RAPID-modules. Without this option the tree structure in the
destfile will be the same as in the sourcefile.
encode takes two parameters:
sourcefile is the full path to the file, directory or tree structure to be encoded.
destfile is the full path where the encoded file(s) will be put.
encode recognises the following options:

exclusively encoded files: Only add encoded files into the destfile, no
copies of other files will be made.
syntax check: Make syntax check before encoding.
remove comment: Remove all comments before encoding. This option can not
be used without s.
NOVIEW: This option can not be used without s.

encode e s r n c:\tmp\sourcefile c:\tmp\destfile

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