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-Cave Slime

DMG 67 A creature that enters a square filled with cave slime m

ust succeed at an Acrobatics check or fall prone.

-Divine Blood MotP 22

Any character who ends his or her move in the po
ol gains 5 temporary hit points per tier, but takes a 1 penalty to attack rolls a
nd checks from the confusing visions and memories assailing his or her mind. Thi
s penalty remains until the temporary hit points are lost. Although the visions
are random and seemingly nonsensical, occasionally the visions impart important
information that is useful to the character experiencing them.

-Energy Node
DMG2 59 A creature that starts its turn in an energy node's squ
are can spend a minor action while in the square to get the effect of a short re

-Grasping Slime
DMG 68 Grasping slime is difficult terrain.An Athletics
check is required to pass through the slime. On a failed check, the creature en
ters the slime, but its move ends immediately.

DMG 68

turn in
is dazed

Fumes DMG2 60
Squares filled with infernal fumes are lightly o
The fumes can move up to 4 squares each round. A creature that ends its
a square of infernal fumes takes 5 fire and poison damage per tier and
until the end of its next turn.

-Jade Flame
DMG2 60
A creature that enters a square of jade flame or
that starts its turn adjacent to such a square takes ongoing 5 radiant damage p
er tier (save ends). However, until the creature saves against the ongoing damag
e, it has resist fire equal to 10 per tier.
-Pillar of Life
DMG 68 Any creature that begins its turn adjacent to it
regains 5 hit points per tier.

DMG 69 The webs of giant spiders are difficult terrain. A chara
cter who enters a spiderweb must make an Athletics check or Acrobatics check or
become immobilized. Trapped creatures can use the escape action to free themselv
es from the web. Spiderwebs also provide concealment.
- Font of Power Due to planar energy, the presence of a powerful artifact, or so
me other factor, this terrain boosts certain kinds of attacks. Pick one power ke
yword, such as fire,
charm, or arcane. Attacks that have that keyword gain a +5 bonus per tier to dam

- Grab Grass This thick, tough grass grows in deep forests of the Feywild or in
areas where the Feywilds magic filters into the material world. A creature that f
alls prone in
a square of grab grass must make a Strength check to stand up. Use the Difficult
y Class and Damage by Level table (page 42) to set a DC appropriate to the chara
cters level.
- Sacred Circle A sacred circle is dedicated to a specific deity and infused wit
h divine energy. A creature that shares that deitys alignment gains a +2 bonus to
attack rolls while
standing in the circle. A sacred circle typically fills an area 3 squares by 3 s

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