Summative Evaluation 1 Year1

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Summative Evaluation

2016-07-28, 3:25 PM

Summative Evaluation of Practicum

Master of Teaching
Teacher Candidate: Pierina Lio
Year: 1 Practicum Session: 1
Dates: October 26, 2015 to November 20, 2015
Associate Teacher: Caroline Pilato
Grade level and/or subjects: 2
School: Our Lady of the Assumption
Board: TCDSB
During her placement, Pierina participated in the schools monthly sta meeting, curriculum night, as well as a
divisional meeting regarding at risk students, which are on our Students to Watch list. She attended a
Student Council meeting, and she actively took part in our Roots of Empathy program. Pierina will be taking
part in our class trip in early December to Willowgrove Farm, an outdoor education center. She also helped and
oered her time to supervise students with completing their homework when it was needed. She actively
assisted in the preparation of the classs weekly announcement prayers, by gluing the students prayers onto
construction paper, practicing reading out loud with the students regularly, and gathering the students from the
school yard into the oce each morning to prepare to speak on the announcements. In addition, Pierina
actively assisted her Host Teacher and Host Teachers Teaching Partner in preparing for their Remembrance
Day assembly/Para Liturgy. Her assistance exceeded her Host Teachers expectations, by consistently planning,
creating and supporting a variety of dierent Art Forms (e.g. Painted murals and other artwork, dramatic songs
and Language pieces) to present at the Remembrance Day assembly/Para Liturgy.

Pierina established a good rapport with the students in the classroom, creating an immediate connection and a
sense of respect. She embraced all aspects of our classroom existing dynamic (e.g. We are a family and our
classroom is their home). She respects each student's individuality, strengths and limits and plans and treats
them accordingly. She helps build the students self-esteem, demonstrating patience and encouragement. Her
classroom management skills improved throughout her block as she began to structure learning situations to
ensure students were aware of their roles and responsibilities in the classroom. She uses praise to encourage
positive behaviours and assigns roles to group members in co-operative learning activities.


It is a pleasure to observe Pierina's lessons as they are well thought out, unique in nature, and tailored to the
student's interests and levels in my classroom. She is patient, curious, seeks clarification when needed and
demonstrates a love for teaching through innovative ideas. Pierina taught a wide variety of subjects. Throughout
her placement, Pierina continually challenged herself to attempt teaching across the curricular areas in order to
gain a wide variety of experiences at the grade 2 level. She taught students through whole class activities,
guided learning groups, and one-on-one. She was sensitive to the range of academic abilities present in our
classroom. S/he used co-operative learning strategies, whole group and small group discussions, one to one

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Summative Evaluation

2016-07-28, 3:25 PM

conferencing, games and used manipulatives to assist students and in turn, the students responded positively
to her lessons.


Pierina created an atmosphere of mutual respect and caring in the classroom by treating all students with
respect and care. Her warm personality, friendly disposition and genuine interest in the children enabled her to
develop rapport with all students. Pierina is becoming increasingly aware of the need to group students
eectively based on their strengths, needs and social behaviours. She uses accommodations and modifications
to meet the needs of learners, recognizing the diversity of learning styles and abilities within a regular

Pierina presented a professional manner at all times within the classroom and school environment. She was
professionally dressed at all times, spoke respectfully, and arrived early and/or on time each day. Pierina used
her personal time to prepare for her lessons and set up the classroom accordingly in order to assist in smooth
transitions. She showed flexibility and adaptability, as she willingly accepted advice and shared her ideas and
learning experiences with others. She was able to adapt readily to changes in scheduling, often with little
notice. Pierina is dedicated to personal growth and doing her best at all times. She is punctual and is available
after school and at lunchtime to attend meetings, assist students, and to run student groups. She takes part in
yard duty, greeting and dismissing students, and other professional duties (e.g. sta meetings, Primary
Divisional meetings and Parent-Teacher Interviews). At Parent-Teacher Interviews, she attended all parent
teacher interviews and noted some interviewing strategies. She is respectful toward students and colleagues,
and interacts positively with all sta in the school. Pierina works well independently and as part of a team. She
is eager and always willing to assist her host teacher and other colleagues in the school also.


During her placement, Pierina participated in the schools monthly sta meeting, curriculum night, as well as a
divisional meeting regarding at risk students, which are on our Students to Watch list. She attended a
Student Council meeting, and she actively took part in our Roots of Empathy program. Pierina will be taking
part in our class trip in early December to Willowgrove Farm, an outdoor education center. She also helped and
oered her time to supervise students with completing their homework when it was needed. She actively
assisted in the preparation of the classs weekly announcement prayers, by gluing the students prayers onto
construction paper, practicing reading out loud with the students regularly, and gathering the students from the
school yard into the oce each morning to prepare to speak on the announcements. In addition, Pierina
actively assisted her Host Teacher and Host Teachers Teaching Partner in preparing for their Remembrance
Day assembly/Para Liturgy. Her assistance exceeded her Host Teachers expectations, by consistently planning,
creating and supporting a variety of dierent Art Forms and curriculum expectations (e.g. Painted murals and
other artwork, dramatic songs and Language pieces) to present at the Remembrance Day assembly/Para

Pierina's strengths lie in her ability to collaborate with grade partners, team teach with me, build positive and
respectful relationships, dierentiate her activities to meet the various learning styles, abilities and interests of
her students and her intrinsic ability and confidence to take initiative. Many times, before I even thought of
something to do or needed to set up, Pierina had already thought ahead and did it.
She was a welcome addition to our class Family, and her presence will be greatly missed. In a short while, she
made her presence known and gained the trust and respect of the sta, students, and their families.
Pierina has worked on improving her time management and the pacing of lessons. She is beginning to create a
style of her own teaching and is exploring dierent techniques regarding classroom management skills.

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Summative Evaluation

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Additional experience learning behavior management techniques would assist her in her future placements and
her own classroom one day.

Overall appraisal:



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