IM Theotokou Kleiston Xara Omilia 5 Ondertitel

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The free choice that anyone makes in life characterizes also his whole process
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and those people do not experience any joy but they remain unsatisfied.
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They remain solely in companion with emptyness and sadness, with the fruit of so
rrow and disappointment, feeling guilty of themselves,
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in nervous conditions and many times they even become patients of psychiatric cl
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The joy of this world is temporary and fake, it differs much from Christian joy.
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'Where does the joy of your own ideas end? It will end in sadness.' Says Saint C
hrysostom, a great father of the Church.
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It starts ofcourse with some pleasure but finally it will end up in fakeness.
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A man that enjoys the fun of this world cannot enjoy also the joy that God gives
to a person that lives a virtuous and sober life.
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Joy is not the result of some favorable conditions: 'Today I had a good day, the
things went good and I am happy'.
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It is not the fruit of richness, richness might have power but it does not have
joy and happiness.
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Someone might be a millionaire or billionaire situated with a incurable disease
and does not enjoy his money,
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not even in the result of his comfort of life. The examples are infinite of very
rich people that have a lack of happiness.
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'The lots of money of my husband did not give me joy.' Was said some time by a w
ife of a great Greek millionaire

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while she accompanied her husband in their huge residence. Joy therefore has to
do with ones inner state,
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it is a product of a peaceful conscience, it is a creation of a virtuous life.
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The life of sin is unnatural, a unnatural condition, it is a sweltering atmosphe
re of the created human that is predestined for heaven.
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This person throws away the true joy and creates a temporary, fake, technical li
fe that will finally dissapoint and bring death to the human.
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But unfortunately the modern man does not perceive this.
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We will take an example that decisively will give a answer about the subject who
actually is the person with permanent happiness.
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Therefore the human with permanent happiness is exclusively and only the person
that is unified with Christ and that lives according to the commandments of God.
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Let us take then two young man with the age of 20 years old, one we name Athanas
ios and the other one we will name Orestis.
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Both guys are seeming to be happy, yet with one difference. That Athanasios supp
orts his happiness on the foundation which is called Christ.
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Contrary, Orestis is the son of daddy, not of the father, but of daddy, who is a
industrialist with allot of money.
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And we ask Athanasios, 'Athanasios, are you happy?'
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'Yes.' He answers with a happy face. 'Very happy, because I am aware of somethin
g of Christ and that gives me a inner happiness.'

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We ask Orestis, 'are you happy?' 'Of course, why should I not be happy? With my
Porsche at 200 kilometres a hour with my girls and my hair is waving.'
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'My radio is blasting full and I enjoy the music, the trips and the pleasures of
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Surely, we cannot objectively say yet who really is happy at the moment, Athanas
ios or Orestis.
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Because happiness is not like for example a thermometer that we put under our ar
mpit and say that one has 36 degrees and the other has 41 degrees.
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But let's wait, when we ask them five years later we get the same answer. At 30
years old we ask Athanasios: 'Are you happy?'
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'Definitely, I am very happy. I even went to Mount Athos where I met virtuous Fa
thers, holy Fathers! And I have experienced with them spiritual and heavenly con
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'Orestis are you happy?' 'Yes I am happy, because I have traveled almost around
the whole world and I enjoy the joy that life gives me.'
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And the years pass by, the age of thirty becomes 35, than 40, 50. Here the human
being starts to have a rising biological procession.
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From here the human starts to descent, he goes downwards, biologically he falls.
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And we ask Athanasios: 'Are you happy?' 'If I am happy? Very very much! I became
worthy to go to Jerusalem, to walk at the location were our Lord walked, our Ch
rist, our Liberator.
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I venerated at the fearfull Golgotha and also the allholy grave and Bethlehem th
e place where he was born, everything.
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I admired this allot and this gives me a great inner happiness.'

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'Orestis are you happy?' 'Well look, I am not so fit anymore as I used to be to
drive a Porsche. Now I have more customary car, and you know what, all women are
all the same man.
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They only want you for money and they do not estimate you easy.'
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So over here we see now slowly because biologically he starts to fall, it starts
to reveal how he actually lived but it was not yet apparent before that he actu
ally had no inner happiness.
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More years pass by and they reach the age 55, 60, 65, 70.
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Athanasios has also his problems and disappointments in life, enough if you want
. Although the way of handling with this disappointments for Christ gives him co
urage and consolation.
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It gives him inner joy and happiness and he is continuously happy every time we
ask him. His face is shining of happiness and joy.
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'Orestis are you happy?' 'What kind of happy man?! My kidneys are hurting and I
also have high blood pressure and diabetes and I have this and I have that.'
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He takes out his denture and puts it in the water to chew once in awhile a tende
r piece of steak.
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Now he starts to feel something else then what he felled at 20 and 25 years old,
now the harsh truth starts to be presented to him.
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Precisely now he starts to feel that this happiness he thought he was enjoying w
as no happiness, it is clearly visible on his face, he goes on with a walking st
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He feels a weight upon him and he feels lonely, he did not even create a family,
relying and based on all those pleasures in the life that the lots of money gav
e him.

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