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COURSE: Health


GRADE LEVEL: 9th 12th
PHONE: (831)796-7800, EMAIL: (I check my email 2-3 days a week.)
Welcome to class! If at any time during this course you are feeling confused about any of the assignments or anything I say,
please be sure to see me RIGHT AWAY (otherwise you may fall behind and your grade will be affected).

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to give students the knowledge and skills that enable them to make
healthy choices and avoid high-risk behaviors. This ten credit course is required for graduation.
A. TEXTBOOK: Prentice Hall Health
B. You are financially responsible for your textbook, so protect it with a book cover at all times.
C. Bring your textbook to class every day. No textbook will result in detention that day after class or
after school (whichever is convenient for the teacher).
D. If you choose to leave your textbook in the classroom, you are still held financially responsible for
that textbook. If it is lost, stolen or damaged, you will have to pay for it.



A. two sharpened #2 pencils
B. dark colored pen for grading papers
C. binder paper
D. One inch, three-ring binder--labeled
HEALTH (in large letters on the front)
E. Student Handbook
F. Assignment Calendar

G. 5 section dividers in the binder with these labels:



E. Students who fail this course are most often the ones with poor attendance.
F. Please schedule doctor, dentist, etc. appointments for times before or after school.
G. Being more than 30 minutes tardy without an excuse slip from an adult will count as an invalid
H. If you are absent, you must bring an admit when you return. (Go to the Attendance Office and the
Attendance Clerk will give you an admit slip.)


EXPECTATIONS: Students are expected to

A. Arrive to class having eaten at least a nutritious breakfast. (FREE breakfast is served to EVERYONE
every day in the cafeteria from 7:35 8:05 AM.)
B. Arrive prepared and on-time.
C. Have a positive attitude and be tolerant of others differences and opinions.
D. Be respectful and courteous when participating in class discussions.
E. Work cooperatively with assigned group members.


I. Must have a HEADING that includes your first and LAST NAME, DATE, and PERIOD. An
assignment with no heading will be equal to a zero or an F.
J. Be sure to keep all returned assignments so that if there is a question about a missing assignment or
the wrong grade, you have your graded papers to compare with my gradebook. You can also use your
graded papers to help you when you take the Final Exam at the end of each semester.


A. Assignments and tests will be graded using a 100 point scale:
95 = A (Advanced)
65 = D (Try again)
85 = B (Proficient)
59 or less = F (Try again)
75 = C (Try again)
0 = missing test/assignment
B. 80% of the final grade will be based on tests/assessments that gauge whether or not the student has
met the content standards. [These will listed on Home Access Center as Standards.]
20% of the final grade will be based on the completion of related assignments. [These will be listed
on Home Access Center as Work.]
- over -


A. It is the students responsibility to request make-up work for days missed and/or when scores on tests
are less than proficient (80%).
B. When you are absent, you are responsible for getting the work you missed. Check your file folder
for any handouts AND stay after class to get your make-up work, ask questions, or get help.
C. All make-up work must be completed during homeroom or at a time that is convenient for both the
student and the teacher.
D. Make-up work must be done as soon as possible after returning from an absence.
E. The highest grade that can be earned on assignments once the grades for that assignment are posted is
85% (proficient).
F. No make-up work will be accepted the last 2 weeks of the quarter without prior consent from the



Academic honesty is extremely important. The teachers and administration will follow the policy outlined below
when dealing with those students who are involved in cheating or plagiarism* on tests or class assignments. The
offenses accumulate over the entire four years while a student is attending Everett Alvarez High School. The
following procedures will be followed:
A. First Offense
1. Teacher will notify parents and counselor.
2. Student receives an Unsatisfactory citizenship (U) grade for the quarter.
3. Referral to an Administrator for documentation and counseling.
4. The student is ineligible for California Scholarship Federation and National Honor Society.
B. Second Offense--In addition to the consequences outlined in First Offense, the following may occur:
1. Referral to an Administrator for suspension (1-3 days).
C. Third Offense--In addition to the consequences outlined in First Offense and Second Offense, the
following may occur:
1. Referral to an Administrator for suspension (3-5 days).
2. Removal from activities for a period of one year.
3. Lose eligibility for scholarships and/or grants.
*Plagiarism is defined as the act of representing the work of another as ones own regardless of how that work
was obtained and submitting it to fulfill academic requirements. Plagiarism at Everett Alvarez High School
includes, but is not limited to: turning in someone elses work as your own, copying words or ideas without
giving credit, and/or incorrect information about the source of a quotation.


If anyone other than your parent signs your parents name or writes comments for them, that will result in:
A. Zero points for the assignment.
B. Unsatisfactory citizenship (U) grade for the quarter.



A. Eat a breakfast every morning before school begins that includes a serving of whole grain foods,
fruit, and a dairy food or drink. (Eat some kind of protein if Im not having milk, yogurt, or cheese.)
B. Eat at least 3 servings of vegetables every day.
C. Engage in moderate or vigorous physical activities for a total of one hour each day, seven days a
D. Tell someone about my feelings or write them down in a journal every day.
E. Use the four steps of the Coping Skill at least once a week.
F. Spend at least 10 minutes every day deeply relaxing.
G. Sleep for nine or more hours every night.
H. Each day, not intentionally hurt anyonemyself included.

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