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This workout can be adjusted to any fitness level by decreasing the amount of reps.

Feel free to
add any other functional exercises to the circuit. This workout can be done with or without gear.
Wearing gear simulates the stresses that are placed on the body during firefighting operations.
Complete the circuit in the shortest amount of time possible. When multiple firefighters are
exercising, it works best to leave a station in between each firefighter. We have found that 5
rounds is a good starting point. Rest as needed in between circuits. As with any workout, utilize
proper lifting mechanics.
Complete as many rounds as possible

10 Reps total, alternating from the left side to the right side.

30 Reps total

10 Reps total

20 Reps total, 10 with right hand on top/10 with left

16 reps total

10 Reps total / switch

stepping leg each rep.

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