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Name: ________________________________ Id___________ Group______

Section I. Read the descrptions(1-5) and the words in the right line
(A H). Which word (A H) match with descriptions (861 865)?
1. ___You can use it to cover your head
2. ___People use them to cover their hands

A. sweater
B. pajamas

3. ___They are used to sleep

C. skirt

4. ___They are used to cover and protect feet

D. trousers

5. ___You wear this when it is cold

E. hat
F. blouse
G. shoes
H. gloves

SECTION II. Acording the following text, For questions 6- 10, wtiteTrue if the
statement is true, False if the statement is false and Not Given if the
information is not given in the passage
Camberwell College Swimming Pools
Camberwell College has one 50m (Olympic sized) pool with a constant depth of
2m throughout, and one 25m pool with a 1m shallow end and a 4m deep end.
Both pools may be used by the general public at certain times.
50m Pool
The pool is often used for classes, but the general public may use two lanes for
lane swimming at the following times.
0630 -1130 and 1900 - 2100
0630 -1130 and 1800 - 2100
0630 -1330 and 1730 - 2130
0630 -1330
0630 -1330
0900 - 1700
Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
Please note that during College holidays, these times will vary. Contact the
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British Council Cambridge Esol


The 25 metre pool is available for recreational (non-lane) swimming from 07000900 and 1230-1330 on weekdays, and 1000 1600 on Saturdays.
We regret that the 25m pool will be closed for refurbishment between 21st July and
18th August. The men's changing rooms will be closed for the week beginning
18th August, and the women's changing rooms will be closed the following week.
Alternative changing facilities will be made available. We apologise for any
disruption this may cause.
6. The general public can only use the 50m pool for lane swimming. ________
7.The general public cannot use the 50m pool on Sundays ______________
8. Men will be able to use the 25m pool on the 18th August._____________
9. The whole of the 25m pool is available to the public during recreational
swimming hours____________________
10. The 50m pool is open during college holidays___________________

SECTION III: Select the word that completes the test

The penguin diet consists mainly of fish, squid and crustaceans. In the Antarctic,
the smaller penguins mostly feed on shrimp-like krill. Although krill (11) ____ small
(up to 5cm in length) they form dense swarms (12) ____ are a rich food source.
Penguins can adapt (13) ____ diet to what is available, and their diet varies
considerably with season.
Electronic dive recorders fitted to the backs of penguins (14)____ a picture of their
feeding habits, recording the times and depths (15) ____ their dives. The deepest
diving penguins are the kings and emperors as they search for squid and fish
the record holder (16) ____ a female emperor penguin who reached an
astonishing 535m.
Though the smaller penguins do not reach such depths, for their size their (17)
____ performance is just as remarkable. Gentoo penguins dive to 150m, and a
quarter of their dives exceed 100m in extreme cases (18) ____ can dive almost
continuously for 15 hours, completing over 450 dives.


A. are

B. be

C. were


A. who

B. how

C. which

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British Council Cambridge Esol


A. their

B. its

C. his


A. give

B. given

C. gives


A. of

B. from

C. in


A. were

B. are

C. is


A. diving

B. dive

C. dived


A. he

B. they

C. it

SECTION IV : Questions 1925

The text on the next page has seven sections, AG.
Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number, ix,
List of Headings
i How can reflection problems be avoided?
ii How long should I work without a break?
iii What if I experience any problems?
iv When is the best time to do filing chores?
v What makes a good seat?
vi What are the common health problems?
vii What is the best kind of lighting to have?
viii What are the roles of management and workers?
ix Why does a VDU create eye fatigue?
x Where should I place the documents?
19 Section A _____
20 Section B _____
21 Section C _____
22 Section D _____
23 Section E _____
24 Section F _____
25 Section G_____
A Sensible work practices are an important factor in the prevention of muscular

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British Council Cambridge Esol

fatigue; discomfort or pain in the arms, neck, hands or back; or eye strain which
can be associated with constant or regular work at a keyboard and visual display
unit (VDU).
B It is vital that the employer pays attention to the physical setting such as
workplace design, the office environment, and placement of monitors as well as the
organisation of the work and individual work habits. Operators must be able to
recognise work-related health problems and be given the opportunity to participate
in the management of these. Operators should take note of and follow the
preventive measures outlined below.
C The typist must be comfortably accommodated in a chair that is adjustable for
height with a back rest that is also easily adjustable both for angle and height. The
back rest and sitting ledge (with a curved edge) should preferably be cloth-covered
to avoid excessive perspiration.
D When the keyboard operator is working from a paper file or manuscript, it should
be at the same distance from the eyes as the screen. The most convenient position
can be found by using some sort of holder. Individual arrangement will vary
according to whether the operator spends more time looking at the VDU or the
paper whichever the eyes are focused on for the majority of time should be put
directly in front of the operator.
E While keying, it is advisable to have frequent but short pauses of around thirty to
sixty seconds to proofread. When doing this, relax your hands. After you have
been keying for sixty minutes, you should have a ten minute change of activity.
During this spell it is important that you do not remain seated but stand up or walk
around. This period could be profitably used to do filing or collect and deliver
F Generally, the best position for a VDU is at right angles to the window. If this is
not possible then glare from the window can be controlled by blinds, curtains or
movable screens. Keep the face of the VDU vertical to avoid glare from overhead
G Unsatisfactory work practices or working conditions may result in aches or pain.
Symptoms should be reported to your supervisor early on so that the cause of the
trouble can be corrected and the operator should seek medical attention.

SECTION V. Select the word that complete the text.


Queen Cleopatra of Egypt is the most well-known of all the ancient egyptian
queens. Cleopatra was born in Alexandria in 69 B.C. during the reign of the
Ptolemy family to Ptolemy XII. Cleopatra appears to have been a popular
(26)_______ in the family, as her mother bore the name as well as an older sister,
making the new daughter Cleopatra the Seventh, although she is rarely referred
to as such. Cleopatra and her family were not Egyptian, but rather Macedonian,

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British Council Cambridge Esol

(27)_______ through a general of Alexander the Great. Cleopatra would become

the first ruler of her family who could actually speak the Egyptian language.
In keeping with ancient Egyptian tradition, Queen Cleopatra of Egypt married her
then 12 year old brother. The marriage was not truly legitimate, however and
considering the young age of her (28) _______ husband and co-inheritor of the
throne, Cleopatra rule Egypt independently and as she wished. This lasted for only
three short years before Cleopatra received the (29)______ fate as her father and
was exiled, (30)________ with another younger sister. Her 15 year old brother and
husband remained to rule Egypt. Cleopatra escaped to Syria, however she did not
intend to give up without a fight.
The events that soon followed are quite legendary. Cleopatra's brother, Ptolemy,
(31)________ involved with a bitter war between Julius Caesar, and a former
friend, Pompey. Ptolemy took sides with Caesar and had Pompey killed, hoping to
curry favor with the Roman leader. The plan backfired on him. Julius Caesar was
so enraged by the murder of Pompey; he (32) ________ took control of the
Egyptian palace and ordered Queen Cleopatra of Egypt and Ptolemy to present
themselves to him.
The history of Cleopatra is one that has been the (33)_________ of novels and
movies and is filled with deception, intrigue and romance. The historical biography
of Cleopatra suggests she obtained the throne of Egypt through some rather
violent means. When her father was briefly exiled following a rebellion, an older
sister took the throne. Following their father's return and reclaim (34)________ the
throne, the sister was put to death. The second of the three women in the family to
carry the same name, Cleopatra VI, died around the same time as well; although
the cause remains a mystery. This left Cleopatra the Seventh as the oldest child in
her family, with a brother who was several years younger. About four years later,
their father died and Cleopatra took control of the throne. She was (35) _______
about 17 years old at the time.
26. A. tittle
27. A. descended
28. A. modern
29. A. equivalent
30. A. laterally
31. A. became
32. A. proximately
33. A. subject
34. A. from
35. A. lone

B. inclined
B. new
B. same
B. beside
B. developed
B. inmediately
B. theme
B. of
B. solitary

C. name
C. derived
C. recent
C. alike
C. along
C. converted
C. directly
C. issue
C. about
C. single

D. designation
D. sloped
D. actual
D. by
D. suited
D. closely
D. focus
D. like
D. only

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British Council Cambridge Esol

Full name _____________________________________________
Date of birth ______

__________________ _________
month (write in full)

City/ town/ village ______________________________________

First language _________________________________________
Interests (least 4) ______________________________________
Reading preferences: ___________________________________

Your local newspaper wants to reward people who have contributed a lot to the community.
Write a letter to the newspaper. In your letter:
suggest someone who deserves the reward
mention what they have done to help the community
say what reward you would like to give this person
Write about 150 words. You do not need to write addresses.
Begin your letter as follows:

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British Council Cambridge Esol

1 (E).
2(H ).
3 (A ).
4 (G).
5 (A ).
7. false
8. false
9. Not given
10 true
11(A ).
12(C ).
13( A).
15(A ).
16( C).
17( A).
18( B).
19. vi
20. viii
21. v
22. x
23. ii
24. i
25. iii
26(C ).
27(A ).
28( B).
29( B).
30( A).
31( A).
32( B)
33( A).
34( B).
35( D)

SIMULACRO # 1 Material adpatado por Corporacin The English Easy Way Tomado de Xavia, plataformas educativas
British Council Cambridge Esol

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