Gestation Period

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Martinez, Camille T.

TTh 15:50-17:00
Science, Environment, and Society
September 10, 2015
Mrs. Lyn Paraguison

Gestation period of:

a. Insects (ants) 69 to 78 days
b. Spiders (Brown recluse spider) 30 days
c. Horse 11 months or approx. 335 days
d. Whale (Sperm whale) 480 to 590 days
e. Carabao 320 to 325 days
f. Dog 63 days
g. Bird/owl 28 to 35 days
h. Elephant 22 months
i. Fish 28 to 30 days
j. Snake (tiger snakes) 121 days
k. Rat 21 to 24 days
l. Rabbit 31 days
m. Frogs 7 to 14 days

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