Fba Form 1 - Summer Par

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District Name

OP-1 Functional Behavior Assessment

(Optional Form)

Childs Name: A.S.

Date of Meeting:

Student ID:
Date of Implementation: 6/16

Grade: Toddler

Directions: A functional behavioral assessment (FBA) must be conducted when the IEP team determines that the students behavior is a
manifestation of the students disability. A FBA may be conducted, as determined appropriate by the students IEP team, if the students behavior results
in disciplinary action that changes the childs placement on the continuum of alternative placement options.
Please fill out a separate copy of this form for each behavior being assessed.

1. Behavior of Concern: Provide a description of the behavior in observable and measurable terms. Include a descrption of the intensity,
frequency and duration of the problem behavior.

During activites and routines, A.S. gets out of seat and innapropriately wanders away from group or designated area,
despite being consistenly told not to by his teachers. During 30 minute activites, he does this approximately 2-8
2. What Event Triggers the Behavior (Antecedent):

Include a description of environmental factors which may contribute to the

behavior (e.g., medical conditions, sleep, diet, scheduling and social factors.)

A.S. rarely demonstrates interest or attention to teachers/students during activities or meals. Teachers rarely engage
with him individually in a positive manner. A.S. has no verbal language and very delayed social-emotional skills, which
can easily cause him to become frustrated. A.S. is rarely communicated with, unless it is a negative response to his
problem behaviors, such as "no", "stop", "come back here". Activities and routines are often very chaoctic, consiting of
lots of loud noises, yellings, and disruptive behavior among children.
3. Setting Where Behavior Most Likely Occurs: Describe the setting in which the behavior occurs (time of day, physical setting,
persons involved). Include a description of any relevant events that preceded the target behavior (antecedents).

Throughout the entire day with all teachers and peers. In the class room, during table activities such as arts and
crafts; during group activites on the circle time rug; during play activities on the floor. In the cafeteria, during breakfast
and lunch.
4. How Often/How Long: Describe the time between the request to stop or change the behavior and the time of the students response to
the request.

Often times, A.S. will immediately stop the behavior when he is requested to stop, but he will do it again a couple
minutes later.

5. Who is the student most likely to react negatively to when requested to do something and who is the
student least likely to react negatively to when requested to do something?
He responds in about the same manner to both teachers in the classroom.
6. What is the vocal adult response to the students negative behavior?
Variations of "stop", "no", "don't", "get back here", and simply yelling his name.
7. Consequences: Include a description of the consequences that resulted from the behavior of concern.
He is usually just yelled at. Sometimes he is grabbed by teacher and isolated from the rest of his peers or held down
in teacher's lap.
8. Why (function or purpose of behavior)?

What is the student communicationg through the behavior of concern?

Frustration, boredom, lack of interest in the current activity. Sometimes he seems to be happy, excited, or energetic,
so he gets up and wanders off.
Functional Behavioral Assessment Additional Information*
Behavior History Interventions Attempted

Primary Mode of Communication

Prepared by the Ohio Department of Education for optional use. Not an ODE Required form.

Other Relevant Information (e.g.,


OP-1 Functional Behavior Assessment

District Name

(Optional Form)


Prepared by the Ohio Department of Education for optional use. Not an ODE Required form.

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